HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-12-07REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL
The regular meeting of the City Council. of the City of South San Francisco was held
in the City Hall,Monday evening, December 7th, 1936.
The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock P.M. by mayor D.W. Ratto.
Roll call found all members of the City Council present, aS follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, A,J.Eschelbach, John F.Mager,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto.
The minu~es of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as'read.
A communication.was received from A.R.Zanetti,stating he had deeded his property,
Lot.18,Block 4, Parkway Terra,e, to the Veteran's Welfare Board on Ma~ch 23,1936, and stated
he believed his tax bill against the property in. the amount of $10.08 should be cancelled.
~eferred to the City Attorney Coleberd fo opinion.
Mr. John Tacchi, Acting Chairman of the Italian-American Citizens'Club, requested
pex~mission to .hold a three days celeb~ation, July 3,4,5,1~, the event celebrating the 20th
~mmiversary of the Club's organization, with a parade, dancing and a Queen Contest. On motion
by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the desired
pex-mission was granted.
- A Communication was received from Mel Schlamm, AdJutan¥of Bex~nard McCaffrey Post,No.i
~he -American Legion of South San F~ancisco,reque~ting permission to move the Field Gun on the
barde of the city hall grounds to lower ground and on the lawn in front of the fire house. Fir~
Chief ~elte stated he could secure volunteers enough to move the piece if permission were
gramted, Accordingly Councilman Eschelbach moved the desired permission and the motion second,
by Councilm~ Minucciani and regularly ca~ried.
A communication was received from the "Sociedad Mutualista Mexicans Morales", req~e~
~ing permission to hold literary exercises and a/dance in Fraternal Hall,Saturday evening,
December 19,1936, from eight o'clock p.m. to 2 o'clock a.m. Moved by Councilman Minucciani,
Seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried that permission be granted on 6onditi,
~he usual police fee be deposited before the dance.
Mrs. Ca~ Boyle,Chico, California, requested a refund of 64 cents charged against
her property,t3 RandOlph, Avenue,Pack's Lots, for the cleaning of ~eeda, stating she cleaned
~he weeds away herself. Referred to the street committee and filed .... ~.~!~ in the request fo~
refund folder.
Gus Harris and Gus Davanis applied for a business license to open a restaurant ~t
205 Grand Avenue under the name of Bay City Grill. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconde,
by Councilman Boido and regularly c~rried the permit was granted.
Amelia Perugi applied for a refund of.25 cents ~harged against him for the cutting,
weeds in front of his property, 816 Grand Aven~e,Referred to the street committee and placed
the request for refund folder. '
A statement was received from Df.Victor G.Vecki, certifying that the health of Joe
Medeghine is so far improved that he is fit to resume his old duties of sweeping streets. T~e
~tatement was accepted. Councilman Boido stated Mr. Medeghint Was a good man at his work befo:
his illness and should be given another chance. Councilman MinuccXmhi agreed Mr. Medeghlni wa~
an able man in his line before work before his sickness and moved to give him a chance on tri~
comme~cing December 15,inst. Councilman Boido seconded the motion and it was regularly carrie,
Antonio Molini protested against aga&~e~-the assessment of $700 on two greenhouses
and personal property ea on So.S.F. Land Company's land at Magnolia and Commercial Avenues,
taxes On which is $8.82. The. m~tter ~as ordered investigated by the Board of Equalization. '
C.Pelligrini applied for a business license to operate a restaurant at 213 Grand
~n ~&tlon by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Botdo and regularly carried the applic~t:
Wa~ granted.
A communication from the businessmens'Association requested that ~he street lights 1
turned on during the holidays, and that merchants be allowed to exhibit their Christmas trees
on the s~dewalks. The merchants were assured by the city council the lights would be turned
a week before and after the holidays, and agreed to accept a six tree exhibi~ limit of Christ~
on the sidewalks during the holidays.
City Treasurer Ed.P.Kauff~un requested and was granted permission to leave the Sta'
of California for a period of six months on leave of absence.
