The re~lar meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was
held in the City Hall Monday evening,April 19,1937.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.W.Ratto.
Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;-
V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J~F.Mager,M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto.
The minutes of the three previous meetings were read. There being no errors or
omissiens they were approved as read.
A communication was received from Mra. M.Guadagni requesting permission to remove
two trees at her own expense in front of her aDartment house, 305 Magnolia Avenue, on account
O~the same blocking the sun and light from her windows. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach,
who said the trees should be removed. Councilman Minucciani thought so also.
A communication signed by 17 persons stated one ~of their number was trying to take
a drink of wateP when Sam Severine, the boss, said they could not have any water, and that
further when one of the number,-name not mentioned-got an old sack Sam Severini came forward
to beat him carrying a.2 x 4. Referred to Councilmen Eschelbach and Mager.
The Globe Indemnity Company requested information from the city as to their
recommendations of March 8,last, the inst~ttfng ef~-~Band~atl on the steps leading to the
Childrens' Library Section on Walnut Avenue. Councilman Eschelbach stated the work was bein~
taken care of. An application for a policeman Position was receiced from Wm.C.Donovan. Placed o:
file. Permission was requested by the Pacific Gas & Electric Company to install 126'
of 2" ~asmain inthe northerly sidewalk area of Randolph Avenue opposite Chapman Avenue to
supply an applicant; to install a 2" gas main in the southerly sidewalk area of Parkway from
~agnolia to a point 258' westerly therefrom to supply a new residence, and to open a trench
i~ inshes in 2nd,Lane from the westerly line of Spruce Avenue to $ poin~ 27' westerly therefr¢
to replace a 2" gas main. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach. ~~v~'~
An annoymous lebter was received from a resident of~ck's Lots, criticising
and illustrating the condition of streets and sidewalks in that subdivision. No action could
taken as there was no signature to the document.
A~communication was received from the Italian-American Citizens' Club, requesting
-ission~'.~.e oDe~ate a Ferris-Wheel,Nerry-g®-round and other concessions during the period of their
Fourth Of July Celebration, the club renting the concessions outright and running them them-
selves for the benefit ~'~ ~he success of the celebration. Councilman Eschelbach was in favor
the project but Councilman Minucciani thought the merchants would suffer from it. Silvio
appeared before the council in favor of the proposition. He stated he was a member of the
~elebration Committee, they are renting the entire concession, win or loose on the project an~
could not see how ~he merchants could be hurt, and big and little would have the benefit of
amusements. It was decided to take the matter up with the Merchanta Association and receive a
report at the next meeting.
This being the date set for the openin~ of bids for a Ford car for the fire departm~
~ouncilman Mager moved the bids be opened. The motion was seConded by Councilman Boido and
regularly carried. But one bid was received, that of Fred J. Lautze, for one 1937 Ford V~
horsepower,De Luxe Fordor Touring Sedan, for the sum of [email protected]. The bid being satisfact¢
the city attorney will prepare a resolution of award at 'the next meeting. Councilman Eschelb~
suggested that better tires be procured for the'machine before starting, The suggestion was
0.K'd by Councilman Mage~and agree~ to by the council.
Under the he~ of unfinished business Fire Chief Welte reported in the matter of
Jess Apartment Fire Escapes he was still waiting
Chief of Police Belloni reported the Probation Officer was investigating the
charges b~ Mrs.Oarmody that boys,did considerable to her store on Linden and Pine Avenues.
