The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
was held in the city hall Monday evening, August 3, 19Z6.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p. m. by Mayor D. W. Ratto
roll call found the following members of the city council present, to-wit:
Councilmen J. F. Mager, D. W. Ratto, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani
Absent, Councilman Victor Boido
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
A communication was received from the San Francisco Harbor Line Board
advising the council that the meeting of the San Francisco Harbor Line Board was
to be held at 10.30 a. m. Tuesday, August 4, 1936, Room 401 Custom House, San
Francisco. Mayor Ratto stated that Mr. C01ebe~ and Mr. Klassen would attend.
A communication was received from Rev. E. P. Cushnahan of All Soul's Church
t~anking the city council for their expression of sympathy in the death of Rev, J. I.
Delahunty, and also thanking Police Chief Louis Belloni for the police escort.
Comznunication accepted and placed on file.
A communication was received from Frank Costa asking permission to remove
a tree from the parking space in front of his lot on Randolph Avenue adjoining the
Dilley property. The request was referred to Co~ucilman Eschelbach.
A commLunication was received from the American Legion Auxiliary, Bernard
McCaff~ry Unit #355, inviting the City Council to Dedication of Colors and In-
stallation of Officers, Tuesday evening, August 4, 1936 at 8$00 p.m. The
communication was accepted and all members of the council present signified their
.willingness to attend if possible.
The San Mateo Times asked the city for an add for the San Mateo Cgunty
Floral'Fiesta which is to be held at Bay Meadows October 8, 9, l0 and ll. Mr. Dray
of the' San Mateo Times was present and asked the Council for favorable consideration
of the.request. Mr. R. L. Spangler, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce t~en spoke
on the Fiesta and suggested that the Chamber of Commerce, Manufacturer's Association
and the City get together and have an exhibit representing South San FrancSsco.
On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach the matter was laid
over fOr consideration. ~
The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Building
Inspector, Treasurer, Health Officer and City Clerk for the month ending J~ly 31,
1936, were submitted to the Council and on motion by Councilman Mager, secgnded by
Counci~lman Eschelbach and regularly carried, were accepted.
This being the date set for opening the bids for furnishing pipe, valves
and fittings for water system in Orange Avenue Park, Councilman Eschelbach moved
that ~he bids be opened. The motion was seconded.by Councilman Mager and regular-
ly carried. The following bids were then opened:
Grinnell Company of the Pacific for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings
in the amounts enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the
office of the City Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - - $2,336.02
Crane Co. for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings in the amounts enumerated
as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the office of City Clerk,
showin~ a total bid price of - - . $2,308.90
Walworth California ~ompany for furnish~ng~valves, pipe and fittings in the
.amount~ enumerated as Items A~to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the office
of the~City Clerk showing a total bid price of - - - $2,305.90
General Machinery and Supply Company for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings
in the amount~ enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the
office~of the City Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - - $2,305.90
Tay-Holbrook Inc. for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings in the amounts
enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is o~ file in the office of the
City Cl~erk, sh~wing a total bid price of - - - ~$2,305.90
Petroleum Equipment ~Companyfor furnishing pipe, valves a~d fittings in the
amount~ enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the office of
the Ci~ty Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - - $2,30~.90
~ United Pipe and Supply Company for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings in the
amount~ enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file ~n the office of
the City Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - - $2,3~08.90
Dalziel Moller ~o. for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings in the amounts
anumer~ted as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the office of the
Citf-Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - $2,305.90
roll call found the following members of the city council present, to-wit:
Councilmen J. F. Mager, D. W. Ratto, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciant
Absent, Councilman Victor Boido
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
A communication was received from the San Francisco Harbor Line Board
advising the council that the meeting of the San Francisco Harbor Line Board was
to be held at 10.30 a. m. Tuesday, August 4, 1936, Room 401 Custom House, San
Francisco. Mayor Ratto stated that Mr. Coleber~ and Mr. Klassen would attend.
