APRIL 5th, 1937.
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held
in the city hall Monday evening, April 5th, 1937.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Mayor D,W.Ratto.
Roll call found all the members of the council present,as follows;-
Co~ncilmen, V.Boido? A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciant, D.W.Ratto.
The minuteSi~of~thetthre~ pPevions~meetino~s were read. There being .no errors or omissions
they were approved as read..
The South San Francisco Fireman's Association applied for permission to hold their
annual dance on May 15,1937.The request was accompanied by the necessary $5.00 for extra police
protection. Per~ntt granted~on motion bF Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido & Regularly
carried. An application for a permit to,hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening,
April 24,1937,from $;30 p.m. to 2 o'clock a.m., was received from the South San Francisco Brum
Corps. Om motion by councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Roido and regularly carried the
permission was granted on condition the $5.00 for extra police Protection is deposited.
The. Italian Catholic ~'ederation applied for a permit to hold a "SPORT DANCE"
in .the Fraternal Hall on the evening of May 9, 1937. On motion by councilman Mager, seconded by
Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the desired permit was granted on condition that the
customary $5.00 for extra police protection be deposited.
Dutch Stelling, Manager of the Bethleham Steel Corporation Baseball Team of South
San Francisco, applied for the privilege.of using the ~tty lockers,etc,either in the fire house
or the city hall, the outside teams having complained there are no accommodations at our base-
ball park for them, an~ were disinterested in coming. Mayor Ratto explained that this was a
fact,the outside temasshowing inclinations to pass up South San Francisco and go elsewhere. The
Mayor suggested they be allowed to mse the shower~,etc, in the City Hall fire house. All counciL-
men agreed and 'it was so ordered.
A communication was received from Mrs. Ellen Carmody, complaing that a group of boys
entered her vacant store,623 Linden Avenue,recently, and did considerable damage to her property~
and asked what redress she had. Judge Dinning explained that it ~was a juvenile case, that
complaints against~ minors shoUld be filed with the Probation Officer in Redwood City. Mayor
Ratto requested Chief of Police Belloni to look into the matter, get in touch with the Probation
Officer and see what could be done.
Henry L.Haaker filed a check with the city in the sum of $73.74 to cover return
premium on policies Nos.101.376 and 101.976, Accepte~. Andrew Hynding submitted'~cHecks in the
amount of $5~.60, returned premiums on policies also. Accepted/
A communication was received from the Richfield 0il Company asking for consideration
when placing orders for gasoline covering the second quarter of the year. On motion by Councilman
Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the company was granted the next 60
days sales.
A communication was received from the Public Utilities Commission of the City and
County of San Francisco regardinM the construction of a new sidewalk of concrete a few feet further
from the center line of Orange Avenue than the ol.] one, and stating the arrangemant was sa~is-
factory to the Public Utilities Commission of San Francisco, provided it is understood that the
obligation of the City of San Francisco to the City of South. San Francisco shall not thereby be
increased. Councilman ~ager inquired of City Attorney Coleberd if th~s city is releasing the
City of San Francisco of further obligations in the matter. Mr. Coleberd said he would check it up..
A communication was received from the Department of Motor Vehicles,State of Cali. f-
ornia, giving a table of the increase in the number of deaths,accidents, injuries,registration~
and gas consumption in the State of California durin5 the year 1956. The letter stated the Traffic
Safety Commission of ~alifornia had launched the int~rcity traffic safety contest in ~ ~ South
San Francisco and requested the wholehearted support of the cormmunity in the humane effort.
Forms to be filled out by the proper city official were enclosed.
~ ~ayor Ratto stated this was~a very worthy cause and all city officials should use
their best endeavors and co-operate with the Traffic Safety Commission. The communication and
forms were turned over to Chief of police Belloni to keep the records.
Acknowledgment was received from City Engineer George Kneese of the r'eceipt of the
City's floral piece sent to the funeral of Mrs. Kneese, appreciating the honor shown to Mrs.
Kneese. Accepted and filed.
A communication was received from the Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef
show appreciating the the city's efforts in decorating~ the streets for the occasion,?t~e watch-
men employed and the fine cooperation of Chief of police Belloni and his men. Accepted and filed.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested permission to excavate a hole 7 x 9ft
in t~e S.E cot. of Grand Ave.& Chestnut Avenue to construct a concrete ~pit for a gas pressure
regulator, including a ~0 manhole.permission to open a trench 20'. long in 7th Lane,llS'E.of Linden
install a 2 gas main in the southerly sidewalk area of Gardener Avenue, and
AvenueS permission to "
permission to open a 14" trench across Baden~venue,545' west of Spruce of Spruce Avenue. Referred
to Councilman Eschelbach' ~.~ ~,~'~,~,
A communicat~'bn was received from the Works Progress Administrat~n relative to the
Water System in Orange Avenue Park, advising foreman, supervisors: s~perintendents and all other
persons responsible for the direction of the work to comply with all regulations and orders
regarding safety. Referred to Engineer Klassen.
