HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-07-01240 REGULAR IdEETiNG OF THE CITY CO JNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN ~P~NCI$C0, HELD ~0NDAY, July ls t, 19~5. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Monday evening, July lst,19ZS. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.n. by Mayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, J.F.~ager, M.~inucciani,R. Tibbetts. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions Councilman I/ager moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. The city received a written communication from the South San Francisco Land and improvement Company that they had cut the weeds and grass on the sidewalks in front of their property. Cammunication accepted and placed on file. An application for permission to open a trench in Hickory Lane was received f from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts~and granted. The gas company also requested permission to excavate a trench in the crossing of Spruce Avenue and Second Lane. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts%&nd granted. South City Auto Supply made application for a business license to operate a store at 202 Grand Avenue. On motion by councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Boido, and regularly carried, the application was granted. The monthly reports of the City Treasurer, Health Officer,Chief of Police, City Judge, ~'ire Chief,Building Inspector and City Clerk, for the month ending June 30th, 19J~, were submitted and acce~ted with the thanks of 1/ayor Lloyd,for the officers' promptness in attending to ~his duty. Claims in the amount of $1250.91 were next ~resented to the council for ~ayment;- Pacific Tel & Tel Company , Geo.A.Eneese The Enterprise Press Pacheco ElecZric ~ack Welch Leon D 'Artenay Robinson-Druggist E.Gromi ~anuel Castro Warren Boardman M.Watson L.Savares J.Bernardo H.Bisagno R.Petrocchi ,, J. Famb r ini J.Ferri ,, Paul Penoski " E.Venturi " J.~ayerle R.Smith ,, C.Robinson ,, E.Hilani " C.Rinehart ,, C Bagnal " M.Mazetti " V.Ullery ~.I~arc ucci So. CitY Lbr.& Sup~_~ly Co, Calif. Water Service Co, C .Bagnel A. Jo~s on lamps, eto, June removing ~ogs,cats June rep lavJn mower materials fire dept burning grass city phones, June, ~i 48.60 projects under gas tax $192.72 1935 tax bills ~ 57.55 installing N~rine Floods $112.50 June fire alarm mainten, ~ 20.00 18.9~ $ 1.5o ~' 1 67 ~,~ 2.40 26.00 26.00 " " 26.00 " " . $ 26.00 Att. grass fire $ 1.00 " 4 " ~' $ 2.00 7 " "~ 3.50 6 " " 3.00 2 " " $ 1.00 2 " "$ 1.00 J " " ~' 1 50 ~ · 2 " " ~,, 1.00 4 " ,' ?~t'2.00 7 " " $ 3.50 2 " "~%' 1.00 1.50 6 " " $~ 3.00 8 " "! 4.00 3 " " 1.50 6 " " Z. O0 Clerical wrk,clerk and tax collector'q office. ~: 24.75 materials,Str. Dept $ 12.24 water-Oiv C.& Ball ground 52.65 fountain & fire ho.water~ 8.79 ~iydrant ~?at er, June ff456.00 l~brary water June. ~ 31.59 relief fire truck driverS 40.00 3 gras fires $ 1.50 Total $~250.91 The cliams having been audited by the finance committee Councilmen Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by co~mcilman Boido and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business ]~.J.Corcoran was granted Dermission to erect an outdoor sdvertising si~n on the Demetroff an Petroff pro~:,erty on Parcel PZ5,Eone "C", on the west' side of San Bruno Road north ~f Lin(~en Avenue Extension, there being no objections. The a~plication of Steve Balo--ulo~s for a restaurant license in the Norman Hotel was continued on acco~nt of the store not being ready. C~t.v Attorney Coleberd he was not ready with the nuisance ordinance. Attorney John F.~avis appeared before the city council in behalf of the 01mo D~ray:ng Company, and submibted a list with signatures of fifteen p'~rsons who wished to withdraw thezr names from the petition protesting the storage of inflammable material in the California Iron yards. On motion by 6ouncilman i~dager,seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the drayage company was allowed to ~®ma$~-$~-~-keep the material in its pz'esent location. Angelo IvIonettini, representing the firm of Monettini and Parenti asked if they may have four or &ap five days extension in completing their c~ntracy if ~ore time was neces,~ary. He was granted the extension. Councilman Nager moved the de~osits of 4lenettini & Parenli be returned to the~. The Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, J.F.