HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-01-06REGULAR ~.~EETING OF THJ~GtT¥ C~UNCIL 0F THE
6TH, 1936.
The regular meeting of the council of the Cit.7 of South San Francisco was held in
the city hall ~onday evening, January? 6th,19~6.
The meeting was called to order b,7 ~ayor Reese ~loyd at 8 o'clock p.m.
, Roll cal[ found all members of the council present, as follows;-
~_~_ Councilmen, ¥.P. oido,R.Llo~jd, E.L~inucciani,J.P.~lager, R.Tibbetts. The minutes of the
cue meeting~wer~! xead. ~,~i~$ being~no errors or omissions Councilman ~,~ager moved they be adopted as read.
· The motion ~as seconded by Councilman Boido,and regularly carried.
An application was received from the SOCIETA 0REi{AIA ~,.~UTU0 SOCCOES0,asking permiss
to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday eyeing January E§thlgS6, from 8 p.m. to I A.I~.
On motion by Councilman l~linucciani,seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the
desired permission was granted. ~§.00 for extra police protection accompanied the ap?licat
An application for a business licorice was received from Yal L.Deming, Grand Hotel,
: ~,5~ San Bruno Road. License granted.
~_~ Nicola Re applied for permission to take out a tree in the parking space
" .... ~ in front of three new apsrtments. Referred to Councilman Ttbbetts with lull po
to ac~.
,~ Emilio ,~imoni and Dante Chelosst ap~lled for a permit to run ~ restaurant at ~1 Ss
Bruno Road, t~e place to be known as the REX CLUB. On motion b~~ Councilman Boido seconded b
Councilman Ninucciani the desire permit was Eranted.
· A communication was received from C.G.~illespte, Chief of the Department of Public
Health,~a~ramento,Oalifornia,who,tn conjunction With*' the~local:~Health Oom~_ittee looked o~er
entire sewer situation in the C it:? of ~outh San Pran¢isco. The chief recommende many chan~
and imorovements in outfall sewers near the M.O.Depot, the Western Oipe and Steel Company's
plant near the o.~ster beds ~nd other places where cracked sewers are a menace to health. The
' report was accepted and co~-ies ordered sent to engineer F. lassen and Cit3~ Attorne3~ Coleberd.
An invitation was received from the °eninsul~ Crade Crossing Conference , inviti~
representatives of the Ct%,~? of South San Francisco to attend the next meeting of the confer~
at Redwood City,,Wednesday eveinig, January 8,19S6. The cOmmuni¢,.ation was accepted and
Lloyd,and Councilmen Tibbetts and Boido stFnified their intentions to be present.
Gendot & Douste"'app~lied for permission to inst~.ll an additional EgO gallon gasol:
tank,underground, at their plant, Third Street and The E1 Casino Real. ?Fire Chief ~elte s'
the red Tag had' been posted December ~V,and on motion by Councilman }~inucelani,Seconded by
,, Councilman Tibbetts and regularl~ carried the permit was granted.
Request in writin~ was made by Chas k.5~cColgan,Franchise Tax Com~nissioner of the
of California , for the names of all the .city emplo:;ees of this city during the Calender ye
19~5. accepted and the desired list returned by the cit3- clerk.
A communication was received from P. ichard Graves,Executive Secretary of the Lea
of California Nunicipalities, stating the dues in the laague had been increased to
~_ annum. Accepted and filed.
This being the date set for the opening of bids for the driving of piles to
support the Linden Avenue Bridge, Councilman ~dinuceiani moved that the bids be opened. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
The following bids were then opened;- '
For the furnishing and driving of 41 S0-ft untreated Douglass Fir piles;
Harking cutoffs for bridge to be constructed on Linden Avenue between Railroa(
Avenu~ and Bayshore line of the Southern Pacific Company,
The Duncan-Harrelson Company,items A and B, all work, total
~.B.McGowan,Inc. " ~/A and B,all work, "
Healy Tibbette Construction Co " ~ and B,all work, "
James D.Neall " A, and B,all work, "
~ 92~. 50-
.... James D.Neall being the lowest bidder Councilman Tibbetts introduced, a resolu
awarding him the contract at the prices named in his bid, totaling 2922.50. The resolution
adopted by the votes of all the members of the cit~? council, as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, H.Lloyd, J.F.},~ager,~.~¥~inucciani,R.Tlbbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen,~7o~.e. Attest Daniel McSweeney
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol .5,at page 25. City Clerk.
