HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-11-04REGULAR HEFTING OF ?~.E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HEL]~ MONDAY, NOVEi~ER 4,19Z5. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall,Monday evening', November 4th,19J5.. ~ The meetina, was called to order at 8 o'clock t~.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL. Roll call found %he following members of the city council present,as follows;- Councilmen, R.Lloyd, J.F.~'~ger,lvi.~4inucciani,R.T~bbetts. Absent, Co~mcilman, V.Boido. The minutes of the previo',:~s meetin~ were read. There being: no errors or omissions Somucilman i,~ager moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbett., and regularly carried. A communication was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company,requesting ~ermission to open an 18 inch trench in the north side of Commercial Avenue west of Linden Avenue and also an 18 inch trench in Lin~ en Avenue south of Railroad Avenue. Referred to Douncilm~n Tibbetts and the desired ~ernit ~ranted. A communication was received from P.Demetroff statin? he was charged by the city for cuttinF weeds in front of his property Lot ll,Block ll, and Lots 29-31,~lock 8,in t~.,e amount ¢ i~2.25,and claimed he cut the weeds himself,and requested a rebate. ~ir. Demetroff appeared in oerson before the city council and verified his written statement. The matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts. A commmaication addressed to Chief of Police BelloD.i from the ;Vildber? Smelting and Refinin~ ~ompany v:~.s taken u~ by t~,~e city council. The communication stated ashes from the our:-~in, o£ rice hulls near their plant were blown into their equipment and ce-,'tain products ~ein,~ refined by them and caused substantial damaFe and loss,and requested the city to take immediate steps to orevez~t further burnin~r of rice hulls in the vicinity of their plant. Aftez considerable discussion, durin~ wtiich 'councilman ~iager thought the rice hull company should be given a chance to ai.~ate the nuisance, councilman Minucciani moved the -~ermit to P.Zoin,granted J,~arch 18,19~5, be revoked. Tbs motion was seconded by councilman Tibbezts and re~ularly carrie City attorney Coleberd suggested a resolution would be the proper manner in which to revoke ~ne ~ermit. He was instructed .to draw up a resolution to that affect. A co~mmunication from ]~.j~.Kennedy , Plant i~mnager for the E.i.Du Pont DE Nemours & Company, requested permission to store China Wood 0il, Varnish Linseed 0il and a petroleum fraction in their new ~lant on Linden Avenue. On motion by Comncilman I'~inucciani,seconded by Councilman D~ager and regularly carried the desired 'permit was granted. A ~etition signed by eleven vmrO~,erty owners requested the City Council to adjust th North side of Walnut Avenue between i,la~'le Avenue and Parkway so that the winter rains and othe: water be permitted to drain off. The matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts and Engineer i[lassen.AN ORDINANCE-amending setions 8 11,8.20 & 8.21 of 0RDIN.I.C~ ltl was introduced & will for passage next meet. The monthly re~orts of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, :umldmn Inspector,City Judg, Health Officer and City Clerk for the month endin~ October ~1,19~5, were submitted, and on notion by. councilman Minucciani,seconded by councilman Tibbetts and re~'alarly carried, accepte, wita t.~e thanks of l~,Myor Lloyd for the officers' .promptness in attendin~ to this duty. A comm~mication u:as received from the Board of ~ire Underwriters, followin%~ a survey ,~ ihe City of South ~an Francisco makin~ many suggestions and recommendations for ~i.,e .e, sn~iimen's information. The letter and list o£ recommendations were retained by the cit; council for perusal. Under the he~_~d el' unfinished business Councilman Tibbetts stated the matter of repai: Chapman Avenue had been attended to. in the matZer el' the abatement of a nuisance, the dmuDinc of ~arbaffe on a vacant lot on Railroad Avenue between Ma--le ~: Spruce Avenues ,the health officer sent a report that the nuisance had been