HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-05-17REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~0UTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY,MAY 17,1937. The re~lar meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, Nay 17,1937. The meeting was called to oeder at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the Council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Absent, Co,~ncilman~ J.F.Mager. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions t~ were approved as read. An application for a butcher business license was received from Silvio Veglia, 423 Walnut Avenue,to open a butcher shop at 363 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Minucciant seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the permit was zranted on condition that all ordinances and regulations be complied with. An application for a dance permit was received from the Amalgated Association of Irc Steel and Tin Workers to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, ~ly 10, ,1937~ from 9 o'clock p.m. to 2 o'clock a,m. On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Counciln Botao'~.and~regularly carried the permit was granted. A oheck for $5.00 for extra police prote< was enclosed. A reply was received from the Southern Pacific Company to the city's letter requesti them to fill in the mosquito holes in the vicinity of East Grand Avenue and the S.P.Tracks. Superintendent Jordan stated he had gone over the ground with the State Mosquito Abatement l Bureau and was taking steps to clear out th.e vegetable growth and treat the water with oil i~ order to prevent ~he propagation of mosquitoes. The City Clerk was instructed to write the company again and ~s~$tei~ that the city wants the holes filled up with dirt at the earliest . opportunity. An application was received from J.V.Ron to make alterations to garage doors and en] rear porch, etc at his premises,223 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the desired permission was granted. The estims cost was given as $300. A communication was received from the Italian-American Citizens Club withdrawing the application for permission to operate concessions during their Fourth of July Celebration. Tk communication was accepted~and placed on file% Fire Chief Welte submitted the names of George 01mstad andFrank Gamba for appointme to the call forces of the Fire Department to fill vacancies. On motion by Councilman Minuccis seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the appointments were made. 0RDIN~NCE NO. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SANITATION AND CONDUCT OF CAMP CARS AND TRAILERS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAW ?RANCISC0" was introduced by Councilman Minucciani,had its first title reading and was laid ove to come up under the regular order of businesa at the next regular meeting of the City Counci Cliams in the amount of $766.71 were next presented ~o the council for payment;- A1 J.Welte, South S.F.Postmaster Roy's Repair Shop Dan McSweeney W.P.Fuller & company South City Auto Service Madden & Neller Industrial Cit~, Lbr. Co', II '1 II fl II Il Roy' s ~ Repair~ Shop Hallawell Seed Co. American Bitumens Fred Bro1~h 3 copies of the Instructor 1000 e~velopes, 3c repairs to motor cycle Manufacturers dinner Klassen and McSweeney traffic ltnepaint rent battery, police dept i ~e Lux Anetnna,police ce~e~t, pipes, etc park material ,1 !, materials, labor str. dept garden plants seeds 432 Gals bi~umuls 441 gals " painting traffic lines Calif. Concrete Products Co. concrete sawer spigot pipe,etc Andrew Hynding ins. sewer cleaners,policemen, Agnes Small Chas. E. Bauer Fire ~ngineering Pac.Coast Building Officials Conference A-l-Mitchell Supply Co., Carl ~nderson Joe Galli Chas Lema Anchor Post Fence Co., So.C.i. ty,, ,. L~r.&, Sup~,ly Co., ,, ,, ,, South City Auto Service .S°'City,, Lbr. ,,& Supply Co., So. City Lbr.& Supply Co firemen, tree prunners typinc~service i gal velvo cleaner I yr Subscription,magazine Building Inspector Membership Bushings. Mall Ells, foreman Orange road labor 0range Avenue painting safety zones railing in Li~brary B. E. Gravel II 11 1t II rent motor grader B.E.Gravel ,! II II Repair Ford Truck plaster sand street materials rent of roller 7.74 32.16 15.93 $ 2.00 5.88 ~. 13.49 $ 4.58 $ 15.04 $ 6.5e ,42 31.15 31.80 11.25 13.84 $41.12 30.00 3.00 3.00 10. O0 1.00 3a,. 50 27. O0 9, O0 '~140. O0 6.95 5.8o 4.64 8.oo 4.64 4.64~ 4.64 2.52 5.15 $133. O0 12. O0 seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the permit was zranted on condition ~'~ that all ordinances and reoou~lations be complied with. ~ " I An application for a dance permit was received from the Amalgated Association of Iron ~ Steel and Tin Workers to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, July 10, ,1937~ from 9 o'clock p.m. to 2 o'clock a,m. On motion by Councilman Minucciani see0nded by Councilma: Bot~o'~and~regularly carried the permit was granted. A check for $5.90 for extra oolice protect was enclosed. A reply was received from the Southern Pacific Company to the city's letter requesti~ them to fill in the mosquito holes in the vicinity of East Grand Avenue and the S.P.Tracks. Superintendent Jordan stated he had gone over the ground with the State MosGuito Abatement / Bureau and was taking steps to clear out the vegetable growth and treat the water with oil in order to prevent ~he propagation of mosquitoes. The City Clerk was instructed to write the compauy ~gain and ~s~$tel; that the city wants the holes filled up with dirt at the earliest opportunity. An application was received from J.