Fire Chief A.J.Welte submitted to name of Andrew Peterson for appointment to the
call forces of the fire department. 0nmotion by Councilman Eschelbach seconded by Councilman Bo]do
and regularly carried the appointment was made.
had its second reading and was adopted as an ordinance of the City'of South San
Francisco,by the following vote;-
y es,~Councilmen. V.Boido, A.J.E@ehelbach, J.F.Mager,M.Minuccian~,D.W.Ratto.
oes,oouncilmen,None, Absent , Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney.
~ City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of ordinances,Vol.2,at page 265.
The monthly reports of the Chief of Police.Fire Chief. Buildin2 Insnector~ C~tv
The South San Francisco Fireman's Association applied for ~ermission to hold theLr
annual dance on May 15,1937.The request was accompanied by the necessary $5.00 for extra police
protection. Permit granted~on motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido & Regularly
carried. An application for a permit to-hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening,
April 24,1937,from 8;30 p.m. to 2 o'clock a.m., was received from the South San Francisco ~rum
Corps. Om motion by councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman 2oido and regularly carried the
permission was granted on condition the $5.00 for extra police Protection is deposited.
The. Italian Catholic ~'ederation applied for a permit to hold a "SPORT DANCE"
in .the Fraternal Hall on the evening of May 9, 1937. On motion by councilman Mager, seconded by
Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the desired permit was granted on condition that the
customary $5.00 for extra police protection be deposited.
Dutch Stelling, Manager of the Bethleham Steel Corporation Baseball Team of South
San Francisco, applied for the privilege,of using the 6ity lockers,etc,either in the fire house
or the city hall, the outside teams having complained there are no accommodations at our base-
ball park for them, an~ were disinterested in coming. Mayor Ratto explained that this was a
fact,the outside temasshowing inclinations to pass up South San Francisco and go elsewhere. The
Mayor suggested they be allowed to mse the showers,etc, in the City Hall fi. re house. All counciL-
men agreed and it was so ordered.
A communication was received from Mrs. Ellen Carmody, complaing that a group of boys
entered her vacant store,623 Linden Avenue,recently, and did considerable damage to her property~
and asked what redress she had. Judge Dinning explained that it.was a juvenile case, that
complaints against.minors should be filed with the Probation Officer in Redwood City. Mayor
Ratto requested Chief of Police Belloni to look into the matter, get in touch with the Probation
Officer and see what could be done.
Henry L.Haaker filed a check with the city in the sum of $73.74 to cover, return
premium on ~olicies Nos.101.376 and 101.976, Accepted. Andrew Hynding submitted'~ch~cks in the
amount of $53.60, returned premiums on policies also. Accepted/
A communication was received from the Richfield 0fl Company asking for consideration
when placing orders for gasoline covering the second quarter of the year. On motion by Councilman
Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the company was granted the next 60
days sales.
A communication was received from the Public Utilities Commission of the City and
County of San Francisco regardin~ the construction of a new sidewalk of concrete a few feet further
from the center line of Orange Avenue than the ol.~ one,. and stating the arrangemant was sa~ts-
factory to the Public Utilities Commission of San FranCisco, provided it is understood that the
obligation of the City of San Francisco to the City of South. San ,Francisco shall not thereby be
increased. Councilman Mager inquired of City Attorney Coleberd if th~s city ~s releasing the
City of San Francisco of further obligations in the matter. Mr. Coleberd said he would checklt up.
A communication was received from the Department of Motor Vehicles,State of Calif-
ornia, giving a table of the increase in the number of deaths,accidents, injuries,registratiOn'
and gas consumption in the State of California during the year 1936. The letter stated the Traffic
Safety Commission of Oalifornia had launched the intsrcity traffic safety contest in ~; ~': South
San Francisco and requested the wholehearted support of the community in the humane effort.
Fox-ms to be filled out by the proper city official were enclosed.
~ ~ayor Ratto stated this was'a very worthy cause and a~l city officials should use
t~eir best endeavors and co-operate with the Traffic Safety Commission. The communication and
fox-ms were turned over to Chief of police Belloni to keep the records.
Acknowledgment was received from City Engineer George Kneese of the r'eceipt of the
City's floral piece sent to the funeral of Mrs. Kneese, appreciating the honor shown to Mrs.
