HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-09-16REGULAR I~ETING OF THE CITY C~JNCIL OF THE
16th. 193~.
The regular meeting of the ~ity 0ouncil o£ ~he City of South San Francisco
was held in the City Hall, I~ionday evening. September 16th,193~.
In the absence of i~yor Reese ~loyd Councilman Tibbetts moved that CouncilmaL
~ager be selected ~layor pro tern. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly
carried. Councilm~n I~iager then took the chair as I~ayor pro tern and called the meeting to
order at 8 o'clock p.m.
Roll call found the following me~bers of the City Council present,as £ollows~-
Councilmen, V.Boido, J.F.~ager, Lt.~iinucciani, R.Tibbetts.
Absent. Councilman. Reese Lloyd, ~ayor.
The minutes of %he preview,s meetin~ were read. There being no errors or
omiEsions councilman Minucciani moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Gag~iani Bros. made ~n a~plication £or a permit to distribute handbills under ordinance No.18~.
On motion by Councilman }Jiinucciani.seconded by Council~'n Tibbetts and regularly carried the
permit was g~'anted.
The Sproutz-Reitz Co..Inc., also made a-'-?lication for a permit to distribute
handbills under the new ordinance. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman
Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted,
A con~nunication was received from the South San Francisco Chamberce of Commerce,
callin? the attention of the City Council to the need of a sidewalk on the west side of South
Linden Avenue to accommodate pedestrians working in th~vartous plants in that growing factory
section. The clerk was instructed to reply to the cormnuntc~tton stating the matter was under
consideration by the council, and that favorable action might be taken at the next regular
meeting of the board.
The Bulgarian-American Welfare Society requested permission to hold a dance in
Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, November 2nl93§,from 8;30 o'clock p.m.to 2 a.m. 0n.motion
by councilman Minucciant,seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the desired
permit was granted.
A commmunication was received, from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company, requesting
permission to open cross trenches in the intersection of Miller Avenue and Eucalyptus Avenue for
the purpose of replacing gas mains. On motion by councilman Tibbetts,seconded by councilman
Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted.
A co~m.r~ntcatton .~was received from San Mateo County Council,American Legion,
embodying a resolution suggesting a uniform fire oaS1 be established, the same to be ten
blasts,repeated twice,and to be known as "The American Legion Disaster and Relief Call". The
City Council was favorable to the suggestion and the necessary resolution was ordered drawn
up by the city attorney.
The City of South San Francisco,having requested license from the Southern
Pacific Company to cross with an 18" sewer pipe of iron casting under their tracks near Linden
Avenue,the Southern Pacific Company submitted an agreement document. Accordingly Councilman
Tibbetts introduced a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Southern Pacific Company ~
for the construction,reconstruction, maintenance and operation of an 1~" cast iron sewer pipe,
to be encased in a Z6" pipe across and through the right of way of the Bay Shore line of
the company. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council
present, to-wit;-'
Ayes, Councilmen, V. Botdo, J. F.Mager, ~. Minucciani, R .Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent, Councilmen,R.Lloyd. Attest Dan~ el McMweeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions volume 3 at page 2.
A communication was received from the West Coast Amusement Company,requesting
permission to hold a carnival in this city from October 2,to October 6th,next. The company's
representative appeared before the council and stated the company was California owned,and
agreed to abide by all State,County and Municipal laws respecting the conduct of the .shows.
On motion by Councilm~n Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the matter
was taken under advisement for two weeks.
A petition signed by 33 residents, property owners aqd citizens , requesting
the city council to remove their names from the petition to remove the Di Filltppo Manure Pile
in th Town of Baden, was submitted by Attorney Rapsey, who argued that the petitioners were not
inclined to work a hardship upon the owner by forcinig him to possibly abandoning the plant.
Attorney Rapsey stated Mr. Di Fill~opo was willing to fence in the manure pile
to the satisfaction of the city council,if they,considered the same necessary. On motion by
councilman Tibbe~ts,secnded by Councilman Minucciant and regularly carried, the council will ·
take the matter Under consideration and confer with the Health 0fficer,
Claims in the amount of $28V.31 were next presented to the council for payments-
W.P.Fuller & Company
Joe Galli
Frank Casagrande
Duro Test
Hallwell Seed Company, seeds $ 14.01
American Push Broom Co., brooms & handles$ 20.81
La Mars's Auto Parts & Service wash and
polish police cars$ ll.00
Fullerglo, etc, $ 9.1V
cleaning weeds,a~ey$ 60.00
. 60. O0
Lumen Clears ~ll~.3~
Total $28V.31
The claims having been .audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd stated the proposed
ordinance amending the tax penalty ordinance was not yet ready.
