HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-05-253O8 REGULARLY ADJOURNED MEETINr~ OF THE CITY CO NCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, ~LD MONDAY ~vlAY 28TH, 19~6. ~ regularly adjourned meetir:S of the city council of the City of South San Fran- cosco was held in the city hall, Honday evening, N[ay 28th, IgOr. This meetin~ was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.V~.Ratto. ROLL C ALL. Roll call found all members of the city council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Hager, H.Minnucciani, D.W.Ratto. T~e minutes of the previous meetmn ~ were read. There bein~ no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A com~nuuication was received from the 9rowers Rice Hilling Company , stating they had been in touch with the Board of Fire Underwriters, who informed them the nearest h?drant to their pl~t was 750 distant, and advised them to request the Citi~ of South ~an Francisco to place a hydrant upon their property, or at least not over 250 from their plant. Fire Chief Welte explained that the ~ro~d i'n t~e ~icin[ty of the rice company is marshy, and the con- struction of a brid?e to support ~ water main would be excee!in~ly costly. The. matter ~was referre~ to Fire ComJaissioner, Core, clean i.laMer, and the clerk instructed to request the rice people to have a reoresentative here at the next meeting of the co, cji, at which time the subject will be liven every consideration. A statement was received from the l~arket Street Railway Company showing the sum of $200.V3 ~e the Oity of South S~ Fr~cisco on their franchise ~der ordinances 86 ~d OZ,end~ng on the 21stol April 1936~ and asked for the approval of the City Council. 0n motion by Counc[~iMager seconded by Co, clean Eschelbach the statement was re,~!arly approved by the votes of all the members of the City Co~cil. ~ application for the position ~f ,supervising in playground Work was received from Eva Pari~i~ She gave as references Guy J.Roney,B. J.Rodondi,H.A. Cavassa. Application placed on file. A co~m~ication was received from C.Frachia,218 Pine Terrace,stating the fo~ tree~ in front of his home have grown so large that the light from the pole does not reach the sidgwa~ ~, o~cmlman Es chelbach. and requested the co~cil's attention to the matter. Referred to ~ ' A petition signed by three residents was received protesting against the maintenance of animals in a fr~e barn in the ally in the 700 block, The petition stated horses were ke~[~ there, and a cow that bellowed all night long. The alley is next to co~ercial Avenue. Referred ~o the City Health Officer,Dr. Hci'~iills~d Chief of Police Be~loni. J.Bettencourt applied for permission to stucco ~he Linden Hotel and chancre the front doors at an estimated cost of. ~00. 0n motion bv,~ ~ouncilman~ .. _ ~,~.~.~,seconded by councilman Boido ~d re~!arly carried the permit was granted. The matter of bids for the purchase of an automobile for the police department received and opened ~Ionday evening,May 18th, 1936, being ~satisfactory to the City Council, Co~_cil Boido introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco to reject the bids; The resolution was adopted by the votes of ali the members of the City Council~ as follows, Ayes, Counci~en, V.Boido, J.F.Hager,A.J.Eschelbach, H.Y. inucciani, D.W.Ratto. ~,bsent Counci~en, None Attest, Daniel McSweeney Nee s, C ounc~ lmen, None, ~ , . City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Rer, olutions, Vol.~,at page59. Councilman ~flager then introduced a resclution of the City of South San Francisco. calling for bids for an automobile for the police department of the City of South San Francisco. / The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the citv~ council~ . D.W.Ratto. 