A regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
was held in the city hall Monday evening, February 24,1936.
This meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd.
Roll call found all members of the City Council present,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
Councilman Tibbetts moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Minucciani and regularly carried.
A communication was received from Antonia and Battistina Molini, requesting that a
reduction be made in the valuation of their personal property. Communication accepted and
referred to the Board of Ecualization at their next meeting.
A communication was received from Mrs Charles J.Ledwith,President of the Grand Avenue
Parent-Teacher Association requesting a conference with the City Council with a view to
securing the co-operation of the city to organize a Recreation Center for the benefit of some
1225 school children of this city, who have no such quarters at the present time. Mrs.
Ledwith and Mrs. Selby appeared for the teachor's association. Ma~or Lloyd and the council
agreed to confer with the representatives of the association after the meeting of the City
council, Monday evening, March 2,1936, between 8;30 and 9 o'clock p.m.
The claims of the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company for a relkmd of
$14.50 weed tax,J.0.Snyder, $1.35, F.Fiorentini,$1.50 and Callie E.Boyle,~5.06, were allowed
on motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
This being the date set for the opening of bids for furnishing equipment and labor
to be used in the work of straightening and confining portions of Colma and Baden Creeks,
Councilman ~inucciani moved the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido
and regularly carried. The following bids were then opened;-
T. A. 0'Brien at the following prices -
§ cu. yd. ~12 12
cu. yd. ] 91
per hour plus driver
R. A. ~arish - at the following prices -
trucks available}
trucks available I
~ H. P. Caterpillar Tractors equipped with 8' hydraulic
bulldozers and scrapers - $4.§0 per hour, furnished with
gasoline, oil. labor, insurance and all repairs and de-
livered to and from Job site.
44 H. ~. ~aterpillar Tractors, equipped with same as
above for $~.00 per hour. delivered to and from J~ob site.
Guerln Bros. -at the following ortces.
1 - g~ H. P. Gas Caterpillar and bulldozer lmOluding operator
gas, oil and maintenance, including transportation to and
from Job site - $4.50 per hour
45 H. P. ~aterpillar Diesel. equipped with Angle Dozer
furnishing operator, fuel maintenance and transportation
to and from Job site - $~.50 per hour.
2 - 5 ton 5 cu yard trucks including operator, fuel, maintenance
and transportation to and from Job site - ~.~5 per hour
for each unit.
C. Mankel - at the following prices:
one I yd. dragline
one .~/,4 yd. dragline
one Z/4 yd. dragltne
one Z0 PIP Bulldozer
one ~0 HP Bulldozer
one 4§ HP Bulldozer
One 4~ HP Bulldozer
one 4 ton truck
one 4 ton truck
one ~ ton truck
one ~ ton truck
including opmrators
$?.00 per hour
~. 00 " "
6.§0 per hour
6.~0 per hour~
~.90 per hour~
~.90 per hour
4. A0 per hour
4.40 per hou~
~.~2 per hom~-
~.~2 per hour
~.~0 per hour
~.~0 per hour
t., 0. ~mlth - at the following prices:
i - I ,yd dragline $6.87~ per hour
I - ~/4 yd. dragline 6.E~ per hour
I - ~§ Bulldozer ~.00 per hour
2 - 4 ton trucks ~.47 per hour.each
including all operating and maintenance costs
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions '
Councilman Tibbetts moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Ninucciani and regularly carried.
A communication was received from Antonia and'Battistina Molini, requesting that a
reduction be made in the valuation of their personal property. Communication accepted and
referred to the Board of E~alization at their next meeting.
A communication was received from Mrs Charles J.Ledwith,President of the Grand Avenue
Parent-Teacher Association requesting a conference with the City Council with a view to
securing the co-operation of the city to organize a ~ecreation ~enter for the benefit of some
1225 school children of this city, who have no such quarters at the present time. Mrs.
Ledwith and Mrs. Selby appeared for the teacher's association. Mayor Lloyd and the council
agreed to confer with the representatives of the association after the meeting of the City
council, Monday evening, ~arch 2,1936, between 8;30 and 9 o'clock p.m.
The claims of the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company ~or a refund of
$14.50 weed tax,J.0.Snyder, $1.35, F.Fiorentini,$1.50 and Callie E.Boyle,$5.06, were allowed
on motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
This being the date set for the opening of bids for furnishing equipment and labor
to be used in the work of straightening and confining portions of Colma and Baden Creeks,
Councilman Ninucciani moved the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido
and regularly carried. The following bids were then op~ned;-
T. A. 0'Brien at the following prices -
§ cu. yd. $2.12 per hour plus driver
4 cu. yd. $1.91 " " " "
R. A. Earish - at the following prices -
trucks available)
trucks available)
2 - 3~ H. P. ~aterpillar Tractors equipped with 8' hydraulic
bulldozers and scrapers - $4.§0 per hour, furnished with
gasoline, oil, labor, insurance and all repairs and de-
livered to and from Job site.