In the ~atter of the proposal to.request the California Water Service Company to
~educe the rental on hydrants from $3.00 to $1.80 per month, Engineer Klassen reported ~hat
from what figures he could secure the water company had an increase in operating re~e~es
of from ~1200 in 1935 to $5600 in 1936. He was of the opinion the city could secure~a reducti¢
now. On motion by Councilman Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carr~
~he City Attorney was instructed to look up the contract with the California Water Service Coz
party,with a view to setting a date with the water'company and request a reduction of hyrdant
rental rates~
- Mayor Ratto announced that the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company h~
submitted an offer to sell the city six acres beach land ~nd 47.7 acres tideland lots for the
sum of .$12000~ for city beach purposes. The price was considered exorbitant and Councilman
Ninucciani moved that the company be offered the sum of $6000 for six acres solid ground beack
~and and 4~.7 tideland Lots. The motion was seconded by councilman Mager and regularly carrie~
'Under the head of new business Councilman Mager inquired as to how two new flood
lights were installed at the front steps of the city hall without action having been taken by
~he City Council to remove the old standards. He stated the old one were neater in appearance
and he did not like the new ones. Councilman Eschelbach stated the old poles had been repls
· co~ple of times before, they had rotted away, were expensive to replace and the council had
voted to make the change to the flood lights.
Councilman Boido announced he was about to do some excavating and offered good soil
~o anyone requiring it.
Claims in the amount of $643.56 were next presente for payment;-
,~acific Tel & Tel Company, phone 626~'March $ 2.50
John Corso
San Mateo County Title Co
National Pure Brinktng Water
Linden Hotel
American Bitumuls Co
Highway Blacksmith Shop
Union 0IL Co,Of Caltf
Il !1 ti
!1 II !1
11 I1 I1
II tl 11
daily repOrtsMar. ~
balance .52
fureman's Breakfast 1.90
bitumuls $ 32.68
sharpenin~'~ tools $ 10.00
tires,tubes etc, $ 91.~0
engineering Co,ma Ditch D ~ 97.20
Baden Drainage i, 65.47
" Orange Ave Walk $ 51.97
The minutes of the three Previous meetings were read. There being no erPo~s or
omissions they were approved as read.
A communication was received from Mra.M.Guadagni requesting permission to remove
two trees at her own expense in front of her aDartment house, 305 Magnolia Avenue, on account
0f~the same blocking the sun and light from her windows. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach,
who said the trees should be removed. Councilman Minucciani thought so also.
A communication signed by 17 persons stated one.of their number was trying to tak
a drink of water when Sam Severine, the boss, said they could not have any water, and that
further when one of the number,-name not mentioned-got an old sack Sam Severini came forward
to beat him carrying a.2 x 4. Referred to Councilmen Eschelbach and Mager.
The Globe Indemnity Company requested inform~ation from the city as to their
recommendations of March 8,last, the installing ef~ aLhand~all on the steps leading to the
Childrens' Library Section on Walnut Avenue. Councilman Eschelbach stated the work was bein
taken care of. An application for a policeman Position was receiced from Wm.C.Donovan. Placed
file. Permission was requested by the Pacific Gas & Electric Company to install 126'
of 2" ~asmaln inthe northerly sidewalk area of Randolph Avenue opposite Chapman Avenue to
supply an applicant; to install a 2" gas main in the southerly sidewalk area of Parkway from
~agnolia to a point 258' westerly therefrom to supply ~ a new residence, and to open a trencl
i4 inshes in 2nd,Lane from the westerly line of Spruce Avenue to ~ point 27' westerly therefx
to replace a 2" gas main, Referred to Councilman Eschelbach.
An.annoymous lebter was received from a resident of~Peck's Lots, criticising
and illustrating the condition of streets and sidewalks in that subdivision. No action could
taken as there was no signature to the document.
A~communication was received from the Italian-American Citizens' Club, requestin~
ission~te o~e~ate a Ferris-~heel,Merry-g®-round and other concessions during the period of their
Fourth Of July Celebration, the club rent~ng the concessions outright and running them them-
selves for the benefit ~'~ 'bhe success of the celebration. Oouncilman Eschelbach was in favo~
the project but Councilman Minucciani thought the merchants would suffer from it. Silvio N~
appeared before the council in favor of the proposition. He stated he was a member of the
~elebration Committee, they are renting the entire concession, win or loose on the project a~
could not see how bhe merchants could be hurt, and big and little would have the benefit of
amusements. It was decided to take the matter up with the Mer~hanta Association and receive
report at the next meeting.