Kneese. Accepted and filed..
A communication was received from the Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef
show appreciating the the. city's efforts in decorating~ the streets for the occaston,~.~t~e watch-
men employed and the fine cooperation of Chief of police Belloni and his men. Accepted and filed.
~ The Pacific ~Sas & Electric Company requested permission to excavate a hole 7 x 9ft
in t~e S.E cot. of Grand Ave.& Chestnut Avenue to construct a concrete pit for a gas pressure
regulator, including a 30" manhole&permission to open a trench 20'.long in 7th Lane, ll5'E.of Linden
AvenueS permission to install a 2 gas main in the southerly sidewalk area of Gardener Avenue, and
permission to open a 14" trench across Baden~venue,545' west of Spruce of Spruce Avenue. Referred
to Councilman Eschelbach.
A communicat~0n was received from the Works Progress Administrat~n relative to the
Water System in Orange Avenue Park, advising foreman, supervisors~s~Perintendents and all other
persons responsible for the direction of the work to comply with all regulations and orders
regarding safety. Referred to Engineer Klassen.
Fire Chief A.J.Welte submitted to name of Andrew Peterson for appointment to the
call forces of the fire department. 0nmotion by Councilman Eschelbach seconded by Councilman Boido
and regularly carried the appointment was made.
had its second reading and was adopted as an ordinance of the City'of South San
Francisco,by the following vote;-
Ayes, Councilmen. V.Boido, A.J.E~chelbach, J.F.Mager,M.Mtnuccianf,D.W.Ratto.
Noes,Councilmen,None, Absent , Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney.
~ 'City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of ordinances,Vol.2,at page 265.
The monthly reports of the Chief of Police,Fire Chief,Building Inspector, City
~reasurer,Health Officer, City Judge and City Clerk for the month ending March 31, were submitted
and accepted.
This being the date set for bids for the construction of a drain pipe in Town
of Oaden Councilman Minucciani moved that bids be opened. The m0t~on was seconded by Council
Boido and regularly carried.
But one bid was submitted, that of California Concrete Products Co. The bid ~
as follows;-
18 inch diameter reinforced concrete sewer pipe, One and 48/100 Dollars,($1.41
per lineal foot. 18 inch diamenter reinforced concrete culvert pipe One and 80/100 Dollars
(1.80) per lineal foot.
Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San ~'ranci
awarding the contract for furnishing the above mentioned material and labor to Califorfila
Concrete Products Co.,i in the sum of $1015.00 and $30.45 Sales Tax. The resolution was
adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council.as follows$
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, John F.Mager, M.Minucciani, D,W.Ratto
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweene~
City Clerk.
Recorde~ in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 98.
Claims in the amount of $3230.81 were next presented to the council for payment.~
Louis Belloni
Dudley Perkins
11 II
So. San Francisco Hospital, 5 examinations for alcoholism
bridge fare to Berkley,Feed prisoners,P.0.Box rent $
labor on motor cycle etc,
spark plub suppressor cso spring Police Dept
Charles Mercks special'watchman Live: Stock Show
Fred Brown " " " " "
0.Bianchini " " " "
Calif State Auto Ass'n speed.limit and other signs
R.Biaagno fireman at stockyards
W.Locatelli " " "
R,Smith " " "
R.Bisagno attending fires March, 1937
W.Locatelli " " " "
Il II ti
Fred J.Lautze,Booster brakes
It I1 Il II Il
American Fire Equipment Co
· u~ual EnEimeering Co.,
West Disinfecting Co.
So.City Lumber & Supply Co.
Superior Steam Laundry
Fltnk's Service Station
Industrial City .Lbr. Co.,
A. J. Pacheco
" " " Electric
Il II II !!
A. J. Pacheco
J.0.McMills health officer
Cook's 0il Co.,
Hockwald Chemical Co.,
The Enterprise
Pac.Tel &Tel. Co.,
Andrew Hyn~ing
tl II
So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce
Pacific Gas & Electric 0o.