The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief,' Building Inspector, Health
Ci~ J~ge, City Treasurer and City Clerk were submitted for the month ending.November 30th, 1
~936, and on ~otion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by 5ouncilman Minucciani and re~larly
ca~-~ied, accepted.
An trdinance amending Section 5 of Ordinance No.160 entitled;
LICENSING OF THE SAME" , adopted July 5,1932,and relating to
license fees, was introduced by Councilman Minucciani, had its first readil
and was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next regula~ meeting
of the Oity Council. The Ordinance would raise the fee from $50 per diem to $250~.~: &ll counc~
[~d~ioexo Claims in the amount of $4352,99 were next presented to the board for payment;-
work on Chestnut ave, swear $145.20 L. Sava~es
labor on outfall sewer
#, #
~ark lab~or
attendin~ fi~es
Ii II -
attending fires $ 1.00
42.00~ C.Rineha~t " " S 7.00
40.00"~ A.Merla s~ring Xmas wires, $ 9.00
50,00 Frank Pariani repairs,fire dept$ 3.80
24.00 . ,, police deptlS.18
36.00 Wm. Minucciani plumbing city hal 59,75
22.00 So. City Auto Sar &rep str.truck 3.12
20.00 West Disinfecting Co rags ~ 6.96
1.50 Jack Welch rem dead dogs Nov. $ 33.00
1.oo M.Greenberg's Sons 2 hydrants S169.06
MarkWell Bay Cities Co Fasteners 7.90
1.00 Pioneer Rubber Mills Fire Hose S163.62
Roll call found all members of the City Council present, aa foll°ws;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, John F.Mager,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto.
The ~tnutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as' read.
A communication.was received from A.R.Zanetti, stating he had deeded his property,
Lot~lg,Block 4, Parkway Terra,e, to the Veteran's Welfare Board on March 23,1936, and stated
he believed his tax bill against the property in. the amount of $10.08 should be cancelled.
Referred to the City Attorney Coleberd fo opinion.
Mr. John Tacchi, Acting Chairman of the Italian-American Citizens'Club, requested
pax-mission to-hold a three days celebration, July 3,4,5,1~U, the event celebrating the 20th
anniversary of the Club's organization, with a parade, dancing and a Queen Contest. On motio~
by Oouncilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the desirec
pex-mission was granted.
A Communication was received from Mel $chlamm, AdJutan:/of Bernard McCaffrey Post,No.
~he-American Legion of South San Francisco,requesting permission to move the Field Gun on thc
ban~ of the city hall grounds to lower ground and on the lawn in front of the fire house. Fix
Chief Welte stated he could secure volunteers enough to move the piece if permission were
granted, Accordingly Councilman Eschelbach moved the desired permission and the motion secon~
by Councilman Minucciani and regularly ca,tied.
A communication was received from the "Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana Morelose
~ing permission to hold literary exercises and a_'dance in ~raternal Hall,Saturday evening,
December 19,1936, from eight o'clock p.m. to 2 o'clock a.m. Moved by Councilman Minucciani,
Seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried that permission be granted on ~ondit~
~he usual police fee be deposited before the dance.
Mrs. Carl-lie Boyle,Chico, California, requested a refund of 64 cents charged against
her property,83 RandOlph, Avenue,Pack's Lots, for the cleaning of ~eeds, stating she cleaned
~he. weeds away herself. Referred to the street committee and filed .:.. '~,: ?..i!~.~ ~ !n the request f¢
refund folder.
Gus Harris and Gus Davanis applied for a business license to open a restaurant 'at
205 Grand Avenue under the name of Bay City Grill. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconde
by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the permit was granted.
Amelia Perugi applied for a refund of. 25 cents aharged against him for the cutting
weeds in front of his property, 816 Grand Aven~e,Referred to the street committee and pl?ced
the request for refund folder.
