HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-04-01224
The regular meeting of the city co%uqcil of the City of South ~an F~'ancisco was
hel~ in the city hall Nonday evening, April lst,195§.
The meeting was called to order at ~: o'clock p.m. by I~eyor Reese Lloyd.
Roll call found ell members Of the council'present, ss follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~.~ltnucelani, JOhn F.~.~ager, R. Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omission~
they were approved as read.
A communication was received from ~rs. Alice ~:'~cGrath, 198 Oak _%venue, stating the
street in front of her property is in bad shape and badl~ in need of repair. ~.~eferred to
C o~cilman Tibbetts and Engineer Klassen.
A petition signed by thirteen persons was submitted to the city co~cil stating
Tanforan tven~ was in a deplorable condition and asked the city to repair the same. Referred
to councilman Tibbetts and Engineer ~las~n.
B.~.Long applied for a business license to r~ a gas station,lUnch co~ter and
In, an baskets ~d pottery store at 1~46 Bayshore Highway. ?ermit granted.
J~es Parks applied for a business license to r~ a Barbecue kestaurant at 6~
Linden Avenue. Laid over ~till the premises are inspected by the health officer.
Harvey ~l~st, 4E0 Baden Avenue applied for the position of "olice Officer in
event more officers are added to the police force. Appli~tion eccepted and ordered placed
on file.
William Lencioni, 45~ B~en Avenue, applied for the position of police officer in
the event more officers are to be added.to the police force. Application accepted and
ordered placed on file.
Leo Eserini applied for a pern~it to hold a ~nce ~n 'Satur~y evening, April ETth,
1955,from 9 p.m. to two a.m. ~der the auspices of the Employees of the Oaciflc Coast Steel
Corporation. Vet mission granted. ~o ~t'~oney for police protection accompanied the application.
Assemblym~ Frederick Peterson of San Nateo 0o~ty replied to the city's letter
and resolution ~questtng him to support the proposal to return the control of the San
Francisco Waterfront to said city. ~r. ?eterson stated he would give the matter his earnes~
consideration. Commutation ordered accepted and placed on file.
Nayor Roes Lloyd received a co~ieation from l~ayor Angelo Rossi, t~nking him
for the city co,oil's endorsement ~for the return of the Wv. terfront to San Francisco.
C o~ication accepted and placed on file.
?'~ayor Reese Lloyd received a co~unicatien from ~enator }~cAdooi ~:ashington,D.C.,
regarding securing a postoffice building for South San Francisco, ~stating t}~ere is not at this
time any money in the Orocurement Division of the Treasury Departn~ent available for this
project,and said he would take the ~tter up with the anproori~.~tions committee in the ~e~ze
in the hope that ~outh ~an Francisco may be included in the Fed.oral building program.
Con~m~ieation accepted and p~ced on file.
The monthly: reports of the .?ire Chief Chief of ~olice, C it~ Judge, Health Officer
Building Inspector and City Clerk ~or the month ending Narch 51,19.55 were submitted and
accepted. The re~ort of the tax reconcilor, Nf.~essier,was subm. itted and ftleg , ~vith
Under the head of Good and ¥~eli'are complaint ~s again ~ade of the roadbe~
and sinking tracks of the l,~arket gtreet railway on Grand Avenue near ~agnolia Aven~e, the
noise of tize street cars passing over the tracks keeping persons awake till. the last car passes
between 12 and one at night. The City Clerk was requested to write the compan~~ and state
the circumstances, and request that the mattSr be given attention at once.
There being no further business C0~cil~n l~iin~cciani moved to adjourn ~til
evening, April 8t~,1955 a~ 8 o'clock ~.E. The motion ~a~s seconded by co~cilman Tibbetts and
regu~rly carried.
Time of adjournment 8;55 o'clock:'p.m.
Approve i~aYor~'ef~sa~h 3an6~ranctsc°'
~espec t full~ submitted,
~,~,l~y Cler~