HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-07-20 REGULAR ~.~'~:~ETI]~ ~ 0F TH? ~IT?f CC, Lq~CIL OF THE
Th~ regular meeting of the city co~cil of the City of Sout~ San Francisco was held
in the city hall ~.~onday, July ~0th, 1~S8.
Th~ meetinz was called to order by ~.~ayor D.W.Ratto at 8 o'clock p.m.
Roll Call fo~d all members of the oit~f cm~cil present,as follo~s;-
Co~ci~en V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.?~.~ager,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There bein~ no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
A co~ication was received from the Co~ty Clerk of San ~ateo County by direction
of the Board of Supervisors of San ~ateo attaching a copy of a resolution recently adopted
by said °oard, in reference to the ~si~tly and unneccessary hazards caused by the Construct~
of Billboards along and adjacent to main traffic arteries t~ough our county. The
co~ication requested that early and favorable consideration be given by the City Co~cil
of the City of South San Francisco. The matter was laid over.
The Pacific Gas g~ Electric Company notified the city that the gas meter at the East Gr~
Avenue fire house had been tested and found ~.7~ fast. They stated the correction was made ar
the city credited with the s~ of ~t.8~. Con~a~ication accepted.
Georze Porta made application for a permit to remodel five houses on the North Side of
Linden Aveuue,800 to 808 Linden Avenue,all fr~e one story rustic dwellings. All repairs con-
templated were enumerated in the application. 0n motion by Co~e.i~an ~ager, seconded by Coam
man ~inucci~i and regularly carried the desired permit was ~r~ted.
Co~cilman Boido introduced a resolution requesting the San Francisco Barbor Line
Board to establish harbor lines in the City of South San Francisco. The resolution was adopt
by the votes of all the members of the city council;as follw~,-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F. ~ager,M.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto.
Noes, Counct~en, none, absent,Co~ci~en, none. Attest~ Daniel ~cSweeney
City Clerk,
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. ~, at page 88.
The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the San Francisco Harbor Line Boar~
m~ing the request.
A complaint was received that 7arbaze was bein~ d~ped in an alley back of Linden. The
complaint c~e from 8~ Linden Avenue. The chief of PoliQe was reMuested to acquire the name
the party violat n2 the city ordinance,and the city clerk to write the party showing ~100 fin
can be char~ed for the offense~ which was done.
Judge ~'~ir~in~ submitted h~s r~'oort for ~
~ ~ ' .. t~e month of J~e. Reoort aacepte~ and ordered
Claims in the ~ount of ,~1!17.0~ were next presented to the co~ncil f
placed on file.
Industrial City L~nber Co.
il Il II
M.~,elli ,!.: Co.
John Figoni
D. W. Ratto, a3~en %
C, Be ~nal
San ~ateo Co.Title Co
Bank Of .~merica,
materials for parks ~ ~0.71
"streets etc
7~ease and oil
cleanin~ & hall windows
55. ol
rent pard space,Linden Ave i$140.00
8 days relief driver,fire ~ 40.00
weekly real estate reports ~ 1.50
Oordon Rowe ?~uditor check ~150.00
Roll Call found all members of the .~it¥ co,maci! present,as follows;-
Councilmen V. Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J. F.~,~ager,i¢_.ivIinucciani,D.W.Ratto.
The minutes of the previous meetinz were read. There beinof no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
A communication was received from the County ~:;lerk of San i~ateo County by direction
of the Board of Supervisors of San t,~ateo attaching a copy of a resolution recently adopted
by said °oard, in reference to the unsightly and unneccessary hazards caused by the Constructi¢
of Billboards along and adjacent to main traffic arteries through our county. The
communication requested that early and favorable consideration be given by the City Council
of the ~mt¥ of South San .~rancisco. The matter was laid over.
The' Pacific Gas & Electric Company notified the city that the gas meter at the East Gra~
Avenue fire house had been tested and found 4.7~ fast. They stated the correction was made an(
the city credited with the stun of ~1.54. Con~aunication accepted.
· eorse Porta made application for a permit to remodel five houses on the North Side of
Linden Avenue,800 to 808 Linden Avenue,all frame one story rustic dwellings. All repairs con-
temOlated .... were enumerated in the aoplication. On motion by Counc~ilman ,~-,~^~ seconded by Co~m~
man ~inucciani and reMularly carried the desired permit was granted.
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution requesting the San Francisco Barber Line
Board to establish harbor lines in the City of South San Francisco. The resolution was adopt~
by the votes of all the members of the city council;as fo!iww,-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.?.~ager,~.~.~4inucciani,D.W.Ratto.
Noes, Councilmen, none, absent,Councilmen, none.
