HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-12-02· Regula~ Meeting of the City Council.of The City of South 'San Francisco, Held, Monday,December 2nd,193§. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the cit}~hal~}Mb~d~y~:e~en~hgg,:~D~cember 2,1~35. 1'he meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd· ROLL CAI~. Roll call found the following members of the cit}, council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V..Boido, R.Lloyd,M.Minucciani, Rod. Tibbetts. Absent, Councilman, J.F.Mager. The minutes of the previous meeting were read· There being no errors er omissions they were approved as read. A communication was re~Ved from Councilman Mager indicating the nature of the merle: made by him at the meeting of Nowomber 18,when requesting the ~ity attorney and city engineer to demand free water service for the parks and civic center of South San Francisco in return f¢ the privilege of passing through the city streets or South San Francisco/ Laid over until Councilman Mager's appearance at the next meeting. A communication was received from E.P.Kauffmann, President of the Bank of' South San Francisc° calling the attention 'of the city to the assessment of the Frat~rnal~Hall, claiming it is in excess of its value· Referred to the Board of Equalization· Mrs. Theresa Sayre applied for a license to handle a massage, Swedish Body and Vapor Steam Cabinet Turkish Baths,at *08,Grand Avenue· On motion by Councilman Ninucciani, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly Carrie~ the desired permit was granted. ' A communication was received from the Central Labor Council, representing the San Mat Central and Building Trades Council petitioned the council to place a member of the Union on the Board of Health,,Board of Directories of Public Libraries, Board of Education and any other boards or committees that concern public welfare and health. / There being no Board of Health,there could be none appointed, ~ the Board of Schoo Trustees is elective and there are no vacancies~The City Council is als~ elecDive,and no vacancies exist at the present time. There are no other boards~ezce~t the Library 3oord~which i~ appointive, the ne~:t vacanc~f ocua'rrinF~ in tha~ board will be July 1956,at wh.ich t,me consid ation will be ~iven in ,he ma0ter off a?~ointments, ih~ clerk ;,;,'as instructed ~o so ink'erin the Labor council. Prank L.Ohilardi ap!/:; ~d for a permit to ho].f, a soci~:l dance 7~unday evening, December 2£,1955o ~n motion by co'mcil;,,an ~,lrmcciani,seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried the ~erNit was ~ranted. Yhe i~ ciedad '~htua~istaMexicana %~dNLL03 requested permission to hold literary ewercises and a dan~e ?k £raternal ~all, Saturday evening, December 21,19Z~,~rom 8 p.m. till ~ a.m. un motion b~ ~ouncilman Minucciani,seconued by councilman Tibbetts the desired 'permission was granteo.. The regular monthly re~orts of the health officer, chief of police, fire chief,buildin inspector,city judge for the ~onth of November were s:'~bmitted. 0n motion by councilman Tibbetts seconded by co~ucilman Boido the reports were accepted , and L~y~r Lloyd ~!hanked the officers for their vr..m~,tness in at~end~.n~ to this duty· ~ir. ~2hedore T.Koopman. an honorably discharged and tota!].? disabled Lorld War ~e~eran ,applied for ~m. er~i~sion to ~ell fruits~ nuts~etc. ~iis a~?lication was accompanied by a testis' on ial from the ~eteran~ ~.~ !u~i~tra't. ion certifyim? he was totally and permanently disabled for Encephalitis Lethar~ica. Av~lication re~'erred to oit? :~ttorney O~leberd i~or ovinion. ~0LUTION Ao~(.:.IZIN~ ~.~CUi I07 OF 00NTP~!CT C~uncilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the Cit? ~f !~outh 'San Fi'ancisco authoriz the ,[o-~.~r and Cit?? C_erk on behalf of the City nf 3out~'~ 3an ~rancisco to ezecu%e a contract awarded to said ~akland ::~ev:er C~ns'tructiou ~ m shy ~ the City of So~'th San Pr~cisco on the 18t~.day of Noveraher,!g35. ihe resolution wa,~ adopted biz the votes of the fo~towin~ named members of the city cou ~iyes, Cotncmlmen, V.Boido.