¥.Ron to make alterations to garage doors and enla: rear porch, etc at his premises,~3 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried the desired permission was ~ranted. The estimat cost was given as $300. A communication was received from the Italian-American Citizens Club withdrawing thei application for permission to operate concessions during their Fourth of July Celebration. The communication was accepted~and placed on file~ Fire Chief ~elte submitted the names of George 0lmstad andFrank Gamba for appointmen to the call forces of the Fire Department to fill vacancies. On motion by Councilman Minuccian seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the appointments were made. 0RDIN~NCE NO. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ~EGULATING THE SANITATION AND CONDUCT OF CAMP CARS AND TRAILERS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN ~RANCISC0" was introduced by CounciLman Minucciant,had its first title reading and was laid over to come up under the regular order of busines~ at the next regular meeting of the City Council Cliams in the amount of $766.71 were next presented ~o the council for payment;- A1 J.Welte, South S.F.Postmaster Roy's Repair Shop Dan McSweeney W. P. Fuller & company South City Auto Service Madden & Neller Industrial Cit~ Lbr. Co., Il II II !t II I1 II Roy' s i Repair~ Shop Hallawell Seed Co. American Bitumu~s Fred BroWn 7.74 32.16 3 copies of the Instructor 1000 e~velopes, 3c repairs to motor cycle Manufacturers dinner Klassen and McSweeney ~ 2.00 traffic linepaint ~ 78.02 rent battery, police dept i 2.25 i ~e Lux Anetnna,police 5.88 cement, pipes,etc 13.49 park material $ 4.58 " " $ 15.04 materials, labor str. dept $ 6.59 garden plants seeds ~ ,42 432 Gals bi~umuls 31.15 441 gals " $ 31.80 painting traffic lines $ 11.25 Calif. Concrete Products Co. con~rete sewer spigot pipe,etc $ 13.84 Andrew Hynding ins. sewer cleaners,policemen, firemen, tree prunners $ 41.12 typing.service $ 30.00 I ~al velvo cleaner $ 3.00 I yr Subscription,magazine $ 3.00 Agnes Small Chas. E. Bauer Fire ~ngineering Pac.Coast Building Officials Conference A-l-Mitchell Supply Co., Carl ~uderson Joe Galli Chas Lema Anchor Post Fence Co., So.C,i, ty, L~r.&,, Sup~,ly Co., II II II II II II !1 II I1 II !1 II II II Il II I! I1 !1 Il South City Auto Service ,,Sc'City,, Lbr. ,,& Supp,l,y Co., So. City Lbr.& Supply Co Building Inspector Membership Bushings. Mall Ells, foreman Orange road labor 0range Avenue painting safety zones railing in Library B.E.Gravel II II !! II rent motor grader B.E.Gravel II I! Repair Ford Truck plaster ~and ~ street materials rent of roller Total l0.00 1.00 3a,. 50 27.00 9,00 ~140. O0 6.95 5.8o 4.64 8.00 4.64 4.64 4.64 2.52 ,?133 O0 12 co The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilm~n Minucciani m~ved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Counc~lmau Eschelbach and regularly carried. Under'the'head of unfinished business the matter of the Jess apartments fire es- capes was referred to City Attorney Coleberd and Fire Chief Welte. The Santo Christo Society of South San Francisco having previously applied for a dance permit and the privilege of holding a parade during their ~nnual festival Saturday and Sunday, June 5 and 8,next,Councilma~ Minucciani moved the permission be granted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. Referring to Assembly Bill No.~385,,mandatory civil ~ervic~ for firemen ~easure, Councilman Ninucciani ~oved that the City Clerk be instructed to write to Senato~ ~arkman and Assemblyman Call of San mateo County requ~stin~ them to oppose the oassa~e of the bill when ,~ it comes before them. The motion was seconded by Councilman Esch~ba~h-.-~&nd~Edla~ly carried. Under the head of new business Councilman. Eschelbach advised that there should be a phone in the home of Nark ~ahe~ on account of the increasing amount of business. Councilman Ninucciani moved that a phone be installed in the ~aher premises as suggested by Councilman Eschelbach. The motion was seconded b~ Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. Mayor Ratto pr~,posed a pound be constructed for the city and suggested Fire House No.~ as a good location for it. Councilmen Boido aud Eschelbach opposed the construction of a city pound on account of the cost of construction and maintenance. Councilman Eschelbach believed if a pound was to be built it should not be at the fire house. Fire Chief Welte believed the noise of the dogs at night would keep the sleeping volunteer firemen and regula~~ fireman awake and affect their labor next day. The odor from the dogsalso ~hould be consid- ered. The matter was laid over for future cons~deration~ a~d other locations might be inspected. Fire Chief Welte requested that the city pass an ordinance adopting the 193~ Building Code. C~t¥ attorney was'instructed to draw uo ~n ordinance te that affect. ~ayor Ra~to ann~unced~that~any~pe~ons des~rin~ to look over the city claims may come and do so. There being no further business before the board Councilman Ninuccia~i moved to adjourn. The motion was ~econded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;~0.o'clock p.~. Approved ayor of South San ~rancisco. Respectfully submitted, C~y Clerk.