The Cit,~? of nouth San Francisco having requested permission of the 2outhern Pa
C ompan;? to place fill material on their property during %he construction of the Linden Ay
Bridge, the 2outhern Pacific Caompan,7 submitted an agreement for the cit~'s consideration
perr.::itting t;_e city the use of the ground for a nominal sum of ~;1.00 for the period Deceml
19~5 th April 16th,19S6. The agreement being acceptible to the Cit~ of South San Francis
Councilman Eager introduced a resolution of the Cit,~ of South ~an Francisco authorizing 1
Ma:for and Cit.7 Clerk of this cit~ to enter into an agreement with the company accepting ti
terms. The .resolution w~.s ad,opted hy the votes of all the members of She Cit~ CouncJ
as follows, Ayes, Councilman , V.Boido,R.Llo~d, J.F.Mager,~.l, linucciani,R.Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel EcSweene~
City Clerk.
~{ecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3, at page 26.
On motion by Councilman Tlbbetts,seconded by Councilman ~ilnucciani the Clt~' ¢
was instructed to write a check for the sum of $'t.00 in favor of the 2outLe~n Pacific Com.
for the Limited Lease.
A petition signed by seventeen residents and property owners of the Town of
was presented to the city council by B.J.Rodondi, representative of Ei%'ers brothers , req
the City Council to take action to abate the alleged niusance of the ~ushroom Farm l~;anur
which the petition states .draws flies,knats, and 8p§ates i intolerable stench. Er. Rodondi
assured by the city council the matter would be taken up with the Health 0ffice~' ~ ~ at c
The reports of Fire Chief and ~i. Bui~din~ Inspector ?felte, Health 0fficer,C
of Oolice,Oit2 Judge and 2ity ~&~a Clerk for the month ending December ,~l,19S5 were s~
'. c..~'~ .~'">: ~'~ ' and accepted ~?ith the thanks of ~.~ayor Lloyd:;forthe officers' promptness ~
An application was received from the SOCIETA OPEi{AI~ ~,~UTU0 SOCCOHS0,asking T~ermiss
to hold a dance in Praternal Hall Saturday eyeing January 25thlgS6, from 8 p.m. to i A.I~.
On motion by Councilman Minucciani,seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried thc
desired permission was granted. $5.00 for extra police protection accompanied the ap!~licat
An application for a business licence was received from Val L.Den~ing, Grand Hotel,
7,SS San Bruno ~:oad. License granted.
Nicola Re applied for permission to take out a tree in the parking space ' ·
...... in front of three new apartments. ~eferred to Councilman Tibbetts with full p~
to act,
Emilio .Simoni and Dante Chelossi applied for a permit to run ~ restaurant at ~51
Bruno Road, t~e place to be known as the REX CLUB. On motion b~~ Councilman Boido seconded
Councilman Minucciani the desire permit was granted.
· A communication was received from C.G.~illespie, Ch~ef of the Department of Public
Health,Sacramento,California,who,in conjunction With the local~,Health Committee looked o~'er
entire sewer situation in the Ctt~.~ of South San Francisco. The chief recommends many chan~
and improvements in outfall sewers near the M.T.Depot, the Western Oipe and Steel Company's
plant near the oyster beds ~nd other places where cracked sewers are a menace to health. The
report was accepted and co~-ies ordered sent to engineer ~lassen and City Attorney Coleberd.
An invitation was received from the °eninsul~ Grade Crossing Conference , inviti~
representatives of the Cit.? of South San Francisco to attend the next meeting of the confer~
at Redwood City,,Wednesday eveinig, January 8,1958. The cOmmuni¢~ation was accepted and
Lloyd,and Councilmen Tibbetts and Boido signified their intentions to be present.
Gendot & Douste~app~lied for permission to ~.nst~ll an additional 280 gallon gasol!
tank,underground, at their plant, Third Street and The E1 GaminG Heal. ~Fire Chief :~elte
the red Tag had been posted December 2V,and on motion by Councilman ~inucciani,Seconded hy
Councilman Tibbetts and regularl~ carried t~e permit was granted.