A communication was received from Rev. E. P. Cuahnahan of All Soul's Churc
th. anking the city council for their expression of sympathy in the death of Rev. J.
Delahunty, and also thanking Police Chief Louis Belloni for the police escort.
Communication accepted and placed on file.
A communication was received from Frank Costa asking permission to remove
a tree from the parking space in front of his lot on Randolph Avenue adjoining the
Dilley property. The request was referred to Councilman Eschelbach.
A comm~unication Was received from the American Legion Auxiliary, Bernard
McCaff?ry Unit #355, inviting the City Council to Dedication of Colors and In-
stallation of Officers, Tuesday evening, August 4, 1936 at 8500 p.m. The
communication was accepted and all members of the council prese~nt signified their
willingness to attend if possible.
The San Marco Times asked the city for an add for the San Mateo Cgunty
Floral'Fiesta which is to be held at Bay Meadows October 8, 9, 10 and 11. Mr. Dra2
of the~ San Mateo Times was present and asked the Council for favorable con~ideratio
of the~request. Mr. R. L. Spangter, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce then spoke
on the~Fiesta and suggested that the Chamber of Commerce, Manufacturer's Associatio
and the City get together and have an exhibit representing South San Francisco.
On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach the matter was iai
over f0~r consideration. ~
The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Buildi
Inspector, Treasurer, Health Officer and City Clerk for the month ending Ju~ly 31,
1936, were submitted to the Council and on motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by
Counci~iman Eschelbach ~ud regularly carried, were accepted. ~
This being the date set for opening the bids for furnishing pipe, valves
and listings for water system in Orange Avenue Park, Councilman Eschelbach moved
that ~he bids be opened. The motion was seconded ~by Councilman Mager and regular-
ly carried. The folio?lng bids were then open, ed:
Grinnell Company of the Pacific for furnishing pipe, valves and f~ttings
in the amounts enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the
office of the City Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - - $2,336.02
Crane Co. for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings in the amounts enumerate
as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the office of City Clerk,
showin~ a total bid price of - - - $2,305.90
Walworth California ~ompany for furnishing valves, pipe and fit~tings in th
· amount~_ enumerated as Items A~to X in their bid, which bid is on ~file in the office
of the City Clerk showing ~a total bid price of - - - $2,305.90
General Machinery and Supply Company for furnishing pipe, valves and fittt
in the~amount~ enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the
office of the City Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - - $2,30§.90
Tay-Holbrook Inc. for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings in the amounts
enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is o~ file in the office of the
City Cl~erk, sh~wing a total bid price of - - - ~$2,305.90
Petroleum Equipment ~ Company for furnishing pipe, valves a~d fittings in tk
amount~ enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the office
the Ci~ty Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - - $2,30~.90
United Pipe and Supply cOmpany for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings in
amount~ enumerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the office
the City Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - - $2,305.90
Dalziel Moller ~o. for furnishing pip~, valves and fittings in the amounts
anumer~ted as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the office of the
City Clerk, showing a total bid price of - - $2,305.90
01sen and Heffernan for furnishing pipe, valves and fittings in the amounts en-
umerated as Items A to X in their bid, which bid is on file in the office of the City
Clerk, showing a total bid price of . . . $2,305.90
Owing to the fact that eight bids were for a like amount of $2,305.90 and one
for $2,336.02, it was moved by Councilman Eschelbach that the awarding of the contract
be laid over until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani
and regularly carried.
Councilman Mager introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco approv-
ing the project statement No; 36 - 2, dated August 3, 1936, for ®xpenditures to be made during
the ensuing fiscal year, providing for the allocation and expenditure from the State
Highway Fund of an amount not "less than the net proceeds of one-quarter cent per gallon
tax on motor vehicle fuel. The resolution was adopted by all members of the Council
present as follows: Councilmen J. F. Mager, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto, M. Minucciani
Noes, Councilmen None Absent Councilmen V. Boido
Attest Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
By Elimabeth 0ttenft~e~ld, D~uty
Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3 at page 6'7
Un~e~ the head of unfinished business Health 0f£icer McMills reported that the
people c~ng the horse at 6'71 Baden Avenue were going to remove same from the premises.
