HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-05-04800 REGULAR ~'~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD ~'t0NDAY, MAY 4, 1936. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Fran- cisco was held in the city hall ~onday evening, May 4, 1936. The meeting was called to order at 8;00 o'clock p. m. by Mayor D. W. Ratto ROLL CALL Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows: Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, E. ~nucciani, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto f~e minutes of the two previous meetings were read. or omissions they were approved as read. There being no errors An application for the position of street sweeper was received from ~m~gelo Monettini, 845 Maple Avenue. The application was accepted and ordered placed on file. Barni. An application for a position of street sweeper was received from Ferdinando The application was accepted and ordered placed on file. An application for the position of street sweeper was recieved from John Fontana, should a vacancy occur. The application was accepted and ordered placed on fi le. An application for the position of building inspector was received from B. J. Rodondi, The application was accepted and ordered placed on file. An application for the position of police officer was received from Frank Bertucelli. The application was accepted and ordered placed on file. An application was received from William Lencioni, 635 Pine Terrace to join the South Sa~ t~Tancisco Fire Department as a volunteer. The application was ordered filed for further consideration. An invitatiom was received from the Santo Christo Society of South San Francisco asking the city council and other city officials to participate in the parade and ceremony to be held Sunday May 10th, 1936,. commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m. honoring Santo Ch~isto. The Mayor expressed the thanks of the council for the in- vitation and said all officials who could would participate. A communioation was received from the South San Francisco Library Board invitirgthe City Council to attend the meeting of the library board Tuesday evening ~iay 5 in the Library Building. All members of the city council signified their in- tention to be present if possible. A communication was received from the ~etal & Thermit Corporation calling the council's attention t~ trouble they experience with the sanitary sewer oveflowing on to their grounds. The2-suggested periodical inspection of t he sewer to prevent trouble in the future. They also thanked they city employees for their quick action in overcoming the disturbance on April 27th. A communication was received from the Peninsula Division League of California Municipalities announcing a meeting of the division on May 21, 1936 at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel, San Mateo, at 6:30 p. m., asking city officials to reserve that date for the meeting. Councilman ~iager suggested that all should attend. Nine city officials signified their intention of going. The Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show addressed a let~ er to the City Cotmcil thanking them for their cooperation during the recent livestock Show. The communication was accepted and ordered placed on file. A conLmunication was received from the Young VotersLeague of South San Francisco thanking the council for allowing them the use of the city hall as its meeting place and asking if the first $~Jednesday of eack~ ~'~onth would be available. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach seconded by Councilman ~Ainucciani and regularly carried permission was granted to use either the Council Chambers or Court room on the night specified if the rooms were not to be occupied for city business. ~ The City and County of San ~ancisco filed a certified copy of Resolution No. 2492, adopted by the Board of Supervisors ~:~arch 30, 1936, accepting permit to con- struct Crystal Springs Pipe Line No. 2 in certain streets and lands of South San Fran- cisco. The resolution was accepted and ordered pSaced on file. An application was received from Santino Bottino for permission to build a kitchen to his home at 812 Linden Avenue at a cost of ~$125.00. Building Inspector A. J. Welte reported favorable and on motion of C~unGil.n~n J. F. Mager, seconded by Councilman A. J. Eschelbach and regularly carried the permit was granted. A communication was received from the Town of Baden Improvement Club with a resolution attached out2Lutng certain improvements in the Town of. Baden as to better lights, care and replacement of trees, attention to sewers, building restrictions and abaten~ent of mushroom plant if impossible to remedy present situation. On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman Mager and regularly carried the communic- ation and resolution was laid over for further consideration. The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Health Officer, City Treasurer and City Clerk for t he month ending April 30, 1936, were submitted. On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido the reports were accepted and ordered placed on file. Mayor Ratto thanked the city employees for their promptness in rendering these statements. ~e minutes of the two previous meetings were read. or omissions they were approved as read. There being no errors An application for the position of street sweeper was received from ~ngelo Monettini, 845 Maple Avenue. The application was accepted and ordered placed on file. Barni. An application for a position of street sweeper was received from Ferdinando The application was accepted and ordered placed on file. An application for the position of street sweeper was recieved from John Fontana, should a vacancy occur. The application was accepted and ordered placed on fi le. An application for the position