Request in writing was made by Chas A.~cColgan,Franchise Tax Comm~issioner of the
of California , for the names of all the.city emplo~:'ees of this city during the Calender
19~8. accepted and the desired list returned by the cit~ clerk.
A communication was received from ?~ichard Graves,Executive Secretary of the Lsat
of California Municipalities, stating the dues in the laague had been increased to $125.00
annum. Accepted and filed.
This being the date set for the opening of bide for the driving of piles to
support the Linden Avenue Bridge, Councilman ~inucciani moved that the bids be opened. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
The following bids were then opened;-
For the furnishing and driving of A1 ~0-ft untreated Douglass Fir piles;
Marking cutoffs for bridge to be constructed on Linden Avenue between Hailroad
Avenue and Bayshore line of the Southern Pacific Company,
The Duncan-Harrelson Company,items A and B, all work,
~.B.McGowan,Inc. " <~A and B,all work,
Healy Tibbetts Construction Co " X and B,all work,
James D.Neall " A, and B~all work,
total ~1908.55
" ~ 965.50
" ~1160. ~0
" $ 9P.E. §0-
Jamea D.Neall being the lowest bidder Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolut~
awarding him the contract at t~e prices n~med in his bid, totaling ~922.~0. The resolution
adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council, as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.~oido, R.Lloyd, J.F.~.~ager,E.Ninucciani,R.Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen,No~e. Attest Daniel EcSweeney
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol ~,~t page 2§. City Clerk.
The City of ?outh San Francisco having requested permission of the Southern Pac
Compan~ to place fill material on their property during ~he construction of the Linden Ave
Bridge, the Southern Pacific Caompany submitted an agreement for the city's consideration
Der~.itting t',e city the use of the ground for a nominal sum of
~l.00 for the period Decembe
19~§ th April 18th,19~8. The agreement being acceptible to the City of South San Francisc
Councilman Eager introduced a resolution of the Cit.~ of South San Francisco authorizing th
Mayor and City Clerk of this cit~ to enter into an agreement with the company accepting the
terms. The-resolution w~s ad,opted ~y the votes of all the members of ~the C it~ Council
as follows, Ayes, Councilman , V.Boido,R.Lloyd, J.F.Mager,~.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel EcSweeney
City Clerk.
2ecorde~ in Book of Resolutions, Vol. ~, at page
On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman ~inucc~ani the Cit~' C1
was instructed to write a check for the sum of $1.00 in favor of the $outLern Pacific Compa
for the LimiteA Lease.
A petition signed by seventeen residents and property owners of the Town of Sa
was presented to the city council by B.J.Rodondi, representative of Rivers brothers , reque
the City Council to take action to abate the alleged niusance of ~he Mushroom Farm ~anure
which the petition states draws flies,knats, and 8~§ates iintolerable stench. Er. Rodondi w
assured by the city council the matter would be taken up with the Health 0ffice~~ ~ ~ at phc
The reports of Fire Chief and ?~ Bui~din~ Inspector ~elte, Health Officer,Chi
of Police,City Judge and ~ity ~ Clerk for the month ending December Zl,19Z5. were subn
· ~c~/~'~ ~ '> '~ ,~ and accepted with the thanks of Mayor Lloyd~f~rthe officers' promptness in
attending to this duty.
The fire chief also submitted a report for the year 1935,showing causes of fires, losses
par fire,total losses ,etc ,etc. :ieport accepted and ordered p'laced on file.
Fire ~hief Welte submitted the '-name of Mett I~ayerle for appointment to the call f r
forces of the fire department. On motion by councilman Tibbetts,seconded by councilman
Minucciani and ~egularly carried the appointment was made.