2 - 44 H. P. Oaterpillar Tractors, equipped with same as
above for $~.00 per hour, delivered to and from ~ob site.
Guerin Bros. -at the following prices.
1 - 38 H. P. Gas Oaterpillar and bulldozer imClmding operator
gas, oil and maintenance, including tranaportation te and
from Job site - $4.~0 per hour
1 - 4~ H. P. Caterpillar Diesel, equipped with Angle Dozer
furnishing operator, fuel maintenance and transportation
to and from Job site - $~.§0 per hour.
2 - ~ ton § cu yard trucks including operator, fuel, maintenance
and transportation to and from Job site - $~.7~ per hour
for each unit.
C. Mankel - at the following prices:
one 1 yd. dragline
one 3/,4 yd. dragline
one 3/4 yd. dragline
one 30 HP Bulldozer
one 30 HP Bulldozer
one 4~ HP Bulldozer
One 4~ HP Bulldozer
one 4 ton truck
one 4 ton truck
one ~ ton truck
one B ton truck
including opmrat ors
$7.00 per hour
7.00 " "
6.§0 per hour
6.~0 per hour~
3.90 per hour~
3.90 per hour
4.40 per hour
4.40 per hou~
3.32 per hour-
3.32 per hour
3.50 per hour
3.80 per hour
]~. O. Smith - at~ the following prices:
1 - 1 ~yd dragline $6.87~ per hour
1 3/4 yd. dragline 6.2§ per hour
1 - 3~ Bulldozer 4.00 per hour -
2 - 4 ton trucks 2.47 per hour each
including all operating and maintenance comte
Councilman ~linucciaui introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco authorizing
the ;/;ayor and City Clerk of said city to enter into an agreement with the County of San ~ateo
~o ~o~Oper~te in the ~b~- of ~b~.aI~h~nlng and con££~iI~g bhe pcb'!ion of O01ma and Baden Creeks
shown upon the adopted plans and specifications for siad work. The resolution was adopted by th
votes of all the members of the City Council,as follows, ~.yes, Councilmen,V.Boido,R.%loyd,J.F.Ma
~¢i.~linucciani,R.Tibbetts. Noes,None. Absent,None. Attest,Daniel McSweeney,Cit~ Clerk*.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.3,at page $3, The agreeman~ accompanied the resolution.
Bids for furnishing equipment and labor on Colma and Baden Creeks - continued:
W. C. Railing - at the following pr ices:
I yard, Nodel 105 Northwest dragline equipped with 40 foot boom -
800 hours or more at the rate of $8.~ per hour
J. S. Baker - at the following prices:
I yd dragline complete with crew, gasoline, oil
and all maintenance per hour
5 yd dump trucks complete with crew, gasoline,
oil and all maintenance - per hour
30 caterpillar and bulldozer complete with crew,
g~soline, oil and all maintenance - per hour
3/4 yd. drag line complete with crew, gasoline
oil and all maintenance - per hour
4 yd dump trucks complete with crew, gasoline,
oil and all maintenance - per hour
Ban ~rancisoo Paving Co.- at the following prices:
No. I
~§ EP Diesel Oaterpillar Tractor with Knapp bulldozer
[trail builder~ and McMillian scraper, including all
' upkeep and labor - bid price $~.50 per hour less 2½%
by the 10th following month.
No. 2 60 HP Caterpillar Tractor with Bulldozer, oil, gasoline
repairs and insurance, and labor - bid price $5.16 per
hour less ~J~% by 10th of the following month.
W. K. Walker - at the following prices:
Two (21 trucks 1931 Internationals, four cubic yard capacity
water level or four tons net loan at $3.~1-2/3 per
hour per truck worked.
Two [2) trucks 19~2 Internationals, five cubic yard capacity
water level or five tons net loan at $~.66-2/~ per
hour, per truck worked
including all operating expenses, gas, oil, insurance,
compensation on drivers, etc.
On suggestion of Engineer Klassen it would take considerable time to figure out the
lowest bid, Councilman Mager moved to postpone action on awarding the contract till the next
regular meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly
carried. .....
No action taken on any unfinished business.
ContraCto~ James D.Neall appeared before the council and requ ested~a progress
payment on his work of installing piling at the Linden Avenue bridge. Engineer Klassen stated
his work was approximately 90 per cent completed, and suggested that a payment of $500 be
allowed. Councilman Minucciani moved to refer back to New Business. The motion was seconded
Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Councilman Minucciani moved the sum of $000 be
allowed James D.Neall as Progress payment No.1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts
and regularly carried.
Claims in the amount of $89~.0& were submitted to the council for payment.
F.C.Thomas Furniture Company, repairing linoleom police dept, ~ 1.25
Industrial City Lumber Co.,
Universal Tool & Manufacturing Co
I! 1!