A statement was received from Df. Victor ~.Vecki, certifying that the health of Joe
Medeghine is so far improved that he is fit to resume his old duties of sweepinj streets. The
· tatement was accepted. Councilman Boido stated Mr. Medeghini Was a good man at his work befo
his illness and should be given another chance. Councilman Minucc~hi agreed Mr. Medeghini wa
an able man in his line before work before his sickness and moved to give him a chance on tri
commencing December 15,inst. Councilman Boido seconded the motion and it was regularly carrie
Antonio Molini protested against age&~et-the assessment of $700 on two greenhouses
and personal property ee on So.S.F. Land Company's land at Magnolia and Commercial Avenues, th
taxes On which is $8.82. The matter Was ordered investigated by the Board of. Equalization.
C.Pelligrini applied for a business license to operate a restauran~ at 213 Grand Av
C n m~tion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the applic~at
~aS granted.
A communication from the businessmens'Association requested that the street lights
turned on during the holidays, and that merchants be allowed to exhibit their Christmas trees
on the s~dewalks. The merchants were assured by the city council the lights would be turned
a week before and after the holidays, and agreed to .accept a six tree exhibit limit of Christ'.
en the sidewalks during the holidays.
City Treasurer Ed.P.Kauffmann requested and was granted permission to leave the Sta
of California for a period of six months on leave of absence.
The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief,' Building Inspector, Health 0
City Judge, City Treasurer and City Clerk were submitted for the month ending. November 30th, 1
~9S6. and on motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and re~larly
ca~r~ed, accepted.
An Srdinance amending Section 5 of Ordinance No.160 entitled;
LICENSING OF THE SAME" , adopted July 5,19~2,and relating to
license fees, was introduced by Councilman Mlnucciant, had its first readil
and waa laid over to come u~ under the regular order of business at the next regula~ meeting
of the Ci~y Council. The Ordinance would raise the fee from $50 per diem to $Z50%,~ &ll counc~
[~d~ioe~. Claims in the amount of $4352.99 were next presented to the board for payment;-
M. Guidotti
j. Ferra:~i
E. Colombo
P.. R. Sharkey
Jim Cu~ti
Chas ~e~cks
M. Ce~to
J. Ferri
M~uel Castro
E. Rossi
M. I~tz
~rl Rinehart
E. Kozlowski
R. Bisa~o
work on Chestnut ave, swee~ $145.20 L. Savares
labor on outfall sewer
~ark labor.
attendin~ fires
attending fires $ 1.00
42.00 C.Rineha~t # " S 7.00
40.00 A.Merla s~ring Xmas wires, $ 9.00
50'00 Frank Pariani repairs,fire dept$ 3.80
24.00 . ,, police deptlS.18
36.00 Wm. Minucciani plumbing city hal 59,75
22.00 So. City Auto Set &rep str.truck 3.12
20.00 Wes~ Disinfecting Co rags $ 6.96
1.50 Jack Welch rem dead dogs Nov. $ 33.00
1.oo M.Greenberg's Sons 2 hydrants S169.06
1.oo Markwell Bay Cities Co Fasteners 7.90
1.00 Pioneer Rubber Mills Fire Hose 0163.62
1.00 Pacific Coast Building
~.00 Officials Conference memberships lOgO0
1.O0 Frank Giffra,Matertals fire dep$ 2.81
Expenditures continued;~.