'as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F. ~,~aoe.. ~ ~, .,.~.~'~inucciani, ' N ce s, C o~ci linen, ~l~One, Ab s e nt, C ounc i linen, NoneA~test, ~a_qi3_~ 3.1cSwe~a~t ,.~ City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~,at oa%e ~O. Ordinance Ne.lBS was next brouzh, t up for p~ssaze. Councilman Eschelbach moved t~ dispense with the readin~ of the full ordinance, that the re~dmn~ 'of the tit,!e ~,ould be suffi~'~ cient. The motion was s~conded by Councilman ~,{inucciani and re;~ularly carried. The followin:Z is the title of ordinancc No.iBS;- R~ ~-U~.~I~..,~ THE SALE, AN ORDINA:~ . NAiNTENANCE, I,{A!NTENANCE Ai,~D REPAIR OF APPLIANCES DESI~hAr ...... TO 'p~..~'~n,r.~:.~, ~_. NATURAL, ~IX~, OR ~/LANUFA"?,T~ED GAS AS A FUEL ~.E~IU~ AND HOUSE OAS PIPING IT~ T2~ CI~ OF SOUTH SAN FR~ICISCO:PROV!DIN$ FOR T~:E INSPECTION OF SAID APPLIANCES AND HOUSE GAS '~ ~ ' ''~ :' PIPI~,~ ~: PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE 0F Pz, R~,~ITS FOR THE INSTALLATION AND FOR REPAIR 0F SAID APPLIANCES AND HOUSE GAS PIPING AND THE COLLECTIOU 0F FEES THEREFOR:PROVIDING FOR THE L!SCENS!}[G OF ~RSONS ~'~r~, _,-a~:t~ tTxT~, TiiE BUSIN=oS~'° OF INoTALLIN" n~ AND FOR REPAIR!N:I SAID APPLI- ANCES AND HOUSE ~%AS PIPING: .;~..~z::,~ FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOL%T!ON OF Ti{1S ORDINANCE. The ordinance was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council, as. follows;- Ayes,. C ouncilmen~ V. Boido, A. J. Es ohelloach, J. w.i',{ager, ~r. Hini~cciani, D. W. Raft o.~ ~/~ Noes, Counc~.lmen, None, Absent,Co~cilmen,hone. Attest, Daniel McS~eney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol. 2; at paga;No.257,258,259,260, 0n motion by comcihan Minuccian~,seconded by Counci~an Eschelba:~.h and re6ularly carried the title only of 0rdin~ce 1S9 was ordered read. 0R~NANCE N0.189 REPEALINg9 ORDINANCE N0. 148. CounciLman Boido introduced an ordinance of the City of South San Fr~cisco adopting the Unifo~ Buildin~ Code 1935 Edition ~nd r~pealin~ Ordinance No.148 of said ~mty of South S~u Fr~cisco entitled~ AN ORDINANCE 0F T~ CIT:f 0F S0~TH SAN FRANCISCO ~0PTING TH~ ~ BUI~ING CODE 192V EDITION ~0PTED pv~ TIE PACIFIC COAST BUILDING ~.~.~o~;~o~v~ CONFERENCE AT THE SIXTH ANNUAL ME~:TING OCTOBER 192V",adopted September 17,1928. The ordinance was adopted by the~ votes of all the members of the city council by the following vote;- Ayes, Co, siren, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, ~.Minuccimui,D.~.Ratto, Noes, Co~cilmen, None, Absent,Co~ci~en, None, Attest, Daniel McSweeney~ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol 2, at page 261. A communication was received from the Growers Rice Hilling Company , stating they had been in touch with the Board of Fire Underwriters, who informed them the nearest hydrant to their plant was 750 distant, and advised them to request the City of South San Francisco to place a hydrant upon their property, or at lea~t not over ~0 from thoir plant. Fire Chief Welte e~plained that the greed i~n t~e vicinity of the rice company is marshy, and the con- struction of a bridle to support . ~ water m~in would be e~ceedinTly costly. The~ matter ~was referred to Fire Co~J~issioner~ ~ounci~an ~.~a~er,and the clerk instructed to request the rice people to have a representative here at the n~xt ~eeting of the co, cji, at which time the subject will be ~iven every consideration. A statement was received from the b~arket Street Railway Company showing the sum $200.V3 ~e the 6ity of South S~ Fr~cisco on their franchise ~der ordinances GO ~d CZ,ending on the 21stof April 1938~ and asked for the approval of the City Council. 