HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-05-03 REGULAR MEETING OF TNE CITY COUNCIL OF
MONDAY, MAY 3rd, 1937.
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held
the city hall Monday evening, May third, 193?.
Roll Cai1 found all members of the co~,u6il present, as follows~-
Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager,M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto.
The mindtes of the previous meeting were read. Mayor Ratto stated the number of
acres of tideland~ designated by the South S.F.Land'and Improvement Company,~offered for beach
purposes should be 49.7 instaed of 37.7 ,and Councilman Mager stated that in his remarks at the
D~evious meeting ~egarding the disDlacement of the light standards iH ~ront of the city hall
~o flood lights h~ remarked that nO'one had authority in the city council, or the ~ity ~uncil
itself to change ~he architecture of the city hall bdilding, as the people of 5he city voted t~
Oonds~for its construction. The minutes then were adopted as amended.
A communication was received from Fire Chief A.J.Welte submitting the name of Harry
Self for appointment to the call forces of the fire department to fill a vacancy in the fire
quarters. On motion by Councilman Mager,~ ~econded by councilman Eschelbach and regularly
carried the appointment was made.
The Sup6rvisor of Ductmtents,~ State Capitol, ~acramento, advised that the annual Rost~
of Public Officials was now ready and on sale at .75c/ each. The City Clerk was instructed to
order two copies.'
A comm~knicatlon was ~received from the Southern Pacific Co~pan~ in answer to the
city's letter requesting them to mend the spaces adjoining their tracks near the S.P.Depot.The
Superintendent stated the holes were outside of'the t~o feet required the company is sup~ossd
to keep in repair~ ~ayor Ratto announced ~..~ the holes referred to have been repaired. He
requested the city Clerk to again communicate withthe Southern Pacific Company and make deman(
that the company eradi6ate the Mosquito nuisance.
A commttuicatlon was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company requesting
permission to opeM ~65' trench in the intersection of ~aden and Spruce Avenues to replace 2"
gas mains. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach and granted.
A commtinicatton was received from the Gilmore 0il Company req~esting the opportunit
of serving the city with ~as and oil under the contract they have with the city. Cormnuni6ation
accepted and filed.
The S~nto Christo Society of South San Francisco requested permission to hold a dan,
in Fraternal Hall on June 5,~.'~.~ ~?193V,ffrO~8Lp.m. to 2 a.m.,a parade on Satdr~ay~an~Sunday
and a dance on Sunday afternoon from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. The request was also for the placing of
flags on Grand Avenue about June lst,1937 ,and for the privelege of running amusements
concessions on June 3,4,5,6,1937. After considerable deliberation the matter was laid over
Friday evening, May 7,1937. The society extended an invitation to the city officials to
participate in the parade and festival. Accepted.
Mayor Ratto received a communication from the Golden Gate International Emposition
requesting that the City of South San Francisco ,:pass~.~ a resolution endorsing Assembly Bill
252, which provides an app~opriation of $5,000,000 for a State exhibit at the coming San Franc:
~orld's Fair. After discussion the matter was laid o~er till Friday evening, May 7,1937~ and tl
~lerk was instructed to inquire from the League of California Municipalities their position on
bill. M.Goldfen applied for a permit to operate a taxi-cab service.Granted on'condition bonds ~
posted. A statement from the Division of Highways showed the sum of $621.01 due the City
of South San Francisco for its share of the~ cent ~as tax allomation for the month of April.
The check for the amount was also received. Accepted.
Councilman~ager introduced a resolution awarding the contract for furnishing the C
of South San Francisco witi~ a De Luxe Ford Fordor Touring Sedan for the fire department to
Fred J.Lautze in the sum 5f $888.9V.
The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto.
Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney.
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of resolutions. Vol.3,at page 100.
The Reports of city officers,fthetChief':Of Police, Fire Chief,Building Inspector, Healtl
Officer, City Treasurer, City Judge and City Clerk £or:~the month ending April 30,1937, were
next submitted, and on motion by Councilman Minucciani seco~lded by Councilman and regularly
carried were accepted.
Louis Belloni
California State Auto Assn.
