HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-01-04REGULAR MEETING OF TKE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 4th, 193V. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Monday evening, January 4th, 1937. The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present,; Councilmen, V.Boido, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto. Absent, Councilman, A.J.Eschelbach. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from Mr. A.C.Freeman stating that after a survey his engineer finds that there is a slight discrepancy in the engineering lines in the rear of the city's fire house No/2,and the shed approximately 1~ to two inches over on his property. He stated the encroachment in no way interferes with his plans, but would appreciate an acknowledgment from the city that the error exists. Referred to City Attorney Coleberd ~ he stated the matter would be attended to. Au application was received from Societa 0perala for permission to hold a 6oncert and dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday eveni~ January 23,193~__from 8 o'clock P.M. to 2 A.~ On motion, by Councilman Mtnucciani, oeconded by Councilman Botdo and regularly carried the permit was granted. Councilman Victor Boido applied for a permit to erect an addition to his present garage on lot 20, block 125, of C.J. Wood frame, concrete foundation, estimated cost $800/ On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. The~monthlY reports of the Health Officer, City Treasurer, Chief of Police,City Judg Building Inspector, Fire Chief and City Clerk were next submitted. All reports were accepte~ Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolu~,~4_~~ the City of South San Francisco authorizing-and directing the City Clerk to exec~r~uired by the Works Progress Administ tion to accompany the proposal of said city for the construction of-Water System in Orange Avenue Park, The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council prese as follows,; Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto/ Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman, A.J.Eschelbach. Attest. Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions~ Vol.3, at page 90. Under the head of unfinished businessthe application of J.Berroni for permission to a temporary structure in the rear of hia place ~kme~p~?~. After discussion on the cost o~ erecting~a fire proof structure Mr Bcrroni was instructed to secure figures on a fire proof building instead of the proposed one. The offer of Elmer A.Roberts to control the city's ants was not given consideratio~ In the matter of the city's request for a water rate reduction from $~.00 to $1.~0 per hyrdant the~committee th~oughEngineer Klassen stated there was some data secured on the matter from the Railroad Commission, but some files were missing in the commission's off~ and as ~soon as located the ad~i$ional data will be furnished the city. In the matter of the ~'a effort to secure proper Traffic Signal Protection at th~ intersection of Grand & Bayshore~Highway, Engineer Klassen stated he interviewed Manager Wil: of EanMateo, who said he would co-operate if this city would make the application~ and thi~ should be done after a traffic count. On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Counci~ Boido and regularly carried Police Chief Belloni was instructed to take the traffic count al Grand Avenue and Bayshore Highway~ for submission to the commission with San Marco. City Attorney Coleberd pointed out that if the Comnission refuses South San Francis, permission to install automatic signals, it is possible the legislature may amend the law : that traffic fines could be used to maintain police and auto at the intersection at all tim, Mayor Ratto was of the opinion that the surest course at the present time was to a~ all d~ivers who exceed the city limit law of 20 miles per hour, and there would be few or n~ accidents. Councilman Boido stated the city was in need on another automobile and patrolman to cruise the city at night."~ In the case of the Amad~m~Firenzi Restaurant I~spector Welte stated the Judge had him until to-mo~row to comply w~he law. The Inspector also stated an ordinance on toile should be enacted. The City Attorney~will draw up the necessary document. Under Good and Welfare Edward~l$~ Berry complained that numerous d?