Health Officer McMills also reported regarding the application for business license
of Amadec Firenze at 1132 San Bruno Road stating that he was-unable to find anyone at
the place. The matter was laid over.
The matter of the business license~of J. H. Sonderman at 550 Baden Avenue was dis-
cussed~ Mr. Coleberd suggested it be deferred in favor of the residential district.
The matter was again laid over to give Mr. Coleberd an opportunity to study the matter
Claims in the amount of $ 3,416.96
Roy:s Repair Shop
Louis Belloni
Frank Pari ani
Union Oil Co.
La Mar' s Garage
E. Kozlowski
A. Johnson
R. Bisagno
L. Im~res cia
C. Rinehart
C. Brizzi
M. Mayerle
M. Mazetti
C. Begnal
M. Ignotz
C. Begnal
E. Venturi
M. Castro
R. Smith
V. Ullery
Cocks Oil Co.
California State Auto Assn.
So. City Lumber & Supply~Co.
W. Minucciani
Intercity Transport Lines
West Disinfecting Co.
California Water Service
California Water Service
Patrick & Moise Klinkner Co.
Geo. A. Kneese
Bank of So. San Francisco
Enterprise Press
The Enterprise
Enterprise Press
C. Landu cci
J. Welch
Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co.
P.-G. & E.
P. G. & E.
Golden West Quarry
Standard Fence Co.
Round California Chain Co~p.
Martin Moro
Jim Curti
W. r L. Hi ckey & Son
So..City Lumber,, & Supply
were next presented to the c0un~cil for payment:
repairs motorcycle $11.55
prisoners meals, trip to
T~acy police dep., stamps '7.'75
repairs Buick 11 .V§
Gasoline July 3.00
repairs police car 11.98
attending fires July 1.00
" " 1.50
" " 2.00
" " 2.50
" " 3. O0
" " 3.50
" " 3.50
" " 4.00
" 'i 4.50
" " 5. O0
" " 40.00
"- " 6. O0
" " V.O0
~'" " 10.50
" " 11.50
Fue 1 oil 1.82
Installation of Signs 33
" " 2.21
Rock Linden Ave. Bridge 2.32
Labor and material Linden Ave.
Bridge, city hall and play
i bale rags
hydrant rental July
Library water "
fountain and ~ire house set.
1 box eyelets
work on various project, s ~J?ly
safe deposit rent to 8/28/3V
tax bills,cert, of inspection
clerk let terhe ads
notice inviti~g sealed prop.
f~r nishing pipe
500 booklets OHt #188
flag repair
removing dogs and cats July
phone service July
street lights July
misc. service
'7.23 tona ct. ran
366' fence-gate & posts
i gate and posts
36' welded side chain
80 hours labor playgrounds
24 hours labor ball park
repair water line ball park
concrete mix Inv. B2983
1~ yar~is" u~ B2393
62 .VO
'75 .'74
266 .'76
South City Lumber Co. 5 yards ready mix $24.04
" " Materials baseball park 120.VV
" " sewer pipe, ce~nt for playground 33.85
" ~ plaster ssadfor playground V,V3
~ ~ 2 padlocks .V~
'~ " concrete mix for playground 9.48
~ 'i concrete mix for playground 26.51
~' " concrete mix for playground 10.38.
~ ii 2.5 tons oly sand 5.15
~ i' materials for playground 45.37
'i '~' plaster sand Inv. 2858 V.V3
Silvio Pianca~ 104 hrs. labor playground V2.80
G. P. Bishop Co. 1 alemite gun 3.40
California Water Set. civic eenter and baseball service July 92.56
Total .......... $3,416.96
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Esc~elbach and regularly
There being no further, business before the Council, Councilman Eschelbacb
moved to adJoux~xuntil the next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Magerand regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 8:50 o'clock p. m.
Respectfully submit ted,
Danie~ McSweeney, City Clerk
Mayor of S~th San ~ancisco.