Il ti II
M. Minucciani
coats and pants for firemen,turn0outS
repairing flap valve,fire dept
.installing Booster Brakes
II Il 11
1 bale wiping rags ~
i can white leas
wash fire houses ·
grease and washing [ ~
1 pump oiler '
maintain fire alarm system, eta
Electric Traffic Signal Liner, eta
maintain Street lights eta
change location motor cIock ~ity hall
~arch phone bill
Powerol for health department
floral spray, police dept
· ottce,sealed proposals drain pipe
city's March phones
license, collector bond
,,city property ,,"
~arch advertising
i, o.oo
$ 33.35
$ 58.38
~ 31.90
inspection new swith board,Metal & TheEnit ~ 5.00
Miscellaneous lights Feb.-;~arch
streets lights !?~arch 1,to March 31,37
Exps to Pen League Cai. Municipalities
Jack Welch removing cats,dogs ~arch
California Water Service Co.Library-water march
'" " " " Hydrant rental "
ti !1 fl fl
II fl ti tl
Charlie Mercks
Industrial i~ity ~,hr. Co
fl II fl Il
fl II # II
fl I! [I !1
ff tl II II
South City Lbr.~ Supply Co
Pete Barrateri
Angola Cattaneo
Roy's Repair Shop
Union 0il Co.,
J. Penna
Mylan Watson
A. goldant
fountain & fire house water
City Hall & Baseball park
Martin Park "
labor in parks
!1 fl Il
11 !! !1
Il !1 !1
Brooms, eta
Material civic Center ~
~aterials for parks
materials sewers
" parks
" Euchre lyptum
" Orange Ave. Job
" Calma Creek Job
" crushed rock, streets
cleaning streets
repairs,eta, street dept
Ethyl ~gasoiine
bread .
labor at ball park
labor on streets
II !1 II
~ 3.25
~ 21. O0
$ 33.60
$ 33.60
~ 25.00
$ 27.50
$ 4.94
S470 · O0
$ '3.oo
$ 1.25
$ 13.oo
$ 17. aa
$ 24.00
$ 34.00
S 43.26
S 11.21
,, 7.63
~ 4.89
$ 24.72
$ 95.75
$ .72
~ 14.00
~ 14.00
$ 12.14
$ 99.60
$ 1.25
1o8. aa
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Eschelbach
moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minmcciani and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business the Fire Chief reported the matter of f~
escapes for She Jess apartments is ~-ti~] oending.
Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 98.
Claims in the amount of $3230.81 were next presented to the council for paymen~
Louis Belloni
Dudley Perkins
So. San Francisco Hospital, 5 examinations for alcoholism
Charles Mercks
Fred Brown
Calif State Auto Ass'n
W. Locatelli
bridge fare to Berkley, Feed prisoners,P.0.Box rent $ 1.90
labor on motor cycle etc,
spark plub suppressor c~ spring Police Dept
special watchman Live~ Stock Show
!1 II ~ II tl
speed_limit and other signs
fireman at stockyards
II II 11
II tl 11
attending fires March, 1937
II !1 ~ II
II II tl !1
.installing Booster Brakes
Il II ~
coats and pants for firemen,turn0outS
repairing flap valve,fire dept
I bale wiping rags ~
I can white leas ~
wash fire houses
grease and washing ~
I pump oiler ~
maintain fire alarm system, etc
Electric Traffic Signal Liner, etc
maintain Street lights etc
change location motor clock ~ity hall
Fred J. Lautze,Booster brakes
tt I1 tl II II
American Fire Equipment Co
Ntttnat Engineering Co.,
West Disinfecting Co.
So. City Lumber & Supply Co.
Superior Steam Laundry
Flink's Service Station
Industrial City-Lbr. Co.,
A.J. Pacheco
"" " Electric
II fl tl Il
~ 22.39
$ 1.00
$ 35.00
~ 35.00
S 35.00
S 30.00
$ 1.50/
$ 1.5o
2 55
$~ 60.77
$ 33.35
$ 58.38
~ 31.90
A. J. Pacheco
J.0.McMills health off_~cer
Cook's Oil Co.,
Hockwald Chemical Co.,
The Enterprise
Pac.Tel &Tel. Co.,
Andrew Hynding
So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce
Pacific Gas & Electric 0o.
M. Minucciani
inspection new swith board,Metal & Thermit
~arch phone bill
Powerol for health department
floral spray,police dept
· otice,sealed proposals drain pipe
city's March phones
license~ collector bond
Jack Welch removing cats,doga march
California Water Service Ce.Library water march
'" " " " Hydrant rental "
II !1 !1 tl
II !1 II
11 I1 fl 11
F. Mando la
!1 !1
Charlie Mercks
M. Laufer
Industrial .:;ity ]4hr. Co
11 II ti Il
Il 11 II II
# Il II II
South,, City,, Lbr.~,, Sup,p, ly Co
Pete Barrateri
Angelo Cattaneo
Roy's Repair Shop
.Union 0il Co.,
J. Penna
C. Severini
Mytan War s on
A. Eoldani
city property
11 11
.arc advertising
Miscellaneous lights Feb.-~larch
streets lights !~'~arch 1, to March 31,37
Exps to Pen League C~l. Municipalities
~ 33.60
fount;ain & fire house water "
City Hall & Baseball park
Martin Park " "
labor in ~arks
Il Il Il
Il Il Il
Brooms, etc
Material civic Center
~,iaterials for parks
materials se~ers " parks
" Euchrelyptum
" Orange Ave. Job
" Colma Creek job
" crushed rock, streets
cleaning streets
repairs, etc, street dept
Ethyl gasoline
bread ~
labor at ball park
labor on streets
$ 33.60
~ 27.50
$ 4.94
$ 3.00
:13 28
$ 1.25
$ 13.oo
$ 17.oo
$ 11.21
$ 4.89
"~ 24.72
$ 2.41
$ 12.14
$ 99.60
$ 1.25
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Eschelbach
moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mlnucciant and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business the Fire Chief reported the matter of fi
escapes for ~he Jess apartments is ~i~] ~ending.
