HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-11-25 ~ .... R~GULA~.~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD NONDAY, . ~J~ed ~ A ~la~e~in~ cC ~he ctt~ ~~1' of ~he C~ cC. Sou~h San F~ne~co wa~ held ~n ~e C~ ~1, Eonda~ even~,, November. 25~h~ 1955~ .~e ~ee~n~ wae called ~o o~de~ a~ 8:00 o'clock P.~. b~ ~a~o~ Heese R0~ ~ Roll C~ll~ fo~d' the f~liowing members of the city co~eil present;~ as.f~l~lows:~.. . .~C~ci~en V. Boido, Reese Llo~, J. E. Mager, ~M,~MinuccZ~, R.~ Tibbetts~. ~e ~nutes of ~e previous meeting were read. . ~Co~ci~ Mager objected to the approval of the minutes ~til the ~inutes included the Words "Stand Pipes" with ~s motion to ask for free water for the City Parks a~ th~ Civic C~ter. The correction was ~de in co~o~ity with ~he motio~.~- ~ .,.~..~,.~e~ City. ~d Co~ty of S~ ~ancisco .Real Estate D~artment ad~essed a'~o~icati .~'te .t.~Ci.~y C0~cil~ e~elosi~ final dismissal~in t~he action entitled "Ciby "in so.far as ~the~property S~ Fr~cisco vs. Title Insur~ce & Guar~t~e ~omPany, et al~ under control of ~~,y. oY~S~uth San .Fr~cisco is ~ncerned. Accepted. Mrs..~resa Sa~.e was denied for the Season he~; proposed place of~ b~sm~"i.s '~'dide ~,of .ihe "bd~iness zone. Tippec~oe Tribe No. lll was grated a d~ce pe~t for November 2~, 1935, from 8:00 p.m. to l:00 a.m. John Tacchi was given a permit to hold a boxing show and dance on Saturday evening, December Vth, 1935, from 8:00 p.m. to l:00 a.m. A communication was received from the Manufacturers As~ciation thanking the City Council for its action in'revoking the permit of the Rice Hull Company and requesting the City not to renew the permit. Communication accepted and placed on File. E. W. Langenbach was granted a permit to modernize front of building. Communication received f~m E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company enclosing a Deed fro~ ~atd company to the City of South San Francisco granting the city the privilege of constructing a sewer across their property. RESOLUTION OF AWARD Hereby awards the contract for said sewer construction work to the lowest responsib~ bidder, to-wit: Frank Souza, Manuel Souza, Antonio Souza and M. H. Harkins, a copartnershi! doing business under the firm name of Oakland Sewer Construction Co. the resolution was adopted by all the members of the City Council, as follows: ~ Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, Reese Lloyd, J. F. Mager, M. Minuccian$ R. Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Receded i~Book of Resolutio~ Vol· 3page 9 Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. A resolution was introduced by Cou~c ilmanM. Ninucciant that that certain deed datei the 25rd day of November, 19ZS, wherei~ South San Francisco La~d and I~provement Company, s corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, conveys to said City of South San Francisco an easement br right of way for the construction and maintenance of a drainage channel or canal through and acros~ the land hereinafter describe be, and the~same hereby is accepted. Deeded to South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, a co~poration, bythe following vote: Councilmen, Ayes: V. Boido, Reese~Lloyd, ~.F. Mager, M. Minucciani, R. Tibbetts. Attest Daniel McSweeney' Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol~ 5page 10 City Clerk. 'A resolution was introduced by Councilman Tib ~etts~accepting deed dated October 19$5~ from E. I' duPon~ de Nemours & Company conveyi~ te the City of South San F~ancisco and easement of right of way for the pux~ose of constr~e~ing a sewer 1~ over their prop- e Y. -O-O-O-O- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this ~ day. of Nov~, 195§, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, J.P.Mager, R.Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciant. Noes, Councilmen, None Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel ~IcSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. ~ page 11 City Clerk. RESOLUTION VACATING RESOLUTION ADOPTING M~.P OF ~JOR STREETS OF IMPOHT~:CE IN . · SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTED OCTOBER ~, 1955. Resolution was introduced By J.F.Mager. Resolution adopting map of major streets of importance in South San Francisco adopte. October 7, 19~§, be, and t he same is hereby vacated and set aside~ -O-O-O-O-O- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 2~th day of November, 195§, by the following vote: Ayes, Cou~c ilmen, V. Boido, J.F.Mager, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts, M~Minucci~ Noes, Coum:ilmen, None, Absent, Coun~lmen, None. Attest Daniel ~cSweenev Roll C~li' found~ the fallowing members of the city coun~il-.present;~ as.,fo~lows: ~lC~,~lAl?ci~_en V. Boido, Reese Lloyd, J. F. Mager, .M~-..Minucct~ant, R."~Tibbetts~. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. '~ ?. . ~ · · Councilman Mager objected, to the approval of the minutes until the Minutes included the Words "Stand Pipes" with his motion to ask for free water for the City Parks .and th~. Civic C$~ter. The correction w as made in conformity with the .~.~ ...... ~.~The~ City and County of San Francisco .Real Estate~ Department addressed a' communicati~ .... t~ ~t.2~e~.Ci-~y C0.uncil~ e~Closing final dismissal~in t he action entit~led City San Francisco vs. Title Insurance & GuareDtse .ComPany, .et al, ~" in so far as ~the~property under control of t~t~y o£~ $~Uth San .