On motion by Councilman Boido,seconded b~ Councilman Einucciani Charles Eob~nson
was appointed to the police force at a salary Of $150 per month,
Claim~ in the amount of $5113.?? were next presented to the council for payment;~
Carpenter work Orange Ave
plantinF trees
cleaning outfall sewer
Special police dflty
auditing del tax ack, cunt
Pood for prisoners , etc
5000 cards police dept
materials and serviee,nach~nes
uniform C .Robinson
city phones, Dec ember
Bond of E.0ttenfield
plants etc
tire~, tubes
fire chief's dues
electrical ,ap~liance s
1936 dues
fr i eght
handcuffs ,police dept
6 sheets,fire dept
washing ~ fire houses
t tree
daily reports
Foreman Linden Ave. P~ridge
dog licenses
foreman Linden Ave.bridge
~ quarry signes
balance June
Fred Brown
James Curti
Joe Arrighi
G. Ferrari
E. 01ivierio
C. D. Rus~
Louis Belleni
The Enterprise
Dudley Oerkins
The Fashion Clothing Co
Fac. Tel & Tel Co
Hallewell Meed Co
2campini & ~anetti
o.C.Ass'n Fire Chiefs
~an Jose Hardware Company
League Gal Municipalities
Highway Transport
Dunham Earrigan Co
Arndt's dept Store
Superior Steam Laundry
$0.S.F.~ruit ~arket
~.M.C0.Title Co
Roy Smith
Partick-Eoise Klinkner Co
~cC oullough's Signs
~mchor Drug Co
Fac. Gas & Electric Co
James ~purri
Reese Lloyd
~ank of America
Bank of America
Eugenic Milani
Royal ~up~ly Co
~w~ft & Company
~ndrew Hynding
Jack Welch
Standard Oil Co
John Pigone
Calif. Wa~er Service Co
14. O0
~ 22.00
~. 22.00
m 22.00
~ 85.
~ 5.94
&3, 25
ill. 54
~ 3.00
$12 §. O0
~,~ .70
i3. O0
66 50
I~isc. lights ,gas $109.91
streets ligah ts ~630,65
,, 11.00
pictures of people vs pedro ~ovar $ 10.00
photos of cit~ hall
expenses to ~an Bruno Cony ?.B.L.Y~ 14.00
citF treas safety box $ 4.00
Gordon Rowe Claim a~diting $150.00
painting in city hall ~' 16.50
material Linden Ave bridge ~ 7.35
" fire dept ~ 19.1V
" 6.00
placing and taking down flags ~;' 4 48
liquid 2cap .
Ins. City Hall ~ 55.25
Ins. B~d of City Treasurer ~250.00
~oundmaster' s Bond ~,,=.00
1916 Seagrave Ins. $, 5.00
general Liability, ins. ~924.35
ins. Library Books,furniture etc $ 39.00
removing dead dogs ~-~ 34.50
gasoline dec ~ 51.48
rent of watchman house, Linden ~ve.~ 15,00
rent Linden Ave 'lard , bridge put $ 35'00
Cleaning Cit~/ Hall ]findows etc ~ 31.00
install 3 fire hydrants ~ 19.o5
hydrant rmntal ~ec ~459.60
Library water ' $ 4.61
baseball & civic center water ~ec.S 12.00
fountain & ~ire house water ~ec. $ S.00'
So.City Lumber & Supply Co crushed rock streets $ 6.03
" " " " material Linden Ave Bridge $P~76.34,
Surveying Linden Ave Bridge $2~.?.9S
" Colma ~reek project $ 16.40
" storm se~ers ~,inden A~e. jobSll2.64
Gep. A.Kneese
tv ,~ ~7
W ~ V~
Geo A,Eneese
Pacheco Electric
A. J.Pacheeo
Pacheco Electric
A. J.Pacheco
Pachece ~lectric
Bank Of ~o. Bau ~rancisce;
Crane & Co.
Gee. Arrighi
~tmn~mF~ Oil ~o
" Industrial Area Sewer
" outfall s ev~er
" Walnit Ave, job
Electrical ~te rials
fire alarm maintenance ~ec
Installing heavy duty Recto
lamp change s
Install 1 merrod~urmanstatic
assigned claim A.E Bramble
drinking fountains
cleaning outfall sewer
Eythl. ~as .....