Claims in the amount of $3723.84 were next presented to the board;-
Prisoners meals Apr. 2 trips to Salinas
Sign maintenance 2n~ hals 1936
Stop sig~ Maple and Lux
repair 2 fountain pens
Lettering fi~e eheif's car
attending fix-es Apr.
6 pillow cases.and 6 ~heets
1 - 193V Fox~l for Fire Dept.
repai~ Strmabex~g time stamp
Baldasseroni Jewelers
Walter Martin Signs
W. ~ocatelli.
A. Peterson
M. Castro
M. Mazzetti
L. Savares
R. Smith
R. Bisag~o
J. Feri
~. Eozl~wski
P. Penoskt
E. V~nturi
Ae ~O~nSOn
¢o Bagnal
V. Ulle~y
F~Pod ~, Lautse
UniveFsal Too!&.Kff~. Co.
to flood Ii ~hts he remarked that no one had authority zn the city council, or the 6ity 6~unci]
itself to change the architecture o? the city hall bdilding, as the people of ~he city voted t
0onds.-for its construction. The minutes then were adopted as amended.
A communication was received from Fire Chief A.J.Welte submitting the name of Harry
Self for appointment to the call forces of the fire department to fill a vacancy in the fire
quarters. 0u motion by Councilman Mager, §econded by councilman Eschelbach and ~egularly '
carried the appointment was made.
The Sup6rvisor of Ductm~ents, State Capitol, ~ac~amento, advised that the annual Rost
of Public Officials was now ready and on sale at .75c/ each. The City Clerk was instructed to
order two copies.'
A commdnication was ~received from the Southern Pacific Co~pan~ in ansser to the
city's letter requesting them to mend the spaces adjoining their tracks near the S.P.Depot.The
Superintendent stated the holes were outside of'the t~o feet required the company is sup~ossd
to keep in repair~ ~ayor Ratto announced ~ .~ the holes referred to have been repaired. He
requested the City Clerk to again communicate with the Southern Pacific Company and make dema~
that the company eradi6ate the Mosquito nuisance.
A commtinication was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company requesting
peEnission to opeM &~'65' trench in the intersection of Baden and Spruce Avenues to replace 2"
gas mains. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach and granted.
A commttnication was received from the Gilmore 0il Company req~esting the opportuni
of serving the city with ~as and oil under the contract they have with the city. Communi6atlo~
accepted and filed.
The Santo Christo Society of South San Francisco requested permission to hold a da~.
in Fraternal Hall on June 5, c''~ '~193~,~r0~8":p.m. to 2 a.m.,a parade on Satdr~a~an~:~Sunday
and a dance on Sunday afternoon from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. The request was also for the placing of
flags on Grand Avenue about June lst,1937 ,and for the privelege of running amusements
concessions on June 3,4,5,6,1937. After considerable deliberation the matter was laid over t~
Friday evening, May 7,1937. The society extended an invitation to the city officials to
participate in the parade and festival. Accepted.
Mayor Ratto received a communication from the Golden Gate International Empositioz
requesting that the City of South San Francisco ~pass~ a resolution endorsing Assembly Bil~
252, which provides an appropriation of $5,000,000 for a State exhibit at the coming San Frau~
~orld's Fair. After discussion the matter was laid o~er till Friday evening, ~ay 7,1937~ and t
~lerk was instructed to inquire from the League of California Municipalities their position o~
bill. M.Goldfen applied for a permit to operate a taxi-cab service.Granted on'condition bonds
posted. A statement from the Division of Highways showed ~he sum of $621.01 due the City
of South San Francisco for its share of th6~ cent gas tax~allomation for the month of April.
The check for the amount was also received. Accepted.
Councilman mager introduced a resolution awarding the contract forfurnishing the
of South San Francisco wit~ a De Luxe Ford Fordor Touring Sedan for the fire department to
Fred J. Lautze in the sum 8f $888.97.
The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciant,D.W.Ratto.
Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney.
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of resolutions, Vol.3,at page 100.
