M0!~DAY, APRIL 12,
A regularly adjourned meeting of~the city council of the 6ity of South San Francisco,~
was held in the ~ity Hall,Zonday~evening, April 12th, 1937.
This meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock P.M. by ~iayor D.W.Ratto.
Roll call found ~he following mem0ers of the City Council present,-
Councilmen, V.Boido, J.F.l~ager, ~.l~inucciani, ~.W. Ratto.
Absent, Councilman A.J.Es~helbach. Councilman Eschelbac~appeared after roll call.
The reaaing oi' the minutes of the previous meeting was~dispensed with.
In the matter of the proposed beach project Mayor Ratto sta~d Mr. Packe of the
San Francisco Park Commission would be asked to come out and go over the ground and the
situation pertaining to the construction of facilities for convenience and amusements
and the laying out of the grounds. Mr. Klassen stated Mr. Packe was out here before and
would come again anytime when maps are provided for his zuidance~ to show him the lay of
the land. Councilmen Eschelbach & Mager thought it best to have established lines before
bringing out the empert, Mr. Packe, so the city would know what is wanted~ before starting
anything. Asked about .the cost of a preliminary Survey, EnEineer Klassen said it would cost
between ~200 and $300. Councilman Eschelbach said this was too much money. He said the
climate at the beach is only good for about three and one half months of the year. That a ~6nd~
eleetion ~.~ of such magnitude, as to finance, the project would not carry, but he would suppor~
it. Councilman Minucctanibelieved a bond election for the project would not carry.
He helieved the city should know the price per acre the land company will sell this land for~
before going any further in the matter, and the cost of the preliminarysurvey too much for
the city to stand. Councilman Eschelbach was of the same o~inion. Mayor Ratto then stated
the city council would meet with the land company Lwcnediately and ascertain their figures.
Mayor Ratto next proposed the appointment of Mark Maher as Superintendent of Streets
and sewers, and Joe Quaresima Superintendent of Parks,playgrounds and trees. Councilman~
Eschelbach said one Superintendent is enough, there should be an engineer in charge of these
departments,either Klassen or some one else, working eight hours per day, as San Bruno does;
~wo superintendents would have titles,but would do no work. He stated that ~s Chairman of the
s~eet committee these matters should be taken care of by him, and recommendations, et~, by
hi~ also.
/ Councilman Mager stated that ~ark Maher as street man taxes all rebuffs,rebukes,
· called upon at nights at all hours to look after some work, called by the gardener, the
emgineer and the councilmen for various kinds of work at any time , and believed he should
$'ave more salary, at least $15.00 per month. Councilman Eschelbach said this may be O.K.
~ Councilman Minucciani said Mr. ~aher should have more money, and ~hould be
Superintendent of Streets. He said he is the only man who knows the work properly, and had
Engineer Klassen's statement for it, that ~ark is the only one that knows this business.
Mayor Ratto believed the appointment of Maher and Quaresima should be made
~ouncilman Boido stated that if the city wants good service there should be a fulltim~
engineer, daily, as Counc~.lman Eschelbach suTgested~ at eight hours per day.
Councilman Mager moved that the salary of Mark Maher be raised from $180 per month
to $18§ per month. Councilman Eschelbach said he would like to have the matter laid over
a couple of weeks to give him time to make some calculations and recommendations, and if
passed to-night he would take more drastic measures. Councilman Minucciani believed that
Councilman Eschelbach should be given the time specified to make calculations and
recommendations in his department. Ail councilmen agreed and Councilman Mager withdrew
his motion.
Attorney John F.Davis appeared before the Council~ representing the Baden
Improvement Club in the matter of their objection to the proposed establishment of an auto~
camp in the Town of Baden. Mr Davie said the property owners of the tract are against the
auto camp, that its establishment would depreciate property values,the zoning law, No.l~7,
does not permit business ~ructures there , and whatever permit Mr. Mulkey has should be
revoked by the city, and requested the city to revoke the same.
Mr. City Attorney Coleberd stated ~r. Mulkey is not operating an auto Camp~ and
he did not believe the zoning law l~7,affected~'this business.. The city attorney said the
city cannot revoke the permit granted Mr. Mulkey.
Councilman Boido asked Mr. Coleberd if Mr. Mulkey could be arrested to prevent him
from continuing building until a decision in the c~se is made. The~Citv Attorney said Yes,
there are three ways by which action can be t~en; first, by force, 2~. by swearing out a
warrant,which would be acted upon quickl~j~and 8, by injunction, which would also be acted
upon quickl~,~
Mayor Hatto asked the city attorney if the city would be liable under any of
these procedures . Mr. Coleberd said NO.
Attorney Davis contended ~r. Mulkey had no right or permit to break up,~pen
o~ extend a city street into his proposed auto camp. C~ty Attorney Coleberd said he had
®ver~ right to make streets on his acreage facing city streets, and that these streets
become public property or city streets when opened a certain length of time.
After considerable further discussion no action was taken or announced.
Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Boido and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 10;30 o'clock~P.M.
~Respectfully submitted~
ay~r of South San Francisco.