Eugene Milani
F. C. Thomas
E. 01iverra
G. Fe rrara
N.De Zorda
Jim Curti
L. C. Smith h,
J. G .Walker
James D.Neall
The Enterprise
Andrew Hynding
South City Plumbing Shop
Bentona Laboratories
S,S.~.Land & improvement Co
J. 0. SNyder
F. Fi orentini
Calli~ E.Boyle
Great Northern Chemical Company
G.F.Bishop % Company
materials ~ lO.~&
repair fire alarm movement ~ ~.$0
Electrical Inspection Dupo~t Plt$ 25.00
repair fire circuit Maple & Lux $ 18.00
paint and m~terial police dept $ ll.50
one garbage can
labor Colma-Oaden Drainage Ditch.?~
~t II II
Il It Il It fl
I! ti tl It 11
material ,repair Walnut Ave
insurance on city hall
progress pa~ent No.1 Linden
Avenue Bridge Ptlt~
print notice sealed proposals
in~urance furniture cit~ hall
radiator & Ho~a~ Valves
I drom kleen ~ick
ref~d of t~eS(geed T~es)
~l 11 II Il I1
I! II II I! Il
Il tl II Il tl
~eodorant Crystals,city hall
l~ leather a~ite hose wEshers
7.00. , ~
$ e.oo
$ ~.00
lO .OO
I - i yd dragline complete with crew, gasoline, oil
and all maintenance per hour
E - 5 yd dump trucks complete with crew, gasoline,
oil and all maintenance - per hour
I - 30 caterpillar and bulldozer complete with crew,
ga~soline, oil and all maintenance - per hour
i - 3/4 yd. drag line complete with crew, gasoline
oil and all maintenance - per hour
~. - 4 2d dump trucks complete with crew, gasoline,
oil and all maintenance - per hour
San ~ranctsco Paving Co.- at the following prices:
No. 1
~§ HP Diesel 0aterpillar Tractor with Knapp bulldozer
~trail builder~ and McMtllian scraper, including all
'upkeep and labor - bid price $4.50 per hour less ~½%
by the 10th following month.
No. 2 60 HP 0aterpillar Tractor with Bulldozer, oil, gasoline
repairs and insurance, and labor - bid price $~.16 per
hour less ~% by 10th of the following month.
W. K. Walker - at the following ~rices:
Two I21 trucks 19~l Internationals, four cubic~yard capacity
water level or four tons net loan at $~.~1-2/~ per
hour per truck worked.
Two (2) trucks 19~2 In~ernationals, five cubic yar~ capacity
water level or five tons net loan at $~.86 ~/Z per
hour, per truck worked
including all operating expenses, gas, oil, insurance,
compensation on drivers, etc.
On suggestion of Engineer Klassen it would take considerable time to figure out the
lowest bid, Councilman Nager moved to postpone action on awarding the contract till the next
regular meeting of the council. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly
No action taken on any unfinished business.
Co~traCtor James D.Neall appeared before the council and requested a progress
payment on his work of installing piling at the Linden Avenue bridge. Engineer Klassen stated
his work was approximately 90 per cent completed, and suggested that a payment of $500 be
allowed. Councilman Minucciani moved to refer back to New Business. The motion was seconded
Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Councilman Minucciani moved the sum of $S00 be
allowed James D.Neall as Progress payment No.1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts
and regularly carried.
Claims in the amount of $89J.0~ were submitted to the council for pa~rment.
F.C.Thomas Furniture Company, repairing linoleom police dept, $ 1.25
Industrial City Lumber Co.,
Universal Tool & Manu£acturing Co
Eugene Milant
F. C. Thomas
E. 01iverra
G. Fe rrara
N.De Zorda
Jim Curti
L.C.Smith ~
J. G. Walker
James D.Neall
The Enterprise
Andrew Hynding
South City Plumbing Shop
Bentona Laboratories
S~S.~'.Land & Improvement Co
Calli~ E.Boyle
Great Northern Chemical Company
G.F.Bishop % Company
materials $ 10.~4
repair fire alarm movement $ 3.50
Electrical Inspection Dupoht Plt$ 25.00
repair fire circuit Maple & Lux $ 18.00
paint and material police dept $ 11.50
one garbage can $
labor Colma-Oaden Drainage Ditch$
ti fl fl f! II $
ti ff ft fl ft
ti tt I1 fi' fl
fl fl fl fl ff
material ,repair Walnut Ave
insurance on city hall
progress payment No.1 Linden
Avenue Bridge Piling
print notice sealed proposals
insurance furniture ~ity hall
radiator & Hoh_hmann Valves
I drom kleen kwick
refund of taxeS(~eed Taxes)
ti tt tl ti tf
fl fl fl If
ff f! fl fl
~eodorant Crystals,city hall
12 leather ~lmite hose w~shers
$5oo oo
1. 5
The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Tibbetts
moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Ninuc6iant and regul~.rly c~rried.
There being no further business Councilman Tib~etts moved to adjourn until
the next regular meeting, Nonday evening, Narch 2,19~6,at 8.0'Clock p.m. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment,
8.50 o'clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mayor of South San Francisco.