~gs gather in hi yard frequently, howl, overturn thegarbaEe can a~d d~g~up plants,and asked for action. He stated he complained to the poundmaster but re~ei~ed~no satisfaction. Police Chief Belloni stated he recemved calls frequently about this n~sisance,and attends to them, but the police car is not for that use. Mayor Ratto requested the Chief to get in touch with the poundma and inform htm that if the situation is not remedie~ the city would build its own pound. Mayor Ratto requested the Building Inspector to make an inspection of the Jess Aps merits. The Mayor also stated more room should be made for the Clerk's records and supplies. Chairman Coleberd reported the Christmas Tree Celebration was the best in the cit~ history. Claims in the amount of $2009.~2 were neXt presented to the council for payment;- F. Pariani Louis Belloni Roys Repair Shop So.City Auto Service Union Oil Co .Superior Steam Laundry R. Smlth~ V.Ullei'y ...... i C.Beg~a~i M. Cas~re repairs police ca~ "~,~ :~.~ 27.43 feed prisoners,stamps §.08 repairs motorcycle $ 9.03 peps to,police buick $ 9.5A radiator cleaner S 1.66 wash 2 firehouses S 14.90 attending fires Dec S 1.00 ,, ,, u 1. O0 '~ " ~ 1.00 The'minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from Mr. A.C.Freeman stating that after a survey his engineer finds that there is a slight discrepancy in the engineering lines in the rear of the city's fire house No/2, and the shed approximately 1} to two inches over on his property. He stated the encroachment in no way interferes with his plans, but would appreciate an acknowledgment from the city that the error exists. Referred to City Attorney Coleberd and he stated the matter would be attended to. An application was received from Societa 0persia for permission to hold a ~oncert and dance in Fraternal Hall, Satttrday evening,~ January 23,193~, from 8 o'clock P.M. to 2 A.M On motion, by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Botdo and regularly carried the permit was granted. Councilman Victor Boido applied for a permit to erect an addition to his present garage on lot 20, block 125, of C.J.Wood frame, concrete foundation, estimated cost $800/ On motion by Counctlm~n Mager, seconded by Councilman Minucctant and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. The'monthly reports of the Health Officer, City Treasurer, Chief of Police,City Judge Building Inspector, Fire Chief and City Clerk were next submitted. All reports were accepted. Councilman Minucciani introduced a resol~tio~, Qf the City of South San Francisco authorizing-and directing the City Clerk to execu~~uired by the Works Progress Administra tion to accompany the proposal of said city for the construction or-Water System in Orange Avenue Park, The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council present as follows,; Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, J.F.Mager, M.Minuccianl, D.W.Ratto/ Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman, A.J.Eschelbach. Attest Daniel McSweeney. ~ Cit~ Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions~ Vol.3, at page 90. Under the head of unfinished businessthe application of J.Berroni for permission to ez a temporary structure in the rear of his place ~.~~. After discussion on the cost of erecting~.a fire proof structure Mr Berroni was instructed to secure figures on a fire proof building instead of the proposed one. The offer of Elmer A.Roberts to control the city's ants was not given consideration. In the matter of the city's request for a water rate reduction from $3.00 to $1.50 per hyrdant the'committee through Engtneer Klassen stated there was some data secured on the matter from the Railroad Commission,but some files were missing in the commission's offic~ and as'soon as located the additional data will be furnished the city. In the matter of the 6~.'