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Minutes 1937-07-19
moved Regular meeting of the City Council of the City' Of South San Francisco,held ~ionday, iJuly 19,1937. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clocck P.m.by Mayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of tL:e City Council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~ager,.~,.~. Minuccia~i, D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous m?eting were read. There being no errors or omissions th were approved as read. An application was received from Peter Dress asking permission to make alterations to the front of his building, 220 Grand Avenue,at an expense of $1135.~ The building Inspector ,having approved the plans and specifications Councilman Eschelbach moved the peEnit be grant The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and granted. An application was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company requesting permi~si to install a 2" gas main ~.~ First Street East a~ "A" Street to supply one applicant, the Lath Company. On motion by ~ouncilman Eschalbach, seconded ~y Councilman Mager and regularly car the request w~s granted.. An application for a license for a gasoline station was received from Willcokson & Miller, 107 California Avenue. On motion by Councilman MinUcciani, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the desired peEnit was granted. Cure,by Motor Company requested permission to transfer their sales yard to Lot 4, Block 152, San ~zw~no Road. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani ~and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. The Number is 715 San ~runo Road. A communication was receiVed from Mrs. Celede Ferrario asking for labor for her husband 445 Commercial Avenue. The City Clerk was in~tructed ~o ask her husband to register with the ~Street Department in the City Hall. A communication was received from the California Water Service ~o~ San Francisco, Call stating they would confirm their suggestion ~oncerning a reduction' in hydrant rentals at th City of South San Francisco, and stated ~heyI would file a rate of $2.00 per month, per dPuble hydrant and $1.50 per month per single hydrant, effective as o~' Suly 1,1937. On motion by Councilman Mager the communication w~s accepted and the clerk instructed to reply acknowledgin reeeipt of the communication. The reduction will amount to $1812 per annum. ~' A communicetion was received from the Italian-American Citizens' Club requesting permis from the City Council to hold an "Amusement Show ~ from the 12 day of 0ctober,,1937 to and including the l?th day of 0ctober,193V. The show to be held for the purpose of clearing up expenses in connection with the fourth of July Celebration. On motion by Councilman Minucciant seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the desireq permission was granted. In a communication to John F.M~ger, Chairman of the Fire Commission Board~ Fire Chief Welte requested.permission to attemd the Convention of the Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs Spokane, Wash, August llth to August 14th, inclusive, to include an expense of $125.00.~0n motio by Councilman Mager seconded by Councilman ~schelbach and regularly carried the desired permis was granted. A communication was received from the Italian American Citizens' Club extending their !sincere thanks to the City of South San Francisco for its cooperation in making their Fourth of July Celebratio~ a success. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file.. The South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company answered the city's communication regarding the ~emoval of debris ,etc , on the 8 foot e~.sement between lots in various parts of the city, aboUt which complaints had been made. The company stated they would in every way assist the police department in enforcing the law regarding the removal of rubbish and other objectionable material on their property. City Attorney Coleberd stated the city had n jtt~tsdiction to order structures from the premises, but refuse and nuisances can be abated. General Petroleum Corporation of California submitted a proposal of bids to sell the ci gasoline and oil. The communication waa ordered placed on file Bernard McCaffrey Unit #355 invitedthe City Council of the city t~ atten~ their Tnstalla of officers on July 20, at 8;30 o'clock P.~i.,in the Le~on Club Rooms,~etropolitan Hall. The invitation was accepted. '~own & Eyre of the Union Stockyards area requested permission to install a 500 Gal tank ~bove groun~ ~e-ee~a~-gasoline,in parcel 33,~one "H'; this city,north of the Union Stoc~ Sh®ep .~Sheds. On motion by Co uncil~an, ~ager, Seconded byCouncilman ~inucciani on the recomme :i"datton~°f Fire~ Chief~ ~ Welte the peEnit was ordered granted. Mr.R.A. Hami~ton made~ aoplibatibn fora Trailer Camp Ground'licenSe to ~atntatn and Operate th :~o~ public bus~, Th~ ma~ter waa re ~erre~ ~o the Cit~ Attorney, who said the distances would here to be checked., a bid · .0.~,~, c~m~b~: ,s~bmitted'to ':eie~i~ ~t the Colma~ Ditchm~ Sand under the city's jurisd ~'~ ~ · '~FirSt,~ tO ~e~l~mn out the ~i~mh ar~d.~emove~the material So handaed up to an~ inci 20,000 cubic yards at no cost whatever to the city. Second,; That where material ~ s to removed and dumped on banks, he is to 'be com ted for ~ $0.07 per cubic yard. Third;- That for any additional sand removed in ~xcess of the 20,000 cubic yards referred to above, he agrees to pa~? the city the sum of $.10 ~er cubic yard. He stipulated it Is ~his~ intention to commence this work prior to the co~L.~e of the first seasonal ralos, anm with the ~m~erstanding that no material ~hall be requtre~ to from any structure whatever. The matter w?s ~e~rred to Bob Klassen and laid over for more definite ~.nfornmation. Under the head of ~n~intshed business the matter of th~ Ned Co~rad$i licease was laid The application of Wm. Holmes for a business license to operate a wreckingi~ plant on Avenue, Near ~yl~ress was laid over. Mayor Ratto appo~ot~d Mrs.,Dedwith and ~r. Carl Weller trmstees of the Library?Boe~d. motion ~y Councilman Eschelbach, seconded .by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the appointments were confirmed. The matter of the re-appointment of Judge Dinning for School T~ustee came up. Friction over the issue, some members contend~ug he should be retained. After ilong discussion on the subject the matter was dropped and Mr. Din~ing was not re-appointed. A petition signed by 15~3 names was submitted by the populace asking the Board to acq and and develop what is known a~ the "Beach Property", stating the mattter has baen under ~iscussion .~ :For the past year. long diso~U~sion A r~!l C~l w~s taken on whet~er ~he city should' ~ne Beach Pro~ 1 An applicati°n Was received from Peter Dress asking permission to make alterations !to the front of his building, 220 Grand Avenue,at an expense of $1135.~ The building Inspector ihaving approved the plans and specifications Councilman Eschelbach moved the permit be grant The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and granted. An application was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company requesting permissi to install a 2" gas main ~.~ First Street East ab "A" Street to supply one applicant, the Lath Company. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded i:,y Councilman Mager and regularly car the request w~,s granted.. An appli-¢ation for a license for a gasoline station was received from Willcokson Miller,107 California Avenue. On motion by Councilman MinUccianl, seconded by Councilman Esohelbach and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. Cuds,by Motor Company requested permission to transfer their sales yard to Lot 4, Block 152, San ~runo Road. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regufArly carried the desired permit was granted. The Number is 715 San ~runo Road. A communication was received from Mrs. Celede Ferrario asking for labor for her husband 44S Commercial Avenue. The City Clerk w~s in~tructed ~o ask her husband to register with the Street Department in the City Hall. A communication was received from the California Water Service ~o~ San Francisco, Call stating they would confirm their suggestion qoncerning a reduction~ in hydrant rentals at th City of South S~ Francisco, and stated ~hey would file a rate of $2.00 per month, per d~uble hydrant and $1.50 per month per single hydrant, effective as o'? tuly 1,19~7. On motion by iCouncilman Mager the communication w~s accepted and the clerk instructed to reply acknowledgin 'receipt of the communication. The reduction will amount to $1812 per annum. ~ A communication was received from the Italian-American Citizens' Club requesting permis from the City Council to hold an "Amusement Show ~ from the 12 day of 0ctober,,19J7 to and including the 17th day of 0ctober, 19~7. The show to be held for the purpose of clearing up expenses in connection with the fourth of July Celebration. On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the desire~ permission was granted. In a communication to John F.Mager, Chairman of the Fire Commission Board, Fire Chief Welte requested.permission to attemd the Convention of the Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs Spokane, Wash, August llth to August 14th, inclusive, to include an expense of $125.00.~9n motio by Councilman Mager seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the desired permis was granted. A communication was received from the Italian American Citizens' Club extending their sincere thanks to the City of South San Francisco for its cooperation in making their Fourth of July Celebratto~ a success. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file, The South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company answered the city's communication regarding the ~emoval of deb~ts ,etc , on the 8 foot e~sement between lots in various parts of the city, aboUt which complaints had been made. The company stated they would in every way assist the police department in enforcing the law regarding the removal of rubbish and other objectionable material on their property. City Attorney Coleberd stated the city had jurisdiction to order structures from the premises, but refuse and nuisances can be abated. General Petroleum Corporation of California submitted a proposal of bids to sell the ci gasoline and oil. The communication was ordered placed on file Bernard McCaffrey Unit #355 invitedthe City Council of the city tc atten~ their Tnstalla~ of officers on July 20, at 8;30 o'clock P.M.,in the Legion Club Rooms,~etropolitan Hall. The invitation was accepted. ~ ~own & Eyre of the Union Stockyards area requested permission to install a 500 Gall tank sbove groun$ ~e-¢ea~a~m-gasoline,in parcel 33,~one "H'~ this city,north of the Union Stock Sheep LSheds. On motion by Co uncil~nan, Mager, Seconded byCouncil~n Minucctani on the recomme~ Ydation of ~ire Chief Welte the permit was ordered granted. Mr.R.A-Hami~ton made~aopli~ati~n f0r~a Tr,~iler Camp ~roUnd~licenSe to ~aintain and Operate th. ~O~ public business,.' Th~ matter was re ~errea ~o the Cit~ Attorney, who said the distances would have to be checked., a bid ~':~ ~.~.~i~h,~ c~m~b~:~.,s~bmitte~'to ::cie~n ~t the ColmaDitch:-Sand under the city,S jurisd: /..~ : !.i, :.Firtt,~t0 :.el~n out the di~eh and.