HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-02-15REGULAR NFEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTti SAN FRAN~ CISC0,~LD MONDAY FEBRUARY 15,1937. The Re~lar meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco.waslhei~oz February 15th,1937. The meeting was colled to order at eight o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows$ - Councilmen, V~Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions the~ were approved as read. A communication was received from Richard Graves,Executive Secretary of the League of California Municipalities in answer-to the city's letter inquiring about the cost of lightin~ in the South San F~ancisco Underpass. Mr. Graves stated the cost o~ lighting the underpass averages abo~t $§7.00 per month, and this amount is deducted from the city's share of the gasoline tax allotted to this city by State law. The City Clerk was instructed to write the County Assemblyman, Harrison W.Call, and request that he use his influence to abolish thi~ charge,the state Highway Commission claiming all rights and titles to the highways. A communication was received from the Businessman's Association of South San Francisco requesting that the Street Lights be turned on permantly, to advertise and stimulate busines~ Counci]jnan Minucciani requested that the extra cost of burning all lamps be ~ascertained. Log~ Franklih stated the turning on ofthe extra lights would be of great benefit to the city, and that all members of the Association were for it. The matter was referred to the Street Depar' ment. The Bethleham Steel Corporation Employees'of this city applied for ~permit to hold a dance on April 3rd,1987,till ~2 A.M. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Counci~ Boido and regularly carried the desired permission was granted. Fire Chief Welte made requisition for a new car stating the old one requi~es many repa and is four years old. To be taken up at an informal meeting Wednesday evening ~ebruary 17,3' Marlo Blandini applied for a permit to operate a gasoline station at the North-east Co of Bayshore Bouleverd and Pin~ Avenue. On motion by Councilman Boido,seconded by Councilma Mager and regularly carried the desired permission was granted. Acknowledgment was received from the Division of Highways of the city's letter request lng information as to the payment of the lighting bill for the South San Francisco Underpass Engineer Skeggs stated the maintenance of the State Highway Route through South San Francis on the Bay Shore Highway is administered by State forces with funds set up for such mainten ance from the ¼ cent gas tam fund for State highways accruing to the credit of South San Fra Communication ordered placed on file A petition siEned by 56 persons protested against the construction of a building of th refered to to in the request of Carl Jess for a building permit. Building Inspector Welte stated Mr. Jess had made some changes in his plans and ~asJ'.~willing to stucco the front part of the three room cottage. Mayor Ratto stated the matter could be referred to Mt. John Blanchard of Randolph Avenue, who would advise if the people of Peck's Lots are sattsfted~. Applications for the position of clerk in the police,fire and street departments were received from Mario A,Verner,~ John J. Antonnuccio, VirEil V.Cattalini and Ernest Mtrati. Th applications were Ordered placed on file. Applications for positions as Police Officer were received from Bill Ckokos,Austin A. Hanlon, Cha~les L.Burdick, Pete~ Lind, Edgar L.Brewer, Frank J. Bertuccellt,Beppint B.Picciont, Leo. Cortesi,and Harvey Hurst. The applications were ordered placed on file. The Julius Brunton & Sons Company submitted a bid for a Latham Power Brake Assembly, complete,including installation, for the city's fire truck, Seagrave,in the sum of $125.oo ~lus 3% State sales tax and 2% Excise tax. Mayor Ratto asked Fire Chief Welte to explain some of the features of the Booster brake and the 4 wheel brake,which he did. Councilman Bo~ euggested the chief find out t~e difference between the cost,etc of the 4 wheel brake and t~ Booster brake. The Mayo~ and councilmen were of the same opinion. Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco re~ lng the San Francisco Water Department to reconstruct the sidewalk and curb along the weste~ side of 0range Avenue,fronting upon Orange A~snue Park. The resolution was adopted by the v( of all the members of the City Council,as follows;- , ~_~er,M.Minuccianl, D.W.Ratto. Ayes,Councilmen, V.Boido A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~-* Noes Councilmen, None, Abse~nt_t~_C0.~u~cilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney~ ~?.~ed.tn Book of ResOlutions Vol.~,at page 91. _~,,L~{ayor Ratto announced an agreement had been reached whereby the proposed anti-ptcket~ /brdlnance had been withdrawn. Councilman Mager again stated he had not been in favor of an ~anti-plcketing or~limnance at a meeting held by the City Council and the Manufacturers,that felt that he was grossly mis~ntsmp~eted when classed as one of three favoring the anti-pick, ordinance,and gave assurance~the laboring class has nothing to fear from him. He also state~ he would not in future attend an informal meeting of the city council where an ordinance is concerned. Mayor Ratto held that three members of the council we~ for the ordinance, end fact timt the ordinance was presented to the board at a regular meeting was evidence tn~tts, that three members of the council favored the ordinance. trees in Peck~Lots fo~ the sum of one Dollar each was laid over to an informal meeting, Wednesday night,the 17th, inst. The request of R.A.Namilton for permission ~to operate a trailer court in conjunction his gasoltne.