Walter Martin Signs lettering city truck $10.00 All Souls Church
J.S.Baker, rent catipillar & bulldozr$ 18'00 .Pacific Nurseries
Pacific Pumping Co rent of pump $ 30.00
Frank Chinelli cement finishing $ 5.50
Ar~dt's Dept store dry goods $ .98
Superio~Steam Laundry wash fire houses $ ll.lO
Standard'Oil Co ETYHL gas ~il, Nov. ~ .98
Bhas Guidi 6 pillow slips fire ho~seS 2.17
Bertuccelli & Nannini supplies,~ity hall S 6.49
Chas. Ballozzi materiela city hall $ 3.20
Cr~ne Co sewer cleaning equipment S205~54
LoUis Belloni feed of prisoners OctNov $ 3.60
San Mateo Feed & Fuel CO,rent compressor S 30~00
American Bitumuls Co bitumuls ~ 17.00
Q " " " S 25.88
" "· " " S 20.48
Intercity Transfer Co freight ~ ~ ..35
Patrick Moise Klinkner Co ~j~,~z~$32. 66
" " " "Judge supplies $ 4.12
" " " ""tax coll ,' ~ 3,29
Dudley Perkins reline grake cable S 1.02
# " saddle cover S 6.33
Geo.A.Kneese surveyin~outfall sewe~ 8 31.06
" '" " "Linden Ave Bridge $ 40.92
. u . u Oak Ave $ 23.76
" " " report stor~ sew, BADEN $ 38.61
" " " Linden Ave,Storm Sewer $ 10.56
" " " Suryeying Colma Ditch ~121,32
$ 4,64
ad in program $ 15.00
seeds, bulbs,otc 94.44
Cooks 0iL Co poweral S 2.78
Calif Water Set. Co rent hydrants $464.00
" " " " water,misc. $ 40.56
" " " " " library ~ ~7.42
" " " " "Mar,~n Park S./ 5.98
" " " FSunt~in, Fire House tJ 4.04
Pacbeco.~Electric install hot house ~ 19.95
" " maintain fire alarms 28.50
" " rep traffic bells $ 4~80
W.P. Fuller& Co ,~ doz Geary stucco $ 4.35
Il . Il Il
p~re prepared paints 5.4.6
So. City LmB_an. Su~.Oo ~ecoret EbamelS 4.68
" " " " "White Doc. EnamelS 2.95
" " " "patching plaSter $ .72
B.J. Rodondl, P. Liabil & Prop Dam ~ 41.70
" " " City Hall Ins. S 88.40
Pacific ~}as & Elecbrtc Co. Str. LghtsS628.96
" " " Misc. service ~ 94.77
E.Milani pain~ baseball fences 4,00
Pac.Tel & Tel Co No~embe~ phones~o$ 60~60
So. Cit~y Lbr $ Supply do ~avel S 9.23
American Bitmuls ¢om~ha~ d~e.~N~v $ 1.65
Standard Oil Co hal due Nov. ~ 1.98
E'Monize stringing Christmas wire S 7.75
Roy Total $,193.99
So.C~ty Lbr & Supply Co crushed rock
" ready mix $ 18.36
The claims having been audited by the finance commlttee Councilman' Minucciani moved they
be Paid. The motion was seconded by 'Councilman Eschelbach and regulamlu carried.
Under the head of unfinished business Inspector Welte reported Joe Mendoza had not yet
notified him of having placed the Freydos grocery Store in condition for occupancy. City Attorney
Coleberd reported the store covld be re-opened~ when. ~a six months lease is taken.
Co~ncilman Eschelbac&reported he had visited the new premises of Latham and company in
regard to their application for permission to tap the sewer in TanforanAvenue,but found no o=e
there. He requested the desired permission be given in writing.
In the matter of the proposition of Andrew Hynding to effect a saving in city insurance,
Mayor Ratto reported the proposition under consideration.
In re the sanitary Condition of the "57" Club, the Amadeo Firenze restauran~ , Dr.McMillS,
in his health report stated a new back baE~sink~ and sewer were installed and another toilet wss being
Councilman Boido moved that the salary of Policeman Augusto Terragno be raised from $175
per month to $190 per month, beginning December 1,1936. The motion WaS seconded by Co~u~cilman
Minucciani and regularly carried.