Recorded_ in Book of Resolutions, Vol. S, at page 68.
Daniel ~cSweeney
City Clerk,
The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the San Francisco Harbor Line Board
msd~ing the request.
A complaint was received that 7arba~e was bein~ dumped in an alley back of Linden. The
complaint came from 84~ Linden Avenue. The chief of Police was requested to acquire the name
the party violat n~i~ the city ordinance,and the city clerk to write the party showin~ ~100 fin~
can be char~ed for the offense, which was done.
Judge ~'!irnain~ submitted his re~oort for the month of June. Report accepte~ and ordered
placed on file.
Claims in the s~nount of ~;~1!17.02 were next presented to the co:,ncil f.
Industrial City Lom~ber Co.
!¢.,. ~elli ,?... Co.
John Figoni
!~, . ¥.r. Ratto, a~:en ~
C, Be ~nal
San ;',~ateo Ce.Title Co
materials for parks ~$ 20.71
"streets etc
grease and oil
cleaning g~ hall windows
;¢ 55.ol
rent ~ard space,Linden Ave ;~140.00
8 da~s relief driver, fire ~ 40.00
weekly real estate reports ~ 1.50
Bank Of America,
~ordon Rowe ;~.ud. itor check '~
S.Cfty Lzunber ~:.. ouoolr Co 4 ton Pre Y, ix 0il ~$ 15.45
continued from pa~e 319;
I.i. Wat son,
plantin-~ trees
Hadicks Redd Co
Tsandard 0il Co
1 Lorraine L~:~ht ~ 28.25
~Tasoline ?: °il ~) 72.49
Ca!.f;tate '.utc Asso si[~ns i-:: posts
So.S.F.Hospital exams for a!clholism ~ 5.00
Enterprise Press
~ 30.83
R.!i'isa~no drinin~ for Bissett
The Lake Arie Chemical Co Watc].~ Club
lO. co
Pacific ~.as ?!.. Electric Co str.li~hts ~622.52
f~',O. S. :~ Cham!-er ¢' '
~ . ~ommerce July Adds ',i¢ 25.00
~ac."as ;~. Electrf. c Co ?[isc liEhts :~ 75.59
Postma~'ter Quinlan ~i~tamped envs Pol D___e.;~ 32.52
0ouncitman U~oido moved the claims be :?aid. The motion ,,vas seconded by Cozmcilman I4ager
and regularly carried.
Under unfinished business ~2it¥ Attorney Cileberd stated he would give an opinion on the
application of J~H,Sonderman for a business license at 550 Baden Avenue.
At this juncture Councilman Esche!bach announced he had a statement to make. Councilman
Eschelbach charged that at a orevious meeting ]:ia?for Ratto cha!!enced the inte:~rity of himself,
(Councilman Eschelbach) and the balance of the board, by stating that a man had come to him mud
stated slot ~
ma ..... ~es were to be allowed in town, that three of the councilman had been fixed and
would vote to permit the machines to enter .Co~mcilman Eschelbach thereupon introduced the
Followin~ motion. "I feel that in ~ustice to myself and the board who are responsible to the
Community that elected them, to make a motion this evenin~ that ~4ayor Ratto be compelled to name
the man who tried to bribe him;second that he siqn a complaint charging that man with trying
to bribe an official".Comncilman Eschelbach said,referrin~ to ~,~ayor Ratto,"If he expects full
support and cooperation from this board he'll name the man".
Councilman Boido seconded the
motion. !?~ayor Ratto said there was no attempt to bribe him, ]!te said thare was no money offered~
that a man came to his office in good faith and told him not to get sore about what he was going
to talk about~ and he~asked.hi~ What it was::about,.and the man'it was about Slot machines, and
he stated he asked the man to 7o ahoad with his story. The man's story was that he was asked by
a party to visit [~ayor Ratto and tell him that they are 7oin~g to put in slot machines in the tovm
whether he,I~ayor Ratto liked it or not, ~,.aat they have already .got the consent of three members
of the board..~.~ayor Ratto stated he told the man he did not believe any of the membere of t~e
board had been fi::ed. Councilman Na~er stated he did not hear the mayor mention in the previous
meeting that he was offered a bribe. Thereupon Councilman Eschelbach ~ended his motion to provide
only that ?a)~or Ratto"be compelled to name that mvater'.~ person,whoever _he may be".
Cozmcilman ~,~inucciani stated whoever the man ~ s who stated three members of the City
Council were fi=ed for the introductio~ of slot machinss was a bi~ liar, and he personally did
not care to know s~ch a man's n~e.
The vote on Councilman Eschelbach's motion '.':as as follows,-
Ayes, Co, siren, V.Boido, A.J. Eschelbach, J.2..~:a~er.