~emove;~the~ material so hand~ed up to an~ inci~ 20,000 cubic yards at no cost whatever to the city. ' 'il Second,; That where material is to removed and dumped on banks, he is to be coml ted for ~ $0.07 per cubic yard. moved ~ Third;- That for any additional sand removed in exce~s of the 20,000 cubic yards referred to above, he agrees to pav the city the sum of $.10 ~er cubic yard. Me stipulated it is 'his~ intention to commence this work prior to the co~e~L~e~ of the First seasonal raios, an~ with the ~mderstanding that no material ~hall be require~ to 1 from a~y structure whatever. The matter w~.?s re~rred to Bob Klassen and laid over for more definite infornmation. Under the head of unfinished business the matter of the Wed Co~r~d$i licease Was laid ~ The application of Wm. Holmes for a business license to operate a wreckingll plant on ! Avenue, Near 0ypress was laid over. Mayor Ratto appointed Mrs.,Dedwith and Mr. Carl ~eller trmstees of the Library?Bos?d. ( motion Dy Councilman Eschelbach, seoonded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the appointments were confirmed. The matter of the re-appointment of Judge Dinning for School Trustee came up. Friction over the issue, some members contending he should be retaimed. After 'long discussion on the Subject the matter was dropped and Mr. Din~ing was not re-appointed. A petition signed by 15~3 names was submitted by the populace asking the Board to acq~ and and develop what is known a~ the "Beach Property", stating the ~attter has b~en under discussio~f~r~.~ for the past year. ,buy long discussion A r~ll 0a~l w~s taken on wherever the city should(~the Beach ProD. by contract or through tbs general ~e!e~9tion- It was finally decided to call a ~pecial'eleC~i~ advising the public the proba~zcost of the project , leaving the matter in the hands of the voters~after many bitter statements from proponents and opponents. Dr Gans had submitted 394 a letter through Health Officer McMills,d~scouragtng the development of the beach on account of sanitary conditions. Mt. Ted Prttzer stated Mayor Ratto had at one time intimidated him with a picture:~ from the Sheri~'f's ,~..ffice at Fresno. He said the charge had been dismissed and demanded;Ma~or Ratto's resignation or that he be removed from office without delay. ~ayor Ratto char~ed Dr.McMills with lack of interest in the city',s affairs by moving to Millbrae. L.~'..Hard~,Secretary-manager of the Chamber of Commerce requested-tha~ a f~:ll repot of the sanitary condition o£ the beach, and stated that no W.P.A.help could be secured unless the sewer outlets~On the bay be removed. John Fontana engazed Councilman Boido in an argument over the matter,warning the councilmen opposing the beach purchase without an election that they would never be elected again. ;~ayor Ratto charged inefficiency on the part of Dr.~ans' office in that the source of sewage in Colma Creek had not been checked. He alsoft%6 the opposition to the beach is backe~ by the Baden Kennel Club. Mrs. Ed Rin;~ue also sa'd this. Councilman Mager charged the Mayor with favoring his own proposals and ignored the request of a.committee to expend $~2,000 on fire department personnel. Councilmen Eschelbach Boido and Mager emphatically denied that they had agreed to abide by a petition to purchas'e and improve the beach, Councilman Ma~er saying he distinctly stated he was for the beach and fire department improvement, Counci~lman Escbelbach stating the Mayor was putting word~ into hi mouth that he did not say, and that his statement was that he was for the beach and the im- provement of the fire de0artment by the vote of the people directly under a bond issue. Councilman Boido stated the Mayor was mistaken about this, that h~s statement was that he was for the beach and fire department, improvement by a direct vote of the people, who have pay the taxes. Claims in the amount of $3050.25 were next presented to the co~mcil for payment;- Dudley Perkins repairs.Mo. Cycle $ 2.90 Union 0il Co. Howard Buick Co. A. Lynch P. Mallei Jack T. Mager W. Locatellt V. Ullery C. Begnal Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co. W. Minucciani A. J. Pacheco American Fire Eq~ip. Co. Unicersal Tool & Mfg. Co. H. Kalberlo A. Curtin A. Cerri S. Celli R. Levi A. J. Milani M. Guistetto A. Guistetto C. Monettini T. Mandoli G. Cresci supplies police department 8 days burning grass d ys bur,n, ing g ass 9 9 ,~'-! "~ " 9 II II II 8 !1 II tl Test cylinger oxy. mix. Fire Dept. repairs at fire house 7.27 754.94 32. O0 34. O0 36.00 36.00 36.00 40. O0 7.18 3.00 May and June fire alarm maintenance40.00 1 fire extinguisher 14.42 locks for 2 fire alarm boxes and one repaires 7.62 Cleaning weeds from streets 22.50 " " " " 27.00 3 days cleaning sewers July 15-17 13.50 Cleaning sewers~7/12 to 17 24.25 Cleaning weeds ~/.12 to 17 27.00 Cleaning weeds 7/9 to 17 36.00 Cleaning storm sewers 7/6 to 17 49.50 Cleaning sanitary sewers 7/8 to 17 49.50 Cleaning sanitary sewers 49.50 " " " 49.50 " " " 49.50 T. De Marchi Volonti & Capitelli So. City Plumbing Shop So. City Plumbing Shop Oliver ' s Edward Barry Co. 'J. Figoni & Co. Highway Trans. Co. San Mateo Title Co. Paramount Flag Co. Tidewater Associated 0il II Il Il Enterprise Press Il Il: Il Il V. De Zordo Industrial City Co. Industrial City Lumber Co. ladder 1.qt. paint " " " " 7S redwood stakes Cleaning storm sewers Prem. poi. 153289 on city prop. Unplugged sewer and ~hanged flush valve at city h~ll Set up urinal and p~t vertical check in boiler room Entertainment Pen Leagues Conven. 36 Manila folders Cleaning City Hall 1/1/37 to 7/1/ freight June reports Large flag and 5© small'repaired 416 Gals. ~as 177 " 2500 tax bills 55 notices of application for permit 30 certificates for permit 500 notices of applicant and prop. owners marble cutting and sanding lobby entrance supplies 2 reducers 49.50 31.47 23.93 23.80 25. O0 1.41~ 31. O0 1.16 1.50 12.36 62.40' 26.55 182.99 8.76 7.73 7.21 8.00 15.28 4.07 21.43 G. A. Kneese G. A. Kneese G. A. Kneese G. A. Kneese G. A. Kneese G. A. Kneese W. Minucciani So. City Plumbing Shop' M. Laufer R. Masciovecchio Ernest & Nella Cisi E.-C. Peck Investment Co. to study, of maintenance work C01ma238,80 Supt. cleaning sewers 43.20 general ad. of streets 21.60 Eng. etc. development 40.20 Water system - Orange Ave. 92,28 Work at Tanforan & San Mateo Aves ~5,51 Inspection bldg. Orange Ave Park .4~.20 repairs water tank on truck 8.50 cut in and threading pipes 1.00 work at Orange Ave. Park 7/ll - 18 22.50 l0 days labor Orange Park 45.00 paym't full Let. 34 Blk. D Peck's 200.00 paym't full Lot. 255 Block~tal~3,050.25. The claims having b6en a~dited by the finance committee Councilman }~!inucciani r~oved Be ~aid. The motion was seconded by Co~L'ncilman i~]schelback and regularl~ caYri ~d. There being no L~Urtherbusiness Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn. ~he motion was seconoed by Councilman' ~;.,,.~_~o~1~ ~a ~=~~ ~o~i~_ q~im~ ~' .qd ~o~rnma~t_ ~0_ 0 o"clOck ;'..] · mouth that he did not say, and that his statement was that he was for the beach and the im- provement of the fire de0artment by the vote of the people directly under a bond issue. Councilman Boido stated the Mayor was mistaken about this, that his statement was that he was for the beach and fire department improvement by a direct vote of the people,who have t~ pay the taxes. Claims in the amount of $3050.25 were next presented to the ~c~mcil for payment;- repairs Mo. Cycle $ 2.90 Dudley Perkins Union 0il Co. Howard Buick Co. A. Lynch P. Maffei Jack T. Mager W. Locatelli V. Ullery C. Begnal Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co. W. Minucciani A. J. Pacheco American Fire Equip. Co. Unicersal Tool & Mfg. Co. H. Kalberlo A. Cu~tin A. Cerri S. Celli R. Lovi A. J. Milani M. Guistetto A. Guistetto C. Monettini T. Mandoli G. Cresci T. De Marchi Volonti & Capitelli So. City Plumbing Shop So. City Pl~nnbing Shop Oliver ' s Edward Barry Co. 