Referring to a proposed ordinance prohibiting ~e~tain officers and employees of the City
of South San Francisco from accepting employment'in the Dog racing, track in this city, or recom
mending any persons for employment in such traDk~ Mayor Ratto stated the ordinance was ready fOr
introduction. Councilmen Eschelbach and Boido opposed the introduction of the proposed ordinance,
0ouncilmanEsChelbach stated he was satisfied with a high fee from the track but was opposed
to otherwise regulating it as all persons should have the right to endorse any person for labor in
any institution. Councilman Mager believed some changes should be made'in'the proposed ordinance,
Such as to include any track o~ all tracks that might come under the city's Jurisdiction~ and
indicated the changeS that should be made. Mayor Ratto asked the Committee of the Italian-American
Citizens'Club if these changes were satisfactory. After inspection the committee reported the
changes would be satisfactory'~to the c%ub.
L.G.Hax~y, Secretary-N~mager< ef the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce arose
and inquired from the Mayor why favoritism should be shown in asking the Italian*American C~
Citizens' Club Committee their opinion of the ~,~:~?~.,~i cb~Bges any more than the Womams' Club,
The Businessmens' Association, The Chsmber of Commerce or any other org-nization. Mr Hardy also
stated that the letter from the Baden Kennel Club that outlined prCvisions for the proposed
o~dinance was addressed to.him-MayOr Ratto-and did not affect the secretary of other organizatLons.
Mayor Ratto replied that the Italian-American Citizens' Club were sponsors for the proP,sod
ordinance as well ~as the proposed ordinance raising the fee of the Baden Kennel Club ~from $50
to $250 per day, that theBaden Kennel Club had met with the Italian American Citizens' Club
~d requested that the two ordinances be passed, and that that is their endea?or. .
Among the changes suggested by Councilman Mager in the second ordinance, was one ~
not to bar exempt volunteer firemen 'and others who are not salaried employees from accepting
employment at ~ace tracks. Following this City Attorney Coleberd was instructed to d~awUp an
o~inance conforming with these changes,and the matter was laid overuntil Tuesday evening,
December 8th, 1956, at 7 o'clock P.M.
~Under the.head of new business Councilman Rschelbach stated he had been in conference
with the Pacific Gas & Electric Company with reference to the installation of new lights and
changing lights'in Peck's Lots,and the installation and changes of lights on Bayshore Boulevard
and Commercial AvenNe~ and the work was under way.
Councilman Rschelbach reported that on account of extension of the park service the
city was in meed of a Manure Bth~edder for the gardeners,and asked authority to 'pumcha~e one,
the price ~ a new one being $~0 and a second hand one about $I*0. Councilman Minucciani
Cautioned that~e city funds are under heavy 'strain, the Park Fund ovex~rawn over $7000, and
the city shoul~areful. After discussion,hoWever, Councilman Boido moved the new Manure Schmedder
be purchased. The motion was seconded by CounCilma~ Eschelbach and regularly carriede
· Logan Franklin of the Enterprise asked the city council if they would take a Ch~istmas add
.in their Ohrist~as edition, the price being $~2. On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by
Oouncilmau Mager and regularly ca~ried the add was ordered given. '
Under She head of Good AND Welfare Councilman Mager brought up the subject of the city's
$~a~~ate~ Se~vlee,audthe rates paid for hydrant rental. He declared the rates seemed ex-
ce~siv~lyhtth, and moved that the city Attorney be instruced to communicate with the California
Water to--ice and request a redueti°n in rate~, from $3.00 to $1.50. The motion was seconded
is Belloni fee(_! of prisoners 0ctNov
San Marco Feed & Fuel CO,rent compressor $ 30;00
American Bitumuls Co bitumuls S 17.00
Q " " " ~; 25.88
" " " " S 20.48
Intercity Transfer Co freight ~ · .35
Patrick Moise Klinkner Co d~ J~g~~JS32. 66
" " " UJudge supplies $ 4.12
" " " u "tax coll ., ~ 3~29
Dudley Perkins reline grake cable S 1.02
" " saddle cover S 6.33
Geo.A.Kneese surveyin~outfall seweW~ S 31.06
" '" " # Linden Ave Bridge S 40.92
' ~ " ~ Oak Ave $ 23.76
" " " report store sew, BADEN S 38.61
# # # Linden Ave,Storm Sewer .$ 10.56
" # ~ Suryeying Colma Ditch ~121,32
So. City Lbr & Supply Co crushed rock $ 4,64'
" # # ready mix
3.60 W.P. Fuller& Co ~ doz Geary stucco
t! fi it
?;re prepared paints
So. Ci,t.y LmB.an Su~.Co ~ecoret Ebamel~
" " " "White Dec.EnamelS
" " " "patching plaster
$ 18.36-
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman' Minucciani moved they
be pa.id. The motion was seconded by Uouncilman Eschelbach and regularlu carried.