abated. i~o report on the pro~osed amemdment of section 41,of ordinance No.21, to reduce oenalties on delinquent taxes. Under the head of now business Buildin~ Inspector Welte introduced plans and specifications for an addition to the ~antini and i{ocucci buildin~ in the rear of Lot 2,block L25,l, ta'~ of South San Francisco, the estimated cost to be$897. On motion by Councilman Liinucciani,seconded by Councilman Tib0etts and regularly carried the desired permission granted. Claims in t~e amount of ~3,~29.71 were next ~,~resent,:~d for ~3ayment:- ~j. Oarriero cleaning? gutters in Los Ceritos ~,~ 28.00 ~[.Wats on A.Lone tt ini A · $ o ldani A .Due aler ~ .Ferrare Z. Landuc c i A.Bertollucci Fred Brown C. R. Rush J .Welch C. Segnal R.Bisagno A .Colombo E.Venturi V. Ull ery L. Imprescia Carl Rinehart M.ICuatz C .Robinson E. Mi tani E.Xozlowski R. Smi th J. Feri labor new steps city hall rear cleanin-~' brush Orange :~ve labor on sewer Los Ceritos claening weeds " " Card, enter work city hall steps special :oolice service removing docs,cats,October attending f_ires 24 O0 20[00 24 · O0 6.00 ~6. O0 26. O0 5.oo 10.50 8.50 8.50 8. O0 8.00 e.oo ROLL CALL Roll call found the following members of the city council present,as follows;- Councilmen, R.Lloyd, J.F.~,,ger,M.Minucciani,R,T~bbetts. Absent, Cotmcilman, V.Boido. The minutes of the ~revions meotin~ were read. There bein~ no errors or omissions ~ouncilman L~ger moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. i communication was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company,requestinff ~ermission to open an 18 inch trench in the north side of Commercial Avenue west of Linden Avenue and also an 18 inch trench in Lin en Avenue south of Railroad Avenue. Referred to Douncilm~n Tibbetts and the desired x~ermit ~ranted. A communication was received i'rom P.Demetroff statin~ he was char~ed by the city for cuttin~ weeds in front of his property Lot ll,Block ll, and Lots 29-31,Block 8,in t~e amomut of ~i2.25,and claimed he cut the v:eeds himself,and requested a rebate. LM. Demetroff appeared in oerson before the city council and veri±'ied his written statement. The matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts. A communication addressed to Chief of Police BelloD~i from the '¢~ildber~ Smelting and Refinin~ Company was taken u~ by t?_e city council. The communication stated ashes from the our:~in~ of rice hulls near their plant were blown into their equipment and certain products beim~ refined by them and caused substantial damaFe and loss,and requested the city to take immediate' steps to mreve~t further burning? of rice hulls in the vicinity of their plant· After considerable discussion, durin~ wt~ich 'councilman ~iager thought the rice hull company should be given a chance to a~.~ate the nuisance, councilman Minucciani moved ti~e ~,~ermit to P.Zoin,granted ~L~rch 18,19~5, be revoked. T~e motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and re?ularly carried 0ity attorney Coleberd suggested a resolution would be the proper manner in which to revoke ol~e ~ermit. ~ie was instructed,to draw up a resolution to that affect. A co~mmunication from D.ff'.Kennedy , Plant ~nager for the E.1.Du Pont DE Nemours & Company, requested permission to store China Wood 0il, Varnish Linseed 0il and a petroleum fraction in their new ~lant on Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman ~,,iinucciani,seconded by Councilman L'~ger and regularly carried the desired 'permit was granted· A ~'~etition signed by eleven ~-ro~,erty owners requested the City Council to adjust the North side of Walnut Avenue between Ma~le Avenue and Parkway so that the winter rains and other water be permitted to drain off. The matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts and Engineer Klassen.AN ORDINANCE-amending setions 8.11,8.20 & 8.21 of 0RDiNiNCE ltl was introduced & will c for passaEe next meet. The monthly re~orts of the Chief of Police Fire Chief, ouzldzn,.~ Inspector,City Judge Health Officer and City Clerk for the month endin~ October 31,19~5, were submitted, and on motion by. comucilman Minucciani,seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried, accepted wit~ t:'~e thanks of },~ayor Lloyd for the officers' .