HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-11-18266 REGgL~,R MEETING OP T~P3 0ITY C.. JN~iL OP THE CITY OF SOU~ii iAN .... ~m-, i, OiSCO~' ,HELD M0 }[DAY, NOVM:~ER, 18,1935 The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of S,:uth San Francisco was held in the city hall Llonday evening, November 18th,1935. The meeting was called 'to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Liayor Neese Lloyd. ROLL OALL. Roll call found all the members of the council present,as fo~lows;- Coancilmen;-V.Boido, R.Lloyd,J;F.,Mager ,M.Minucciani,R.Tibbe%ts The minutes of the two ~revio~ meetings were rea~. lhere heinz no errors or omissions Councilman Minucciani reeved their adop~i~n.~h~ molten was seconced by Councilman ~imbbetts and r~gularly carried. Uri~ten -,~rotests against weed assessments were r,~ceived from L~s. Callie Boyle, P.Fiorentine and J.o Snyder. The weed ~ap shows weeds cut on the various lots on which ~orotests weer made. ~eferred to the street con~uittee for investigation. ];8be~ O!att made application for a business license 1o o',erate a beauty par]or at 51~ Grand Avenue, Permit granted. The Pacific Gas and Electric Company m~d~ applicati~'n for permission to excavate a 14 inch trench in the crossing of Linden Avenue and lli]ter Avenue,one in the ~asterly area of Linden Avenue between Miller Avenue and 2ourth Lane,toexcavate four 2 x g i'eet holes in Linden ~,venue,one at Lux Avenue,two at Tamarack Lane and one at Fourth Lane, to replace gas mains that ar~ leaking,and abandon others. Referred to Councilman Tibbe~ts and the <~esired permissions granted. A communication was received from G,N.}.~essier showing certain delinquent tax collections. The communication was accepted andptaced on file. A comm~mication w~s received from the ~iealth Committee of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce,requesting a donation from the City of South San Francisco to assist the school authoril~ies by paying for the materials nro~osed to be used in the vaccination of the school children,in the su~ of ~25. On motion by co~mcilman Minucciani,sec,~nded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the amount specified -~as ~onato~. ~his be~no,~ the date sot ~or the c'.p,~n_~n~ of bids for the construction of sewers in the South Industr .al Area Councilraan Minucciani moved that the bids he o~ened. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. The following bids were then o~ened;- Harvey £.Conner, all items A to G, E.J.Tracey " " " " " W.~J · Tobin " " " " " Chas. L.Harney ~' " '~' ~' " Eaton & Smith " " " " " Oakland Sewer Construction Co" " " {~4!7 6.75 ~4524.05 ~5868.99 505 .00 ~4497 .lC s9 8.oo The Oakland ~e~ver Construction Company appearing the l~west bidder l~ngineer Xlassea took the two lowest bids t~, be checked and on return announced that the O~kland Sewer Construction ~ompany was the leu, est bidder. The com~'~any havin? posted a check in the amount of ~400, certified, being 10;,~ ,~,f the amount of their bid, Councilman Minucciani moved they be av:arded the contract. The motion was seconded by co~,~ncilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. City attorney will draw um the resolution of award for the next meeting,Lk, nday,November 25th,19Z5,at 8 o'clock p.m. ORDINANCE NO. 186. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING -;ECTIONS 8.11, 8.20, and 8.21 0P 0!{LiNAN~E i~O.17t,NNTITLED 'AN t:RDINANCE PROVIDING PON LICENSING 0F BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS,TRADES, CALLINGS AND OCCUfATION~ IN THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN Pi~NCISC0",ado~t~d l~y 7th,19~4 , had its second readin~ am.~ was adopted as an o ordin~ce of the City of South San Fr~cisco by the following vote;- Ayes, Co~cilmen, B.Boido,R.L!oyd, J.P.l~b~ser, N.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts. Noes, Co~cilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel l~icSweeney City Clerk ReCorded in Book of Ordinances, Vet.2, at page 253. Claims in the amount of ~1~30.65 were n~xt oresented to the council for payment;- G.N.Messier i~niversal Tool ~ Mfg,Oo Pacific Gas & Eleciric Co Prank Robinson Fred J.Lautze H.A.