~business on the E1 Camino Real met wi~h considerable opposition from residents The Town of madem. N~ny citizens from the tract spoke against the granting of permission. S contended the trailer residents stay a while,take Job~ from regular citizens,pay no taxes a move on again. While it was admiti~ed Mr. Hamilton had sanitary accommodations,etc, thsre wa no ordinance for or against Trailer Courts, He agreed, however to meet the the Baden Improv Club, saying his place is not detrimental to busines in the vicinity or South San Francisco prope~. The matter was then laid over. Under the head of new business J.Berrone was granted permission to construst a Bocc Ball Court in the rear of his place of business,201 Grand Avenue,at an estimated cost of $1 Under the head of Good & Welfare Hugh McNellis of Peck's Lots stated the sidewalk .the wear isde of Bayshore Noulevard in the Peck's Subdivision was almost entirely worn or t ~ ~.~-, .~a ~h, w,.w ,nd tea~ that the cattles who tore the sidewalk up a few years Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows$~- f-~ /"~ Councilmen, V?Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. .... ,./ The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions~they were approved as read. A communication was received from Richard C-raves,Executive Secretary of the League of California Municipalities in answer to the city's letter inquiring about the cost of lighting in the South San F~ancisco Underpass. Mr. Graves stated the cost of lighting the underpass averages abot~t $57.00 per month, and this amount is deducted from the city's share of the ~ ce~ gasoline tax allotted to this city by State law. The City Clerk was instructed to write the County Assemblyman, Harrison W.Call, and request that he use his influence to abolish this charge,the state Highway Commission claiming all rights and titles to the highways. A communication was received from the Businessman's Association of South San Francisco requesting that the Street Lights be turned on permantly, to advertise and stimulate business. Councilman Minucciani requested that the extra cost of burning all lamps be 'ascertained. Logan Franklih stated the turning on of .the extra lights would be of great benefit to the city, and that all members of the Association were for it. The matter was referred to the Street Depart- ment. The Bethleham Steel Corporation EmplOyees'of this city applied for ~ermit to hold a dance on April 3rd,1937, till .2 A.M. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilm~ Boido and regularly carried the desired permission was granted. Fire Chief Welte made requisition for a new car stating the old one requi~es many repair and is four years old. To be ~a~en up at an informal meeting Wednesday evening ~ebruary 17,37. Mario Blandini applied for a permit to operate a gasoline station at the North-east Corn of Bayshore Bouleverd and Pin~ Avenue. On motion by Councilman Boido,seconded by Councilman Mager and regularly carried the desired permission was granted. Acknowledgment was received from the Division of Highways of the city's letter request- in~ information as to the payment of the lighting bill for the South San Francisco Underpass. Engineer Skeggs stated the maintenance of the State Highway Route through South San Francisco on the Bay Shore Highway is administered by State forces with funds set up for such mainten- ance from the ~ cent gas tam f~und for State highways accruing to the credit of South San Franc Communication ordered placed on file A petition stEned by §6 persons protested against the construction of a building of the refered to to in the request of Carl Jess for a building permit. Building Inspector Welte sta~ed Mr. Jess had made some changes in his plans and ~as2wtlling to stucco the front part of the three room cottage. Mayo~ Ratto stated the matter could be referred to Mt. John Blanchard of Randolph Avenue, who would advise if the people of Peck's Lots are sattsfled~. Applications for the position of clerk in the police,fire and street departments were received from Mario A,Verner,- John J. Antonnuccto, Virgil V.Cattalini and Ernest Mirati. The applications were ordered placed on file. .Applications for positions as Police Officer were received from Bill Ckokos,Austin A. Hanlon, Charles L. Burdick, Peter Lind, Edgar L.Brewer, Frank J.Bertuccellt,Beppini B.Piccioni, Leo. Cortest,and Harvey Hurst. The applications were ordered placed on file. The Julius Brunton & Sons Company submitted a bid for a Latham Power Brake Assembly, complet~e,including installation, for the city's fire truck, Seagrave,tn the sum of $125.oo net, ~lUs '3% State sales t~x and 2% Excise tax. Mayor Ratto asked Fire Chief Welte to explain some of the features of the Booster brake and the 4 wheel brake,which he did. Councilman Boido eu'ggested the chief find out the difference between the cost,etc of the 4 wheel brake and the Booster brake. The Mayor and councilmen were of the same opinion. Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco reques lng the San Francisco Water Department to reconstruct the sidewalk and curb along the westerl~ side of Orange Avenue, fronting upon Orange Avenue Park. The resolution was adopted by the vote of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes,Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager,M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes Councilmen, None, Absent, Cp~cilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney. ~V~aed.in Book of ResOlutions Vol.3,at page 91. _ ~Mayor Ratto announced an agreement had been reached whereby the proposed anti-ptcketin~ ~rdinance had been withdrawn. Councilman Mager again stated he had not been in favor of an anti-picketing ordinance at a meeting held by the City Council and the Manufacturers,that he felt that he was grosSly misinterpreted when classed as one of three favoring the anti-picket~ ~ ?rdtnance,and gave assurance .the laboring class has nothing to fear from him. He also stat. ed he would not in future attend an informal meeting of the city council where an ordinance ms concerned. Mayor Ratto held that three members of the council wer~ for the ordinance, end t~ fact t~t the ordinance was presented to the board at a regular meeting was evidence in :ttsel~ that three members of the council favored the ordinance. ................ ~ ~ U~;~-~h~~,~.~flniSli~6d,~,~s$,nes~ ths..--,~ff~'-'-~l~'~-~i~'~'"~"~O}i~i'~H~'~'~ all the trees in Peck~Lots for the sum of one Dollar each was laid over to an informal meeting, Wednesday night,the 17th, inst. The request of R.A.Mamilton for permission to operate a trailer court in conjunction w~ his gasoline, business on the E1 Caning Real met with considerable opposition from residents o~ The Town of ~ade~. M~ny citizens from the tract spoke against the granting of permission. Som~ co,tended the trailer residents stay a while,ta~ke Jobs from regular citizens,pay no taxes and move on again. While it was admitted M~. Hamilton had sanitary accommodations,etc, there was no ordinance for or against Trailer Courts, He agreed, however to meet the the Baden Improvem~ Club, SaYing his place is not detrimental to busines in tSe vicinity or South San Francisco p~op®:. The matteP was then laid over. Under the head of new business J.Berrone was granted permission to construst a Bocci Ball Court in the rea~ of his place of business,201 Grand Avenue,at an estimated cost of $110( Unde~ the head of Good & ~Melfare Hugh McNellis of Peck's Lots stated the sidewalk on ~h® wear isde of Baysho~e Noulevard in the Peck's Subdivision was almost entirely worn or tor~ awa2, by rains and the wear and tear, that the parties who tore the sidewalk up a few years back Load promised to replace it but never did. Mr. John Blanchard of the same tract spoke 356 of the very poor condition of the sidewalk and Urged the council to take action to have the sidswalk replaced. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach who said he would give the matter immediate attention. ~Union Gil Company, Frank Parian, Patrick-Mo,se Klinkner Fernald C.Thomas Fred J.Lautze Chamles Bollazzi Superior Steam Laundry ~Frank Parian, American Fire Ext. Co., Joe.Penna J.O.McMill~ ~-Union Oil Company San Mateo Co,Title Co M.Minucciani Claims in the amount of $1760.61 were next presented to the council for payment;- supplies ~ 5.65 repairs police car 10.70 s~pplies police dept $ 11,83 repairing chair" "$ 6.13 r~mQve lights on.Ford Truck 8.16 John Corso Ooorgo A.Kneeso Il fl fl 11 fl 11 ,, . , I! II 11 ,, ', , ,i " . 8hamber of Commerce Pacific Gas' ~!~ Electric Co~ !1 II II Pacific Tel & Tel Co Enterprise Foundry Co W. P. Fuller !~ Company II I1 II , ti .-------Industrial Cit.:i:~ Lbr. Co., R. A. Alexander W.De Lucca Angelo Monettini N.Vangelista J. Nocolopoulos Western Pioe ;~ Steel Co !1TI Il II Santini ~,: Roccucci Jim Curt, ---~!ndustrial City Lbr. Co., II Il ti ti F. Dieu P. Barreterri chamois fire dept wash 2 fire houses Jan. rep Chev.fire car extinguishing flued bread phone SeDt to Jan 298 gals gas January daily reports 2.06 10.65 · 10.57 ~ 7.11 ~.~,1.00 ~ 16.25 $ 4A.70 $ 1.50 Exps to Pen League Cai Muni cipalities $ 4.12 remov dead dogs Dec, Jan.$ ~8.00 plans water Sys Orange Park 20.20 services So. Ind. Area $125.56 plans, permit cro s s S.P. Branch for Baden sewer $ 5,.78. services No~rh Butler Road sewer~Ext. Sanitary Sewer ~ 5~00 services Linden Ave Bridges 50.15 "' Colm~ ditch $105,60 ~rades DuPont PPop South Linden Avenue Services outfall sewer adds Dec. & Jan. ~-~"-.~-. Street lights January miscellaneous lights gas phone 826 Gamba 1-- 38" grating traffic paint, Aug.29 " "' Sept. 18, supplies for sewer labor out fall sewer " on storm waters II II 11 II II II 11 II ,~ asUigne8 cl'~ims " " 12 ft,15" Culvert $ 11.18 14 ft 15" Culvert ~ 13.04 supplies.str.dept & fire dS 56.04 labor str. dept $ 19.00 2.45 materials str.dept park materials labor Martin Fark II Ii II California Water Service Co service Martin. Park 8643.45 S198.63 $ 5.00 $ 12.36 9.27 9.27 51.69 35.o0 2.00 2.00 2.00 ~ 9.50 ~ 5.51 $ l,,.. oo 14.00 1.25 $17 60.61 The claims having been audited by the.finance committee Councilman Eschelback moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Councilman Eschelbach moved to adJoux~n'. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;20 o'clock P.M. Approved Mayor of South San Francisco. Respectfully submitted, ,, Cib~Clerk