HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-12-16Regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of ~out.h San Francisco, Held Monday,
December 16,1935.
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held
in the city hall Nonda2 evening, December 16th, 1935.
The meeting was calt~ed to order at 8 o'clock ?.m. by Nayor Reese Llos-d.
Roll call found all members of the council present ,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, J.F.Mager, N.)~inucciani,R.Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
they ~?ere approved as read.
Councilman Eager submitted a reeuest to the Cit~ Council to have the minutes of the
meeting of the City Council of the Cit~ of South San Francisco with reference to his motion
ai that meeting,Noy~e~ 1B~l~35~,~in re the pipe lines of the San Francisco Water Departmen!
lng through the Cit~- of South San mrancisoo, corrected to read as follows;-
"~ir. ~ayor;- I move that the ~ity Attorney and Cit~ Engineer together write the
of San Francisco and demand they give to South San Francisco Stand by water service with fl~
valves,a Wholesale Water rate to be no n~ore than that paid by San Francisco and free water f,
our Cit~ Park and Civic Center:' Councilman ~,~ager moved the adoption of the correction. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
Theodore A.Fischer and Ulrick Gantenbein,Jr, applied for a business license to cond'
Pool ~arlor ~t 25? Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilmmn ~iinucciani,seconded by Councilman
Tibbetts and regularly carried the license was granted.
Edward Ringue, Chairman of the Dance Committee of the Townsend Club,api~lied for a p
to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening,December 28th,1935, from ~ i~.L~, to i o'cl
a.m. On motion by Councilman Boido,seconded by Councilman ~!ager and regularly carried the
desired permit was granted. A Garcia aske~ for refund of $3.~,tax paid on car. Denied. h~egiste
here. Cha~lie L~ilani,own~r of premises Lot 5, Block ?,High School ~ark, applied for a
refund of taxes of $13.44, s~ating he was a World War Veteran. The ap?lication was denied as
Mr. Nllani had not applied for Soldier's' Exemption, and was reported by the Assessor of
Mountain View to be a~sessed thwre in excess of $~000.
A communication was received from ~ayor Hugh ~mith,Daly City,fresident of the Weni~
Division of the ~eague of California Municipalities inviting the city officials of this cit~
attend a meeting of the division at Uncle Tom's Oabin,~an Bruno, Thursday evening,Deeembe
Twelve city officials signified their attention to attend after question by ~iayor Lloyd.
A.Pucci ,ll$ Eucalyptus Avenue requested that a light be placed on the South corns
of 2nd Lane and Eucalyptus Avenue, Councilman Tibbetts stated a light was ordered for the ¢
of Eucalyptus and Commercial Avenues.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution adopting plans and specifications fo~
piling to sup~ort the Linden Avenue Bridge in the Cit.~? of South ~an Francisco. The resolutS
w~s adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.~loyd, J.F.~'~ger, ~.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None.
Atto st Daniel Me,weensy
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. S, at page 21.
Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the Cit~- of South San ~rancisco
calling for bids to install piling in the Linden Avenue Bridge Construction and specifying
rate of wages to be paid. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of t
City Council by the following vote;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,h. Lloyd,J.F.~ager, E.Minuccia nj, H.Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~icSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Eeae~lutions, ¥ol.S,at pages 22,
Claims in the amount of $2694.02 ~Jere next presenl~ed to the council for payment;-
G.N.Messier AdjuSting ~el Tax noll $ 40.50
West Coas$ 0uarry crushed rock $ 3.04
Pacific Tel & Tel Co Bainachin phone Nov $ 2.50
~.~.2.Chamber of Comm~erae,December advertising ~ ~5.00
~ilvio ~ianca
Fred Brown
Hallwell ~eeA Co,
Patrick-t~oise l']!inkner Co
foreman 0r~nge Ave Job
repair & remov gutter,otc
V~alnu t Ave
ca~penter wrk Orange A~e
foremen Linden Ave.~ridge
refilling resuscitator
6 ~!~ilium Auratium
stamps ,police dept,
· 1.09
American Bitumuls Co Bitumuls
Allied Enginoering ~'roducts Co
~.E.County Ti tie o
Dudley Oerkins e
~campini & Zanetti
A. Mar cucc i
Pac Gas & Electric Co
daily reports,transfers
s,rvi~e,police dept
tire,tube etc fire dept
assisting Tax Collector
assisting city clerk
street lights
mizcellaneous lights etc
$ 5.60
Western Pipe & Steel Company, 16' Culvert,otc, ~? 29.49
The Enterpride ~ress ~rinting Lotice ToTaxp~.yer~ 5.61
~.J.Rodondi cit~' fl?.t i_n.surance ~$177,96
Roll call found all members of the council, present,as follows;-
Councilmen, ¥.Boido,!~.Lloyd, J.F.Mager, N.}Zinucciani,R.Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissior~
they ~ere approved as read.
Councilman ~ager submitted a re0uest to the Cit~: Council to have the minutes of
meeting of the City council of ti~e City of South San Francisco with reference to his mot
a~ that meeting,No~e~r l~lgSB~,~in re tha pipe lines of the San Francisco Water Depart
ing through the Cit~: of South San ~'rancisoo, corrected to read as follows;-
"~r. ~ayor;- I move that the ~ity &ttorney and Cit~ Engineer together write the
of San Francisco and demand they give to South San Francisco Stand by water service with
valves,a Wholesale Water rate to be no more than that paid by San Francisco and free ware
our Cit~ Park and Civic Genter:' Councilman ~,,~ager moved the adoption of the correction. Th
motion was seconded by Councilman Einucciani and regularly carried.