~..L!oyd, .[.kinucciani,~,.Tib.~et%s. Noes, Co~cilmen,None. Absent, Councilman, J.P.[~affer. ~tte~t Daniel Lc~weeney ~ity ~lerk. Recorded in Book of l.esolutions. Vol.Z,at page 20. An invitation was extended t the i~ayor an~ city ~',uncil oy the Greek-American Voters League of 3an i,.a'~eo County t~I ab'tend an open meetin~ Pride- e~enin~, December 15 ,!955 ,a't 7;Z0 o'clock v.m. INvitation accev~ted and '!~:,c ~d on ffile. oza~m.~ in the am(~unt off ~179Z.60 v:ere next presented to the co~cil for ~a~ent'- Louis Belloni, ~o. San P~ancisco Hos?ital V. Jllery i.i. Liazetti C.Bineaart · .~O ._ns on C.Robinson R.~3mith J.ilayerte E, ~enturi Paul Penoski Oarl trizzi A. Co!ombo 3u~erio~ $team L~.~dry A. J. Pacheco Pacheco Llaclric Pacueco 31ectric y! TT ?~ recovo, ri?~ ~ ~ody oi' 3ieimeyer ~hysical e~amination ~has,2~o'binson ~ a~tendin~~ fires Novem'ber rash fire h.uses Ney. fi~e al~,r, ~1 ' aintenance ~ov" inst~lSin? ovorhesd 15nes " f/re al~rm bell fire alarm fuses ,otc,ere, conduit _f(~ed line city hall conduit to hot house street l~mps,otc 5.75 2 .Z0 S. 00 2.58 5.50 5./.~0 ~.00 Z .00 5. O0 3.00 5. O0 5.50 ., 11.85 ~0. 00 {292.87 ,~, 57.50 :' 27'60 · ~25.05 ~. SO.O0 ,~ 60.42 L The previous meeting were read· There being no errors er omissions they were approved as read. A communication was rec~Tved from Councilman Mager indicating the nature of the motior made by him at the meeting of November 18,when requesting the city attorney and city engineer to demand free water service for the parks and civic center of 'South San Francisco in return f¢ the privilege of passing through the city streets or South San Francisco/ Laid over until Councilman Mager's appearance at the next meeting. A communication was received from E.P.Kauffmann, President of the Bank of South San Francisc° calling the attention'of the city to the assessment of the Fraternal~Hall, claiming it is in excess of its value· Referred to the Board of Equalization. Mrs. Theresa Sayre applied for a license to handle a massage, Swedish Body and Vapor Steam Cabinet Turkish Baths,at 403,Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly Carrie~ the desired permit was granted. · A communication was received from the Central Labor Council, representing the San Mat Central and Building' Trades Council petitioned the council to place a member of the Union on the Board of Health,,Board of Directories of Public Libraries, Board of Education and any other boards or committees that concern public welfare and health. / There being no Board of Health,there comld be none appointed. ~ the Board of Scho¢ Trustees is elective and there are no vacancies~The City Council is als~ elective,and no vacancies exist at the present time. There are no other boards.excerpt the Library Board,whicZ is appointive, the ne:~t vacancy~oc~urring in that board wil~ be July 1936,at which t.,me consi~ ation will be given in Lhe matter of appointments, k'he clerk was instructed io so inform the Labor ~ouncil. ~rank L.Ghilardi a?p~i:,d for a permit to hold a 'social dance ~unday evening, December 22,1935. ,~n motion by co'~ncilman Minucciani,seconded by councilman Boido and rogularly carried the -~ermit was granted. The $,.mciedad i~htual'ista.l~exicana ~'i,,1OHLL03' requested permission to hold literary e~ercises and a dance :~)~ Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, December 21,19Z5,from 8 p.m. till 2 a.m. on motion bT oouncilman Minucciani,seconded by councilman Tibbetts the desired 'permission was grante,. The regular monthly reports of the health officer, chief of police, fire chief,buildi~ inspector,city judge for th~ month of November were s~bmitted. On motion by councilman Tibbett., seconded by councilman Boido the reports were accepted , and i,,~yor Lloyd lhanked the officers for their ~orom~tmess in attendin~ to this duty. ..Lt. Thedore T.Koopman an honorably discharged, and totally disabled Lorld War ~"eteran .applied for r, ermi.