HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-11-02 R~GULAR ~ETI,~'G OF THE CITY COIE~CIL OF T~IE CITY The reF. ular meeting of the CAt? Council of the City of South. San Francisco was held)/ in the City ~all Eonday evening, ~ovember 2'¥1936. The meeting was called to order a-t 8 o'clock p.m. by Ma~or D.W.Ratto. ~ .......... ROLL CALL. !{oll call found all members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,J.F.5~ger,E.Einueciani, D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the two prewio~s meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as raed. A co~unication was received from the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Compan~ 'requesting a refund of $~.~7 charged against the compan~ for weed cutting. The matter w.'as ordered '~ ~,'~:'~ referred to the engineering and street departments. A com~nunication was received from Italian Catholic Federation, No.?, of South San Francisco, requesting permission to changs the date for the lqavioli-Dinner dance fro~ I~ovember ~2 to December 6,19~6. On motion bs~: 'Councilman Eschelbach,seconded'by Councilman Einucciani and regularly carried the request was granted. The society's request for permission to hold a parade in the morning of the same day was also granted by the same motion. A communication from Fire Chief ~'~'elte recommended the appointment of William Perry Smith to the e~ll forces of the fire departmen$. Councilman ~ager moved the appointment of ~r. ~mith on the recom~:endation of the fire chief. The motion was seconded by Councilman }.'inucciani and regularly carried. The Pacific Gas & .Electric Company applied for permission to install a two inch ~as main in the westerly sidewalk of ~agnolta Avenue between Second Lane and Baden Avenue, and a two inch gas main in 1st street between ~]l Camino Real and A,Street,Town of Baden. i~eferred to Councilman E schelba ch. 1.!otice was received fror','~ the State Compensation ~nsurance i?und of the expiration date of the City Employees insurance, November 19 ,1936 , and ~?ishing to know if the city desired to re new the policy. On motion by ~ouncilman ~,~inucciani,seconded bi.' Councilman Eschelbach and regul- arly carried the polic.~? :~vas ordered re-hewed. A communication was received from the ?ish and Came Development Association of San Francisco thanking the city for the p~o~,pt manner in which ~t endorsed t}~e initiative ~r0easure on the ballot to provide State control of the take of sardines for straight reduction p~rposes. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. A communication was received from ~ouis H.C-oecken,Chairman of the Board of !~ealth of San l~ateo County, reouesting the City of South San Francisco to adopt an ordinance on milk ins- pection,the same in character as the one now in existence in most cities of Sam ~ateo County and the county of San ~ateo, Re~erred to Cit~~ :Yttorney Coleberd for investigation and advice. Citf, Health Officer James .~.~c!,~ills submitted a statement showing that a mosquito breeding place exists on ~ pieGe of property of the S.P.Right of ~,'ay,southeast of the Depot and behind the crossing tower, and advised the city to com:~-.umicate w~.th the owners of the property and request that the nuisance be abated. The City,' Clerk was instructed to com~unicate the facts to. the S.P. Company and request them to take action to fill in the grour~d with dirt,and dirt only. The reports of the City Itealth Officer, Cit~~ Treasurer,Fire Chief,Polices Chief,Ci:y Judge, Buillng Inspector and City Clerk for the month ending October 31,1936, were subn~itted, and on motion by Councilman Eschelbach,.s~oonded by Councilman Einucciani and regularly carriee the reports were accepted and ordered placed on file. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGiQE'E~EI~ WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC COI,£PANY. Councilman ~,~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco authoriming the City of South San Francisco to enter into a~.~'l~l~ens'e"::a~reement with Southern Pacific Company for the construction,reconstruction, maintenance and operation of an eighteen cast iron sanitary sewer pipe cr.ossing of their right of way near the Do Pont Company. The rewolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,J.F.Eager,N.Einucciani,D.W'Ratt°' . Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent Councilmen,None, Attest Daniel NcSweeney ' City Clerk. Recorded In Book of .Resolutions, Vol.3.,at p,~ge I~o. 8?. Counc~l~ai~E~..Sl~e~acl~ i~tro'du, ceda resolutio~ authorizi~g an agreement between the Cliy of ~outh San Francisco and the St~: te of California,'~Dep~rt~ent of ~ubllc Works,provid_~.ng for ~he expenditure off,)one-quarter cent gas tax fund on State ~'fighways for the 1936,19~U Biennium. in the City of South San Francisco. The resolution was adopte~ by the votes of ~ll the members of the City Council,as Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,J.F.Mager,~.'.~in~cciani, D.?.'.Ratto. Noes, C ounctlmen,l;one. Absent Councilmen, ~one. Attest Daniel EcSweeney City Olerk. Recorded in Book of l~esoLutions, Vol. Z,at page 8?. Councilman l,,'~ager introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco authorizing the City of South San Francisc to enter into an agreement with the State of California ~eloartment of Public Works for the expenditure of the one-quarter cent ~as ~ax ~und for streets of major importance in the City of South San Francisco for the 88th fiscal year. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the Cit~? Council,as Ayes, Councilmen,~.