~rommtness in attendinff to this duty. k communication u'as received from the Board of Fire Underwriters, followin? a survey , of ~he Oit~ of South '.~an Francisco, makin~ many suggestions and recommendations for the ~e, sn~i2man's information. The letter and list o£ recommendations were retained by the cit~ council for perusal. r,~b ~, Under the head of unfinished business Councilman ~ ~etts stated the matter of repai~ Chapman Avenue had been attended to. in the matter cZ the abatement of a nuisance, the dmu~in~ o~ ~arbase on a vacant lot on Railroad Avenue between Ma~-le ~ Spruce Avenues ,the health officer sent a report that the nuisance had been abated. I$o report on the pro~osed amemdment of section ~l,of ordinance No.£1, to reduce venalties on delinquent taxes. -Under the he~.d of now business Buildin~ Inspector Welte introduced plans and specifications for an addition to the Bantini and i%ocucci buildin~ in the rear of Lot 2,block k25,Lla'n of South San Francisco, the estimated cost to be~897. On motion by Council.man L,[inucciani,seconded by Councilman Tib0etts and regularly carried the desired permission gr ant e d. Claims in t~e amount of ~,~29.71 were next ?resent,~d for l~ayment:- ' ~,~[.Carriero cleanin~~ gutters in Los ~eritos ~ 28.00 ~2.Watson A .Lione tt ini A. S o ldani A.Bue~!er G .Ferrare 2. Landuc o i A.Bertollucci Fred Brown C .R.Rush J .~elch C. 3e gnal R.Bisa~no A. Colombo E.Venturi V. Ullery L. Impresc ia Carl Rinehart M. I~uatz C .Robinson E.Milani E.Kozlowski · R. Smi th J .Feri P. li, enoski L. $arares ta0or new steps city hall rear cleaning- brush Orange Ave labor on sewer Los Ceritos claening weeds " ~sr~-,enter ~ork city hall ste~s special ~olice service removing dora,cats,October attending i'~res 24.00 2o.oo 24.00 2~ O0 . 6 O0 2,6. O0 25.0O 37 · 50 14.50 1~ O0 12.50 10 50 ' t0. O0 8.50 8.50 8.00 8·00 6.00 6. O0 5.50 E:?enditures continued:- A. Johns on John i/ami~rini J .I,layerle C .Brizzi Pacheco Electric A. J.Pacheco ~ J.~acheco Southern Pacific Co Comptometer Company The Seaffravs Corp'n attending fires materiaXs,motor install lam~s,checkin~,canopies ,etc re~~' caution li~ht sign L~nden Ave.La~};,s,& Bayshore,ete maintain fire alarm October aev:er lnase audit rent of Com~tometer,city cl:rk's vacuum pu~np ~iriver,, repairs So.City Lbr.& Supply Co. material,parks State Compensation insurance city em~,oloyees Tnsi~c~am~umdElectric Co,Elecirogas floor i'urnace i.{.Greenberg's Sons 3 double hydrants So~th S.~".Chamber Oo~e~ce, October advertising ~eorge ,~.~.,ese s~veyin~ on ;Y.- .A,a ether v,~ork A.V.Lake ~, Company 2 vols California Codes Pac. Tel& Tel Co city ~,hones ~ctober South Oity ~heet Lietal Co, materials ~li~'s Service surrlies ~x~!ice dept Dudley Perkins materials ,service police de~",t Dr.J.0.Mc~ills ~hone 0~tober Xrndt's &~artment Store material street de~,artment Su~erio~ Steam Laundry A.Carlisle a CO., Btandard 0il Co., The Enterprise Press Enterprise Press West Dis in£ecting Co Union Oil Company Andrew Hynding " fire department wash fire houses index sheets,clerk's office city court auto docket eythel ~as & oil,city hall letterheads,i~apor's office adve:'tisements dum~in~ refuse wioing rags,etc, 5~ gallons Triton Tax Collector Bon~ So.City Lbr.& SUpply Co. materials street work California Water Set.Co,water fountain, fire house " " " " "city hall,baseball ~rounds " " " " hydrant waler,October " " " " water,liorary October Scam~ini & Zanetti ffasoline,ffire deot, Total "' 5.50 ~ 4.00 v ~ .00 · ;~ 1.00 etc~, 1Z.90 74.04 25.10 41.75 o.oo lO.CO £0,00...~ lOO. S 8z.58 0z95 ~166.32 ; .oo ~ 11.83 3.51 10.55 5.25 12.36 12.20 4.33 54.04 51.0~  7.98 [6,00 ~ 5.1~ ~ 10.44 ~3329.7k fhe claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. There beinff no further business Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until Tuesday evening, November 5th,1955,at 7 o'clock p.m. T~e motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8:55 o'clock p.m. Mayor o~-South' San~rancisco. Respectfully submitte~