Noes, Co~cilmen, D.W.Ratto.
~. · .
Co~cilman ,~mnuccmanm not voting.
~ayor Ratto when votin~ No stated the man in question was a friend of his and he did
.not feel l~ke pullin~ him in.
Co~ci~an Boido stated there have been no. slot machines in this city for about six
years. Ed Rin~ue disouted t]~e stateroom, ~ayin2 they were here four ~ars ago. Co~ncilman stated
that ou~t to be enough for hi~. Considerable other discussion v:as had on t~,e ~ubject and
CounciLman ~,~Inucciani moved ~ adjourn t~! t~e ~e:~t re~] ..... mee~;~.ng, ~4a' ~ ~ '
at S o~ '' ,tec,.oz-~d.:~.~. b~r counc~.~man Eschelbach.
c.,oc.t,c p .m. T),e motion wa::
Time of adjourmm~ent~ 9;~0 o's!cci: ~.m.
Respectfully submi~t e~
R. Tisa~o drining for Bissett i~ lO.00
The Lake Arie Chemical Co ?~atc~.~ Club
Pacific ass .:?: Electric Co str.li~.hts
.... on~merce J'ulv Adds :~i~ ~ 00
~ac.~as ?' Electr.~.c Co ?~isc lizhts .~ 75.59
Postma ~ter Quinlan (~tamped envs Pol D__e.,~ ~2.52
0ouncilman ![)oido moved the claims be .~aid. The motion was seconded by Councilman I';Ia.zer
and re~larly carried.
Under unfinished business City Attorne~ Cileberd stated he would give an opinion on the
application of J~H,Sonderman for a business license at 550 Baden Avenue.
At this juncture Councilman Eschelbach announced he had a statement to make. Counci]nr_an
Eschelbach charged that at a nrevious meeting hiayor Ratto cha!lenced the inte,zrity of himself,
(C~uncilman Eschelbach) and the balance of the board, by stating that a man had come to him and
stated slot machines were to be allowed in town, that three of the councilman had been fixed and
would vote to permit the machines to enter .Co~mcilman Eschelbach thereupon introduced the
Followin~ motion. "I feel that in justice to myself and the board who are responsible to the
Community that elected them, to make a motion this evenin7 that Mayor Ratto be compelled to name
the man who tried to bribe him;second that he sign a complaint charging that man with trying
to bribe an official" . Councilman Eschelbach said, referring to Mayor Ratto,"If he expects full
support and cooperation from this board he'll name the man". Councilman Boido seconded the
motion. ?layer Ratto said there was no attempt to bribe him, Ifc said th~:~re was no money offered~
that a man came 'to his office in good faith and told him not to get sore about what he was going
to talk about~ and he~asked hi~ What it was:-about,.and the man'it was about slot machines, and
he stated he asked the man to :2o ahead wit~'~ his story. The man's story was that he was asked by
~?~ayor of Soutk San Francisco.
a party to visit L[ayor Ratto and tell him that they are goin:g to put in slot machines in the to~m
whether he,I'¥~ayor Ratto liked it or not, that they have already
~.~ ~ the consent of' three members
of the board..~.,~ayor Ratto stated he told the man he did not believe any of the membere of t~e
board had been fi::ed. CounciLman Namer stated he did not hear the mayor mention in the previous
meeting th. at he was offered a bribe. Thereupon Councilman Eschelbach ~ended his motion to provide
only that ?ayor Ratto"be compelled to name that m~raterF person,whoever he may be".
Cotmcilman Minucciani stated whoever the man i s who stated three members of the City
Council were 'fixed for the intrOductio,'~ of slot machines was a bi~ llar,and he personally did
not care to know s~,~ch a man's n~e.
The vote on ~,ouncm!man Eschelbach's motion was as follows
Ayes, Co~ci~en, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.2.F_ager.
Noes, Co~cilmen, D.U!.Ratto.
Co~cilman ~inucciani not votinx.
~,~ayor Ratto when votin~ ~Io stated the man in question was a fr~end of his and he did
.not feel like pu!liny him in.
Counci~an Boido stated there have been no' el.ct machines in this city for about six
years. Ed Rin.~ue disputed the stateroom, ~ayin2 they were here four ~r~ars ago. Co~mcilman stated
that ou~s:~t to be enough for h~.m. Considerable other discussion ?~as l~ad on *~ ~b.~ect and
uounciLman ~,~inucciani moved t~ adjourn t~!l
at ~ o' clock p .rs. The ~:ol?on wa:z s~eaoz':d~.~, b? counciL~,n Eschelbach.
Time of adjourmuent~ 9;20 o'c!och
Reenact fu!lv submltt e~