This being the date set for the opening of bids for a Ford car for the fire depart~
~ouncilman Mager moved the bids be opened. The motion was seConded by Councilman Boido and
regularly carried. But one bid was received, that of Fred J. Lautze, for one 1937 Ford V~
horsepower,De Luxe Fordor Touring Sedan, for the sum of $$88.97. The bid being satisfac'
the city attorney will prepare a resolution of award at the next meeting. Councilman Eschel'
suggested that better tires be procured for the'machine before starting, The suggestion was
0.K'd by Councilman Mager~and agree~ to by the council.
Under the he~ of unfinished business Fire Chief Welte reported in the matter of
Jess Apartment Fire Escapes he was still waiting
Chief of Police Belloni reported the Probation Officer was investigating the
charges b~ Mrs.Car~ody that boys~did considerable to her store on Linden and Pine Avenues.
In the matter of the proposel to.request the California Water Service Company to
~educe the rental o~ hydrants from $3.00 to ~1.50 per month, Engineer Klassen reported ~hat
from what figures he could secure the water company had an increase in operating re~ei~es
of from ~1200 in 1935 to $5600 in 1936. He was of the opinion the city could secure'a reduct
now. On motion by Councilman Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly car
hhe City Attorney was instructed to look up the contract with the California Water Service C
pany,with a view to setting a date with the water-company and request a reduction of hyrdant
rental rates,
- Mayor Ratto announced that the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company h
submitted an offer to sell the city six acres beach land and 47.7 acres tideland lots for th
sum of $12000~ for city beach purposes. The price was considered exorbitant and Councilman
Minucciani moved that the company be offered the sum of $6000 for six acres solid ~round bes
land and 4~.7 ~ideland Lots. The motion was seconded by councilman Ma~er and regularly carri
'Under the head of new business Councilman ~ager inquired as to how 'two new flood
lights were installed at the front steps of the city hall without action having been taken b
~he City Council to remove the old standards. He stated the old one were nester in appearanc
and he did not like the new ones. Councilman Eschelbach stated the old poles had been re~
a co~ple of times before, they had rotted away, were expensive to re~lace and the council hs
voted to make the change to the flood liEhts.
Councilman Boido announced he was about to do some excavating and offered good sc
~o anyone requiring it.
Claims in the amount of $643.56 were next presente for payment;-
,~acific Tel & Tel Company,
John Corso
San Mateo County Title Co
National Pure Drinking Water
Linden Hotel
American Bitumuls Co
Highway Blacksmith Shop
Union 0IL Co,Of Calif
Gcc .A.Kneese
II !!
II tl II
phone 626,'~arch $ 2.50
rem.dogs,Feb.Mar, ~ 3.00
daily repOrt~ar. 1.50
balance $ .52
fureman's Breakfast 0 1.90
bitumuls ~ 32.68
sharpenin~'~ tools ~ 10.00
tires,tubes etc, ~ 91.~0
Surveys-pro~iles, So.Linden$~l~.~o
engineering Co,ma~Ditch $ 97.20
" Baden Drainage DiS 651,47
" Orange Ave Walk $ 51.97
general Supervision Streetsl~8.$0
Disbursements, continued;-
George A.Kneese,
Mrs. Emma Biancchini
Depot Cafe
South S.F.Chamber Commerce
South City Plumbing Shop
Frank Pariani
Star Radio Service
American Fire Equipment Co
Native Son Florist
So.City Lbr.& Supply Co
engineering water system 0rande Ave.~ark $ 54.00'
matron in city hall
April advertising
Nipples,etc,street dept.
repairs ooloce machine
tubes, police dept
material, fire dept
floral piece, Mrs. Kneese
materials, street department
S 5.00
3 2.70
$ 2:.75
~ 21.29
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried.
Mayor Ratto announced that all persons interested in the city's expenditures have
the right and privilege to come forward and look over the claims and records of the city's
There being no further business before the board Councilman Minucciani moved to
adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9;55 o'clock P.M.
~ayor of South San Francisco.
Respectfully s'ubmit t ed,/~