HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-07-06316 ~" ~ 0P ~IT'r REGULAR i4EETIN.~ THE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, ~mLD ~,I0~DA~, JULY The regular meet:~nS of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall, [~onday eveninz, July Sth, 19~6. The meeti.n~ was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor ~.:~.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows,- CounciLmen, V..Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~:~{a~Ter~.i.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There be!hZ no errors or omissions Councilman ]!inucciani moved they be approved as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and re~.ularly carried. A con~nuni~ation was received from the Peninsula Fire Chiefs Club reminding the council of an ordinance pertaining to the sale, prevention and possession of fire works, which was re- commended for passage at a previous meeting, and requested all possible care be taken to enforce the ordinance or a~similar one durin~ celebration days. Referred to Fire Chief Welte. A communication was receive~ from ~,~iss Rue C '~ ~ l~.~ord, secretary of the Library Board~ enclosing -the budget for the cominz year, and advising that the terms of Trustees Bartlett and Clifford expired J~une ~0,195~. Accepted and filed. A communication was received from the Secretary of the Peninsula Branch of the League of California Municipalities announcin~ that the next meetin~ of the league would be held in the Seqquola Hotel, Redwood City,Thursday, the l~th, of July, 19~8, at 6;~0 O'clock P.?g.,and requested to know how many city representetives w¢,~J attend. !?~ayor Ratto asked ha~ many of the councilmen and other officials would he in attendance. All present a~reed to attend. J.H. Sonde~aan applied for a business license to conduct a grocery and notion store at 850 Baden Avenue. Referred to City Attorney Coleberd. An application ,.vas received from Jim Larrlchi to operate a restaurant at ~00 Grand Avenue, to succeed Oiavia & Sod,ne. License granted on motion by Councilman Be,do, seconded by Councilman ]~ager and regularly carried. Amadeo Firenze applied for a business license to conduct a restaurant at llS~ San Bruno Road, Referred to the health officer. ~.~ayor ~ att~o and City Council received' a co~nunication~.a from Filling. Station Employees Union No,~01~$,Dnuerican Federation of Labor, San ate. Labor Councml, stating infor- mation was received that Swift L: Company and ~acific Coast ]reel Company were selling ~asoline to their employees at less than cost or, ce, and have refused to PsT a business license for transact,n7 this class of business, in the City of South. San Z~rancisco, and requested assistance in adjusting the matter. Referred to City Attorney Cole erd for an opinion. A petition siuned by eight residentsof the vicinity of the 700 Block of Commercial Avenue requested tho board to remove a horse and manure from t~ premises situated in the 700 =,lock on Commercial Avenue, statin~ that such a nuisance ~.s a health menace. Referred to the Health Officer. i ~ordon Rowe Company submitted a statement hhat in addition to the special report led in April this year they are now workin~ on the rezular annual report for the fiscal year endiuz June S0, 1~$. Accepted. A communication was received from City Clerk ~.C.Ross of Daly City, stating that the Dalv~, City~, ~ounc~.'~ ~n~ addressed a letter of protest 'to the Board of Supervisors of San ~'iateo ,. ' . ~ ~ ' out- County a~ainst the employment of an assistant Supervisor of the W P.A.