The Reports of city officers,f~het0hief'LOf Police, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Heal1
Officer, City Treasurer, City Judge and City Clerk 2or~the month ending April 30,193~, were
next submitted,and on motion by Councilman MinucCiani seconded by Councilman and regularly
carried were accepted.
Claims in the amount of $3723.84 were next presented to the board;-
Louis Belloni
California State Auto Assn,
" " Stop sign Maple and Lux
Baldasse~oni Jewelers repair 2 fountain pens
Walter Martin Signs Lettering fire cheif's car
N. Loeatelli. attending fir~s
A. Peteraon ~
M. Castro , u
M. Mazzetti "
L. Savares "
R. Smith "
R. Bisagno "
· . Kozlewski "
P. Penoskl ~
E. V~ntu~i ~
A. Johnson "
C. Begmal "
The Hub 6 pillow eases~and 6 sheets
Fi~ed ~. Lau~ze 1 - 193V Fold for Fi~e Depte
Universal Tool & Mfg. Co. repai~ Strcmbe~g time stamp
Robinson lh-uggist SupDlies - fi~e d~p$,
F~ed ~, Lautze repairs t~ fire t~uek damage by S. P,
E. I du Pont 0~. aluminum paint
Prisoners meals Apr. 2 trips to Salinas
Sign maintenance 2nd hals 1936
Fi~e Protection
Pox-ts' s Garage
W. L. Hickey
Ae ~', Facheco
Pache co Electric
So. City Lumber Co,
American Bitumuls Co.
Westinghouse Electric Co.
Richfield 0il
California Concrete Prod.
A. Carlisle
Bertucelli and Nannini
Chas. Bollazzi
~. Welch
Union Oil C°e
Enterprise Press
Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co,
California Water Service
Richmond Potter.y Co.
G. F. Bishop Co,
subscription ending Jan 1938
2 gals. acme polish 6.96'
Installing coil & overhaul water heat-50o00
me_intain fire ala~n syste~ Apr, 20,00
matmtain street lights Apr. and labor
material install 2 flood lights
Install cross arms fire alarm system
2~,h~s, rent motor grader
6 h~se rent
423 gals, bitumuls
glass for street lights
6 globe rings
10 'lbso cup grease 173 glas gas
5 ~1,. kerosene
reinfox~ed concrete P~pe fc~ Baden
60j . ff # .,
assmt, ro~l, sheets and binder
supplies for. city. hall
sack bran
removing dogs mr~i cats april
268 gals, gas
200 folders - police dept,
Advertising. for purchase of fo~dca~
I00 plain envelopes
,phone 626
j)~aoone servioo April
~l'~_m, bldg. tnsp, bond
' depositors forgex-ybcmd
library semite
fountain and fire house sexwice Apr.
hydrant rental april
civic center & baseball park # "
sex, ice Martin School Pax.k .
500 -- 3l' pots
repair lawn mower
Total .......... - $3 7230~4
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business and concerning some charges against Sam Severini of
the Park Division Councilman Eschelbach stated he had investigated the case and found that some
of the men who had made charges against Sam Severini had stolen his sacks and had abused him.
Councilman Mager stated he had interviewed Sam who admitted he had trouble with the men
in question, they having stolen his sacks, He said the matter would.~beLs~ttled peacefully if
Councilman Eschelbach would reprimand Sam.
The Fire Chief reported nothing had been done by the proprietor of the Jess Apartments
in installing fire escapes. He was instructed to follow up his letter to the State authorities
covering the case.
Referring to the sand in Colma Creek J.S.Baker was reported to be ready to take an~
option on it,for sale. Referred to the City E~gineer.
Mayor Rmtto reoorted the So.S.F.Land Company wanted $9500 for the 6 acres solid beach
land and 49.7 adres, tidewaterproperty. Councilman Minucciani stated Mr. Shaw was not working
in harmony with the council, and the matter was laid over.
No wor~ having been received by Councilman Eschelbach from the School Board to the City's
offer to furnish the Martin School Park and grounds with EucalYPtus plants the City Clerk was '~ ~i-:~.:~'~
instructed to write again to the Board asking if they wish the plants~ for the Martins School
or high school grounds.
