HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-05-06I 228 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIT~ COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF ~OUTII SAN FRANCIS00, ItELD MDNI~Y, MAY 6th, 1935. The regular meeting to the city council .of tbs City of South San Fran- cisco was held in the city hall Monday evening, May $, The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p. m, by Mayor Reese Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows: Council~eH V. Boido, John F, Mager, Reese Zlo~wl, R. Tibbetts and M. Minucc iani The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no ex, ors or omissions they were approved as read, A communication was received from Sociedad Mutualista Mexicans asking permission t~ hold a series of dances in Fraternal hall from 8 p. m. to 1 a. m., on the first Saturday of each month from May 4th to September 7, 1935. On motion of Councilam Minuccian~, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts, permission .was granted, proper police prttection to be maintained. A communication was received i~om South San i~x~isco Fireman's Amen,, asking permission to bola its annmal danes in Fraternal Eall', Saturday evening, May ]2, 1985, permission granted. A communication was received from Regina Elena Circle $97. Order of Druids thanking the City Council for their co-operation .in the recent Baby Shes Program, Conmunioation accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from the Interstate Junior Livestock-and Baby Beef Shew thanking the City Council for :.its .. cooperation during their livestock show. Conmunication ac~pted and placed on ~ile, A communication was received from Chubbuck Lime Company expressing their appreciation for the manner in which the So. San Francisco Fire Department handled the recent fire experienced at their plant and commending Fire Chief Welte on his efficiency. Communication accepted and placed on file. A oommuncation was'received from the San Mateo County Council. Boy Scouts of America inviting the members of the City Council to participate in the activities to be held at Baden Kennel Club, Saturday May 11, 1935, ~u,_~own as "Field Day", Ail members that could, expressed their willingness to participate. The comnuncation was accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from Mother's Day 0bsorvauoe Committee of St, Joseph.!s Military Academy, Belmont, California, inviting the citizens and public officials of South San ~ancisoo to participate in the Mothers' day exercises to be held at the Academy on May 1Eth. Communication accepted placed on file. A communication was received from S. outh Sam Framisco Chamber of Commerce asking the City Council to lend financial aid towards maint iaining the playgrounds in South San Francisco for this summer. In this corn, action a communication signed by the South San ~rancteco ~omen's Club, Mother's Club of the Girl Scouts and the Grand Avenue Parent-Teachers Assodmtion asked the Cit~ Council to take action in providing supervised playgrounds for approximately one thousand school chilAren for the next three months, or dur- img the vacation period, Mrs. Adler,~$Preeenting the Mother's Club of the Girl Scouts, addressed the City Council and asked them to make some arrangements for a supervised playground for this sumner. She stated that approximately 6000 children attended the playground last year during the three month's vacation. Mr, Spangler also stressed-the need of taking care of the youth of South San ~rmncieco during vacation, He stated that the school may secure county aid for this purpose if matched with city money, MayoraL loyal stated that the City Council would meet with the Board of Education on a date to be set. to discuss this matter. He asked Mrs. Adler and Mr. Spangler to be present at this meeting. A communcation was received from Assemblyman Frederick Peterson in reply to the City Council's letter of April 18th regarding Senate Bill No; 511, stat- ing he was in favor of this measure and would do wh~t he could to further its passage. Communication accepted and pl~eed on file. A comunication was received from Senator Harry L. Parkman in reply to the City's letter of April 18th and resolution regarding Senate Bill No. 511, stating that he would give this bill every consideration in behalf of the city's interest when it came before the House. Communcation accepted and placed on file. ' A communication was received from State Senator Walter McGovern for the Cit~ and County of San Francisco, thanking the city for its: letter and re- solution of April 5%h in support of Senate Bill No. 511 providing for a metropolitan rapid transit district, Conmunication accepted and placed on file. A petition signed by twenty-five residents and taxpayers protesting against the granting of a permit for the storage of goods of an explosive nature in the warehouse of the California Arch Yards on Railroad Avenue, was next pres~mted, Fire Chief ~elte stated that the ch~tm~.