HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-07-15REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COU~CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0,!tELD MONDAY, JULY ISTH, 1935. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall, ~onday evening, July 15th, 1935. In the absense of Mayor Reese Lloyd, Councilman Minucciani moved that Counci~nan John F.Mager be selected Mayor pro tem. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbette and regularly carried. Councilman Mager then took the chair and asked for the roll call. Roll call found the following named members of the council present, Councilmen, J.F.~ager, ~.~inucciani,R.Tibbetts, Absent, Councilmen, V.Boido and Mayor Reese Lloyd. The minutes of the two previous meeting were Dead. There being no errors or omission~ councilman Tibbetts moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~inu~ and rezularly carried. Q. Massaglia applied for a business license to engage in the Restaurant business at 241 Grand Avenue. On motion by councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the application was granted. RESOLUTI ON OF AUTHiRIZATION . Councilman Ninucciani I introduced a resolution of the City ~ouncil of th, City of South San Francisco authorizing the execution of an agreement between the City of Sou~ San Francisco and the County of San ~ateo with respect to Colma Creek and Baden Creek. The resolution was adopted ~y the votes of all the members of the council present. as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, J.F.~ager, N.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, V.Boido and R.Lloyd. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2 at pages 484,485. Monettini & ~arenti, contractors cutting the weeds for the City of South San Fran~ submitted their signed a~.z~oement between the City of South San Francisco and themselves to do the work, together with a bond for faithful performance and a bond for labor and material. The agreement and bonds were accepted and placed on file. At 8.10 o'clock Acting ~ayor ~.~ager called a recess of five minutes. On reassemblinz at 8;15 O'clock the following members of the council answered the roll call;- carried, claims in the amount of Councilmen J.F.i~a~er,M.~inucciani,R.Tibbetts. " Absent, Councilmen, V.Boido and R~ese Lloyd. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly $1695.13 were allowed and ordered paid;- M. Watson 2 d $ $.00 E. Giomi ,, ,a, ys burning grass ....... " " 8.00 Daniel McSweeney Assigned Claim of W.~~ 8.00 N. Castro E days burning grass ....... 8.00 C. Begnal ~ days relief driver ...... 20.00 J. Penna Nat ches ..................... 6V Louis Belloni Feedin~ Prisoners & P.0.Boxl41 1.80 Francisco Parenti Cutting Weeds .............. ~0.00 Angelo Monettini Cutting Weeds. ............. ~0.00 Seaside 0il Co. Gasoline ................... 1Z.l~ A. Marcucci Clerical Work-Assessor and Tax Collector's Office ..... Superior Steam Laundry John Figoni ~odern Office ~achines Company Patrick and Noise -Klinkner Co. LaMar ' s ~dley Perkins Laundry Service-Fire Dept.. Window Cleaning-City Hall.. ~-three yr. contracts for Royal Typewriters ~ 45.00 Robinson Druggist 6 doz. pencils-Police Dept. 11.00 ~1.00 34.00 One Crown Line Dater. ....... 62 Service and tires, etc..... 11.82 Service machine-speedo reading 1.50 3.38 Highway Blacksmith G.F.Biahop Co. So.City Lumber Superior Steam Laundry Dudley Perkins Seagrave Corp. Leon d'Artenay National Ice Co. Subway Service Station San ~ateo County Title Company 01d Reliance Garage H.S.Crocker Co. Sharpening tools for Gardener 9.00 Items for Park. ............ 9.5V Garden Fence ............... 2.29 Washing blanket~-Police Dept. 2.00 Service and Parts-Police Dept. 29.62 Items for Fire Dept ........ 13.96 Service for Fire Dept ...... 2.50 5 gals. water - Fire Dept.. 1.0~ Service-Police Dept... .... . 64.63 Daily Reports.. ........... . 1.50 Pac.Gas & Elec. Co. Street Lightihg.......... " " " " " Lighting ~ay 10-Junell, 'Z5 Pac.Tel.&Tel. Co. Exct.~ange Service May,19Z~ Tire,pumps,etc.for nd. of P.W. 10.40 Civil Docket-W.H.Dinning... 46.12 602.32 V9.34 2.50 .......... ~, ~v~czm~an ~inucciani moved that Councilman ~v~ ~'.mager be selected Nayor'pro rem. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Councilman Mager then took the chair and asked for the roll call. Roll call found the following named members of the council present, Councilmen, J.F.Mager, M.~inucciani~R.Tibbetts, Absent, Counci~uen, V.Doido and ~ayor Reese Lloyd. The minutes of the two previous meeting were ~ead. There being no errors or omissi~ councilman Tibbetts moved t~ey be adopted ss read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ni~ and regularly carried. Q.Nassaglia applied for a business license to engage in the Restaurant business at ~41 ~rand Avenue. On motion by councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried the application was granted. RESOLUTI ON OF AUTH.