~.,:uszc Pro~ect, ,, ~4ateo to side of San l'~ateo County, believin~ thare must be capable men within the County of San fill a vacancy of this character. It was the wish of the ])aly City .;ouncil thet the City Councimen of South San Francisco be advised of their action. Action on the aommun; cation was delayed till another meetin~. The League of California luunzcipalmtzes ~rote the city co~mucil as~[inm~ that a councilman be designated in addition to the ~ayor to keep in touch with the lea~9~e bulletins for the benefit of the city council, and also inquired as to whom bulletin~ may be sent. The council sug?steal that bulletins be sent to all councilmen, and the clerk was instructed to so order. A reply was received from the County Planning Conmnission in res]?onse to tke city's letter advising them of the erosion in Colma Creek and waste matter from hog ranches and sewage allowed to find its way into the creek, stating they would cooperate in every way possible with the city officials of South San Francisco m~d the County of San '*ate., but did not state to what extent, if any, 'the erosion of the creek is be,nc prevented. Communication ordered filed. The monthly renorts of t.~e Chief of Police, Pire Chief,City Treasurer,Duildin~' Inspector ttealth Officer and city Clerk for the month endin~' June 30,1938 were submLtted to the council and on motion by~ Councilman ~a~_~o~_, seeonde~ oy Councilman Doid~' .... ~..~ re.-~ularly_ carried were accepted. gl?ires in the mncmmt of ~i~3434.~2 were next presented to tke council for payment;- Frank Casa,jrande Jim Curt, C. Sevrini q. Cresci Oeo A.Kneese ll ~! ,1 II II ti II ti E.Rozzi I,~. i.~ayer le N. Ignoutz E. ~4ilani L'~.t~iazzetti C. Be unal E.Kozlowski C.Brizzi Paul Pen.ski J. ~aye rl~ A. Johnson C. Rinehart ' R. ~is a~no J. Fambrini J.Ferre L. Savares L. Imprescia labor ,~lanting trees ;,~ 8.00 " " "9'~ 8.$0 labor in ball park q~ 3~.00 " plantinz trees j 8.00 su~ve~'~ng parks play.~rounds~j 45 69 " Co!ma Creek projoq~4z?.65 tracin..~ for city .assessor :~ 8.00 surveying con. Linden Ave.BR,~ ~6.16 June ~;~ 8.50 " :: 8 50 ,-~( · attending fires !! !! !! !! H H !! II II II tl II II II II Il 11 II 11 II II Il II II II II II II I! II(- II II II II II 11 II II 11 II 6.50 1.50 13. O0 8.50 10.50 2.50 1. O0 3. O0 4.50 6. O0 9.00 3. O0 5.50 3. O0 A communication was received from the Peninsula Fire Chiefs Club reminding the council of an ordinance pertaining to the sale, prevention and possession of fire works, which was re- commended for passage at a previous meeting, and requested all possible care be tel:eh to enforce the ordinance or a similar one durin~ celebration days· Referred to Fire Chief Welte. A communication was received from ~'~.~zs~o Rue Cli~ord, secretarv~, of the Library Board, enclosing the budget for the comin:Z year, and advising that the terms of Trustees Bartlett and Clifford ex~ired June 30,1936. Accepted and filed. A communication was received from the Secretary of the Peninsula Branch of the League of California Municioalities announcin~ that the next m~etzng of the league would be held in the Seqquola Hotel, ~edwood City,Thursday, the l,Sth, of July, 1936, at 6;30 O'clock P.M.,and requested to know how many city representctives w¢,~'~,~ attend. !.(ayor Eatto asked ha~ many of the councilmen and other officials would he in attendance. All present azreed to attend· J.H. Sonde~aan applied for a business license to conduct a grocery and notion store at 550 Baden Avenue· Heferred to City Attorney Coleberd. An application was received from Jim Larrichi to operate a restaurant at 200 Grand Avenue, to succeed Oiavia & Sodine. License granted on motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman i'~ager and regularly carried· Amadeo Firenze applied for a business license to conduct a restaurant at 1132 San Btu_no Road, Referred to the health officer. ~iayor i~atto and City Council received a co~nunication from Filling Station Employees Union No~01~$,Dnuerican Federation of Labor, San ~'~ateo Labor Council, stating infor- mation was received that Swift ~t Company and racific Coast i~teel Company were selling 7asoline to their employees at less than cost orice, and have refused to pay a business license for transacting this class of business, in the City of South San ~rancisco, and requested assistance in adjusting the matter. Referred to City Attorney Cole ~rd for an opinion. A petition si~med by eight residentsof the vicinity of the 700 