HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-04-15 REOULAR~ !~EET!!NG OF T]~ CIT~-' COL~CIL
~0NDAY,APRIL 15,1935.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was
held in the city hall Eonday evening, April 15th,19~5.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock o.m. by Fayor Reese Lloyd.
Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows,-
Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Ll. oyd, J.F.~,~ager, ~.]~'inucciani,R. Tibbetts.
The minutes of the pre~vious meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions,
they were approved as read. ~ ~ ~
An application for a business license was received from F~Ij~x Oe~/T~i to sell produ¢
stores, restaurant and hotels. Action deferred till the next meeting. Cit~' Attorney Coleberd ~
advise the council on the legality, off selling to restaurants and hotels, under the ordinance.
Mia ~hael Theo~oropoulos, ll2 Grand Avenue, applied for a license to sell cigars,
tobacco, etc, and. operate coffee shop at the address giveD. Laid over for investigation.
The Alfred J.01mo~ Draying Company,Inc., applied for permission to move the Braun-
Kneckt Heiman' Company's inflammable chemicals from the Linden Avenue building to the Calif0~r~
Iron ~ards,.property at 455 Railroad. Avenue. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, .seconded by Co~
man~Boido.and, regularly carried, permission was granted.
~ A communication wa~ received from Francis.~arcia, 112~ So.10th,~treet,San ~ose,
adrressed to the police department, stating the blasting of the firm of Piembo Brothers in
?eck's Subdivision was cracking the plaster in her house at 96 Handolph Avenue, and asked for
redress. The clerk was instructed to advise Piombo Brothers of the complaint against their
operations, and also re'ply to l~.rs. ~.arcia,stating the action of the cit~ council,
An aoplication for a building permit was received from 0reste Blandini to construct
a one story cement block,.build~g on lot 1,block 151, l;orthwest corner of Pine & Division stre
estim~.ted cost, $?00. P~rmit granted.
A oommuni6ation wa~s received from Count3~ Clerk E.B.Hinman, requesting the city
council to.adOpt a'res~lution favoring the passage of ~enate Bill ~511, ~avoring the formatior~
of a transportation district .of one or more counties for the purpose of eventually owning and
coordinanting racial transportation in the Ba~, District. The comn~unica ti on was accepted and
councilman ~ager introduced a resolution favoring the passage of Senate Bill 511 covering the
the subject, and or.tiering copies sent to State Oenator Parkro~nn , Assen:blyman Peterson and
Senator l Wal-ter L~cGover of San Francisco County. The resolutibn was adopted by the unanimoz
vote of all the members of the city council, as follows,-
Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, R.Lloyd. J.F.l,~ager, M.~linucciani,R.Tibbetts.
Noes, C~uncilman, None. Absent,Councilman t~one. Attest Daniel McSweeney
C i ty Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol 2, at page 469.
Councilman Einuccinai introduced a eesolution of the Cit~' of South San Francisco
rating the compenaation of ~all Firemen at ~2.50 for each fire attended, other than grass,
fires,when hose is pulled from a truck , and that said cal,1 firemen sh~ll receive as compensat
for attending grass fires, such sum of money for their services as may be reasonable.
The resolution was adopt$d by the votes of all the members of the ~ity Council,-a~
follows; ' ~/ '
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R, Lloyd, J.P.Mager, M.Minucciani, R. Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None, Attest Daniel l~cSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of R'esolutions , Vol ~: at page 469.
Councilman ~,..~inucciani made request on behalf of the South 2an Francisco Druids, f,
permission to hold a celebration , parade ~unday, night dancing, etc, k'ay l?,lg';19. ?ermissio]
grants d..
Under unfinlshek business the a~plication of Samos Parks for a license to operate
barbecue restaurant at 62~ Linden Avenue was taker. ~. The Health ~*eicer requested ~arks to
inst~ll a rat proof cement floor before a permit aodld be granted. BUilding Inspector Welts
reported no permit for this construction had been requested or granted,end the application wa
laid over.
In the matter of the request of Jose]~h Heihel for a refund of 19.50 personal proper
taxes in the s~m of $24.60, City'Attorney Coleberd w,~s r%euested to look into the matter.
Claims in the amount of $~2.18 were next ~resented to the council for r, ayment;-
Fred Brown painting safet~~ zones ~18.00
Oete lfagnaghi " " "
Peninsula Glass Co., 1---6" Circle Rub.? Globe
Automobile Regis~tration Service 1650 cards
Santi?~i &~Roccucci towels & sheets
Pac. Tel& Tel Co. phone 626 March
Emterprise Cress assessor's notice to
automobile owners
B. J'~o~6ndi Judge Dinning
· Western Pipe & Steel Co 50'-10" culvert
Old. Reliance Garage repairs to truck
Robinson-Druggist day hook,fire dept,
Jos. P.Quinlan,Postmaster , 2000 F%3 envelopes
for assessor's notices
34. O0
~he claims having been audited by the financ~ co~i tree councilman .~'inucciani
they be p~id. The motion was seconded by councilman Tlbbetts and regularly c~rried.
There being no further business councilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn until ~'onda
~ay 6th,19$5,at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido end regularly carri
Time .of adj~ent,~ ~ ~clock p.m. Re~tfu~m~ted
Ap p r o ye d~~~ ~~ ~~~/~~
Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows,-
Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, J.F.~Jager, 1,~.!'inucciani,R.Tibbetts.
