HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-03-16REGULAR ~LEETING OF THE CIT~ COUNCIL OF TRE
0NDAY, kARCH 16 TH, 1936.
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held
in the city hall Monday evening,~"arch 16,1936.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd.
Roll call found all members of the city council present,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, J.F.Mager,M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts.
The minutes of an adjourned meeting of March 9th,1936,were read. Action on the ados
tion of these minutes was deferred until ~ further consideration by-the city attorney.
The minutes of an adjourned meeting of March 10th,1936,were adopted as read.
The Pacific Coast Steel Corporation Employees made application for a permit to hold
a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, April-18th,1936,until 2 a.m. On motion by
Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the per~.t was
~granted. $5.00 for extra police protection aEcomoanied the application. The Youdall ConStructii
submitted A certificate of.insurance .iiss~ed bY the~ U~d~rwriter~.at.~oyd, sLondon, . , _
certifying that The Youdall Construction C~npan~~ is insured for excess public liability and
property damage in the City of South San Franciscom AcceRted~and filed.
A communication was received from ~s. Marie Harder, 206 Lux Avenue,stating she
was ready to apply for a building permit to constr~ict restaurant accommodations at her place
if the city would, assure her of a business license when the work was completed. On motion
by Councilman Mager,seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the desired business
license was granted. Joe Walker's Sun Ins.C0.s~bmitted a loss proof of ~5~63~on account of fir~
in tLe city hallA cormmunication was received from Silvio Minetti stating he purchased a business
corner in 1916, and secured ~a permit to build a store and dwelling on the same, the north eas~
corner of Lux Avenue and ~aple Avenue,and wished to know if this corner is still in the busi~
zone. Laid over for investigation until the next meeting.
Notice was received from the War D~partment, San ~¥~ncisco, that a meeting to consi
the application ofthe San Moteo County H~rbor District for the establishment of harbor lines
along the western shore of San Francisco Day would be held in Room 401 Custom House,San
Francisco,on Wednesday, March 2~th,1936,a~ l0 o'clock A.M., and inviting $11 interested partie
to attend. Notice ~ccepted and ordered placed on file.
A communication was received from the California Beaches Association requesting t~
city council to-appoint one or mo~e representatives to a conference on beach erosion at La Jcl
on Saturday, ~rch 28,1936 at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Communication accepted
and the clerk instructed to notify the association that the city would not be represented.
Claims in the amount of $679.2V were next presented to the city council for
H. G. Make lin
Lewis Degen
Pacheco Electric
South,, Ci,t,y Lumber,, & Supp,l,y Co t sack lime.
"1~- yards ready mix
Fred Brown carpenter work Linden
Avenue brid~e ,,
J .A. Se llick " "
J. E. Barnes Foreman" " "
South Ci,t,y Lumber & Sup~,lu ,C,o.,Gravel & Tile "
" " Gravel "
" " " " " crusher run "
~ Berling Breaker $ 13.0V
1 Reostat $ 7.86
fire alarm constructionS260.00
$ 10.02
~ 28.80
~ 75.00
"$ 31.62
" "~ 9.2V
" "~ 34.09
West Disinfecting Co
State Compensation Ins.Fund
Ber6ucelli & Nannini
1 bale white w~.p!ng rag~ 6.96
earned, premium on
liability & prop damages 30.48
earned premium 34-35, ~105.91
refund o~ auto tax $ ~ 3.75
1 hoe & handle $ 2.32
The claims hoving been audited by the finance committee, councilman Mlnucciani
moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilmon Tibbetts mnd regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business the request of J.Garcia for ? refund of
~$Z.78 tax paid on his auto here Councilman Minucci~ni moved the refund be granted. The motion
w~s seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
The application of W. A.Ryan for s permit to operate a jitney service between
the east side of the Mission Road & W.P.Fullers was taken up and laid over for further
No new business and nothing came up under the head of Good and Welfare.
There being bo further bus~ness Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until the
The motion w~s seconded by Cou~
next regular meeting,Monday,April 6th,1936,at 8.o'clock p.m.
man Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Time of ~djournment, 8;55 p.m.
,"~yor of South San Francisco
HespecQtfully submiSted,~
Cltty Cler~y~