'J. Figoni & Co. Highway Trans. Co. San Mateo Title Co. Paramount Flag Co. Tidewater Associated Oil ti ti !1 Enterprise Press It tt tt V. De Zordo supplies 7.27 police department 754.94 8 days burning grass 32.00 8~ d~ys bur~ing g~ass 34.00 9 36.00 9 ,~ "' " 36.00 9 " " " 36.00 8 " " " 40.00 Test. cylinger oxy. mlx. Fire' Dept. 7.18 repairs at fire house #2 3.00 May and June fire alarm maintenance40.00 1 fire extinguisher 14.42 locks for 2 fire alarm boxes and one repaires 7.62 Cleaning weeds from streets 22.50 " " " " 27.00 3 days cleaning sewers July 15-17 13.50 Cleaning sewers~7/12__ to 17 24.25 Cleaning weeds ~/o12 to 17 27.00 Cleaning weeds 7/9 to 17 36.00 Cleaning storm sewers 7/6 to 17 49.50 Cleaning sanitary sewers 7/6 to 17 49.50 Cleaning sanitary sewers 49.50 " " " 49.50 " " " 49.50 Cleaning storm sewers 49.50 Prem. pol. 133289 on city prop. 31.47 Unplugged sewer and ,?,hanged flush valve at city h~ll 23.93 Set up urinal and put vertical check in boiler room Entertainment Pen Leagues Convert. 36 Manila folders Cleaning City Hall 1/1/37 to 7/1/ freight June reports Large flag and 56. small repaired 416 Gals. ~as 177 " 2500 tax bills 55 notices of application for p e rmi t 8 .'76 30 certificates for permit 7.73 500 notices of applicant and prop. owners 7.21 marble cutting and sanding lobby entrance 23.80 25.00 1.41~ 31.00 1.16 1,50 12.36 62,40,' 26.55 182.99 8.00 15.28 4.07 21.43 Industrial City Co. supplies Industrial City Lumber Co. ladder l~qt. paint 2 reducers " " " " 7S redwood stakes . G. A. Kneese to stUdy, of maintenance work C01ma238.80 G. A. Kneese Supt. cleaning sewers 43.20 G. A. Kneese general ad. of streets 21.80° G. A. Kneese Eng. etc. development 40.20 G. A. Kneese Water system - Orange Ave. 92.28 G. A. Kneese Work at Tanforan & San Mateo Aves 25~81 " Inspection bldg. Orange Ave Park 4~.20 W. Minucciani repairs water tank on truck 8.50 So. City Plumbing Shop cut in and threading pipes 1.00 M. Laufer work at Orange Ave. Park 7%11 - 18 22.50 R. Masclovecchio l0 days labor Orange Park 45.00 Ernest & Nella Cisi paym't full Let. 34 Blk. D Peck's 200.00 E. C. Peck Investment Co. paym't full Lot. 233 Block~talJ~3,050.25' The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman ~finucciani ~oved they Be ~id. The motion was seconded by Co~ncilman Eschelbach and regularly caz~ri.~d. There being no further business Councilman Minuaciani moved to adjourn. !fhe motion ~as seconced by CouncilH~an ~sck~lbach and regularly c~.rried. Time of adjournment, 10,~0 o~cloch i~.i. Approved L~e spec t fully .~Sub~i t~d~ ~ i ~ontinued from page 394 and part of tt:e r'.iuutes of the minutes of tko meeting of July 19,1937 ~E~0LbTIOE ~CC:~t-±ILG DEED FROt~ E.I. DUPOI~T DE l~'El.10bNS ~.LD C OLPAI~Y. Councilman M~_nucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Prancisco accepting a deed from the E.I.Du ?out De Nemours Company conveying to the City of South San Francisco an easement ten feet in width for the construction and maintenance of a storm water conduit in,through and over certain lands in the South Industrial area. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as ~oll ows; - Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,J.P.Nager, N.~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen None. Attest Daniel EcSweeney. City Clerk. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was reEularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of ~onth~San Francisco, this 19th day of July,19~?. Attest, Daniel NcSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions,¥ol.S, at page llS. RE~0LUTIOI~ ACCEPTINC DEED FROM E.C.PECK INVESTMENT C0'A CORPORATION. Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City Council of the Cit:~. ~f So San Francisco to purchase from E.C.Peck Investment Company Lot },~o.53, in Block No"D" , ?eck's iBubdivisi0n of South San Francisco for the sum of ~275.00, for a childrens' playground. The resolution ~.~as adopted by the votes of all the members of the Cit~,~ Council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.},~ager,N.