Block of Commercial Avenue requested the board to remove a horse and manure from th~ premises situated in the ~00 Block on Cormmercial Avenue, statmn that such a nuisance ~s a health menace. Referred to the Health Officer. i ~ordon Rowe Company submitted a statement ~hat in addition to the special report led in Aprfl this year they are now w. orkin~ on the-rezular annual report for the fiscal year endiuz June 30, 1936. Accepted. A conm~m~ication was received from City Clerk !D.C.Ross of Daly City, stating that the ~aly City Council ~a8 addressed a letter of protest 'to t~qe Board of Supervisors of San i'lateo County aTainst the ' emplo.Tm~ent of an assistan, t Supervisor of the W.P.A.Music Pro~ect,out- side of San 'Mateo County, believin~ thare must be capable men within the County of San Mateo to fill a vacancy of this character· It was the wish of the Daly City ,;ouncil thet the City Councimen of South San Francisco be advised of their action· Action on the aomm~unf cation was delayed till another meetin~. The League of California Municipalities ~rote the city council as~in~ that a councilman be designated in addition to the ~ayor to keep in touch with the lea.~zle bulletins for the benefit of the city council, and also inquired as to whom bulletins may be sent. The council suggested that bulletins be sent to all councilmen, and the clerk was instructed to so order· A reply was received from the County Planning Commission in res~onse to tke city's letter advising them of the erosion in Colma Creek and waste matter from hog ranches and sewage allowed to find its way into the creek, stating they would cooperate in every way possible with the city officials of South San Francisco m~d the County of San ~"'ateo, but did not state to wi'mt extent, if any, 'the erosion of the creek is being prevented. Communication ordered filed· The monthlF reports of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief,City ~reasurer,~_~u~ld~ Health Officer and city Clerk for the month endin~' June ~0,1936 were submitted to the council and on motion by Councilman ~;~ager, seconde~ oy Councilman ~ozd. and re.-:ularly carried were accepted. Cl~.ims in the mnount of ,~3434.8~ were next presented to tke council for payment;- Frank CasaLjrande Jim Curti C. Sevrini q. Cresci ~-eo A. idueese II ~ II I1 II I! ~1 II II E.Rozzi M. L~ayerle M. I gnout z E. Milani !~.~.Mazzetti C. Becnal E. Kozlowski C.Brizzi Paul Penoski J. Nayerl~ A. Jo ~bzns on C. Rinehart R. Bis a~no J. Fambr ini J. Ferre L. Savares L. Impres cia R. Smith Manuel Castro V.Ullery labor planting trees ~i~ 8.00 " " " ~ 8 .$0 labor in ball park ~ 3~.00 " plantin~ trees ~j 8.00 ..... playgrounds~ 45.69 sar~e~;~.ng parks, . " Co!ma Creek proje~4~.65 tracin,~ for city assessor :;~ 5.00 surveying con. Linden Ave.BR,~ ~6.16 attending fires June ~ 8.50 " " " ':~ 8 50 ,, ~ 6.50 ~ 1.50 Joe qalli cleaning weeds alle'Ts The Enterprise, printing notice easled proposals,purchase auto The Enterprise ~fligan Circulars " " printing seal.pro.Auto iF 8.oo ,.5o " " " delinquent tax list Calif/ State Auto A~s'n speed limit code,20 mi signS 38.53 Dr.J.C.McNills Apr.!'.,lay, June phones ~ 9.V5 C.Begnal 17 days relief driver ~ 45.00 Jack Welch remove docs, cats,Jone ~$ 34.50 Rf. Belli a. Co,, balance on ~ck Police car ~763.63 Union Service Station wash & ?olich police car ~ 5.00 H.G.Mat:elim materials, fire dept ,~ 29.95 Spuri Fete Studio photos ~ 12.00 Andrew Hynding, Quarterly Audit to 5,31,36 ~ll6.11 A. Carlisle& Co., file,ass't roll, envelopes,clerk $159.26 L.N.Uurtis refill resuscitation tank $ 9.68 Calif. Water Service Co Library Water June S 26.91 " " " water baseball park June ~ 66.17 " " " " hydrant s June ~462.00 " " " " " fire house fountain ~ 7.10 3o. City Sheet Metal Co solderin~ tank ~ 1.75 So.City Lbr. & Supply Co, 6 tons prem mix $ 23.18 Economy Desk Co, Mayor's filing case '~ 76.62 Superior Steam Laundry wash fire houses i 10.9o Mylan Watson labor street department ~. 