HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-10-19REGULAR ~ ~.-~m~m T~ -
~,~',--~'.~,~ OF THE' CITY C0~TNCIL OF
HELD ~f0N'AY, 0CT. 1~, 1968.
The re~lar meetin~ of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held
Monday eve~oing, October 19th,19ZS.
The meetin~ was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by ~ayor D.W.Ratto.
Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;-
CounciLmen, V.Boido, A. J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager~./~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto.
The minutes of~ the previous meeting were read. There bein~ no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
A communication was received from the Fish ~.~ Game Development Association of Califo
requesting the ~ity of South San Francisco to assist in the endorseman~ of a ~easure, in~_tia-
rive measure, to come before the people of the State at the ~ext election to ~ive the State
of California control of the sardine take. All councilmen were in favor of the measure and C
~ttorney Coleberd was instructed to draw up a resolution favoring the measure. The motion was
.nade by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman ~,,~inucciani and regularly carried.
The Bendix Marine Products ~
~ompsmN,Inc. ~submitted a communication and literature
concerning their Cory Wate~-Ti,~ht Bells,etc, Communication and literature ordered placed on f
A communication was received from the ¥oudall Construction Company, statinc the~? are
excavating the $'rench for the San Francisco Water Deoartment Pipe line along the paved street
of South San Francisco,. and have several thousand cubic yards of excavated m~terial to dispos
from the trench site~ and will backfill the trenches with sand upon the completion of the pip
laying, to insure a well~ compacted backfill,thereby 0reventing any settlement after the trenp~
area is repaved. The company stated they believe the san8 is to be procured from the Recreati
Park Area of 0range Avenue. They · stated they will agree to haul sufficient excavated mate
from treuch site to the Recreational Park Area to refill any sand borrow pit~ or deoreasion.~
resultin~ from these operations,and to leave the area in an orderly condition.
Cou~nciLman Eschelbach stated he reeuested the ¥oudall Construction Company to make t
~roposition in' writing.~ After discussion ~.~ the council decided to refer the matter
to CounciLman ~ .
~schelbach and Engineer Klassen with full cower to act
Df. Edward W.Bulley, assistant Director ~f Public Health of San ~'~ateo ~Count~,suhmitte
a statement stating that in company with Dr. McMills,He~lth Officer of South San Frarcisco~
he had inspected the premises or territor~ about the Reichardt Duck ~arm investigating the
source of 'the flow reported to come do~m into Colma Creek, and had been unable to trace t~.e
Source of the flow. Dr.~ Bulley said he was of the spic-ion that the flow daes not come from th
.teichart DuDk Farm , and suggested that when t~ne water ao~oear~ ~ai.~ the employees in tb
section trace the source.Letter accepted and ordered Dlaced~on fil,.
A co~am~mication was received from the League of California ~unicipalities, stating t
'cave compiled~'and published as ~:' a report,a "C0~P~LATION OF LAWS RELATIVE TO CITIES 07 THE
SIXTH CLAS~~, The le er stated co~es of the p~hlication would be furnished cash city me
';" 50
and if additional copies were required the7 could be had for ,~2. each . The ~it~? Councilmen
thought the two copies were enouzh a~d the comm~mication was accepted a~d ordered placed ouf
Mr. P.Castellano , who sold his ~asoline station at 700 San Bruno Road, applied for
Peturn of his city license, havin~ had the place but a short time~ the amount of the license
oeing ~5.00. Referred to the City Attorr. ey.
A communication 7~as received from Dr.V,"',Vecki, stating~ the condition of ~.~r. Joe
· ~edeghini has been so much improved 'that he is able to return to work. Communication filed
record~ until investi[fation of ~,.~r. ?~!ede.~hini's condition ,can be had.
Fire Chief Welte submitted the name~ of William ~arabaldi for aooointment to t?,e call
' forces of the fire department. 0muncilman ~''? ~ ..
,,,a. er move~ that ~r. Garabal~_ be a appointed to
the call forces of the fire department on the recommendation of Fire Chief Welte.The motion w
seconded by Councilman Bolds and reCularly carried.