$ 95.36
S 23.10
$ 16, ~0
J~mes Curti
Joe Arrighi
G. Ferrari
E. Olivierio
C. D. Rush
Louis Belloni
The Enterprise
Dudley ~erkins
The Fashion Clothiug Co
Pac. Tel& Tel Co
J. G. "Zalker
Hallewell Seed Co
W. Dinning
qcampini & Zanetti
o.C.Ass'n Fire Chiefs
~an Jose ~±ardware Company
League Cal Municipalities
Highway Transport
Dunham Earrigan Co
Arndt's dept Store
Superior Steam Laundry
S0. S.F.~ruit Market
S.E.C0. Title Co
Roy Smith
Partick-Eoise Elinkner Co
EcCoullough' s Signs
;~mchor Drug Co
Pac. Gas& Electric Co
James Spurri
Reese Lloyd
Bank of America
Bank of America
Eugenic Milani
Royal ~upv. ly Co
~. Johnson ~
~w~ft & Company
H. L. Ha ake r
~lndr ew Nynding
Jack Welch
Standard 0il Co
John ~igone
Calif. Wa~er Service Co
cleaning outfall sewer
SpecYal police dllty
auditing del tax account
Food for prisoners , otc
5000 cards police deDt
materials and serviee,~ach~es
uniform C.Robinson
city phones, December
Bond of E.0ttenfield
plants otc
tire~, tubes
fire chief's dues
electrical ,ap?liance s
1936 dues
fr i eght
handcuffs ,police dept
6 sheets,fire dept
washing 2 fire houses
~ tree
daily reports
Foreman Linden Ave.~ridge
dog licenses
forema~ Linden 'Ave.bridge
2 quarry signes
balance June
14. O0
2~. O0
22. O0
22. O0
P-~. O0
22. O0
2~. O0
22. O0
ll. 69
49 96
5. O0
6. co
~125. O0
I'fisc. light s, gas ~109.91
streets lights ~630,65
,~ ll. 00
pictures of people vs pedro ~ovar $ 10.00
photos of cit~. hall
expenses to San Bruno Cony P.B.L.E 14.00
cit? treas safety box $ 4.00
Gordon Rowe Claim auditing $150.00
painting in city hall $ 16.50
material Linden Ave bridge ~ j 7.35
" fire dept ~ 19.17
placing and taking down flags' ~;, 6.00
liquid 2cap 4.48
Ins. City Hall ,~ 55.25
Ins. B~d of City Treasurer ~250.00
~oundmaster' s Bond ~ 5.00
L916 Seagrave Ins. v~ 5.
general Liabilitr ins. $924.®
ins. Library ~ooks,furniture otc $ $9.00
removing dead dogs %$ 34.50
gasoline dec ~ 51.48
rent of watchman house, Lmnden Ave~ 15,00
rent Linden Ave 'kard , bridge put $ 35,00
Cleaning Cit;; Hall 7Jindows etc ~,? 31.00
install 3 fire hy~irants $ 19.o5
hydrant frontal ~ec ~4~9.60
Library water ' $ 4.81
baseball & civic center water ~ec.* 12 00
" " " " fo~mtain & ~ire house water Dec.
So.City Lumber & Supply Co crushed rock streets
material Linden Ave Bridge $2?6.34,
Surveying Linden Ave Bridge $2~.?. 9S
" Oolma ~reek project $ 16.40
" storm servers Linden A~e. Job~llY.
" Industrial Area Sewer
" outfall se~er
" Walnit Ave, job
Electrical ~Mate rials
fire alarm maintenance ~ec
Installing heavy duty Recto
lamp changes
Install I merrod~urmanstatic
assigned claim A.E Bramble
drinking fountains
cleaning outfall sewer
Eythl _as
specia~ police duty
18. ?o
Total ~5113. V7
The claims were approved by the ~ins. nce committee.
On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman ~lager and regularly carried
the claims were ordered paid.
A representative of the Bhell 0il Oompan~, arpeared before the City Council and
requested permission to submit a bid for the sale of gasoline to~ the city. The council
referredthe bidder to the city purchaseing representative, Councilman Tibbetts.
Under unfinished business City Attorne.~? Coleberd stated the proposed ordinance
to amend ordinance No,21,section 41, to reduce penalties on d~lin~ue~t taxpeyers.
There being no furthe.r business before the board Councilman i~ibbetts moved to adjo
until the next regular meeting, ~,~_onday, January 20th.,19Z6,at 8 o'clock W.~.~. The motion was
eeconded by Councilman. Ninucciani ~nd regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9.10 o'clock p.m.
~espect fully submitted,