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen,None. - I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San ~rancisco,this 19th day of July,1937, by the foll lng vote; Ayes ,Councilmen, ¥.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,J.F.Nager,l~.~iinucciani, D.w. Ratto. Noes, Councilman,l!one. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel ~,~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. Z,at page 116. RE$3LUTIOI~ ACCEPTII~C D~D '>]RNE%T CISI AI~D NELLA CISI,HIS ~,VIFE. Councilman '~tsche!bach introduced a resolute, on of the City Council of the City of ~onth $an Francisco to purchase from Ernest ~is~ and Ye!la Cisi,his withe, Lot ~o.,5~,~ ~lock "D", Peck's ~nbdivision of South ~a~ Francisco, for a C~.ildrens' P~avground._.~ .~ .. The resolution %vas adooted by t~ ~ votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmem,V.Bo~do, A.J.Eschc~lbaeb..7.~.l~a~er, ¥..~qnucciami, . . ~oes,Co ncil~eu,~one, Absemt, eouncilmen,~one. I hereby certify that the ~oregoin~ resolution ~as re'm~larly iutro6uced and adopte by the City Council of the City of :'-]curb San ?rancisco, this 19th da~7 Of Jrly,1937, by ~the followim~ vote;- A~es, Councilmen, V..~:~o~do,A.J.Eschelb~:~ch,~ ' J.?.l~ager, E.$~inucciani,D.'~.Ratto. ~Toes, Coureilmen, Yone, Absent, Councilmen,i~one. Attest Daniel iJcSweenez~ C]t2 Clerk. ~{ecorae~ in 7{ook of iiesoluti ~ns, Vol. Z, at pa~ 1t~. Z{espec ' fu!lj, Approve d l~ayor of .South San ,~ ,~ . anoisco. PLrRSUAI~T TO CALL A~D WAIVER 0F NOTICE OF SPECIAL ~EETING OF THE CITY COIZNCIL OF T~WE CITY OF SOI~H SAN FRANCISCO TO B E KELD FRIDAY, JULY ~3, 1937. A call for a special meetS, ag of the city council of the City of South San Francisco of which the rollicking is a copy: The undersigned members' of the City Council of the City of South. San Francisco hereby call a special meeting of said City Council to be held in the Co~mcil Chamber i.n the City Hal! of said City of South San Francisco, on Friday~ the 23rd day of July, 193V, at the hou~ of 5.4V o'clock p. m. for the purpose of consideriug and acting upon a proposition for excavating the sand now in Colma Creek in said city; and we hereby waive notice of said meeting and consent to the transaction thereat of any and all of such bueiness as may regularly come before such meeting. Dated July 22, 193V John F. Nager D. W. Ratto A. J. Eschelbach N. Ninucclani Victor Boido C ounci Linen The City Council held a special meeting in the council chambers in the City Hall Friday evening, July ~3, 19~7, at 5.~7 o'clock p. m. The meeting was called to order by ~ayor D. W. Ratto There were present the following: Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. ~ager, A. J. Eschelbach, ~. Ninucciani, D. W. Ratto Absent, Counci~nen None The reading of the minutes of the previoos meeting was dispensed wit~. Councilmen ~.~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco that said city enter into a contract with L. C. SmOoth for the removal of ~0,000 cubic yards of sand from the Colma Creek area, said L. C. Smith to receive the sand for his compensation. In the event he removes more than the ~0,000 cubic yards of san~ be shall pay the cit~ 10 cents per cubic yard for all sand in excess of the ~0,000 cubic yards. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the city council, to-wit: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. ~ager, D. W. Ratto, A. J. Eschelbach, ~'I.~inucciani Noes, Councilmen ~one ~bsent, Councilmen. Attest: Daniel NcSv~eeney, City Clerk by Elizabeth 0tten~ield, Deputy Recorded i~ book ef Resolutions Vol ~ at pages llV, ll8 and ll9 There being no further.busiuess before the council, Councilman Ninucciani moved to adjourn. The ~otion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regular- ly carried. Time of adjournment ~.05 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted Approved: Dsa~l ~cSweeney, City Clerk ~ayor of'So~ath San Francisco.