A regu~lar meeting of the City Council' of the City of Sou~th ~an. Francisco~
was held Monday.. evening, August 16, 195~.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p. m. ~by Mayor D, W. Ratto
Roll Call found the following members of the council present, to-wit: V. Boiclm,
J. F. Mager, A.~ J. Eschelbach, M. Mlnucciani, D. W. Ratto
The minutes of ~July 25, August 2 and August 6th were read.
or omissions th~ey were approved as read.
There l~etng no errors
A communication'was received f~om C. D. Cattaneo, Director in Charge,requesting per-
mission for the' South San Francisco Italian SchOol to hold a dance in Fraternal Hal!
August 21, 193~e On motion by Councilman Escehlbach, seconded by Councilman Minucci.an~
and regularly carried the ~ermission was granted.~
A coummunication was received from the Friendly Three, by William Borba, 32 Randolph.
Avenue for perm.ission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall September 25, 193~. On motion
by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the per.-
mission was grab. ted.
A communication was ~eceived from Court South City Independent Order of Foresters to
hold a dance in Prateim~l Hall October 16, 19~V instead of October 30, 19OV. On
m~tion by Councilman Bodio, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried
permission was granted~
A communication~was received fr~m Rue R. Clifford, Secretary of t he Library Board
advising the council the term of Mrs. J. G. Walker ex,red August 1, 193Ve The
correct date of the expiration of her term was July 1, 193Ve On motion by Councilman
Eschelbach, seconded by Councilme_u Minucciani and regularly carried Mrs. Walker was re
appointed for a term of three years.
A communtcation~was received from General Petroleum Corporation asking for a share o~
the city's business with reference to gasoline and lubricants and referring to their
bid filed July 16, 193V. The matter was referred to Councilman Eschelbach.
The name of Ambrose Robinson was submitted by the Fire Chief for appointment to the
call forces of .~he fire department. On motion by Councilman Mager seconded by Count!
man Boido and regularly carried the appointment was confirmed.
.by the Treasurer
A communication~' was~ received/from The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company enclosir
a check of $9~5.~, covering 2% of their gross receipts for the year ending August ~,~
A communication was received from A. Pietronave, 3~3 Chestnut Avenue asking pe~missioz
to install a 250 gallon g~soline tank on 0.611 acres, Paroel 3~ Zone A. Permission
was granted on motion of Councilman Boido seconded by Councilman Minucciani provided
the necessary notice be~ted by the Fire Cb!cfc
Application of Leong K. Cho for permission to operate a Chop suey ~estaurant at 112
Grand Avenue was received. On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman
Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted provided the applicant's plac~
was passed on my the Health Officer and Police Departupent.
The monthly report of the City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month of July were
filed. On motion by Councilman Mager seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly
carried they were placed on file.
Claims in the amount ef$3,446.0V were next submitted for payment:
Julius Brunton and Sons
South City Auto Service
Remler Co.
Dudley Perkins
Howard Buick Co,
Enterprise ~ Press
Superior Laundry
Geo. A. Kneese
California Pest Control Co.
So. City Lumber
California Water Service
Fred J. Lautze
Chas. Bollazzi
Hallawell Sod Co,
Industrial City Lumber Co.
Enterprise Foundry Co.