The minutes of the pre.vious meeting were read, There being no errors or omissions,
they were approved as read. / . j
An application for a business license was received from F~lix ~;ek~i to sell produc~
stores, restaurant and hotels· Action deferred till the next meeting. Cit~~ Attorne~ Coleberd w:
~dvise th~ council on the le~alit~.~ cT selling to restaurants and hotels, under the ordinance.
Miahael Theo~o~opoulos, 112 Grand Avenue, applied for a license to sell cigars,
tobacco, etc, and operate coffee shop at the address givey. Laid over for investigation,
The Alfred J.01mo Draying Company,Inc., applied for permission to move the Braun%
ICueckt Heiman' Company's inflan~able chemicals from the Linden Avenue building to the CalifOrn
Iron 2ards,-property at 455 Railroad Avenue. On motion b2 ~ouncilmau Tibbetts, .seconded by Con
man~Boido, and. regularly carried permission was granted.
A communication wa~ received from Francis.~arcia, ll2~ ~o.10th,~treet,~an ~ose,
adrressed to the police department, stating the blasting of the firm of Piembo Brothers in
Peck's Subdivision was crackLng the plaster in her house at 96 Handolph Avenue, and asked for
redress. 'The clerk was inst[ucted to advise Piombo Brothers of the complaint against their
operations, and also r~ply tO IJrs. ~.arcia,stating the action of the cit~' council,
An aoplication .,for a building permit was received from 0reste Blandini to construct
a one. story cement blockbuildfug on lot 1,block 151, l~orthwest corner of Pine & Division stre
estim~,ted cost, $?00..permit granted.
A communication wa.s received from Count?.' Clerk E.B.Hinman, requesting the city
council to~ad0pt a'res$1ution favoring the passage of Senate Bill ~Sll, ~avortng the formation
of a transportation district~of one or more counties for the purpose of eventually owning and
coordinanting rapid transportation in the Ba~' District· The comn~unica ti on was accepted and
councilman ~:~ager introduced a resolution favoring the passage of Senate Bill 511 covering the
the subject, and or.%ering copies sent to State Oenator Parkro~nn , Assemblyman Peterson and
Senator Wal~ter McGover of San Francisco County. The 'reeolutibn was adopted by the unanimo~
vote of all the members of the city council, as follows,-
Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, R.Lloyd. J.F.Eager, M.Minucciani,E.Tibbetts. ~
Noes, .:C~uncilman, None. Absent,Councilman None. Attest Daniel McBweeneY
Cit~ Clerk·
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol 2,~at page 469.
Councilman Minuccinai introduced a eesolution of the Cit~' of South San Francisco
rating the compensation of Sall ~iremen at $2,50 for each fire attended, other than grass~
fires,when hose is pulled, from a truck , and that said cal,l firemen sh~l receive as compensa
for attending grass fires, such sum of money for their services as ma~ ~oe reasonable.
The resolution was adopt~i by the votes of all the members of the ~ity Oouncil,-s
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R. Lloyd, J.F.Mager, M.Mtnucclani, R. Tibbetts.
Noes, 0ouncilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None, Attest Daniel ~cSweene2
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions , Vol 2~ at page 469.
Councilm~n l~inucciani made request on behalf of the South San Fra~c!sco Druids, :
permission to hold a celebration , parade 2unday, night dancing, etc, ~Jay 17,18';19. Permissi~
granted. °
Under unfinishe~ business the a~plication of Sam. es Parks for a license to operat,
barbecue restaurant at 623 L~nden Avenue was taken ~. The Health ~*.~icer requested ~arks t
inst~ll a rat proof cement floor before a permit 2o~ild be granted. BUilding Inspector Welte
reported no permit for this construction had been requested or granted,snd the application w
laid over.
In the matter of the request of JoseFh Reihel for a refund of 1930 personal props
taxes in the s~n of $24.80, City'Attorney Coleberd w~:s reouested to look into the matter.
Claims in the amount of $232.18 were next rresented to the council for ~ayment;-
Fred Brown painting safet~ zones ~18.00
Oete l?.agnaghi - ,, ,
Peninsula Glass Co., 1---6" Circle Hub.~? Globe
Automobile Regis~tration Service 1650 cards
Santi?~i &-Roccucci '- towels & sheets
Pac. Tel& Tel Co. phone 628 March
Emterprise Press assessor's notice to
automobile owners
o~ndi Judge Dinning Bond
-Westeri~ Pipe & Steel Co 30'-10" culvert
01d Reiiance Garage repairs to truck
Robinson-Druggist day hook,f~ire dept,
Joe. P.Quinlan,Postmaster , 2000 ~3 envelopes
, for assessor's notices
$ e.5o
~he claims havin~ been audited by the financ~ co~i tree councilman ~.'inucciani n~
they be p~ld. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
There being no further business councilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn until
May 6th,19SS,at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded l~y councilman Boido and regularly caz
Time of adJ~ent,_ ~S5 ~ clock p.m. Re~_p.~tfull_~~ m~ted
' Mayo'l~o-f South~%~n Francisco-- ~~'~'~/"~"/~~~' ~-~t.%~ Clerk /