NOVE~,~ER 5th,].935.
A regularly adjourned meeting, of the city council of the City of South San Francis
was held in the city hall,Tuesday evening, November 5th,19ZS.
This meetin~ was called to order at 7 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd.
Roll call found the followinz members of the city council present,to-wit;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,R.LLoyd,M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,
" Absent;- Councilman,J.F.idager, Councilman ~ger appeared after roll cal
The reading of the minutes of the ~revious meetins was disy, ensed with.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution adopting plans and specifications for
'the construction of a sanitary se~er outfall in the South Industrial Area of t~e City of Sout~
San Francisco. The resolution ~'~aa adopted by the votes of all the councilmen present,
as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido ,R.Zloyd ,M.Minucciani ,R. Tibbetts,
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent, Councilman, J.F.2~ger. Attest Daniel EcSweeney,
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vel.No. 3,at page No.5.
0o ~ncilman Boido introduced a resolution orderin~ the construction of a sanitary
sewer outfall in the South industrial ~,rea of the City of South San ~'rancisco.
The re::~olution was adopted by the unanimot~a vote of a~ll the members of the City
Council, as follows,:-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, l~.Lloyd, J.F.Mager, M.Miuucciani,R.Tibbetts.
i[oes, Councilmen, l~one.
Absent, Co'~ncilmen,Noue
Attest Daniel I'.,ic Swe eney
City Clerk
Recorded in 2, cea of ires !utions, Vot,Z,~.t ?ages 6,7 and 8.
'.,;i]lie Lencioni,Chairman of the dance Committee o£ tz~e club "MEi~ ABOUT TO,~;N'',
requested ~ermission to to hold a dance in ~'raternal ilall on .;aturday e~enin,~, November 2Z,19
On motiou 'by councilman Minucciani,eeconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the
de~ired permission was granted.
In the ma~,ter o£ the San Francisco Wa':er Oom'¢any's endeavor to secure riff_hts o£ way
throa?:n ~,he 5ity o£ 3outh San Francisco, which,, s~bject came u~-, in caucus "it~. the city co,mc
councilman ~er suggested that the Cit.v of ,]out?. can ~ranc~co agree to a right of way
t~.r~:u?h Zhis city on condition tha.~ ~,he San Francisco ~,',a~er Company £urnish i'ree water Cot th
city's Civic Ce~-er and £_.'ee water for the city's 7~-il!ow Park, through which territory the
San J'rancisco Water Company w~shes to lay their water pi?e line.
City Attorney Ooleberd stated t~:e t:i~ come, any, through condemnation proceedings,
could almost go through *,he city wit,;out tLe cit:~'s -~ermission,i£ the company secured the
favorable opinion of i]:e judFes. L{ayor Lloyd said no terms were ~ranted ~he company. Talk
was had on the subject and the water com~,any instructed to withdraw their ~lans to dig throu~
certain streets, and no ri?bt of way was ~,e£initely ag, reed uoon. Councilman Tibbetts stated
the city had not yet granted the v,,ater company any consessions. It was agreed that City
~ttorney Coleberd would confer wizh the water company and set a date on which the entire City
Council would meet with the water com-~-~any's re~,resentative and secure the best terms ?ossibl
for the City of South San Francisco.
There bein~ no £~irther busines? councilman Idager moved to adjourn until the next
regular meetinff,Monday,November 18th,18Z5,at 8 o'clock~.m. The motion was seconded by
councilman Tibbetts and reEularly carried.
Time o£ adjournment 8;20 o'clock.~.m.
· Mayor~rf~outh Sa~kancisco.
Res~£ully submi tted~
Cit7 Cler~/~