~RIZATION . Councilman Ninucciani introduced a resolution of the City 8ouncil of t City of South San Francisco authorizing the ~xecution of an agreement between the City of So San Francisco and the County of San ~ateo with respect to Colma Creek and Baden Creek. The resolution was adopted ~y the votes of all the members of the council presen as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, J.F.Eager, ~.~inucciani,R.Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, V.Boido and R.Lloyd. Attest Daniel NcSweeney City Clef! Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2 at pages 484,485. Monettini & Barenti, contractors cutting the weeds for the City of South San Fra~ submitted their signed a~roement between the City of South San Francisco and themselves to dc the work, together with a bond for faithful performance and a bond for labor and material. The agreement and bonds were accepted and placed on file. At 8.10 o'clock Acting Mayor ~ager called a recess of five minutes. On reassembling at 8;15 O'clock the following members of the council answered the roll call;- carried, claims in the amount of Councilmen J.F.i~a~er~M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts. " Absent, Councilmen,V.Boido and Reese Lloyd. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly $1595.13 were allowed and ordered paid;- M. Watson 2 d~ys burning grass ...... . $ 8.00 E. Giomi " " " 8.00 Daniel NcSweeney Assigned Claim of W.~g~~ 8.00 N. Castro ~ days burning grass ....... 8.00 C. Begnal ~ days relief driver ...... B0.00 J. Penna Natches.. ................... 8~ Louis Belloni Feeding Prisoners & P.0.Boxl41 1.80 Francisco Parenti Cutting Weeds .............. 80.00 Angelo ~onettini Cutting Weeds. ............. $0.00 Seaside 0il Co. Gasoline. .................. 1Z.l~ A. Narcucci Clerical Work-Assessor and Tax Collector's Office ..... Superior Steam Laundry John Figoni ~odern Office Nachines Company Patrick and Moise -Klinkner Co. Laf~'[ar ' s Laundry Service-Fire Dept.. Window Cleaning-City Hall.. B-three yr. contracts for Royal Typewriters. ........ . One Crown Line Dater....... Service and tires, etc ..... ~dley Perkins Service machine-speedo reading Robinson Druggist 8 doz. pencils-Police Dept. 45.00 11.00 31.00 34.00 .82 11.82 1.50 3.38 Highway Blacksmith G.F.Bishop Co. So.City Lumber Superior Steam Laundry Dudley Perkins Seagrave Corp. Leon d'Artenay National Ice Co. Subway Service Station San ~ateo County Title Company 01d Reliance Garage H.S.Crocker Co. Sharpening tools for Gardener 9.00 Items for Park.... ......... 9.57 Garden Fence....... ........ 2.29 Was.hing blanket.s-Police Dept. 2.00 Service and Parts-Police Dept. 29.62 Items for Fire Dept .... .... 13.96 Service for Fire Dept ...... 2.50 5 gals. water - Fire Dept.. 1.02 Service-Police Dept ...... .. 64.63 Daily Reports ~ 1 50 Tire,ptm~s,etc.for Bd. of P.W. 10.40 Civil Docket-W.H.Dinning... 46.12 Pac. Gas& Elec.Co. Street Lighting.. ....... . 602.32 " " " " " Lighting ~ay 10-Junell,'35 79.34 Pac.Tel.&Tel. Co. Exct~ange Service May,1935 2.50 " " " " " " June,1935 2.50 Geo.A.Kneese June-Checking permit for Water Department ..... . ........... 15.00 Forwarded ............... . ~1200.19 244 George A. Kneese Brought forward ................. .$1200.19 May & June Field & office Work...$ 384.53 June-plans & specificiations. .... 150.81 TO TAL.... ................. $1895 . 13 Under the head of unfinished business City attorney Coleberd reported not yet ready with the proposed nuisance ordinance or the amendment to ~rdinance No. 21, low,ring rate of interest on delinquent taxes. Engineer Klassen reported the South City Lumber & Supply Company would make the improvement in raising the depression in Parkway Terrace for approximately $200, and stated the work was now under way. Chief of Police Belloni reported the manure pile of the De Fillippi mushroom farm about half moved away. Under tke head of new business application was made by Q.~a~sai~li for permission to make alterations for his proposed restaurant ~t 2~1 ~rand Avenue in the estimated amount of $200. 0n motion by ~ouncilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and r~gularly~carried, the matter was placed in the hands of t?~e building Inspector. Oliver Cortesi, Central ~iotel, made application for permission to make alteratios in t~e dining room and front re,of the hotel. On motion by Councilman ~inucciani~ seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the matter was placed in the hands of the build lng inspector. The estimated cost to be ~800. There being no further business before the board Councilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn until Wednesdayevening, July l~th, 1935, at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;~0 o'clock p/m. ~ting ~Iayor of South Sa~YFrancisco. Respectfully submitted, ' / City C~k.