Theodore A.Fischer and Ulrick Santenbein,Jr. applied for a business license to c
~ool Varlor at E§? Grand Avenue. On motion by Council~n ~inuccian, i,seconded by Councilma~
Tibbetts and regularly carried the license was granted.
Edward Eingue, Chairman of the Dance Committee of the Townsend Club,ap.~lied for
to hold a dance in ~raternal Hall Saturday evening,December E8th,19~, from ~ ?.~. to 1
a.m. On motion by Councilman Boido,seconded by Councilman ~lager and regularly carried th~
desired permit was granted. A Garci& asked for refund of $~.?5,tax paid on car. Denied.~egi~
here. Charlie L~ilani,own~r of premises Lot ~, Block ?,High School ~ark, apglied for
refund of taxes of $15.44, sSating he was a World War Veteran. The apT~lication was denied
Nr. Mllani had not applied for Soldier's ~emption, and was reported by the Assessor of
Mountain View to be assessed there in excess of $~000. '
A communication was received from Eayor Hugh ~mith,Daly City,Fresident of the
~ivision of the ~eague of California Euntcipalities inviting the city officials of this
attend a meeting of the division at Uncle Tom~s Cabin,San Bruno, Thursday evenlng,De~e~
Twelve city officials signified their attention to attend after question by ~ayor Lloyd.
A.Pucct , ll5 Eucalyptus Avenue requested that a light be placed on the South cot
of End Lane and '~ucalywtus Avenue, Councilman Ttbbetts stated a light was ordered for the
of Muc~lyptus and Commercial Avenues.
Councilman Ttbbetts introduced a resolution adopting plans and specifications f
piling to sup~-ort the Linden Avenue Bridge in the City of South Man Francisco. The resolu
w~s adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boldo, R.Lloyd, J.F.l~.tager, }~.Minuceiani,R.Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None.
Atto st Daniel EcSweeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Eesolutions, Vol. S, at page El.
Councilman ~.finuccianl introduced a resolution of the Cit~' of South San Francisco
calling for bids to install piling in the Linden Avenue Bridge Construction and specifying
rate of wages to be paid. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of t
City Council by the following vote;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,k. Lloyd,J.P.~ager, E.Ninuccia nj, Ii. Tlbbetts.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel l~cSween®y
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of E®aalutions, Vol.~,at pages ~,
Claims in the amount of SE694.0E wet® next pres®ri}ed to the council for payment;-
G.N.Eessier AdjuSting 0el Tax ~oll
West Codes Ouarry crushed rock
~acific Tel & Tel Co ~ainachin phone ~ov
~.$.P.Chamber of Commerce,December advertising
Silvio ?lanca
~red Brown
Hallwell Seed Co,
foreman 0r~mge Ave Job
repair & remov gutter,otc
Walnut Ave
carpenter wrk Orange A~e
foremen Linden Ave.~ridge
refilliug resuscitator
6 'Lilium Auratium
?atrick-l~Oise }l!inkner Co stamps,police dept,
.imertcan Bitumuls Co Bitumuls
~5. O0
5~. 50
21 78
Allied Enginoering -~roducts ¢o
9.M.County Title o
Dudley Oerkins ~
Scampini & Zanetti
Pac Gas & Electric Co
~kasol ";~" Sol. $ 12.36
daily reports,transfers ~,~':~ 1.50
s~rvi~e,police dept $ 18.81
tire,tube etc fire dept $ 14.73
assisting Tax Collector $ 3.00
assisting city clerk ~ $ 5.~0
street lights $602.32
" " " miscellaneous lights etc $101.07
Western Pipe & Steel Conmany, 16' Culvert,otc, ~: 29.49
The Enterpride Press ~rinting Eotice ToTaxpaye.r$ 5.61
P~. J. ~odondi ci t~.' fleet insurance $$109.96
" ~ " Police Chief Insurance $ 41.70
Dan McSweeney stamps ,fire chief,clerk &
postoffice box rent~,~'~--~Q~, 4.20
Disbursements ,continued; -
Anchor ?ost-Fence Company
gtandard Oil C ompnny
So. City Lumber ~:: Suppl~7 Co.
hand rails
g~soline,etc, $
penwtrating Oil ~i~ .7~
materials,concrete ~ 11.15
" 'Linden Bridge
" concre-~e, e t ~:~. $'
The claims having been audited by the finance comn~ittee Councilman Tibbetts
moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman ~oido and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business the application off Theodore Koopman
for a peddler's license as an honorably discharged soldier ~'as withdrawn by his request.
The proposed ordinance amendin~ ordinance No,21,section 6~., to reduce
penalty on delinquent taxpayers was not ready.
Under the head of Good .~,~ '?elfare ~,~ayor Lloyd thanked Fire Chief ?~elte,Joe
Pacheco, and their committee for the fine display of lights and decorations placed upon the
city hall and library.
Under the head of ~!ew Business ~ayor ~loyd requested that a motion be ms. de
to pay the city employees their December salary before Christmas. Accordingly Councilman
Boido moved that the salaries ,be paid. The motior~ was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and
regul ~rl~ carried. ,
Councilman Tibbetts moved that a special policem, an be employed to patrol the
city hall and vicinity, as many globes had been stolen from the decoration wires. The motion
was seconded by councilman Boido and ~egularl2 ca.-tied.
Cit~- Eng,.neet Klassen reported having rece.~ved notice fro~, the government's Army
Engineers at Washington to the affec~ that tLe Colma C~k Drainage project iS found soUnd
and has the approval of the WPA. The engineer also reported Walnut f:venue repairing finished
and in good shape.
There being no further business Councilman Einucciani moved to adjourn ~ntil
the next regular meeting, L~onday,January 6th,1936,at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by
by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9.05,o'clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
¥,ayor of South S~yFran'cisco