Hearing.of protests of property owners of the Town of Baden against an auto cou
being established there was taken up. A petition signed by 188 persons of the City of South
san Francisco in the section East of the railroad~~ tracks in Baden,was presented to the City
Council in sympathy with the residents and property owners in the Town of ~aden, and protest-
ing against the establishment of an auto court there. After a recsss of 20 minutes all counci£-
men answered the roll call.
~ayor Ratto asked Mr. Mulkey if he had any statement to make regardin~ the proposed
auto court. Mr. Mulkey said he had,and read a long prepared statement stating that clean and
up-to-date auto courts are becoming more popular daily throughout the country, there are plenty
around San Diego and other large cities and are a benefit to these communities. He said this
city should not have an ordinance against auto camps. ~is statement criticized the housewives
of the Town of Baden, saying they should stay at home and tend to their children instead of
ooposing legitimate business enterprises. This remark w~s hotly resented by members of the :
~den Improvement Club. ·
Mayor Ratto stated that with the filing of the second petition against the location of
an auto c~mp at Baden there are 257 signatures of citizens against the project.
Councilman Minucciani believed an auto court was alright but since such a large number
of the townspeople were opposed to it he would vote No. ·
Councilman Boido said your neighbore are the best Judges,.~nd must be considered and
he woUld vote NO. .
Councilman Eschelbach was of the same opinion, saying the people over there know what
they want,and he would vote NO. i
Andy Hynding stated if Mr. Mulky was not given a permit he would proceed with the
construction' of the auto camp anyway.
Councilman Minucciani moved that the permit be denied. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Councilman ~ag.er moved to call for bids for an auto for the fire c
Sec.Boido C~rr. Councilman Mager asked Engineer Klassen and City Attorney Coleberd the situation i~' ~L
regarding a request to reduce the monthly rental on hydrants. Engineer Klassen stated he did not
have ~he required information yet, but expected to~ave it at the next meeting.
Under the head of new business the state inspection of foodstuffs report was referr-
ed tol Health Officer McMills. ~ ~'
Councilman ~ager asked the City Attorney who owns the sand in Colma Creek. Mr. Coleberd
said he would look it up.
Mayor Ratto announced that all requests for building permits,dwellings included, would
be stLbmitted to the City Council in future for their consideration. That the set-back lines laid
down ~y the city must be observed, and if a builder could not wait for the regular meeting to
secur~ a permit he could submit olans~and specifications to the councilmen and inspector between
meetiDgs. InspectOr Welte stated this would entail considerable more work, the locating of Coun-
cilmen between meetings. Councilman Boido ~tated it was poor business to issue permits to ar_y-
one without regard to the charamter of the building proposed.
Mayor Ratto believed the opening of subdivisions sh~uXdebe~nnd~r~Jthe~co~trol of the
city.iCouncilman Mager asked City Attorney Coleberd if the city has ~urisdictlon over the
o~eni~g of subdivisions. Mr. Coleberd said No~ the maps are filed in ~edwood Cit~,the County ~eat.
Coun~ilman'Mager believed the opening of subdivisions should be under the control of the city.
Under the head of Good.& ~elfare Mr. B.J.Rodondi complimented the City Council on
thetrlattitude in refusing to issue a permit for the construction of an auto court at ~aden.
Mr. Paul Douste also thanked the board for the action taken, and stated the ordinance ~
allowing auto camps under certain conditions shouldbe repealed, that this was the third time
the m$tter came up and it caused distress and friction each time. John Mangini spoke along
the same lines ~nd said there would be no hard feelings on the part of the citizens of the
town of Baden.
There being no further business Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until Tuesday
eveniDg, April 6,~ 7 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by cotmcilman Boido and.regularly
Time of adjournment, 10;i5 o'clock p.m.
Mayor of South San
nespectfully submitte~ y
t < City Clerk.