~iager, M.Minucciani,R. Tibbetts. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions Councilman l~ger moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. The city received a written communication £rom the South San Francisco Land and improvement Company that they had cut the weeds and grass on the sidewalks in front of their property. Cammunication accepted and placed on file. An application for permission to open a trench in Hickory Lane was received f from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Re£erred to Councilman Tibbetts~and granted. The gas company also requested permission to excavate a trench in the crossing of Spruce Avenue and Second Lane. Referred to Councilman Tibbettssand granted. South City Auto Supply made application for a business license to operate a store at 202 Grand Avenue. On motion by councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Boido, and regularly carried, the application was granted. The monthly reports of the City Treasurer, Health Officer,Chief o£ Police, City Judge, ,~'ire Chief,Building Inspector and City Clerk, £or the month ending June 30th, 1935, were submitted and acce~ted with the thanks of ~yor Lloyd,for the officers' promptness in attending to this duty. Claims in the amount of $1250.91 were next ~resented to the council for ~aymeLt;- Pacific Tel & Tel Company , Geo .A.Eneese The Enterprise ?tess Pacheco Electric ~ack Welch Leon D 'Artenay Rob inson-Druggist E.Gromi l~anuel Castro Warren Boardman M.Watson L. Savares J.Bernardo R.Bisagno R.Petrocchi ,, J.Fambrini J. Ferri ,, Paul Penoski " E.Venturi " J .I,~ayerle " R. Smith ,, C .Robinson ,, E. ~i lani " C .Rinehart ,, C Bagnal " M.Mazetti " V.Ullery ,, ~ .Marc ucc i city phones, June, ~ 48.60 projects under gas tax $192.72 1935 tax bills $ 57.55 installing ~rine Floods $112.50 June fire alarm mainten, $ 20.00 lamps, otc, June $ 18.95 removing $ogs,cats June $ 31.50 ~, 1.67  2.40 '~ 26.00 26.00 " " 26. O0 So.City Lbr.& Supoly Co, Calif. Water Service Co, C .Bagnel k. Johns on rep lawn mower materials fire dept burning grass II " " . $ 26.00 Att. grass fire $ 1.00 " 4 " "i 2.00 ~ " " 3.50 6 " " 3.00 2 " " 1. O0 2 " " 1.00 5 " " ~ 1.50 2 " " i; 1. O0 4 " !' ~i' 2.00 7 " " $ 3.50 2 " "~' 1. O0 3 ~ " $ 1.50 6 " "~ 3.00 8 " " $ 4.00 3 " "~ 1.50 6 " " .Z. O0 Clerical wrk,clerk and tax collector'~ office o ,: 24.75 materials,Str. Dept $ 12.24 water~Oiv C.& Ball ground 52.65 fountain & fire ho.waterS 8.79 ~iydrant water,June $456.00 library water June- $ 31.59 relief fire truck driverS 40.00 3 gras fires $ 1.50 Total $[250.91 The cliams having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by co~mcilman Boido and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business M.J.Corcoran was granted pe~'mission to erect an outdoor sdvertising si~n on the Demetroff an Petro£f pro~L, erty on Parcel ~35,Eone "C", on the wes~side of San Bruno Road north ~£ Lin0en Avenue Extension, there being no objections. The a~plication of Steve Balo-.ulous for a restaurant license in the Norman Hotel was continued on account of the store not being ready. City Attorney Coleberd he was not reaciy with the nuisance ordinance. Attorney John F.~avis appeared before the city council in behalf of the 01mo ~raying Company, and submitted a list with signatures of fifteen p~rsons who wished to withdraw the:r names from the petition protesting the storage of inflammable material in the California Iron yards. On motion by 6ouncilman Eager,seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the drayage company was allowed to ~®ma~-~a-~-keep the material in its p~'esent location. Angelo Monettini, representing the firm of Monettini and Parenti asked if they may have four or &al five days extension in completing their contracy~if ~ore time was necessary. He was granted the extension. Councilman Mager moved the de~osits of Menettini & Parenli be returned to the$. The motion was seconded by Co~mcilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Ther being no further business Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Monday,July ~ith,1935 at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regulsr~y carried. Time of adjournment, 8;50 o'Clock p.m. ayor~. S~uth Sa~rancisco ~*espectfully submi~ed,