This being the rtate set for the openin~ of bids for a Dodge Truck, the construction
sanitary sewer in South Industrial Area,and sto~n water concrete sewer pipe, Councilman
moved ~he bids on Dod~'e~ Truck be opened. The moti. on ~'ms o~,-]o~ .... ded by Couneclm,~n Eschelbach and re~:ul
~arried. But one bid was received, that of La i;!ar's ~arage, offering to,sell an LH-46 Dodge
gapacity, 151" Wheelbase,dual tires rear, cha:-:is and cab.duo!icate alass. Garwood Body L!odel CJ1
~onverti~le (Flat or Dzmlp) equipped wzt~.., hoist,for th~ s~am of ~1S85.4~ The bid being: sati
cry Councilmm.u Eschelbach moved t~.e ]-~id be accepted and the award made to the La -.~ar's
The motion was seconded ,z ~o~.mcil .... n L.!iuucciabi and remularly carried·
Councilma:a ~che!bach moved the bids on the construction of a sanitary sewer in Sou
Industrial Area be opened. The motion was ~e ._,nded by Councilman i..linucciani and re,cularly
~arried.. Three bids for this work were received, as folrlows;-
Harvey E.$onnor;-- for all items, ,~640.10
Oakland Sewer Construction Co. " " .liS19.51
Il ~! II II
~ 0. G.Ritchie ~934.70
Harvey E.Connor being the lowest responsible bidder Councilman Eschelbach moveS, he
awarded the contract.£he motion was seconded by Councilman ~[inucciani and regularly carried.
Councilman ~,Iinucciani moved the bids be opened for furnishin7 concrete storm water
sewer pipe,re-inforced. The motion was seconSed by. Councilman Boido and re,~ularly carried.
But one bid was received, that of ~alifornia Concrete Products Company~ Inc.
The following was the company's bid;-
370 ft.24" pipe to comply with A.S.T.).t..t, pecifications C75p34T,C~ ~1.40 per lineal fo
30 ft.24" pipe" " " " " " " " "CVG-35T ~ i~1.55 per lineal foot
Less 5% discount in ~o days. Ail prices F[,,0.B tren'chside 0rankle ~ve. South Ss~u Franc
On motion by ~ouncilman ~ '
~o.~do, seconded :~-o., 'Councilman ~inucc~m~".. and re~ularlv._, ~ carri
zhe bid was awarded the California Concrete Products Ce. Ltd., at the prices mentioned in thai
Councilman Eschelbach %_trod~ced~ ~ a resolution of the City of South San 2rancisco ex
lng the city's deepest aooreciation to all persons who helped build the Fence in Ora
-~ark and partook in making the ~aroecue a ~reat ~uccess.and to parties or firms who donated
naterial that also helped make ~he day a bi~ success,-includin'£, Armour '~ Company, Swift ~ Co
United Pgcking Company,A.Ferrari,A~er;t _for ~lobe Brevlin~ Compa~u~,,So.£.ff. Fruit ]m.,~ar~-[et,.f~oi~° ~e
Company, maden Ke~znel ,,lub, Sani & Lucc;aesm, of the scut. Cit.,~ ~.~eat !"iarket,The Pelican Paper
~ t ~a.~ery,Victor Bolds Owner, Pac
Compamy, ~usinessmen' Association, Sanitar7 Bakery, oou,h City
Coas~ Dair~ Company, ;Fraternal Association. Joe Fernanr~.a×
rs el the council present, as follows;-
CounciLmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager,~.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto.
The minutes oflthe previous meeting were read. There bein~ no errors or omissions
'they were approved as read.
A communication was received from the Fish ~%~ Game Development Association of Call
requesting the 8ity of South San Francisco to assist in the endorseman~ of a ~easure, irlti
tire measure, to come before the people of the State at the next election to ~ive the State
of California control of the sardine take. All counci~nen were in favor of the measure and
~ttorney Coleberd was instructed to draw up a res61ution favoring the measure. The motion w
made by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried.
The Bendix Narine Products Comp~%y, Inc.,submitted a communication and literature
concerning their Cory Water-Tight Bells,etc, Communication and literature ordered placed on
A communication was received from the ¥o~dall Construction Company, statinz they ar
excavating the $'rench for the San Francisco ~ater Deoartment Pipe line along the paved stre
of South San Francisco,~and have several thousand cubic yards of excavated m~terial to disp
from the trench site, and will backfill the trenches with sand upon the completion of the p
laying,to insure a well, compacted backfill,thereby ureventing any settlement after the tren
area is repaved. The company stated they believe the sans is to be procured from the Recreai
Park Area of 0range Avenue. Th~y~ stated they will asree to haul sufficient excavated ma'
from trench site to t~e Recreational Park Area to refill any sand borrow pit, or depression
resultin~ from these operations,and to leave the area in a~ orderly condition.
Cou~nciLman Eschelbach stated he recuested the Youdall Construction Company to make
~roposition in writing.~After discussion '.~'i the council decided to refer the matte~
to Councilman Eschelbach and Engineer KlaSsen with full cower to act.