~ Mayor R~tto called for action in the matter of appointin~ ,~iark Maher Superintendent of
streets and sewers with an increase of salary, and the appointment of Joe Quaresima as Superin-
tendent of Parks and trees. Much opposition to these appointments followed, It was proposed to
give Mark Maher authority to hire and ~elect men,but these names to be submitted to Councilman
Eschelbach for O.K. The nmmes were to be taken drom a list of men registered, at the City Hall~
and a different group of men to be given employment each time when extra men were needed. ~
Councilman Boido thought the departments of streets,sewers and parks and tr~es should be under
one man, and he shouSd be an engineer, as suggested by Councilman Eschelbach. Councilman
Eschelbach thought it was O.K. to give Mark a raise in salary, but not'appointed Supernitendent
off'streets on account of the small crew. Councilman Maser moved that the salary of Mark Maher be
raised to ~185 Der month now and ~10.~ore added in the'budget,and he be designated Supernitendent
of streets. Councilman Eschelbach stated Mylan Watson deserved more iOay also. Engineer Klassen
stated Mark should have authority of some kind,but not exactly superintendent of streets. Mayor
Ratto s~ated he might be Assistant Superintendent of Streets or foreman, under Councilman
Eschelbach as Chairman of the Street Committee. There being no second to Councilman Mager's
motion he withdrew the aame and offered a new motion raising the salary of ~aher to $165~ with
authority to select and hire men-under Councilman Eschelbach, CouncilmanEschelbach-seconded the
motion~w~ch.,waS regularly carried. Mayor Ratto advised Councilman Es~helbach to instrust the
men to report to and take orders from ~ark Maher.
~ ~ouncilman Boido reported Traffic White was needed for painting traffic lines. No
- Councilman Eschelbach reported a new water valve for use ~on the water wagon would be
a saving of one man to the city during the time of watering trees.and recon~nended that the same be
purchased. No objections. The cost was stated to be sbout $25 to $30.
Councilman Mager reported pump cans and pump racks were needed WHen!':~ grass was to
burned,and that the Chevrolet car could be used to transport the men to the work. A grass cutting
machine'.could be purchased for $375. Engineer Klassen was instructed to secure some information
regarding ~ grass cutting, machie in San ~ateo.
· ayor Ratt0 reported new flags were needed by the city. Fireman Conilani was requested
'to secure the address of the flag store for Councilman Eschelbach. ~
Fire Chief Welte was instructed to ascertain the cost of a water pump for a fife'engine.
Councilman Minucciani was of the opinion that laborers working for the city were not
enough at $4.00 per day. and moved the oa~ of S.Severini. Mvlan Wats o~ a~d A.~1~I b~
Calif0rniaO°ncrete Prod. Co,
A. Carlisle Co.
Bertucelli and Nannini
Chas. Bollazzi
J, We
Union 0il C°e
Enterprise Press
Pacific Tole, & Tole, Co,
H. 'L. Haaker
California Water Service
Richmond Pottery Co.
G. F. Bishop
;ed concrete p,i, pe fox' Baden
60 ~ " " " "
assmt, ro~l, sheets and binder
supplies for, city, hall
sack bran
removing dogs and cats april
268 gals, gas
200 folders - police dept,
Advertising. for purchase of fo~dcar
-~ 100 plain envelopes
phone 626
, phone service April
\i~eme bldg, insp, bond
"depositors forgery bond
library service
fountain and fire house service Apr.
hydrant rental april
civic center & baseball park "
service Martin School Park
500 - 3" pots
repair lawn mower
Total ........
., 1,80
lO. 12,
- - - $3 72~,.84
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business and concerning some charges against Sam Severini of
the Park Division Councilman Eschelbach stated he had investigated the case and found that some
of the men who had made charges against Sam Severini had stolen.his sacks and had abused him.
Councilman Mager stated he had interviewed Sam who admitted he had trouble with the men
in ~uestion, they having stolen his sacks, He said the matter would~.bels~ttled peacefully if
Councilman Eschelbach would reprimand Sam.
The Fire Chief reported nothing had been done by the proprietor of the Jess Apartments
in installing fire escapes. He was instructed to follow up his letter to the State authorities
covering the case.