Under the head of unfinished business Inspector Welte reported Joe Mendoza had not yet
notified him of having placed the Freydos grocery Store in condition for occupancy. City Attorney
Coleberd reported the store could be re-opened~ when~ · ~ a six months lease is taken.
Co~ncilman Eschelbac~reported he had visited the new premises of Latham and company in
regard to their application for permission to tap the sewer in Tanforan Avenue,but found no one
there. He requested the desired permission be given in writing.
In the matter of the proposition of Andrew Hynding to effect a saving in city insursnce,
Mayor Ratto reported the proposition under consideration.
In re the sanitary cbndition of the "~7" Club, the Amadeo Firenze restauran~ , Dr. McMills,
in his health report stated a new back bandy,sink~ and sewer were installed and another toilet wss being
Councilman Boido moved that the salax-y of Policeman Augusto Terragno be raised from $17§
per month to $190 per month, beginning December 1,19~6. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Minucclani and regularly carried.
Referring to a proposed ordinance p~ohibiting ~e~tain officers and employees of the City
of ~outh San Francisco from accepting employment ~in the Dog racing track in this city, or recom
mending any persons for employment in such trank~ Mayor Rafto stated the ordinance Was ready for
introduction. Councilmen Eschelbach and Boido opposed the introduction of the proposed ordinance~
0ouncilman Eschelbach stated he was satisfied with a high fee from the track but was opposed
to otherwise regulating it as all persons should have the right ~o endorse any person for labo_~ in
any i~stitution. Councilman Mager believed some changes should be made ~in~the proposed ordin~u~ce
Such as to include any track or all tracks that might come under the city s Jurisdiction~ and
indicated the changes that should be made. Mayor Ratto asked the Committee of the Italian-American
Citizens'Club if these changes were satisfactory. After inspection the committee re~orted the
changes would be satisfactory~co the climb.
L.G. Ha~dy, Secretary-N~mage~. ~f the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce arose
and inquired from the Mayor why favoritism should be shown in asking the Italian*American ~'~
Citizens' Club C~ttee their opinion of the ~.L.?~ ,.~,i cha~ges any more than the Womans' Club,
The Businessmens' Association, The Chamber of Commerce or any other organization. Mr Hardy also
stated that the letter from the Baden Kennel Club that outlined provisions for the proposed
ordinance was addressed to him-MayOr Ratto-and did not affect the secretary of other organizations.
Mayor Ratto replied that the Italian-American Citizens' Club were sponsors for the prope.sed
ordinance as well as the proposed ordinance raising the fee of the Baden Kennel Club ~from $50
to $250 per day, that the Baden Kennel Club had met with the Italian American Citizens' Club
and requested that the two ordinances be passed, and that that is their endeavor, . ..
Among the c~ ges suggested by Councilman Mager in the second ordinance, was one
not to bar exempt volunteer firemen'and others who are not salaried employees from accepting
empl,~,~e~$ at ~Ace tracks. Following this City Attorney Coleberd was instructed to d~aW Up an
e~inance conforming with these changes,and the matter was laid overuntil Tuesday evening,
Decembe~ 8th, 1936, at 7 o'clock P.M.
~Under the.head of new business Councilman Rschelbach stated he had been in conference
with the Pacific Gas & Electric Company with reference to the installation of new lights and
~i~g lights'in Peck's Lots,and the installation and changes of lights on Bayshore Boulevard
and Commercial AvemNe~ and the work was under way.