of building inspector was received from B. J. Rodondi, The application was accepted and ordered placed on file. An application for the position of police officer was received f~om Frank Bertucelli. The application was accepted and ordered placed on file. An application was received from William Lencioni, 635 Pine Terrace to join the South Sa~ Francisco Fire Department as a volunteer. The application was ordered filed for further consideration. An invita$iom was received from the Santo Christo Society of South San ~'rancisco asking the city council and other city officials to participate in the parade and ceremony to be held Sunday May 10th, 1936,- commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m. honoring Santo Christo. The Mayor expressed the thanks of the council for the in- vitation and said all officials who could would participate. A communioation was received from the South San Francisco Library Board invitirgthe City Council to attend the meeting of the library board Tuesday evening ~iay 5 in the Library Building. All members of the city council signified their in- tention to be present if possible. A cormnunication was received from the Metal & Thermit Corporation calling the council's attention t~ trouble they experience with the sanitary sewer oveflowing on to their grounds. They suggested periodical inspection oft he sewer to prevent trouble in the future. They also thanked they city employees for their quick action in overcoming the disturbance on April 27th. A communication was received from the Peninsula Division League of California Municipalities announcing a meeting of the division on ~iay 21, 1936 at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel, San Mateo, at 6:30 p. m,, asking city officials to reserve that date for the meeting. Councilman Mager suggested that all should attend. Nine city officials signified their intention of going. The Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show addressed a let~er to the City Council thanking them for their cooperation during the recent livestock Show. The communication was accepted and ordered placed on file. A communication was received from the Young VotersLeague of South San Francisco thanking the council for allowing them the use of the city hall as its meeting place and asking if t he first $~Jednesday of each month would be available. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach seconded by Councilman ~Ainucciani and regularly carried permission was granted to use either the Council Chambers or Court room on the night specified if the rooms were not to be occupied for city business. The City and County of San Francisco filed a certified copy of Resolution No. 2492, adopted by the Board of Supervisors March 30, 1906, accepting permit to con- struct Crystal Springs Pipe Line No. 2 in certain streets and lands of South San Fran- cisco. The resolution was accepted and ordered pSaced on file. An application was received from Santino Bottino for permission to build a kitchen to his home at 812 Linden Avenue at a cost of ~125.00. Building Inspector A. J. Welte reported favorable and on motion of C~unGil.wan J. F. Mager, seconded by Councilman A. J. Eschelbach and regularly carried the permit was granted. A communication was received from the Town of Baden Improvement Club with a resolution attached out2Lning certain improvements in the Town of Baden as to better lights, care and replacement of trees, attention to sewers, building restrictions and abatement of mushroom plant if impossible to remedy present situation. On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman ;¥iager and regularly carried the contmunic- ation and resolution was laid over for further consideration. The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Health Officer, City Treasurer and City Clerk for t he month ending April 30, 1936, were su~nitted. On motion by Councilman l~lager, seconded by Councilman Boido the reports were accepted and ordered placed on file. Mayor Hatto thanked the city employees for their promptness in rendering these statements. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution authorizing the ~ayor and City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk to sign all warrants drawn upon the treasury of said city. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the city council~ as follows: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, D. W. Ratto, A. J. Eschelbach, ~. I~'~inucci~ Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None Attest: Daniel ~IcSweeney, City Clerk by Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy Recorded in Book of ReSolutions - Vol 3 at page 49. Claims in the amount of ~1085.48 were next presented to the city council for payment: J. Welch Louis Belloni So. S. F. Hospital Spuri Studio E. I. Du Pont Co. Superior Steam Laundry E. Smith E. Venturi J. Feri Harry Eans en C. Begnal L. Raffaelli A. Colombo A. J. Pacheco W. F. Fuller Co. Carroll Ross. C. H. 'Emerson Pacific Pumping Co. J. S. Baker Golden West Quarry Industrial City Lbr. Standard 0il Co. Burroughs Adding ~lach. A. Carlisle & Co. Pacific Tele. & Tele. removing cats ~ dogs Apr ~ieals prisoners April 2 exs~minations for alcoholism photos of auto accident paint for fire dept. wash #1 and #2 houses A.~r. Attending Western Pipe Co. fire II II II~ I! Il Il tl Ii II Il II II I! II Fire V~ alarm maintenance Apr. maintain street lights, replace cord on he~dge trimmer aud trace AC on fire circuit 15 gals traffic line paint digging trench for sewer Baden returing affidavits to Redwood rental pinup equipment April 3½ 'hrs. bulldozer Linden Ave.Job 18.26 tons crusher run l# lamp black gas, oil and coal oil Apr. i ribbon Election supplies April election Services April California Water Se~ice L~hra~yservice April " " fountain and fire house set. Apr. " " hydraut rental Apri 1 " " Ciciv center service Ap. H. V. Carter Co. I whiz trimmer & 2 blades Total ~31 . 