0n motion by Counci~~ Maser seconded by Co~cilman Eschelbach the statement was regularly approved by the votes of all t~ members of the City Co~cil. ~ application for the position 0f suPervising in playground Work was received from Eva Pari~i~ She gave as references ~uy J.Roney,N.J.Rodondi,H.A. Cavassa. Application placed on file. A communication was received from C.Frachia, 216 Pine Terrace,stat' Z · n~ the fo~ tree~ in front of his home have grown so large that the lizht from the pole does not reach the sidgwa~ and requested the co~cil's attention to the matter. Referred to Cocci!man Eschelbach. A petition signed by three residents was received protesting against the maintenance of animals in a fr~e barn in the ally in the 700 block, The petition stated horses were ke~ there, and a cow that bellowed all night long. The alley is next to co~ercial Avenue. Referred ~o the City Health Officer,Dr.}~cI~ills~d Chief of Police Belloni. J.Bettencourt applied fo~ permission to stucco the Linden Hotel and chancre the front doors at an estimated cost of ~00. 0n motion by councilman ~a~er,seconded by councilman Boido and re~larly carried the permit was ~ranted. The matter of bids for the purchase of an automobile for the police department received and opened %~1onday evening,b~ay 18th, 1~$6, being ~satisfactory to the City Council, Co~_cil Boido introduced a resolution of the Cit7 of South San Francisco to reject the bids~ The resolution was adopted by th~ vot~s of ali the members of the City Council~ as follows, Ayes, Counci~en, V.Boido, J.F.~ager,A.J.Eschelbach, H.Ninucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes,Councilmen,None, /, sent, Counci~en,None Attest, Daniel b~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Re~;olutions, Vol.~,at page59. Councilman ~.~ager then introduced a resclution of the City of South San Francisco ~ calling for bids for an automobile for the police department of the City of South San Francisco. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council~/: 'as follows; Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~aoe_, ~ ~ ' ~.W.Ratto. TO D ' ~' ~ Noes, Co~cilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen, h neW, test,._ an~el~ ............ tcowee~e~_._ ..... City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~,at pa~e ~O. Ordinance No.188 was next brouTht up for p~ssa~e. Councilman Eschelbach moved t~ dispense with the readin~ of the full ordinance, that the reading'of the tit,le weuld be suffi-~ cient The motion was s~conded by Councilman ~mnuccmani and regularly carried. The followini is the title of ordinanca No.!$8;- AN ~~'~' o -~ T~[~YW~TT~TNT~ AND REPAIR 0F u~,~,.~ REGU~T!NC- THE oALE, NAiNTENANCE, APPLIANCES DESIGNATED TO V~.~pTaV "' .,,~'.', ...... NATURAL, gIX~ 0R b%ANUFA'3T~ED GAS AS A FUEL AND HOUSE GAS PIPING IN TXE Ct~ 0F SOUT}[ SAN FRANCISC0.P~0~ ~-I~- P0R INSPECTION 0F SAID -' ~ ~'~ '~ OF ~' APPLIANCES AND HOUSE GAS PIPING: PROVIDING FOR TXE !SSUA~.,CE P::.R,~,ITS FOR THE INSTALLATION AID FOR REPAIR 0N SAID A. ~LIA...CES AND HOUSE GAS PIPING AND THE COLLZCTION 0P FEES TiIEREPORtPROViDING T~I~T~ A~ FOR THE LISCENSING 0F ~RSONS ~,.~.~ tN THF, BUSINESS OP iNSTALLINq AND ~0R REPAIR!N~ SAID APPLI- ANCES A~ HOUSE ,I~AS PIPING: o- r= .R0t=D~, FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLYDION 0P Ti{IS ORDINANCE. The ordinance was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as. follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A. J.Eschelbach,,.1. =. m.~.o~r,.~.I~:Imnm~cc_anm,''-~ ~--~ ~',~ ' ' ~ ' D.W. Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest, Daniel }{cS_~eene. y. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol. 8~ at pag~No.~V,888,8S9,~80, 0n motion by co~cihan bIinucoian!~,seconded by Counci~an Eschelbaah and regularly carried the title only of 0rdin~ce 189 was ordered read. OY<DINANGE 7~0.189 REPEALINC- ORDINANCE N0.1~8. Co~cihan Boido introduced an ordinance of the City of South San Fr~cisco adopting the Unifo~ Building Code 19~ Edition ~nd repea!inj Ordinance No.l~8 of said City of South S~u Pr~cisco entitledW AN ORDINANCE* o:w ~l~}m CtT_Y 0F SOUTH~ mAN~ FRANCISCO ~0PT_I,~_~-T'=n Ti~ ~IFONI~ BUI~!NG CODE 19~? EDITION ~0PTE~) ,~,, .~ PA3IPIC COAST BUILDING ~,,=_=.~,~,~ CONFERENCE AT THE SIXTH ANNUAL I~E~TIN~ 0CTOBER_ 19~7",adopted September 17,19~8. The ordinance was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council by the following vote;- Ayes, Co~ci~en, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, H.}{inucci~i,D.W.Ratto, Noes, Co~cilmen, None, Absent,Co~cilmen,None, Attest, D~iel McS~eeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol ~, at page ~61. Claims in the amount of ~162.@1 were next presented to the co~:~cil for payment;- Robins on-Drug ~i st, Evan Bertolozzi So. S. i~'. Hos~it al ~_dr ew Hynding Sout[~-City Sheet MetalProducts H.A. Cavassa M..~,~ inu cci ani Anchor ~) ~ ~ ru~ Company materials fire department painting traffic signals examination for alcoholism Bond of L~onso Collector repairing for fire department 5 doz deodorants Expenses city Officials to 2.95 ~12. O0 ~:~25.00 ~16.20 Peninsula Branch League Californi a ~dunicipalities, San Mateo ~ 7.70 5 gals Peynotiz, for city hall janitorial service ~14.16 Total ~152.81 The claims having been audited by the finance committee~ Counci~nan Minucciani moved they be Paid. The motion was seconded, by Councilman Eschelbach and regu~larly carried. Under the head of Unfinished Business the request of Principal Kleemeyer to have the city appoint suoervi~ors for the schoolyard playgrounds this surmuer and suggesting five na~es for positions, , ~. was laid over till the next meeting. Request of the ~arent Teacher's Association for three recreation center playground for the benefit of the school children of the City of South Sa~ Francisco was not t~:en up at this meeting, ~ayor Ratto announcing that the meeting was set for Tuesday evening, May 26th, i the city hall. In the matter of the request of 'the Pacific Gas ~t: Electric Company to install certain gas mains Chairman Eschelbach stated he would confer with the ~as company's represen- tative this week and go over the Zround. New Business. i~ayor Ratto announced the cutting of weeds would begin Monday mornin June 1,1956. Under the head of Good and Welfare. Franc 0gburn addressed the City Council and st that in his neighborhood, Peck's Subdivision, the rattle of trucks and steam shovels kept the neighbors awake nights and asked for a~u abatement of the nuisance. He stated also that tk~e tru and passage of steam shovels left the streets in some need of repairs. Councilman Mager suggested that the city inve'~tigate the complaint and the matter was referred to Chairman Eschelbach of the Street Committee~ together with Councilman Mager~ Another complainant stated that squeaky brakes on milk and bread wa~ons disturbed his early morning slumbers.No action taken. There being no further business ~ouncilman ~l~Iinucciani moved to adjourn until the ne regular meeting, Monday, June lst,19S6,at 8 o'clock p.~l,~. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~ager and re~.~ularly carried. Time of adjournment 9.05 o'cl~ck p.m. Approved~. ~'~ayor 6f South San Francisco,- Respectfully submitted, ' C~y Clerk.~/~