~ +~ ~ =+.~.~ .~ Couneil~al V. Boido, ~ohn F, Maser, Reese Llo~l, R. Tibbetts and M, Minuco iani The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read, A communication was received from Socie~ad Mutualista Mexicans asking permission ~ hold a series of dances in Fraternal hall from 8 p. m. to 1 a. m,, on the first Saturday of each month from May 4th to September ?, 1935, On motion of Counctla~ Minuccian~, seconded by Councilman Tibbstts, permission .was granted, proper police prttection to be maintained. A co~nunication was receive~ from South San Francisco Flremen's Assn., asking permission t~ bola its annul ~anee in Fraternal Hall', Saturday evening, May 11, 19~5, Permission granted, A comaunication was received from Regina El,ns Circle ~97, Order of Druids thanking the City Council for their co-operation .in the recent Baby Show Program, Conmunioation accepted and placed on file. A con~unioation was reoeiVe~ from the Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show thanking the 0ity Council for :.its ~ cooperation during their livestock show. Conmunication ac~pte~ a~d place~ on file, A communication was received from Chubbuck Lime 0ompany expressing their appreciation for the manner in which the So. San Francisco Fire Department han~le~ the recent fire experience~ at their plant aud commending Fire Chief Welte on his efficiency. Communication acc epte~ and placed on file, A oommuncation was received from the San Mateo County Council, Boy Scouts of America inviting the members of the City Council to participate in the activities to be held at Baden EenneI Club, Saturday May 11, 1935, ~own as "Field I~y", Ail m~nbers that could, expressed their willingness to participate. The oomzuncation was accepted and placed on file. A co~nunio at ion was received from Mother's Day 0bservanoe Comzittm of St, ~oseph.!e Military Aoademy, Belmont, C~li~rnia, inviting the citizens and public officials of South San ~fancisco to participate in the Mothers' day exercises to be hel~ at the Academy on May l~th. Co~nunication accepted an~ plaoe~ on file, A communication was received from 3curb San Francisco Chamber of Commerce asking the City Council to len~ financial ai~ towards maintialning the playgrounds in South San Francisco for this summer. In this connection a co~nunicatlon signed by the South San ~ranc~co Women's 01ub, Mother's Club of the ~irl Scouts and the Grand Avenue Parent-Teachers Assodation aske~ the Cit~ Council to take action in providing supervised playgrounds for approximately one thousand school chilAren for the next three months, or ~ur- ins the vacation period. Mrs. A~ler,~presenting the Mother's Club of the ~irl Scouts, addresse~ the City Council and asked them to make some arrangements for a supervised playgroun~ for this summer. She stated that approximately 6000 children attended the playgrou~ last year during the three month's yes, ion. Mr. Spangler also stressed, the need of taking care of the youth of South Saa Fx~ncieco d~ring vacation, He stated that the school may secure county ai~ for this purpose if matched with city money, Mayor Llo~l stated that the City Council would meet with the Boar~ of Education on a date to be set. to discuss this matter. He asked Mrs. A~ler and Mr. Spa~gler to be present at this meeting. A con~uncation was received f~om Assemblyman Frederick ~eterson in reply to the City Council's letter of April 16th regarding Senate Bill Bo; 511, stat- ing he was in favor of this measure and would do wlmt he could to further its l~asage. Comzunication accepted and pl~eed on file. A communication was receive~ from Senator Harry L. ?arkman in reply to the City's letter of April l~th and resolution regarding Senate Bill ~o, 511, stating that he would give this bill every consideration in behalf of the city's interest when it came before the House. Communcation accepte~ a~d placed on file. A communication was receive~ from State Senator Walter McGovern for the City an~ Co.