HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-01-20278 Regular meeting of the City of South San Francisco ~eld ~{ond~.~y, January, 20,1955. The regular meeting of the City Council of tls City of South ~an Prancisco was bell in the City Halll ~'onday evening, January £0th,19Z6. The meeting was callled ~o order at 8 o' clock P.N. byi~$o~?Reese Lloyd. ROLL C ALL. Roll call fo~d all memb~,rs of ?.he cit~ co~cil present, as follows, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.LLo~'d, J.P.]~ager, N,Im~inucciani, ~.Tibbetts. The minutes of the pre~ious meeting were read. There being no errora~ or omis~io~s Oo~cilmanTibbetts moved they be adopted as read. The motion-~as ~1~ ond~d b~ ~ ouncilman }~inucci~ni and ~'egul:~rly carried. A co~-m~ication was received ~rom ~,~rs~ Cer~ ~equastt~g a r~Und of ~.00 for having paid an ?~nto tax of her car here and claimed the car was sold earley i~ this year. The clerk was instructed to write her to secure a copy of '. bill of sale, showinF th~ dat,~ of sale. A co~unication was received from William Easper asking the Council's permission to remove a tr~e in front of his lot No.I~,, Block ~, P~rkwa~- Terrace Referr~d to Co~cilman Tibbetts with full power to ae~. ~ire~C~ef Welte submitted the name of Erne?t Rossi for the call force? of the fire Department. ~oved~ ~ounc~lman T~hhetts seconded b~ councilm~n !~uu~ci~ni and regularly csrried. A request was made by C.T.Connolly for a refund of ~5i~00, he having made psyment of the full ~10.00 license. 'Request granted. Dave Ratio claimed to havepaid ~l.~0 for a concrete paved sidewalk and ask~d for a refund in t~r~at amount. Re~uest granted. Councilman ~inucciani introduced a resolution adoDt~g a ?ier He~d Lines to be established within th~ City of ~outh ~an Francisco, the same bein~ exhibited to the City Council, and adopted by the follo'~ing vote;- Ayes, Coun~-ilmen, V.~oido, R.Aloyd, J.F.~ager, Y.Nin~cciani, R.~ibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen,None . At tes~ Dvniel YcSwee~e~ City C lr:rk. Recorded in Bo~k of Resolutions, Vol. Z, at page Claims in the amount of 61258.01 v:ere next presented to the council ~or vayment;- Sec Arrighi Standard il Co C. D. Rusk ~ ~outhern Raific Co C.Ferrari L~.Crrierio V. Guis~ tetto A.Estaban Jim Curtl F.P~ renti E. 01iveri o J.Guistet t~ A. Edler C. Souza L.Gl~Ira E.Carriero Chas Bollazzi ~ilvia Pianca J ~.Barnes Roy Smith Santini & Roccucci Andy Hynding P~ed J. Laut ze ]{ichmond Tottery Co Old ~eliance Garage P~ob inson, Drug~ i st Enterprise ~res · Oalif. Concrete =roducts Co 9. W. Rat t o C .T.C onnolly cl~aning outfalI sewer ~! 20.00 eythl gas ~,,~, 30.81 special_ ~,olic,~ duty,: ~, 45.00 Limited i~ase Linden Ave. Bridf.~ 1.00 cleaning C~olma Ditch ~'~ 20.00 " ' - ~: ~2. O0 " " "~ 20. O0 ~:( 20. O0 cleani:~zg outfall sewer ~,..~ 47.50 " " ' $ 10.50 " ' "~ 49.50 . " " ~ 11 50 " " " '~ 47.50 " " " ~ 23.50 " " ",.~ 47.50 material Linden Ave.Br~dge ~ ~.x 72 foreman 0r~:nMe Ave Bridge ~"~ 64.75 foreman Linden Ave Bridge ~, 52.50 Foreman 0~rry~ Linden Ave Bridge. ~.~= 00 material Engineering DeDt ~ 26.~8 Insurance ~us. rterly Audit :~1~4.~9 'Ins. Buildiu~ Insps ~ond, ~%:~ 5.00 tire ,tube,etc ~:.~ 34.11 flower pots :~ 14.93 we!ding,etc ,str. ~r~ f' 3.50 engineering Orange Ave Job "86.20 material,Fire daDt~ ~' 9.80 physical condition blanks ~- 18,80 piDe ~' 31.41 refund weed t~ ~ 1.50 refun~ of license tax ~? 5.00 To tal ~1238.01 The clai~'~s having been audited by the finance committee C~)uncilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~J:inucciani and regularly carried. In regard to the situation at ti~.e ~'~ushroom Farm I¥iayor Lloyd stated Health Officer Gains would v,,ork in conjunction with kealth 0ffic,~r l;ckille and the State Health Officer, Councilman Tibbetts stated the place w'::s in a deplorable condition from stench and many health officers should be calls in, to abate the nuisance. Bre~kes in the streets in various sections of the cit~? wer~ re~-,orted a~d Engineer Klasse was instructed to get busy with Superintendent of str~rts Tibbetts, No other business occurrring before the board~ Councilman Tibbetts moved to acjourn unt the next regular meeting, ~onday February 3,1936, at 8 o'clock P.~. The motion was secondem by Counci Minuccian~ and regularly carried.. Appr°vedMayor o~outh S~:n ~anci.~ ~CO Time of adj mrnment, 8;40 o'clock p.m. Re sP e~L~ful lY ~i t t ~d, 6~i tYy Clerk