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Minutes 1937-08-06
The adjourned meeting to be held Wednesday evening A~gust 4th, 193V was not held as there was not a quorum present. Mayor Rat'to adjo~rned to meet Friday evening August 6th, 193V at V:00 0~clcd~ p. m. Re spa ct fully Approved: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk - De~lSuty ~/, Nayor of South San Francisco REGUL;~RLY ADJOURNED ~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOI.~H SAN FRA~- CISC0, ~LD FRIDAY, AUCUST ~, 1957. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Friday evening, August 8, 1957. 'The meeting was called to order by ~;~ayor D. W. Ratto at 8 o'clock p. m. Roll Call Roll call found the following members of council present, as follows: D. W. Ratto ~ ~,~inu~ciani. V. Bo!do, A. J. Eschelbach, J. w. L~a~er Abseot, Councilman ~4 ~ ~ The reading of the m~nutes of the two previous meetings was dispensed with. The matter of the improvement of Linden Avenue was discussed and ~'~ayor Ratto said the County WaS willing to pay $5000.00 towards this improvement. Councilman Boido said. the County should pay the f¥.ll sar_ount for i~proving Linden Avenue or else have the abutting ~rooe~ty~ ~ _ ~ owners take care of the expense. He was also in favor of meeting with the property owners in this district to discuss haying aside. walk put in from Railroad Avenue south. Council,.an Eschelbacb wss in favor of making it an assess~ent district, accept the $8000.00 from the county, have the city pay $2800.00 and the abuttin~ property owners $2500.00. After discussion it was decided to accept the ~009.00 from the county and take up at a later date ~eans of raisinz the $5000.00 balance. On motion by Councilauan Eschelbach~ seconded by Councilman Boido end regularly carried the City clerk was instructed to send a letter to the County Supervisors requesting ~,~5000.00 for the improvement of a portion of Linden Avenue. Mr. T. ~lkey appeared before the board regarding his ldcense for his auto court. Mayor Ratto advised him the matter was in the hands of the C?:ief of Police and City Attorney Coleberd. The matter of clearing a portion of the Orange Avenue Park of the willows was ~iscussed. Counci].man Eschelbach thought that a tractor wit~ c~ains would pull the roots out. Mr. K!assen suggested a tractor and scarifier which would cost about $65.00 a day. He was instructed by the council to go ahea~ with the tractor and scarlfier and see if ~t does the work o. k. Councilman Eschelbach sug?ested th, at 400 feet of 1~-" pipe was needed for the Orange Avenue Park, concrete valve boxes should be provided and the faucets covered. It was decided before th.is work was done tb~t Mr. Klassen should es- tablish grades at the park. He was therefore instr~sdBd to do this and also bring in a map showing locations of pipe lines, trees, etc. Mr. Coleberd reported that the committee on the building for the Boy Scouts had not met, It was decided that an agreement should be entered into regarding the cost of the work done by the Boy Scouts. Mayor Ratto reported tb~t the Linden Avenue Playground and Peck's Lots Play- ground were ready for equipment. It was regularly moved and seconded that the purchasing agent purc~:~ase the necessary apparatus to equip these parks, also see about fences to enclose them and p'¥~rchase additional swings for the C'~vic Center playground. Councilman Mager suggested more playgrounds in other sections of the city and the council agreed to look over various sites. Mayor Ratto said that Clean Up Week is over and the neu~spaper sho,~].~ have information that it is ti~e the city truck stopped hauling .Trass, etc. Mayor Ratto stated that the Board of Equalization would meet Augvst 10, 193V, He said they needed ,~!~40,000.00~ ~i!~D,000.00 of wD]~ch would come fro~ the County for improvez~ent of Linden Avenue~ and the balance to come from the ~uanufacturers, for the contemplated improvements. He said the msnufacturers had planned on donating about ?,~18,000.©0 for this work, but now things are at a stand still. Councilman Eschelbach said if they donated the money it ¥~ould not be o. k. as it would be sldered as a bribe. Councilman Boido said that factories did that in the east and it was considered as a bribe. Councilman ~]ager a~z~d the Mayor why he ~id~ not con- 402 sider the fire department in the set up. The ~,Iayor declared that insurance rates show that the city is fully protectede CouuciLman Nager stated that more fire equipment was necessary for theprotection of the schools ~nd factories. There appearing no further', s~ o~, ~ness before the council, Councilman Eschelbach moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Council~s,n ~,"iager and re.~g~larly carried. Time of adjournment 9.50 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted Daniel ~'~Sweeney, City Clerk