20.00 J.Penna matches, fire dept S .70 Pacific Pumping Co., rent electric pumper Curley-Lord Tire Co, -~R~ee- i a,c, Trize light ~ ll.T1 So.S.F.Hospi.tal examinations for alcoholism $ 5.00 Scampini & Zanetti 2 gas standard Eythl gas $ .40 ~i. Belli :~ Co,Ltd., siren bracket,bolts,cable $ 7.72 Louis Belloni envelopes, stamps,feed prisoner 13.16 Joe Penna stale bread Patrick->Jloise Klimkner Co black carbon paper$ 19'96'19 A.J.Pacheco ~/,aintain fire alarm sys,etc month of June , 1935 $ 33.25 "" " repair traffic signal ~ 21.85 "" " maintain street lights $ 14.05 Union 0il Co. Triton by Z{~merma~ ~ 15 13 Highway Blacksmith Shop 4 wheels. 2 axels ? 29175 ~camp!nf & Zanet~i lubrication s~rvice ~ 2 00 .,..F.Bishop Co drum sprocket,spark plugs $ 13~61 - E.Bottini cleanin7 alley weeds ~} 8.00 Tony Di i'~larchi " " " ',~ 8.00 Pac Tel_ & Tel Co June phones, ~ 64.70 Frank 'ariani new muffler,fire dept :~ 8.94 Total i$3434.82 The claims havin.~been audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido moved they be ~Daid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager and regularly carried. ~ Under the head of unfinished business Councilman Eschelbach reported the Pacifi~ gas & Electric company would furnish an estimate of the cost to place lights in Tmmarack Laz W~th reference to the request of property owners on Tanforan Ave. Councilman Eschelbach reported repairs are under way. In the matter of the request of the Northside Taxpayers Protective Association Cit] Attorney Coleberd reported progress. Counc~,L~ Eschelbach reported favorably on the request of the Pacific Gas & Elect~ ~0~.pany~for ~rmission to install a 2" gas main ~n th.e sidewalk area of l,~agnolia Ave, North ~'0urth ane'~ : ~ealth Officer Mc~mlls rep orted the premisis of Mrs. Dunbar 233 E1 Camino Re~ in a good and sanitary condition, b~t the ~.~illigan residence unfit for habitation. Inspecto~ Welte reoorted the same on thes places, but that tke MilliMan place could be made sanitary habitable if repairs were m~.de and the plumbing put in shape and the premises cleaned up. The clerk was instructed to dispatch a registered letter to the owner of the Milligan place with a return receipt requested, requesting him to ~lace the building in good condition to with the city ordinances. Under the head of new business '"ayor Ratto appointed Miss Rue Clifford and Mrs. Ann~ Bartlett trustees of the City Library to succeed themselves,the ter~s beginning July 1,1936, terminating June 30,1939. Councilman Ninucciani moved the appointments be confirmed. The mc was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Under the hes~ of Good and Welfare Councilma~ Es~halbach requested authorization to purchase 500 feet of I '~ ~ inch pipe for Orange Avenue ?ark. On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularl~ carried the requeated authorization Was granted. Mayor Ratto announced that a slot machine man approached him on the subject of insi slot mac$ines in South San Francisco, some two weeks ago. The ~ayor stated the slot machine said he had been in touch with come of the councilmen and a majority were in favor of it. asked if any of the councilmen had been approached on the subject. All counci~r~en stated no had seen them on the subject, and all were ~mphatically against the introdution of slots ma~ in the City of South San Francisco. C~ief of Police Belloni was instructed to keep in touc~ matter and see that no move was made to install them. There being no further business before the board ~ouncilman Minucciani moved to a~ until Friday evenin~ July 10th, 1936,at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion :was seconded by Councilm~ . Boido and regularly.~arried. Time of adjournment, 9;15 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted Approved " 'City Clerk~ Mayor of South San Francisco // Pacific Pumping Co., Curley-Lord Tire Co, So. S.F. Hospital Scampini & Zanetti ~v~. Belli !~ Co, Ltd., Louis Belloni Joe Penna~ Spuri Foto Studio photos ~ 12.00 Andrew Hynding, quarterly Audit to 5, 31, 36 ~ll6.11 A. Carlisle& Co., file,ass't roll, envelopes,clerk $169.28 L.N.