There being no further business before the board Councilman Minucetan~:mo~ed~toa~Journ
until the next ~e~uls~
Roll call found the following members of the City Council present,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, J.F.~ger, h~.~inucciani, R.Tibbetts.
Absent, Councilman. Eeese Lloyd, ~ayor.
The minutes of ~he preview,s meetin~ were read. There being no errors or
omi~sions councilman Minuc¢iani moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Ga~iani Bros. made An aoplication for a permit to distribute handbills under ordinance No.18b.
On motion by Councilman Einucciani.seconded by Council~n Tibbetts and regularly carried the
permit was g~anted.
The Sproutz-Reitz Co. ,Inc., also made a~.?lication for a permit to distribute
handbills under the new ordinance. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman
Minuccian± and regularly carried the permit was granted~
A co~nunieation was received fr~m the South San Francisco Chamberce of Commerce,
callin~ the attention of the City Council to the need of a sidewalk on the west side of South
Linden Avenue to accommodate pedestrians working in th~various plants in that growing factory
section. The clerk was instructed to reply to the commtmie~tion stating the matter was under
consideration by the council, and that favorable action might be taken at the next regula~
meeting of the board.
The Bulgarian-American Welfare ~ociety requested permission to hold a dance in
F~aternal Hall, Saturday evening, November Bnlg~5,from 8;30 o'clock p.m.to ~ a.m. 0n~motion
by councilman Ninucctanl,seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the desired
permit was granted.
A communication was received, from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company, requesting
permission to open cross trenches in the intersection of Niller Avenue and Eucalyptus Avenue for
the purpose of replacing gas mains. On motion by councilman Tibbetts,seconded by councilman
Ntnucctani and regularly carried the permit was granted.
A communieatlon ~.~was received from San Nateo County Council,American Legion,
embodying a resolution suggesting a uniform fire ca~l be established, the same to be ten
blasts,repeated twice,and to be known as "The American Legion Disaster and Relief Call". The
City Council was favorable to the suggestion and the necessary resolution was ordered drawn
up by the city attorney.
The City of South San F~ancisco,having requested license from the Southern
Pacific Company to cross with an 18~ sewer pipe of iron casting under their tracks near Linden
Avenue,the Southern Pacific Company~submitted an agreement document. Accordingly Councilman
Tibbetts introduced a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Southern Pacific Company ~
for the construction,reconstruction, maintenance and operation of an l~" cast iron sewer pipe,
to be encased in a 2.6" pipe across and through the right of way of the Bay Shore line of
the company. The res~lution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council
present, to-wit;--
Ayes,Councilmen, V.Boido,J.F.Mager,M.Minucciani,R.Ttbbetts.
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent, Councilmen,R.Lloyd. Attest Dan~el MQ~weeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions volume 3 at page 2.
A communication was received from the West Coast Amumement Company,requesting
permission to hold a carnival in this city from October 2,to October 6th,next. The company's
representative appeared before the council and stated the company was California owned,~nd
agreed to abide by all State,County and Municipal laws respecting the conduct of the .shows.
On motion by Councilman Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Boldo and regularly carried the matter
was taken under advisement for two weeks.
A petition signed by 33 residents, property owners and citizens , requesting
the city council to remove their names from the petition to remove the Di Filltppo Nanure Pile
in th Town of Baden, was submitted by Attorney Rapsey, who argued that the petitioners were not
inclined to work a hardship upon the owner by forcinig him to possibly abandoning the plant.
Attorney Rapsey stated Mr. Di Fill~opo was willing to fence in the manure pile
to the satisfaction of the city council,if they,considered the same necessary. On motion by
councilman Tibbe~ts,secnded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried, the council will
take the matter Under consideration and confer with the Health Officer.
Claims in the amount of $28~.31 were next presented to the council for payments-
W.P.Fulle~ & Cempany
Joe Galli
Frank Casagrande
Duro Test
Hallwell Seed Company, seeds $ 14.01
American Push Broom Co., brooms & handles$ 20.81
La Mars's Auto Parts & Service wash and
polish police cars$ ll.00
Fullerglo,etc, $ 9.1~
cleaning weeds,aSSey$ 60.00
"' " $ 60.00
Lumen Clears ~112.S2
Total $287.31
The claims having been ,audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido mo~ed
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mtnucclani and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business City ~ttorne~ Coleberd stated the proposed
ordinance amending the tax penalty ordinance was not yet ready.
There being no further business before the board Councilma~ Minucetani~moVed,~to adjourn
until the next regula~ meettng,Monday,0ctober ~th,1935,at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion-was ~eoondea b~'
councilman Botdo and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9;35 o'clock p.~.
Mayor pro rem o~'~So~l~h San Francisco