~ effort to secure proper Traffic Signal Protection at the intersection of Grand & Bayshore~Highway,Engineer Klassen stated he interviewed Manager Wilse~ of San Mateo, who said he would co-operate if this city would make the application, and this should be done after a traffic count. On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Coancilm~ Boido and regularly carried Police Chief Belloni was instructed to take the traffic count at Grand Avenue and Bayshore Highway~ for submission to the commission with San Mateo. City Attorney Coleberd pointed out that if the Con, lesion refuses South San Francisco pexnnission to install automatic signals, it is possible the legislature may amend the law so that traffic fines could be used to maintain police and auto at the intersection at all times~ Mayor Ratto was of the opinion that the surest course at the present time was to art. all d~ivers who exceed the city limit law of 20 miles per hour, and there would be few or no accidents. Councilman Boido stated the city was in need on another automobile and patrolman to cruise the city at night. In ~he case of the Amad~Firenzi Restaurant Inspector Welte stated the Judge had gi~ him until to me,row to comply w~t~he law. The Inspector also stated an ordinance on toilets should be enacted. The City Attorney'~will draw up the necessary document. Under Good and Welfare Edwa~dYD~ Berry complained that numerous ~d~gs gather in his yard frequently, howl, overturn the garbaEe can aBd d3~up plants,and asked for action. He stated he complained to the poundmaster but r~e~ed~no satisfaction. Police Chief Belloni stated he received calls frequently about this~ n~isance, and ~ttends to them, but the police car is not for that use. Nayor Ratto requested the Chief to get in touch with the poundmast and info~mhim that if the situation is not remedie~ the city would build its own pound. Nayor Ratto requested the Building Inspector to make an inspection of the Jess Apart manta. The Mayor also stated more room should be made for the Clerk's records and supplies. Chairman Coleberd reported the Christmas Tree Celebration was the best in the city's history. Claims in the amount of $2009.82 were next presented to the council for payment;- F. Pari~-1 repairs p lice car ~' ~/.'-~ 27.43 Louis Belloni feed prisoners,stamps ~$ 5.08 Roys Repai~ Shop repairs motorcycle $ 9.03 So. City Auto Service peps to,police buick S 9.54 Umion ~il Co radiator clever S 1.66 S~e~io~ Ste~ ~dry wash 2 firehouses $ 14..90 R.~th .... attending fires Dec ~ $ 1.00 V.U~e~ ...... -~ " " " $ 1.00 C. ~~ " " "S 1.00 M. Caa~ " " " $ 1.00 R.Bis$o " " " $ 1.00 L. Say.es ~ ~ " $ 1.00 E.Vent~i ~ ~ " S 1.00 Disbursements c~ntinued;- A. Johnson C.Rinehart Wm. Smith A.J.Pacheco John Monti Roy's Repair Shop' attending fires Dec $ 1.50 " " " $ 1.00 " # " $ 1.00 fire alarm maintenance,Dec $ 20.00 gas,str, dept $ 2.00 rep Ford Truck S 15.10 ,S,o. City,,Lbr & Suppl~, Co crushed rock Dan McSweeney. stamps box rent fire Chief, and city clerk Burroughs Adding Machice Co i ribbon The Flax Co. 2 boxes carbon paper  40.24 11.59 $ 7.20 · 5.00 H.A.Cavassa Bank of America Anchor Drug Co Jack Welch Pacheco Electric, Enterprise.Press The Enterprise Pacific Pumping Co A. Pietnonave Geo. A.Kneese supplies clerk & Tax collector~ 5.45 claim of Gordon Rowe Co. Audt$150.00 supplies health dept $ 30.90 removing dogs,cats,Dec S 30.50 street lamps ~ 67/33 " " $107.55 plumbing notices, license zards ordinance copies,stre dept letterheads police dept $ 70.26 100o receipt books Clerk Tax Collector 60.82 28.74 61.80 29.00 3.60 So.Cit~. Lumber# & Supply Co red brick pla~ter, sand, cement rent pLunping equipment water, Chestnut Ave Plans water systam Orange Ave S 48.84 supervision outfall sewer ~ 46.08 Engineering ~olma Creek S158.36 Linden Ave.Bridge S 46.20 Pacific Tel.& Tel Co December phones ~ 62.05 California Water Service Co Service Faunt,fire hous8 4,26 " " "Library Service Dec ~ 8.06 " " " hy~Irant rental Dec ~464.00 ~ " ~ city hall & baseball water, ~ 20.67 " ~ "water Martin Park $ 1.25 California Concrete Products Co State tax on materials $ 16.09 Hallwell Seed Co one shear blade $ .77 H.V.Carter Company one manure shredder ~ ~298.70 A. Johnson, removing hall lights~ Total $2009.82 included in total ~8.00 T e claims having been audited by the ~inance committee Councilman Bold° moved they be T~e motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business before the council Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 10;08 P.M. Approved Mayor of Sou~h~an Francisc~ Respectfully submitted, - ~City paid.