Councilman Rschelbach reported that on account of extension of the park service the
city was in meed of a Manure S6h~edder for the gardeners,and asked authority to purchase one,
the prAee ~$ a new one being $289 and a second hand one about $140. Councilman Minucciani
cautioned that. ~h~ city funds are under heavy 'strain, the Park Fund overdrawn over $7000, and
the city shoul~areful. After discussion, however, Councilman Boido moved the new Ma=-we Schredder
be purchased. The motion was seconded by CounCilma~ Eschelbach and regularly carried.
Logan l~m~klin of the Enterprise asked the city council if they would take a Christmas add
in their Chrls~aas edition, the price being $42. On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by
Councilman Mage~ and regularly ca~ried the add was ordered given.
Under the ~mead of. Good AND Welfare COuncilman Mager brought ~p the subject of the city's
St_=_~l~y Water Sex'v~ee,and the rates paid for hydrant rental. He declared the rates seemed ex-
cessively high, and moved that the City Attorney be tnstruced to communicate with the California
Water So--ice and request a redmction in rates from $3.00 to $1.50. The motion was seconded
by Counci!ma~ Eschelbach and regularly carried.
. M~o~ Ratto asked if anyone else had anything to say. Counci!m~n Eschelbach moved to
refer bac~0 New BU~aa, ~havi~g something ~o bring before the council.The motion was seconded
by C0unci~ Mtnucciani and regularly carried.
" " Misc. service S 94.77
E.Milani pain~ baseball fences 4,00
Pac.Tel & Tel Co No~emben 1shonesr,$ 60~60
So. City Lbr $ Supply ~o ~avel $ 9.23
AmeriCan Bitmuls Com'~ha~ 'dae. N~v S 1.~5
Standard Oil Co bal due Nov. $ 1.98
E.Monize stringing Christmas wire S 7.75
Roy Tot al $4193.99
B.J. Rodondi, P. Liabil & Prop Dam ~ 41.70
" " " City Hall Ins. ~ 88,40
Pa$ific ~3as & Electric Co. Str. LghtsS628.96
Councilman Eschelbach stated that trailers are coming into the city and parking on city street.'
w&thout right from the owners of property, and are without provisions to comply with sanitary
regulations,and the m~tter should be given the City's attention on account of this class of
influx during coming years.
Mayor Ratto was of the opinion that the trailers should not be prohibited from coming
~o the city on the graond there would be business for the merchants. City attorney Coleberd
was instructed to communicate with the League of California Municipalities and ascertain what
~nforr~ation !~thay may have on the subject,with a view ~.? to framing an ordinance requlating
such matters.
Councilman Mager called the city council's attention to the danger of accidents at
~he Bayshore Highway and Grand Avenue intersection for lack of proper~T~h~ti~-E f'~d~IB~'-al~A
suggested that the City of South San Francisco get in touch with the City or San marco and
~ogether with the City of South San Francisco make a United effort to have the State High~ay
Commission install propep danger signals or permit the city to ~nstall them. City Attorney
]oleberd was instructed to confer with the City Manager of San ~ateo, together with Engineer
Robert Klassen, and ascertain what method to persue by Joint action. Councilman Mager put his
s~uggestion in the form of a motion and the motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and
_egularly carried. Fire Chief Welte stated there should be signals there operating with fire a~
signals alsoRealtor B.J.Rodondi addressed the council and requested that an ordinance be
passed regulating building restriction in the ~own of Baden , His opinion was that no dwelling
should be erected at a cost less than $2500, and that the city should s~rictly supervise the
construction as to costs,etc. City attorney Coleberd on question, was of the opinion the
restriction could not be placed on the tract
City Attorney Coleberd reported progress was being made by the Christmas Tree delagati~
There being no further business before the board Councilman Minucctani moved to adJou~
u_util Tuesday evening, December 8,1~8, at ~ o,clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Boido and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment ~;1§ o'clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
' /~ity Cler~
Ma'~~ of South San ~ancisco