50 1.65 5.00 1V.50 12.88 13.15 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 20.00 16.50 36.05 30,00 3.00 60.00 13.47 14.11 .21 133.63 .TV V8.72 60.15 14.4~ 4.92 462.00 21.47 16.87 085.48 '±he claims having been audited by the finance committee, Councilman M~nucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Couhcilman Eschalbach and regularly carried. Mayor Ratto announced that anyone interested in looki~ over the claims passed at the meetings could do so by calling at the City Clerk,s office where-all claims are on file. Under unfinished business the request of Walter A. Ryan for per- mission to operate a jitney service from the Junction to the industrial plants on East Grand Avenue was brought before the council. On motion by Councilman Mager,' seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the request was de ni ed. Under good and welfare of the community Mr. Frank Spuri of 411 Lux Avenue addressed the council stating that trees had been cut to the ground in the parking space in front~ of his home and Mrs. 0zello's home, leaving the stumps protruding out of the ground. He wished to have the city dig the stumps out. The matter was referred to the street department to be tsd~en care of. Mr. Corruccini of Town of Baden addressed the council stating that some party was brirg~ng car and bus bodies in ~o the tract on a lot on the highway and the residents would like to have it stopped. They were also desirous of know- ing what was being started on this particular piece of property. Building Inspec~ or Welte said this party was given permission to bring in one car body and 2 bus bodies for the purpose of using them to raise baby chickens. Councilman Boido said he was promised by the owner not to bring, in any more bodies thau he was giv~ permission and that he would move all in excess. Building Inspector Welte was i~structed to look into the sithation. · There being no far;ther business Councilman Eschelbach moved to ad- journ to Wednesday evening, ~Iay 6th, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. the motion was seconded by Councilman Ninucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9:00 o'look p. m. Respectfully submit ted, Approved: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk Mayor of South San Francisco J. Welch Louis Belloni So. S. F. Hospital Spuri Studio E. I. Du Pont Co. Superior Steam Laundry R. Smith E. Venturi J. Feri Harry Eansen C. Be gnal L. Raffaelli A. Colombo A. J. Pacheco W. P. Fuller Co. Carroll Ross' C. H. 'Emerson Pacific Pumping Co. J. S. Baker Golden West Quarry Industrial City Lbr. Standard 0il Co. Burroughs Adding Mach. A. Carlisle & Co. Pacific Tele. & Tele. removing cabs ~ dogs Apr Meals prisoners April 2 examinations for alcoholism photos of auto accident paint for fire dept. wash #l and #2 houses AT~r. Attending Western Pipe Co. fire II II Il ff Il It Il It II II II II II Il ti Fire'~alarm maintenance Apr. maintain street lights, replace cord on he~dge trimmer and trace AC on fire circuit 15 gals traffic line paint digging trench for sewer Baden returing affidavits to Redwood rental pump equipment April 3~ hrs. bulldozer Linden Ave.Job 18.26 tons crusher run l# lamp black gas, oil and coal oil Apr. i ribbon Election supplies April election Services April California Water Se~-~ice LIhra~yservice April " " fountain and fire house lser,Apr. " " hydraut rental Apri 1 " " Ciciv center service Ap. H. V. Carter Co. I whiz trimmer & 2 blades Total ~31.50 1.65 5.00 17.50 12.88 13.15 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 20.00 16.50 36.05 30.00 3.00 60.00 13.47 14.11 .21 133,63 Y8.72 60.15 14.4G 4.92 462. O0 21.47 16.87 $1,085.48 1he claims having been audited by the finance committee, Councilman Y~nucciani moved they be paid. The motion was~ seconded by Couhcilman Eschalbaah and regularly carried. Mayor Ratto announced that anyone interested in looking over the claims passed at the meetings could do so by calling at the City Clerk~ office where-all claims are on file. Under unfinished business the request of Walter A. Ryan for per- mission to operate a jitney service from the Junction to the industrial plants on East Grand Avenue was brought before the council. On motion by Councilman Mager,~ seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the request was denied. Under good and welfare of the community Mr. Frank Spuri of 411 Lux Avenue addressed the council stating that trees had been cut to the ground in the parking space in front~ of his home and Mrs. 0zello's home, leaving the stump protruding out of the ground. He wished to bare the city dig the stumps out. The matter was referred to the street department to be tsZen care of. Mr. Corruccini of Town of Baden addressed the council stating that some party was brir~ng car and bus bodies in to the tract on a lot on the highwa~ and the residents would like to have it stopped. They were also desirous of know ing what was being started on this particular piece of property. Building Inspe. or Welte said this party was given permission to bring in one car body and 2 bus bodies for the purpose of using them to ~aise baby chickens. Cotmcilman Boido said he was promised by the owner not to bring, in any more bodies thau he was gl' permission and that he would move all in excess. B~ilding Inspector Welte was idstructed to look into the situation. % There being no fur:ther business Councilman Eschelbach moved to ad- journ to Wednesday evening, May 6th, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. the motion was seconded by Councilman Minuccisni and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9:00 o'look p. m. Respectfully submitted, Approved: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk Mayor of South San ~'rancisco