~avassa ~,! ,! ,, Lewis Degan Tax reconciliations $ 85.50 fire alarm boxes,etc $196.73 3treet liffhting 0ct:,ber ~,602.32 i,:~terials for ffardener ~ 14.27 " clerk's office ~, 5.78 " tax collector" ' 5.25 " fire dept $ 1.55 " Health d. ept, '~ 25 75 Battery rental,etc ~ 2[25 materials,Clerk's & Tax Co~l~ lO.00 1 Midget special fire alarm relay Sales Tax Div.State Bd. Equalization tax on New York materials,Duro Test Lam~"~s Levin's Au'to Suvply Co oil measures ~o.S.F.Chamber Commerce November advertising $ 8.24 $ 5.00 3.37 S .11 25.oo The ~lax Cor~pany 12 ty',~ewriter ribbons $ 6.76 Pacific l~nifolding Book Co citation tickets,police~ 58.97 San Mateo Ce. Title Co., daily re' ~rts w'~ 1.50 Fred Brown carpenter work,city hall 8,, 72.00 Mylan~ . Watson labor city streets $ 14.00 oo.Cmty Lumber & Suoply Co sewer pipe 6.70 Roll call found all the member~ of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen;-V.Boido, R.Lloyd. J;F,Mager ,M.~dinucciani,R.Tibbetts The minutes o£ the two ~revio~,g meetings were rea, . ~here bein~ no e~,~rors or omissions Councilman Minucciani moved their ~dor,~ien.~h~ me,ion ~as second, ed by Councilman iibbetts and regularly carried. Uric;ten '~rotests against weed assessments were r~ceived from L~s. Callie Boyle, F.Fiorentine and J.o $nyder. The weed ~,ap shows weeds cut on the various lots on which ~orotests weer made. ,~,eferred to the street con~uittee for investigation. L~sbe~ olatt made application for a business license to o~,erate a beauty ~arlor at Zlb Grand Avenue, Permit granted. The l~'acific Gas and Electric Company msd~ applicati~'n for permission to excavate a 14 inch trench in the crossing of Linden _&venue and iii]ler Avenue,one in the easterly area of Linden Avenue between Miller Avenue and 2ourth Lane,toexcavate four 2 x Z'feet holes in Linden ~,venue,one at Lux. ~venue,two at Tamarack Lane and one at Fourth Lane, to replace gas mains that ar~, leaking,and abandon others. Referred to Councilman Tibbelts and the Oesired permissions granted. k communication was received from G.N.Idessier showin~ certain delinquent tax collections. The communication was accepted and~laced on file. A comm~mication wss received from the liealth Committee of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce,requestint~ a donation £ro~'~ the City of South San Francisco to assist the school authorities by payin~ for t~e materials pro~'osed to be used. in the vaccination of the school children,in the su~n of ~25. On motion by councilman tdinucciani,sec~ndod by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the amount specified was ,his being the date set zor the ~,pun_,n¥ of bids for the construction of sewers in the South Industr .al Area Oouncilman Minucciani moved that the bids he opened. The motion v,'as seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. The following bids were then etched;- Harvey E.Conner, all items E.J.Tracey " " " " " W..O. Tobin " " " " " Chas, L.Harney ~' " :' Eaton & Smith " " " " " Oakland Sewer Construction ~5053.00 4A97.10 3978.00 khe Oakland Hewer Oonstruction Company appearing the lowest bidder Engineer Xlassea took the two lowest bids to be checked and on return announced thst the 0~k]aud Sewer Construction ~ompany was the lowest 'bidder. The com~'~any havinF posted a check in the amount of ~400, certified, beinff t0,~] ~f the amoant of their bid, Co~mcilman Minucciani moved they be a~:~arded the contract. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. City attorney will draw ur, the z~esolution of award for the next meeting,Monday,November 25th,1935,at 8 o'clock p.m. ORDINANCE NO. 186. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE !i~{END!NG 3ECTIONS 8,11, 8.20, and 8.21 OF 0P, LiNAN~E NO.I~,SNTITLED 'AN .%:HDINANCE PROVIDING POE LICENSING 0F BUSINESS, PROFESS!ONS,T~DE$, CALLINGS AND 0CCUPATION~ IN THE CITY 0F SOUTH ~AN Pl~NCISC0",ado~t~d I,~y 7th,1934 , had its second readin~ an(~ was adopted as an ordin~ce o~ the City of South San Pr~cisco by the following vote:- Ayes, Co~cilmen, B.Boido,R.L!oyd, J.P.Ida~er, H.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts. Noes, Co~cilmen,None, .~bsent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel IdcSweeney City Clerk Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol.2, at pa~e 253. Claims in the amount off ~1~30.65 were n~xt oresented to the council for payment;- G.N.Messier Universal Tool Pacific Gas a Electric Frank Robinson Fred J.Lautze H.A. ~avas sa Tax, reconciliations ~i 85.50 fire alarm boles,etc ~196.73 !3treet li~htin~ Oct,,bet ~,~602.32 ~:~ 14 27 i,,zaterials for ffardener w · " clerk's office ~ 5.78 " tax collector" ' 5.25 " fire dept ~ 1.55 " Health dept, ~ 25 75 Battery z'ental,etc ~ 2[25 materials,Clerk's & Tax Co~l~ lO.O0 " " " $ 8.24 Lewis Degan 1 Midget special fire alarm relay Sales Tax Div.