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,J.F-Mager,M'I~'~inucciani,D' W.Eatto. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. ~ ~.~t Atto st Daniel ~cSweeney ' City Clerk. Recorded in Book of ~esolutions, Vol.3, at page 88. Ordinance No, Councilman ~,'[inucciani introduced an ordinance of the City of South San F~ancisco relatinU to the care al~d e~:penditure of monies received from the State oft Califor~ia tunder the provisions of Article 5, Chapter 1, Division 1, of the Streets and H{yohways Code. The Ordinance was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of the city council. , Bonds for faithful performance and labor and material,with agreements with Harvey Harve E Connor for the construction of a sanitary sewer in South Industrial Area, were submitted to the City Council and accepted. Two initiative petitions, one for prob~Ibiting dog racing contests in the City of South San Francisco and one legalizing such contests at a fee of ~80 per dium were filed with the gity Clerk. Claims in the amount of S~B~.~4 ~ere next presented to the council for payment;- D.Rush, special police duty $ 10.00 R.B~sagno attending fires October ~ ~.00  Carl Rinehart " " " $ $.~0 Louis Savares " " " $ ~.00 A.Jo!u~son " $ 6.00 ' R.Smith " $ 6.00 J.Mayerle " $ 5.50 E.Kozlowski " $ 2.50 J.Feri " $ §.00 P.Penoski " $ ~.00 E.Venturi " $ ~.00 C.Begnal " $ 8.00 V.Ullery " $ 9.00 L.Imprescia " $ 5.00 M.Iquotz " $ ~.00 ~ .~ayerle "$ 4.00 E.Rosst " $ 6.00 M.Cas~ro " $ V.50 Mike Laufer cleaning sewers ~ 18.00 Chas Mercks " $ 16.00 0. Bi anchini "$ 12.00 L.O.Smith materials Martin Park $12~.~9 State Compensation Insurance Fund,City Employees Insurance $1202 .ll W.P.Fuller & Co Shingle Stain $ !2.~6 " " " $ ~0.90 " " " " ~ ~$ ~V. 08 Pat~ick-~oise Klinkner Co date stamp $ 2.01 ' Eugenic Nilani painting park fence ~ 32.00 ~ American Fire Nquip Co h~.~elite generator $417.15 Enterprise Press envelopos,printing,etc ~ 84.50 ~ California Water Service Co water hall grounds i~ ~.54 " " "~artln Park ~ 6.11 " " "baseball park $ 4V.~9 " " " library $ 2~.82 " " " fountain,fire house 4.@1 "~'~ " " "¥~", h~drant rental ~464.$0 Pacific Pumpin£' Cp pump rental Linden Aves 31.00 S]~periot Stem~a Laundry wash fire houses,Oct ~ 11.48 A.Carlisle & Co Birth certificates $ 15.68 Eack ~Velch removing dead dogs cats 28.50 Bank Of America Gordon Rowe Audit ChecklSO.O0 ~ So.City Lbr' & Supply Co ~artin Park material $ 8.26 The American Rubber MFG Co., hose $ 3V.85 S0.S.F.Hospital alcohol exes ~$ 10.00 ~o~ n Monti grease ~uick $ 2.50 Howard Buick Co repairs to Buick ~ 21.00 ~gelo Monettini labor ~,la~tin Park $ 12.00 Silvio Pianca carpenter ~:!arti~ ParkS195.00 " " Orange Ave" ~ 18.00 " " Martin Park ~ 96.00 Pac. TEL. ~ TEL CO., phones, October $ 6~.45 . M Breenberg's Sons hyrdant stem ~,, 12.50 i W.Foth repairing flag pole ~0~ /[~/"'"~ ~ ~,'~artin t~,oro labor in parks ~%,40.0~)~~ ~£¥~._~ Total $3424.54 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido ~ove~ they paid. The motion was seconded by councilman ~ inucciani and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business Councilman Eschelbach reported very satisfacto t~rms were made with the ¥oudall Construction Company to secure ample soil for Orange Avenu 2ark in lieu of sand to be used by the company in their., cXcava~,!ons £o~ the San Francisco water pipe line in the city. In re the alleged faulty plu~foing in the city Grammar School Officer McI'~ills reported working on the matter and expected to have a report on conditions a next meetSng. He stated the water pressure is very low, the pipes laid long ago an many home had been built-in the vicinity of tile school since'.it was built.~!ayor Ratto requested him to · the pressure from the No report from the bu~l~mng inspector on the Franklin Milton plumbing. 'In the matter of the plumbing in the ~adeo Firenzi restaurant, City Attorney Colebe water companY.stated I~ir. Firenze sho'~ld be compelled to make the imprevements required by law and suggeste Health Officer Mcl;!ills write the State Board of ![ealth for tLcir co-operation with the Heal~ Officer and building Inspector here. So ordered. 338 ' Under the head of new business Councilman Eschelbach stated he wished to introduce an ordinance amending the Dog Raceing Ordinance to increase the fee from !~50 per ~dium to ~!50.00, ~ per dium. and offered a motion to instruct the city attorney to draw up an ordinance to that effect. Councilman Eschelbach indicated that if the foe was raised to ~150 per day there would be no necessity to act ~.rt~:cr ,~. the initiative petitions on file. Councilman ~¥~inucciani stated .the petitions~, sho:,~ld be acted on and the people given the right to vote upton them. Councilman [',iager stated he thought tho ~mount,~lS0 a day was too much, but would support the motion. Councilman Boido stated the Buslnessmen's Association endorsed the ,~$100 a day prop.os~al as a fair fee for the racing contesta. Dick I'.~inucciani stated there was no endorse~ent to~Y.'ffect made by the Businessmen's Association. Councilman Boido seconded the ~uotion for $150 per Dium¢omnc~l~:an Eschelbach called for a vote on his motion and the roll call showed, CounciLmen, Eschelbach,~;lager and Doido voting yes and Mayor Ratto and Councilmen Mi~ucciani voting No. ~/&t ~/ There being no further business Councilman ~'!inucciani mo'~ed to adjourn. The-motion was seconded bY Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carri ed. Time of adjournment, 8;~0 o'clock P.M. Approved Eespectfully submitted~