~__~_ty of San Francisco, thanking ~e city f~ i~ .. ~tter an~ re- solution of April 5~ in support of Senate Bi~ ;o. 511 pro~~ for a met~politan rapi~ t~it ~istriot. Occultation acoepte~ an~ p~oe~ on file, A petition signe~ by twenty-five residents and taxpayers~ protesting against the granting of a permit for the storage of goods of an explosive nature in the warehouse of the California Aron Yards on Railroad Avenus, was next presented. Fire Chief ~elte stated that the chemicals to be stored were not of an explosive nature and were not any more hazardous than gasoline. The petition was or~ered placed on file. An affidavit signed by D. H, ~oote, Vice ]?resident and Treasurer of the P. G. & E. was received, together with a cheek for $169,76, being 2% of the gross annual receipts due the City for their franchise from the sale of electric current used in the City of South San ~rancisco for the year 1954. Accepted and placed on The communication from Mrs. V, illian E. Walker os/ling attention to the in- creased assessment on Lot l, Block 126, and Portion Lot 1, Lots P-,and 3, Bleek 1Z4, was'reoeived and laid-over to be taken up at the Board of Equalization meeting in August. A comunication was received from the City anA County of San Francisco, to- gether with three maps showing the-proposed location of certain pipe lines in connection with the construction of Crystal Springs 2ipe Line No. 2, and asking permission to build a pipe line along certain streetsin South San ~rancisco, The matter was referred to City Attorney J. W. Coleberd and Assistant City Engineer R, A. ]~lassene The monthly reports of the Chief of PolAce, City Judge, Fire chief, Build- ing Inspector, Health Officer and City 0~erk for, the month ending April were read and ordered placed on file,' Mayor Lloyd thai~k~l all o~ficersfo~ their promptness in rendering monthly reports. George N. Messier rendered a report showing collections on delinquent taxes for 'the month of April $1,?19.2Z and a total to date of $6,~36.$6. Report accepted and placed on file. Gordon Rowe, Company submitted their report of the audit of the 19Z~-35 tax roll" showing a complete settlement by the tax collector as of May 1, 1935, with unl~id tax bills on hand, verified, in the amount of $6,956,76. Report accepted and placed on file. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City of South San ~'rancisco adopting plans and specifications for repairing pavement on Grand, Linden and Rail- road Avenues. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, to-wit: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, R. Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen None -Absent. Councilmen, None Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk, By Elizabeth 0ttenfleld, Deputy. Recorded in Book of ResolUtions, Vol. 2a~t page 4~ . A/~s't. City Engineer Elassen was asked 'if the wage scale set out in resolution~hereinafter mentioned was correct and he ans- wered they were the rates of wages taken from the scale used by the State.. Councilm~n Minucoiani introduced a resolution of the City of South 3an ~ran- cisco inviting proposals for repairing Grand, Linden and Railroad Avenue, Sealed proposals to be opened by the City Council June 3, 1935, at 8 o'clock p.m. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, to-wit: Ayes; Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, R. Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani Noes, councilmen~ None - Absen~ Councilmen None Attest~ Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk, by Eliaabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolution, Vol 2 at pages 4V~-4?Z-474 Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Fran- cisco adopting plans and specifications,entitled "Plane and specifications for drainage ea~aa~ South San ~ranc~sco, 0alifornia George A. Eneese, City Engineer February, 19~5", of Colma Creek and Baden Creek. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, to-wit~ Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F, Mager, R. Lloyd, R. ~ibbetts. M. Minusciani. Noes. Councilmen ~Nons Absent, Councilmen None Attest: Danie~ McSweeney, City Clerk By Eli~abeth 0~enfield, Deputy Clerk, Recorded in Book of Resolution,' Vol. 2 at page A?5 Under unfinished business the m~tter of tax refund to Mr. Reichel of the Golden Eagle Hotel was discuseed with reference to 1~30 personal prope.r, ty. On motion by Council- man Minuociani, seconded by 0ouncilman Boido a refund of $2~.60 was voted for the year 1930 on account of, over assessment. The matter of the business license of James l~rks to operate a barbecue restaurant at f~ Linden AVenue was brought up. Building Inspector ~elts reported the health officer's orders to have the kitchen rat proofed was carried out, there- upon on motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regular- ly carried permission was granted. On motion of Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman 3oido and regular- ly oaxried, the salary of gffi~er Joe Bildhauer was set at $157.50 per month, oon~e~cing May 1, 1935, On motion of Counoilmma Boido, seconded by 0ouncilma~ Minucolani, and regularly carried, the salary of the school nurse was to be dis- continued commencing May 1, 1935. Mrs. AdYer asked if this change would alter 0ffioer Bildhauer s duties as to watching the children at the school crossings. She was told an agreement was made that his duties would be the same as before, The lg~§ Field Day Conrad,tee asked for the use of the cit2 dun_p_ asked wered August, A co~nunication was received from the City cna County of San ~rancisoo, to- gether with three maps showing the-p~oposed location of certain pipe lines in connection with the construction of Crystal Springs 2ipe Line ~o, 2, and asking permission to build a Pil~ line along certain street~in South San Francisco, The matter was referred to City At-~orney J. W, Coleberd and Assist_ant City Engineer R. A. l~lasstne The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire chief, Build- lng Inspector, Health Officer and City O~erk for. the month ending April ~0, 1955, were read and ordered placed on file. Mayor ~loyd thanked all o~ficers for their promptness in rendering monthly reports. George ~. Messier rendered a report showing collections on delinquent taxes for 'the month of April $1,?19.2Z and a total to date of $$,635.66. Raport accepted and placed on file. Gordon Rowe' Company submitted their report of the audit of the 19ZA-35 tax roll-showing a complete settlement by the tax collector as of May 1, 1935, with unpaid tax bills on B_a~d, verified, in the amount of $6,956.7~. Report accepted and placed on file. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City of South San ~'rancisco adopting plans and specifications for repairing pavement on Grand, ~inden and Rail- road Avenues. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, to-wit: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F, Mager, R. Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen None -Absent. Councilmen, l~one Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk, By Elizabeth Otten~eld, Deputy. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 2a~ ~age 47~ . Aee-t. city Engineer Elassen w 'if the wage scale set out in resolution^hereinafter mentioned was correct and he a~ they were the rates of wages tahen from the scale used by the State,. Councilman Minucci~i introduced a resolution of the City of South San ~ran- cisco inviting proposals for repairing Grand, Linden and Railroad Avenue. Sealed proposals to be opened by the City Council June ~, 1935, at 8 o'clock p. m, The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, to-wit: Ayes; Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mag,r, R. Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani ~oes, Councilmen~ ~one - Abse~.~ Councilmen ~one Attest~ Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk, by Elitabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolution, Vol 2 at pages 4~2-A?Z-474 Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Fran- cisco adopting plans and specifications,entitled "Plans and specifications for drainage ea~m~ South San ~rancisco, California George A. Kueese, City Engineer February, 1935". of Colma Creek and Baden 0reek. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, to-wit~ Ayes, Coumcilmen V. Boido, J. F. ~ger, R. Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Mlnucciani. l~oes, Councilmen ~l~one Absent, Councilmen ~one Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk By ElI~abeth 0ttenfield, DePUty Clerk, Recorded in Bock of Resolution,' Vol. 2 at page 4~. Under unfinished business the m~tter of tax refund to Mr. Reichel of the Golden Eagle l~otel was discussed with reference to 1~30 personal prope~rty. On motion by Council- man Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Boido a refund of ~2~.$0 was voted for the year 19~0 on account of over assessment. The matter of the business license of James Parks to operate a barbecue restaurant at ~YZ Linden AVenue was brought up. Building Inspector ~elte reporte~ the health officer's orders to have the kitchen rat proofed was carried out, there- upon on motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and reg,~lar. ly carried permission was granted, On motion of Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman 3oido and regalar- ly castled, the salary of ~ffi~er Joe Bildhauer was set at $157,50 per month, conmencing May 1, 19Z5, On motion of Councilman Boido, secmaded by ¢ouncilma~ Minucolaui. and regularly carried, the salary of the school nurse was to be dis- continued commencing May 1, 19~5. Mrs. Adler asked if this change would alter 0ffieer Bildhauer's duties as to watching the children at the school crossings. She was told an agreement was made that his duties w~uld be the same as before, ~he 19~5 Field Day Conmittee asked for the use of the city dump truck to re- move the debris after the activities at Baden Ken_riel Club. $~tur~ay, Say llth at 5 o'clock p.m. There being no objection Councilman TibBe~ms was as~ea to take care of the matter. An application for a building permit was received from 'J. V. Ron to make alterations onhis building located at 735 San Bruno Road. Estimated cost $200,00, Permit granted, me~t: Claims in the amount of $1650,~weronext presented to the Cou~ oil for pa~- O. Davis ~n ~ouis Sell'chi ~a' Mar ' s 'Garage Chas Bollazzt. Royal Supply Goodyear Tire & 2ubber Superior Laundry So, City t,,m~er Fire Engineering A. J. Welte E. W, Williams W. P, Fuller Enterprise Foundry A. J. ~acheee A, ,T. Flimk' s Service A. ~. Golden West Quarry Rio's Service Station F. W. Brow~l B. Brown W, 2, Fuller A. Carlisle Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. ttandar~ Oil 0o. Califo mia Water Service Califernia Water Service Eau~fmann Bros, ~, Welch Geo. A. Eneese So. S. F. 0hamber of Corn, Dr. ~, O, McMills The Enterprise Geo.-~. Messier West Disinfecting F. C. Thomas Furniture .dealer Standar~ Electric Time Co. So. City Lumber Co. California Water Service Ric hmon~ 2ottery 12 gals curbstone white paint feeding prisoners & 50 envelopes repairs 'police oar Supplies fir.e and polio e ~ep. Supplies Fire Dept, 1' brak~ reline - fire ~ept. Wash fire houses April mateYi~ls Fire Dept, & Library ~ yrs, sub, to Fire Engineering Attending Mfg, Assn. dinner 1 copy "Fire Fighting" 30~. hydrant bury 1 battery ~ rectifier - 3 burges~ batteries $15o00 6.40 5.10 10.17 9.49 !6.1~ ' ~ 10.9§ 25.21 5°00 6,00 4.00 10.76 16.40 .19 ~u~_intenance Fire alarm system Apr 20,00 & g~ls. gas fire dept. ~.220 gals roa~ oil 151.79 tons rock 5 gals gas Street ~ept, Painting ~mes on streets' 5 gals traffic white 250 Assmt. Roll sheets, binder. etc ·hone service April 285 gals. ~as, etc. Mar hydrant rental April lib rary s ervic e " Fountain and ~ire House service freight from Derman removing dogs an~ cats A~r, April work on Colma 0reek pro and April work ~one wi~h gas tax funds May advertising 2hens Health Dept. Apr. 2000 stamped envelopes furnishe~ 8 days on reconciliation & state- ment of del. taxes 1 - 54~ bale wiping rags 20 shades city hall repairing clocks at city hall Supplies - park Civic center and ball.park set. 200 - 5" pots .85 1Z2.0~ 100 .r:~ .83 28.00 28.00 9.2.3 95 o 72 55 °80 41,12 454. O0 4.50 3° 58 28 265;92 25.00 5.25 ?.1~ 72° O0 6.64 20°00 17.17 18. ?1 12.00 2.60 $1650,07 The claims having been audited by the fiance coral tree, Council- man Boi~o moved they be pai~. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carr~e~, There being no fur.thor business Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Menday, Ma.y 20, 1935, at 8 o'clock p. m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager and regularly carried° Time of adjournment ~: 30 o'61o~k p. m. Respectfully submitt e~, Daniel McSweeney, Cit~ Clerk,