~sion to ~ell fruits, nuts,etc. His a?plication was accompanied by a testi~_,o~ ial from the Veterans ~.5'~:~u.i,tration certifyin~ he was totally and permanently disabled for Encephalitis Lethargica. A~pliCation referred to City ~ttorney Ouleberd for opinion. RE30LUTION AUTH01iIZING "~'~ '~'~" ~C o~.I0Y OF CONTPACT WIT~i 0At'AND ~~E.~R ~' "~" CONSTtlUCT~0N CO., Cc~mcilman 'Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City of South San F'.ancisco auth0ri: the .d~.mr and City Clerk on behalf of ti'~e City of South San ~rancisco to e~:ecute a contract awarded to said Uakland Se~er Construction C~,m' any ny the City of So~,::th San Francisco on the 18th_day of November,1935. The resolution was ado~ted by the votes of the following named members of the city co~ .Lyes, Councilmen, V.Boido,L.Lloyd, ~,~.Minucciani,K.Tib~etts. Noes, Councilmen,i,lone. Absent, Councilman, J.F.~'~ager. Atte?t Daniel McSweeney bity Clerk. Recorded in Book of 2. esolutions, Vol.3,at page 20. An invitation was extended t the L~yor and. 0ity ~c,~mcil oy the Greek-American Voters League of San ~,,a-~eo County tu attend an open meeting Friday evening, December 13,1955,at 7;30 o'clock ~.m. Invitation accepted and ~lac~d on file· Claims in the amount of L~179~.60 v:ere ne:it presented to the council for payment;- Louis Be!loni, So.San F~ancisco Hospital V. ~llery M.iJazetti ~ .Rinehart · Jo ~ms on C .~.ob ins on R.$mith J.L~ayerle E. V enturi Paul Penoski Carl Brizzi A. Colombo Su~erio~ Steam Laundry A. J.Pacheco Pacheco Electric Pas.seco Electric ~eais ~or vrisoners ~ct.i[ov, & recoverin;~ ~,ody of i~eimeyer ~hysical emamination bhas,Robinson a'ttendin~ ffires November fire alarm ',aintenance Nov insta!lin? overhead lines " fire alarm bell fire alarm fuses,etc~etc, conduit feed line city hall conduit to hot house street lamps,etc :o.City ~mmber ,. Sup-~ y 0o dorbin door check,cty hall " " " " door i'rames,city hall 5.75 2.50 3.00 2.50 5.50 3. O0 b.O0 Z.00 .oo Z .00 5.00 11.85 20. 00 ~,~ 292.87 37.50 27 ~ 6 0 23,05 so.oo 60 42 36.81 4z.s6 I disbursements continued,- S~',.City Lumber ~ SuTply Co. A.Carlis!e ~ Co D.W.Ratto Jack Welch Enterorise Press Job Corse 11' l! T! l! ~eorga A.Kneese cement, pipe ,rock, ~ 17.,~ ~''~ '× crushed rock etc, ~ 6.52 " !' " ~ ?. 9~ Mani:!la folders ~ 1.25 ,'~eai::,rave ins. ~ 85.50 city hall inSurance~ 55.~5 removing dead dogs 4Z.50 notice to taxpayers~ 6.00 removing dogs $ 4.00 California V~ater Service Com~,any hyrdant rental,Nov. ~456.00 " " wa~er service li,~rary 4[~ 7.41 " wa~er service,city hall Nov 7. 80 " engineering Linden Ave :Sridge159.86 Georga A.Kneese ~ae. Tel ~ Tel Co. Souls Church C.~.GauSteer reconstruc~inf ~alnut Ave 0range Ave,Sidewalk ~]~u~TM S~ec So.in~.iuatrial Area field work Co].~ Creek vho~ service No~. bazaar add. ~aintin? flag ~ole Total 48.99 49.68 98.54 Zg.40 50 60 15.00 The claims havi:-t~ been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibt~etts moved they be paid. Th~~, motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried· Under good and welfare Mayor Lloyd suggestsdthat plans for the Annual Christmas Tree celebration should be started. He alopointed Mr. Coleberd general chairman. Mr. Coleberd appointed Mr. Ray Snanmler ~eneral secretary. Ma~orV,loy_d stated that he would like~ to have She partY held' at the School Audito~ium. He elSq asked Chief Welte to take ,up wi~Lh the Legion.aries the, m~att,er of the. Da~_ty. Chie~ Welte stated he would co-opera~e. ~'ne ft~t meetmng was ~o ce held in zn~ City Hall December 5, 1935. There beir~ no further business Councilmen Minucciani moved to adjourn to Monday evening December 16, 1935 at 8:00 o'clock p. m. The motion was seconded' by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 8:55 o'clock p.m. Mayor City of South San/rancis OOe City Clerk. ~ ~,,