~urtis refill resuscitation tank Calif. Water Service Co Library Water Jtme " " " water baseball park June ~ 86.17 " " " " hydrant s June ~482.00 " " " " " fire ho~se fountain ~ 7.10 3o. City Sheet Metal Co solderin~ tank ~ 1.75 So. City Lbr. & Supply Co, 6 tons prem mix ~ 23.18 Ecanomy Desk Co, ~ayor's filing case ~ 7~.62 Superior Steam Laundry wash fire houses ~ 10.9o Nylan Watson labor street department ~ 20.00 J. Penna matches, fire dept ~ .70 rent electric pumper -~ee- i a,c, Trize light ~ ll. Yl examinations for alcoholism ~ 5.00 2 gas standard Eythl gas ~ .40 siren bracket,bolts, cable ~$ 7.72 envelopes, stamps,feed prisoner 13.18 stale bread Patrick-~oise Klimkner Co black carbon paper A.J. Pacheco Maintain fire alarm sys,etc month of June , 193G "" " repair traffic signal "" " maintain street lights Union 011 Co. Triton by Z~erma~ Highway Blacksmith Shop 4 wheels. 2 axels Scamping. & Zanet~i G.F.Bishop Co -E.Bottini Tony Di Marchi Pac Tel & Tel Co Frank Zariani lubrication s~rvice drum sprocket,spark plugs cleaning all~y weeds June phones, new muffler, fire dept Total 19.19 33.25 21.85 14.05 15.13 29.75 2.00 13.61 8.oo 8.oo 64.70 8.94 ¢ 434.82 The claims havingbeen audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Counci3nnan Mager and regularly carried. D~der the head of unfinished business Councilman Eschelbach reported the Pacifi~. gas & Electric company would furnish an estimate of the cost to place lights in Tmmarack Lan, W~th reference to the request of property owners on Tanforan Ave. Councilman Eschelbach reported repairs are under way. In the matter of the request of the Northside Taxpayers Protective Association City Attorney Coleberd reported progress. Counc~ Eschelbach reported favorably on the.request of the Pacific Gas & Electr~ ~°~.pany, for ~t~mission to install a 2" gas main in th.e smdewalk area of i~[agnolia Ave, North ~Ourth -ane.~ ' Health Officer McMills rep orted the premisis of Mrs. Dunbar 233 E1 Camino Rea[ in a good and sanitary condition, b~.~t the Milligan residence unfit for habitation. Inspector Welte reported the same o~ thes places, but that the Milligan place could be made sanitary a: habitable if repairs were made and the plumbing put in shape and the premises cleaned up. The clerk was instructed to dispatch a registered letter to the owner of the Milligan place with a return receipt requested, requesting him to ~lace the building in good condition to c~ with the city ordinances. Under the head of new business ayor Ratto appointed Miss Rue Clifford and Mrs. Anna Bartlett trustees of the City Library to succeed themselves,the ter~s beginning July 1,1936, terminating June 30,1939. Councilman Ninucciani moved the appointments be confirmed. The mol was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Under the hea~ of Good and Welfare Councilman EsGhalbach requested authorization to purchase 500 feet of I '~ ~ inch pipe for Orange Avenue Park. On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularl~ carried the requeated authorization Was granted. Mayor Ratto announced that a slot machine man approached him on the subject of insts slot mac~ines in South San Francisco, some two weeks ago. The ~ayor stated the slot machine said he had been in touch with some of the councilmen and a majority were in favor of it. ~e asked if any of the councilmen had been approached on the subject. All counci~en stated no c had seen them on the subject, and all were ~mphatically against the introdution of slots mack in the City of South San Francisco. Chief of Police Bel!oni was instructed to keep in touch matter and see that no move was made to install them. There being no further business before the board 2ouncilman until Friday evenin~ July 10th, 1936, at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was . ~ Boido and regularly.~arried. Time of adjournment, 9;15 o'clock p.m. Approved Mayor of South San Francisco Minucciani moved to adj seconded by Councilman Respectfully submitted City Clerk