Df. Edward W. Bulley, assistant Director ~f Public Health of San ~'~ateo County, sub-itt
a statement stating that in company with Dr. Mc~!~ills,He~lth Officer of South San Frarcisco~
he had inspected the premises or territory? about the Reichardt Duck ~arm investigating the
source of the flow reported to come dov~n into Colma Creek, and had been unable to trace t~-~e
source of the flow. Dr.-Bulley said he was of the coition that t]~e flow does not come from ~
Reichart DuDk Farm , and suggested that when t~e water a~ooears ~ai~ the employees in ~
section trace the source.Letter accepted and ordered ~laced~on-fil~.
A co~municatton was received from the LeaTue of California Municipalities, stating
aave compiled~and published as .... a report,a "COMPILATION OF LAWS RE~_~T!~E TO CITIES OF T~
SIXTH CLA$~, The letter stated two copies of the publication would be furnished cash city n
~nd if additional copies were required they could be had for $~.80 each . The ~it~? Councilm~
thought the two cooles were enough a~d the comm~mication was accepted a~d ordered placed o~a
Nr. P.Castellano , who sold his uasoline station at 700 San Bruno Road, applied fez
return of his city license, havin~ had the place but a short time, the amount of the licens
oe n~ ~8.00. Referred to the City Attorrey.
A communication was received from Pr.V, ~'~.,Vecki, stating the condition of ~gr. Joe
· Medeghini has been so much imoroved that he is able to return to work. Co~r~unication filed
record~ until investig~ation of ~,~r. ]'~ede~hini's condition ~cau be had.
Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of William ~arabaldi for aooointment to t~%e cai
forces of the fire deoartment. Onuncilman ?~a~er ~ove~ that Nr. Garabal~_ be a appointed to
the call forces of the fire deoartment on the recommendation of Fire Chief Welte.The motion
seconded by Councilman Boido and re~lar!y carried
This being tho ~ate set for the oDenin~ of bids for a Dodge Truck, the construction
sanitary sewer in South Industrial Area, and stoEn water concrete sewer pipe, Councilma~ ~!tn
moved ~he bids on Deduce Truck be opened. The moti. on was seconded by Couneclm~n Eschelbach and recu
~arried. But one bid was received, that of La Mar's ~ara~e, offering to,sell an LH-~8 Dodge
~apacity, l~!" ?~heelbase,dual tires rear, cha~-~is and cab,duplicate ~-lass,~arwood Body i~odel CJ
5onverti~le (Flat or D~m~p) equipped with hoist,for the s~s~u of ~lS88.~B. The~bid bein~ sat
~ry Counc~lm~n Eschelbach moved t~e bid o ~ accepted and the award made o the La ~ar's ~ara~
The motion was seconded ~ Cousacilman L~i~ucciabi and re~ularlv carried.
Councilman Esche!bach moved the bids on the construction of a ~anmtary sewer mn So~
Industrial Area be opened. The motion was se~onded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly
~arried.. Three bids for this work were received, as folllows;-
Harvey E. Connor;-- for all items, ,~64o.'~ ~ 10
Oakland Sewer Construction Co. " " .,~819.51
~ O.G. Ritchie " ~' " " $934.70
Harvey E.Connor being the lowest responsible bidder Councilman Eschelbach moved, he
awarded the contract.The motion was seconded by Councilman ~!inucciani and regul2, rly carried.
Councilman ~Itnucciani moved the bids be opened for furnishin.~ concrete stoEn water
sewer pipe,re-inforced. The motion was seconded by. Councilman Boido and re~gularly carried.
But one bid was received, that of ~alifornia Concrete Products Company, Inc.
The followin~ was the company's bid;-
370 ft.24" p~pe to comply with A.S.T.~'v.'So~cifications_~ C~5p34T,~, $1.40 per lineal f¢
30 ft.24" pipe" " " """" " "C7~-35T ~ ~i~1.55 per lineal foot
Less 5% discount in 2o days. All prices ?.0.B tren'chside 0range ~ve.~outh Smu Franc
On motion by 6ouncilman Boido, seconded o,, Councilman Hinuccia~_,'~ and rezularly carri
zhe bid was awarded the California Concrete Products Ce. Ltd., at the prices mentioned in thei
Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco ex
-ng the city's deepest appreciation to all persons who h~lped build the Baseball Fence in Ora
l~ark and partook in making the °arbecue a ~reat Success;and to parties or firms who donated
naterial that also helped make ~he day a bi~ success,, including, Armour '.- Company, Swift ~: Co
United Packing Company,A.Ferrari,A:?er~.t _for ~lobe Brewin7 Compa~_y,$o.£.?.Fruit ~'.,~arket,.Acme Be
of the gout C~.tv ]m.;feat iJiarket,_ .