~raD. cisc0 is concerned. Accepted. .. ' i~T~P'~iC~'~"~ni'~ ~s'~'".Th~resa Sayre was denied for the'~eason he .r; propos~d place Tippecanoe Tribe No. lll was .granted a dance permit for November 27, 1935, from 8:00 p.m. to l:00 a.m. John Tacchi was 'given a permit to hold a boxing show and dance on Saturday evening, December 7th, 1935, fzom 8:00 p.m. to l:00 a.m. A communication was received from the Manufacturers Association thanking the City Council for its action in'revoking the permit of the Rice Hull Company and requesting the City not to renew the permit. Communication accepted and placed on file. E. W. Langenbach was granted a permit to modernize front of building. Communication received from E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company enclosing a Deed fro~ Said company to the City of South San Francisco granting the city the privilege of constructing a sewer across their property. RESOLUTION OF AWARD Hereby awards the contract for said sewer construction work to the lowest responsib bidder, to-wit: Frank Souza, Manuel Souza, ~Antonio Souza and M. H. Harkins, a copartnershil doing business under the firm name of Oakland Sewer Construction Co. the resolution was adopted by all the members of the City Council, as follows: ~ Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, Reese Lloyd, J. F. Mager, M. Minuccian$ R. Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutic~ ~o~e- 3 page 9 City Clerk. A ~esolution was introduced by Cou~c ilmanM. Minucciant that that certain deed date the 23rd day of November, 1935, wherei~ South San Francisco La~d and I~provement Company, corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, conveys to said City of South San Francisco an easement Or right of way for the construction and maintenance of a drainage channel or canal through and acros~ the land hereinafter describ be, and thesame hereby is accepted. Deeded to South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, a corPoration, bythe following vote: Councilmen, Ayes: V. Boido, ReeseLloyd, J.F. Mager, M. Minucciani, R. Tibbetts. Attest Daniel McSweeney' Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3page 10 City Clerk. '.A resolution was introduced by Councilman Tib ~etts'accepting deed dated October 18 19$~ from E. I' du ~ont de Nemours & Company conveying te the City of South San F~ancisc and easement of right of way for the purpose of constructing a sewer line over their prop e=tY. -O-O-O-O- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 2~ day. of NoV~ 1958, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, J.F.Mager, R.Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen, None Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney Recox~led in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3page 11 City C~rk. RESOLUTION VACATING RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2~&P OF ~AJOR STREETS OF IMPOHTANCE IN · SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTED OCTOBER V, 19~S. Resolution was introduced by J.F.M~ager. Resolution adopting map of major streets of importance in South San Francisco adopt October 7, 19~§, be, and t he same is hereby vacated and set aside~ -O-O-O-O-O- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 2Dth day of November, 1~, b2 the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, J.F.Mager, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts, M~Minucci Noes, Cour~ilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel ~cSweene.~ Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. ~ page 12 City Clerk 97O RESOLUTION ADOPTING MAP SHOWING STREETS OF MAJOR IMPOHTANCE IN ~HE CITT OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. A resolution was introduced by Councilman V. Boido that that certain map designated as "Map of South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California, 1928, (Revised November 1933), be, and the same hereby is approved and adopted for the purpose of designating the streets of major importance in said city. -O-O-O-O-O-O' I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 25thd ay of November, 1935, by t he following vote: Ayes, Councilmen~ V. Boido, J. F. Mager, R.Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciant Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3 page 13 City Clerk. A resolution was introduced by Councilman J. F. Mager that the permit for the constE~ction of a sanitary sewer over, under and across the land situate in the City of South San Francisco and designated'as Parcel No. 26 in that certain deed from Spring Valley Water Company to the City and County of San. Francisco, dated March 3, 1930, be and the same hereby is accepted. -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 25th ds~ of November, 1935, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, J.F. Mager, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts,M. Mtnucciant Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3 pale 14~/~~ City Clerk. A resolution was introduced by Councilmen J.F.Mager that said City Council granta to the City and County of San Francisco permission to construct, reconstruct, maintain, operate, repair and remove a water pipe dine, not exceeding sixty inches in diameter, along~ across and through the land and streets of said City of South San Francisco. -O-O-O-O- O-O-O-O-- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was rdgUlarly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 2§th day of November, 1935, by the following vote: Ayes, ~ouncilmen~ V. Boido, J.F.Mager, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts, M.Minucciani Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3 page ~!