Referring to the sand in Colma Creek J.S.Baker was reported to be ready to take an'
option on it,for sale. R~ferred to the City Engineer.
Mayor H~tto reported the So.S.F.Land Company wanted $9500 for the 6 acres solid beach
land and 49.7 acres tidewater'property. Councilman Minucciani stated Mr. Shaw was not working
in harmony with the council, and the matter was laid over.
No wor~ having been received by Councilman Eschelbach from the School Board to the City's
offer to furnish the Martin School Park and grounds with EucalYPtus plants the City Clerk was .... L-
instructed to write again to the Board asking if they wish the plants~ for the ~artins School
or high school grounds.
- Mayor R~tto called for action in the matter of a'l~pointin~ Mark Maher Superintendent of
streets and sewers with an increase of salary, and the appointment of Joe Quaresima as Superin-
tendent of Parks and trees. Much opposition to these appointments followed, It was proposed to
give Mark Maher authority to hire and ~elect men,but these names to be submitted to Councilman
Eschelbach for O.K. The names were to be taken drom a list of men registered, at the City Hall~
and a differtnt group of men to be given employment each time when extra men were needed. ~
Councilman Boido thought the departments of streets,sewers and parks and tr~_es should be under
one man, and he should be an engineer,as suggested by Councilman Eschelbach. Councilman
Eschelbach thou-ht it was O.K. to give Mark a raise in salary, but not appointed Supernitendent
off'streets on account of the small crew. Councilman Maser moved that the salary of Mark Maher be
raised to ~165 Der month now and $10.~ore added in the'budget,and he be designated Supernitendent
of streets. Councilman Eschelbach stated Mylan Watson deserved more ~ay also. Engineer Klassen
stated Mark should have authority of some kind,but not exactly superintendent of streets. Mayor
Ratto stated he might be Assistant Superintendent of Streets or foreman, under Councilman
Eschelbach as Chairman of the Street Committee. There bein~ no second to Councilman Mager's
motion he withdrew the aame and offered a new motion raising the salary of ~aher to $165, with
authority to select and hire men-under Councilman Eschelbach, Councilman. Eschelbach-seconded the
motion~which..waS regularly carried. Mayor Ratto advised Councilman Es~helbach to instrust the
men to report to and take orders from ~ark Maher.
~ ~ouncilman Boido reported Traffic White was needed for painting traffic lines. No
Councilman Eschelbach reported a new water valve for use on the water wagon would be
a saving of one man to the, city during the time of watering trees.and recommended that the same be
purchased. No objections. ~he cost was stated to be ~bout $25 to $30.
Councilman Mager reported pump cans and pump racks were needed when".~ grass was to
burned,and that the Chevrolet car could be used to transport the men to the work. A'grass cutting
machine'.could be purchased for $375. Engineer. Klassen was instructed to secure some information
regarding ~ grass cutting, machie in San ~'ateo '
, ayor Ratto reported new flags were needed by the city. Fireman Con~iani was requested
to secure the address of the flag store for Councilman Eschelbach.
Fire Chief Welte was instructed to ascertain the cost of a w~ter pump for a fire'engine.
Councilman Minucciani was of the opinion that laborers working for the city were not
paid enough at $4.00 per day~ and moved the pay of S.Severini, Mylan Wats on and A. soldani be
raised ~o ~$4.50 per day, beginning May lst,1937.The motion was-seconded by Councilmar~Eschelbazh
and rsc~ularly carried.'
Councilman Mager was of the opinion they should be paid a monthly salary of $125.
per month.
Under the head of Good & Welfare Angelo ~onettini inquired when the cutting of weeds v
begin. No date for this having yet been set City Attorney Coleberd was instructed to draw up
a resolution as in preceding years~ The work to be done under contract.
There being no further business before the board Councilman Boido moved to adjourn
until Friday evening, May 7th, 1937,at 8 otclock P.~. The motion was seconded by Councilman
~schelbach and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 10;30 o'clock p.m.
ayor of South San Francisco.
Respectfully submit, /~