Company,~aden Kennel Club, Sani & Lucchesi, . ' ., ~he Pelican Paper
Company, ~usinessmen' Association, oanmtar~ ma~'~ery, South City Bakery,Victor i~o!do Ovmer, Pac
Coash Dat~ Company, Fraternal Association, Joe Fernan~.~ez,£outh City ![otel, LoT)an ?rarJ~lin, T
Argus, American a;~_d others. T~.e resolution '~vas adopted by the votes of ~ll the members of th
~ity Council, as feller, s;-
~on ..... ued from ma?e 33;-
~ ~ , . -~,o!do,A. J. Eschelbach, J. F. [./iagfer,7.~.]'.[inucciani
Noes, Counci linen, %T one.
Abseut, CounciLmen,
RecOrded in Book of Resolution.s
, Vol 3, at pace 33.
t t e s t .. p.a n.i c S333 n, e y .......
C!t7 C].crk.
~la_ms the amount of~Ol~°9~.' -~ere next presented to t~'~e council for paT~ent;-
Dodge Truck Street Department
Labor in I¥!artin Park
II ti 11 II
II II 11 I!
:3I. P.A.Truci: ])river
2 bales peat
p !u~:o ing
La ~ar's Garage.
M. Laufer '
Jobm ?errario
~u~e!o ~.~onettinl
Wesley Anderson
William ~inucciani
[email protected]
so. co
4 64
63. O0
15. lO
Enter~rise Press~ Print Notice Inv, Seal Props
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
South City Ltmiber ,k Supply Co,materia!s i{ar~.infark
Patricia Borden assistin2 Tmm Collector
2!ink's Service grease job,fire dep~,
Patrick-l\~ioise Kli~ner Co., tax rate stamp
,,.,m..,.~.Bol!azzi materials, fire dept.
Comptometor Company ].9 days rental comptometer
:~as & 0il September
Standard .0il 'Company ~torial Fees,Draina.re Canal
Southern Pacific Co.,
,To?in Corse ~emov.dead do~rs.Jun~ To Sept,~
So. City P~ltumbin,u Shop unplucked sower-toi!et,C Hall;~
S.l',{,. Co'Ti~le. Co., R.E.Transfers, September,
Flinl:'s Service Station Clean ..i. Grease 2olice i~uick
Un:!on 0il Co.0~'' Calzf. Lubricat].~n Ser. Po!ice Dept
Pac.Tel &: Tel Co.,~ phone $26 ~ept.
So.S.F.Cham:~e'~- df Commerce October advertisinc ~ 25.00
L.C. Smith materials ,;f-artin Park ~397.38
r Wm.i\~iinucciani plumbin~~ fire dept
_ Total
The claims having been approved by the finance com~nittee Councilman Esche!bach
~' .ul ,~r!y carried.
~.~oved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~znucciani aud re~ s
Under the head of unfinished business report on 'the-alleged faulty condition
of the plumbmn~.~ in the Grs.~_mar Sc.]aool was not ready.
The request of Corradetti Bros. for~'o~rmission,-, to make alterations at their store,
205 Orand Ave~ue,referred to Inspector Welte, was cranted.
On the ten day temporar:f permit granted Franklin ~,~ilton in which to do business
while insta!lin~ a toilet and other sanitary requriements Inspector Welte stated the work is
not yet completed·
The Building Inspector st~.ed in reference to the ;~uadeo ~!ren$i restaurant
plurabing, nothin~ had. been done to comply with the city's instructions to have the Place in a
sanitary condition within ton days. The matter ~as referred to Cit7 Attorney ~,oleberd and
Building Inspector W. elte for further investigation.
The request of Lathmm ~i: Company for assurance of adequat fire .arotection was
delayed pendin? the report of the California Water Service ~o. on mains·
On She report of a si?n having been erected at Third Street and the E1 Camino,
obstructing the view, Building [[nspector Welte reported tl~ere is a small Coco Cola si~n there
but it does not obstruct t?~e view· Accepted·
Mr. Smit~ of a street sweepin~ a!~paratus company~ appeared before the cotmcil and
offered to sell a first class re-conditioned street swee:oer for the s-mm of :$2000. Taken under
conslderation~ till cost of operation is a~,cert .... ned.
There being? no fur-t~.er business CoUnc~
~. _1 .......IV[inucciani moved to adjourn until
Nednesday morning, October ~ 1936,at 10 o'clock A.;.':.
~ ~, "~ The motion was seconded by Councilman
Boido and rezularl.7 carried./
Time of adjourmment, 9;55 o' clock p.m.
itespectful!y submitted, y