~,/?,/~ City Clerk. A resolution was introduced by Councilman i~. T£bbetts that 'the payment of the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars by Globe Indemnity Company in behalf of Leo Smith on account of destruction of a tree at Magnolia Avenue and Park Way on Augdst 4, 1965, be and the same hereby is approved. -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 25thds~ of November, 1~35, by the following vote: Ayes, .Cour~ ilmen, V. Boido, J.F.Mager, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts, M.Minucciani Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. * Recorded in Book of Resolutions ~O1 3paga /~ UNFINISheD BUSINESS Wildeberg representative appeared before the meeting and stated that he did not think the permit should ~m~be~resto~ed to Zoin & Company to burn rice hulls. J.W. Reeves and LeSs N~on and J. Franklin appeared in behalf of Eoin Bros. and protested in taking their permit away. After discussion ~hemoti~n~was apprOved.~ . A rescess was taken for ten minutes after which all members answered the roll call. Claims in t he amount of $240.0V were next presented to the council for paYment. Fred Brown Carpenter Subway Service Station Gasoline Chaplie Lim~ Census Taker So.City Lumber & Supply Material Sun Printing Co. Building Code Book Pacific Coast Rubber Co. Repairing Test Metal Hose & Tubing Co. Cupplings California Water Service~.~Foutain water $ 28.88 1.00 4.00 60.04 2.06 10.00 4.33 1.25 Pacific Building Officials Conference Co. CodesS.15 Enterprise Press Printing Ord. 136 36.6V ~California Wa-ter Service Water Baseball Pk. 6.00 California Water Service -" Firehouse 3.23 W.Hickey & Son. Installing electro gas VV.54 Total $240.0V The claims having been audited by t he Finance Committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn to Monday, December 2nd, 1935, at ~:00 o'clock p.m. The motion seconded by Cou~ ilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Respectfully submit ted, Daniel McSweeney, C~jly Clerk City ~1-8~'~k. ~ A resolution was introduced by Councilman J. F. Mager that the permit for the constructior_ of a sanitary sewer over, under and across the land situate in the City of South San Francisco and designated ~as Parcel No. 26 in that certain deed from Spring Valley Water Company to the City and County of Sau. Francisco, dated March 3, 1930, be and the same hereby is accepted. -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 25th ds~f of November, 1935, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, J.F. Mager, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts,M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. ~ pase 14 ~/J~ City Clerk. A resolution was introduced by Councilmen JeF.Mager that said City Council grants to the City and County of San Francisco permission to construct, reconstruct, maintain, operate, repair and remove a water pipe ~ine, not exceeding sixty inches in diameter, along, across and through the land and streets of said City of South San Francisco. -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was r~gUlarly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 2Sth day of November, I~S, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido, J.F.Mager, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts, M.Minucciani Noes, Councilmen, None,' Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. ~ page ~/~,~?~ City Clerk. A resolution was introduced by Councilman ~i. T£bbetts that 'the payment of the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars by Globe Indemnity Company in behalf of Leo Smith on account of destruction of a tree at Magnolia Avenue and Park Way on August ~, 1935, be and the same hereby is approved. -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- I hereby certify that the fOregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 25thd Wf of November, 1~5, by the following vote: Ayes, .Councilmen, V. Boido, J.F.Mager, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts' M.Minucctani Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney 'City Clerk. ' Recox~ied in Book of Resolmtions ~$1 3 page,/~ UNFINISHED BU~SINES S Wildeberg representative appeared before the meeting and stated that he did not think the permit should~.be~resto~ed to Zoin-& Company to burn rice hulls. J.W. Reeves and Le~s Noon and J. Franklin appeared in behalf of Zoin Bros. and protested in taking their permit away. After discussion~hemoti~n~was apprOved. A rescess was taken for ten minutes after which all members answered the roll call. Claims in t he amount of $2,0.0V were next presented to the council for payment. Fred Brown Carpenter Subway Service Station Gasoline Cha~ie Lima Census Taker So.City Lumber & Supply. Material Sun Printing Co. Building Code Book Pacific Coast Rubber Co. Repairing Test Metal Hose & Tubing Co. Cupplings California Water Service._~Foutain water $ 28.88 1.00 ~.00 60.04 2.06 10.00 4.33 1.25 PaCific Building Officials Conference Co. CodesS.15 Enterprise Press Printing Ord. 136 36.6V ~California Wa~ter Service Water Baseball Pk. 6.00 California Water Service -" Firehouse 3.23 W. Hickey & Son. Installing electro gas ~.54 Total $240.0? The claims having been audited by t he Finance Committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn to Monday, December 2nd, 1935, at ~:00 o'clock p.m. The motion seconded by Cou.~ ilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Approved :~ ~o~ ~~~ Mayor of South San~ancisco. Respectfully submit ted, Daniel McSwee~e_y, City Clerk City ~l~rk. / . ,