$tate Bd.E(,ua!ization tax on N~-w York materials,Duro Test LamYs Levin's Auto: 5uv?ly Co oil measures So.S.P.Chamber Co~:~merce November advertising $ 5.00 3.37 25 O0 . The Plax Company 12 ty',,ewriter ribbons $ 6.76 Pacific l~nifoldin~ Book Co citation tickets,policeS 58.97 San I~iateo Ce. Title ~o., daily re' ~rts '::{. 1~50 Fred Brown carpenter work,city hall '~:~, 72.00 Mylan ;~atson labor city streets 14.00 i:~o.City Lmnber & Suvply Co sewer pipe $ 6.70 " " " " " clear rwds ~ · Modern Office l~chine Co . 2 t~ewriter ribbons ~,,'2.06 o 61.50 The Enter~rise 'Press ~rinting invitin~ sealed ?roposals Expenditures continued:- Pacific Gas & Electric Co Miscellaneous Accounts ~ 78.91 Frank Pariani material ,. Labor fire de~t ~_ 8.87 Total~1330.65 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Under the head of ~mfinished ~usiness the req~e~t of P.Dimetroff i'or a refund of ~2.25 char~ed to him for the cuttin~ of weeds wss laid over to come up with others. ~ reso].ution requested by the council on suggestion ok~ City Attorney Ooleberd withd~mwin~ the,permit to Phillip Zoin and Brothers to burn rice hulls,not bein~ ready,the city attorney was requested to have it on hand on Monday evening,, November 25,1935. At this juncture I~M. ~:.ranklin a~peared before the council representinff the rice hill interests of Philli~ Zoin and Brozh~:~rs, and ~rotested a~ainst the city's action in revoking the permit. Mayor Lloyd ex~?lained that a complaint had been received by the council that damage to machinery,equi?ment and products had been done by ashes blowinF into the premises affected and that a motion was regularly passed and adopted at the previous meetin~ of Z~e City revoking the permit, i~ir. Franklin stated he would attend the next meeting of the council,an, the 5ity 5lerk was instructed to notify the '~ildberg Brothers omelt~n~ ~d Befining Company to have a representative at'the meeting to give their version of matter. Eo re~ort on the petition of property owners to raise the level of the North side of ~alnut ~venue so that water would drain a~¥ay. No red, crt of city att~ney on proposed ordinance amending ordinance No,21,section 41, to reduce oenalties on delinquent ta:~es. New business, none, Good and weli'are,none. ~,ent LIr. Fred Seiners of the San Francisco Water derart, ~eing present, and wishin~ to be heard on the matter off the passage of their water pi]oes Z~roud'h the 0it? ~ff South San Francisco, Councilman Minucciani moved that the council reffer back to New Business. ihs motion was seconded by Co~cilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. At a previous meeting of the City Co~mcil Councilman Mager was off the opinion the city of ]outh San Francisco should be granted considerable concessions by the Sa~'~ ...... ~iancisoo Water Works ~ for the privilege off passing throu~vh the city streets or alleys,such as free water Jot t.~e c~ty's Civic ~enter and the city' 'oarks. It was agreed at that meetin~ that City _~ttorney Coleberd wou].d arrange for a meetin~ of the City Council end the wate~~ ~ representatives. ~. $omers,bein~ the right oi' way man for the water dep't . ex~laine~ accordi~ to~,$tate Railro~.d Commission's rulz~.:Fs the City of San ~ranc~sco ~ ' c~.~..~ not legally. ~rant free water to any city through which their ripe lines might run. He stated ~an Fzancisc~ would ~lace standby co~ections,but if meters were pl.~ced a charEe would have to be co!lected~ Co~cilman lm/ia~er contended that the cit'y ~ho~ld at le~t make s reo~r~st f~r free v~a~e~ _or t~e city ',.~rks and civic cen'te~:nd ~noved tns.~ ~ne city en.~ineer and c~t'~ ~ttor~e~ a re~:~,~e?t u~on the Cit}~ af San ~,~?~rcisco for this concesir'~n fo.r the nr.]vi].e~e of layin~ ..... ' ~ . ~ ~, . (~.~ ttorney · t~rou~h the Czt~ of South San Francisco Th~re ~.s no second to ~he metier Coleberd stated 'the City of San Francisco had been given oermissi,~n lo ru~ its pipe line throu~:: ~outh San Francisco by court order, i~.~yor Lloyd ex~'~aineed that ~outh ~an required the permit:sion of San Francisco ~o cross their water lines for the ne,~.: sewer in So Industrial Area,~.~nd litization would retard '~he ~r ~ress of the work. City attorne[.~, Ooleberd v;as instruc-ted to draw u a res,~!ution ~rantin? San Francisco the required permission. There bein~ no fft~ther business C'~,uncilman Ida~er mov,-:d to adjourn until Monday, November 25th,19',:,5, at eight o'clock :~.I,,;.. The motion was seconded by Co':ncilman 2oido and regularly carried. '~ime of aajournn:ent 10;15 o'clock ?.~. iYL~yor of oouth ~an ~ranc~co. Zies ectfully submitted, City ~C~[erk