Fred. J. Lautze
Johnson Service Station
1 police received installed in Buick
receipts Buick
servicing radio
" motorcycle
repairs buick
5000 Milligan circulars
Wash #1 a~d #2 bourses July
Engine ering Linden~ Ave .~ south
Genl. administration of street
supex~ising~ cleaning outfall sewers
Eng~..neering Peck' s lots playground
"storm sewer Grand & Linden
~" South Industrail Area
"lower end Colma ditch ~
"water system Orange Ave.Park
Inspection building " "
i drum weed killer
· h~s rental grader play,rounds
labor & mileage to tap ~" line
~repair pulverizer machine
1 shea~s- nails 2 unions
20 lbs. lawn mix
~e_terials ~ July
1 bottle no no doggie
materials July
1 bbl. stand
12 manhole steps
repairs Ford dump truck ~
~ lb~ grease and labor
aS .59
.28 .~2
mission for the~ South San Francisco Italian SchOol to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall~
August 21, 193~ On motion by Councilman Escehlbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani
and regularly carried the permission was granted·~
A coummunication was received from the Friendly Three, by William Borba, ~2 Randolph
Avenue for perm_ission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall September 2§, 193~. On motion
by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the per.-
mission was gra~tede
A communication was ~eceived from Court South City Independent Order of Foresters to
hold a dance in' Frate~ Hall October 18, 198~ instead of October 30, 19~. On
motion by Councilman Bodio, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried
permission was grant, de
A communication~was received from Rue R. Clifford, Secretary of t he Library Board
advising the council the term of Mrs· J. G. Walker ex$~red August 1, l~3~e The
correct date of the expiration of her term was July 1, l~3Ve On motion by Councilman
Eschelbach, secgnded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried Mrs. Walker was re-
appointed for a te~m of three years·
A cemmunication~was received from General Petroleum Corporation asking for a share o~
the city's business with reference to gasoline and lubricants and referring to their
bid filed July 16, 193V· The matter was referred to Councilman Eschelbach.
The name of Ambrose Robinson was submitted by the Fire Chief for appointment to the
call forces of the fire departm~nt~ On motion by Councilman Mager seconded by Council
man Boido and regularly carried the appointment was confirmed.
~ ~by th~ Treasurer
A communiCation was' received/from The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company enclosing
a check of $935.~, covering 2% of their gross receipts for the year ending August
A communication was received from A· Pietronave, 343 Chestnut Avenue asking pe~mission
to install a 2§0 gallon gasoline tank on 0.611 acres, Parsel 37 Zone A· Permission
was granted on motion of~uncilman Boido seconded by Councilman Minucciani provided
the necessary notice be~ted by the Fire Chief.
Application of Leong K. Oho for permission to operate a Chop suey Hestaurant at
Grand Avenue was received· 0n motion by Councilman Mag.r, seconded by Councilman
Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted provided the applicant's place
was passed on my the Health Officer and Police Department·
The monthly report of the City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month of July were
filed· On motion by Councilman Mager seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly
carried they were placed on file.
Claims in the amount ef~3,446.0V were next submitted for payment:
Julius Brunton and Sons
South City Auto Service
Remler Co.
Dudley Perkins
Howard Buick Co·
Superio~ Laundry
Geo. A. Knees.
California Pest Control Co.
So. City Lumber Co.
California Water Service
Fred J~ Lautze
Chas· Bollazzi
Hallawell Sod Coo
Industrial City Lumber Co·
Enterprise Foundry Co.
F~ed. J· Lautze
Johnson Service Station
Tidewater Associated 0il Co·
P~ G~ and E~
1 police received installed in Buick
receipts Buick
servicing radio
" motorcycle
rep, irs buick
5000 Milligan circulars
Wash #1 and #2 bourses July
Engine .ring Linden~ Ave ·~ south
Gernl~ administration of street
supex~rising~ cleaning outfall sewers
~ Eng~_~neering Peck' s lots playground
"storm sewer Grand & Linden
~" South Industrail Area
"lower end Colma ditch
"water system Orange Ave.Park
Inspection building " "
1 drum weed killer
· h~s rental grader playgrounds
labor & mileage to tap ~" line
-repair pulverizer machine
1 shears- nails 2 unions
20 lbs· lawn mix
materials ~ July
1 bottle no no doggie
materials July
1 bbl. stand
lB manhole s~eps
repairs Ford dump truck
~ lbA grease and labor
3~0 gal. s g.a.s August
280 July
street ~lights July
86 ·85
16 · 00
- 28.52
P. G. and Ee
Pacific Telephone &Tele. Co.
Grinnell Coo
J. S. Baker
Post Master So. S. F. .
San Marco Cob Title Co.
So. City Plumbing
Burroughs Adding Machine
California Pacific
So. S. F. Scavenger
Bertucelli & Nannini
P. Cincelli
J. Colombo
J. De Zordo
M. McCarn
A. Cerri
El! Masciovecchio
L. Penna
F. Parenti
G. Cresci
Fe Madoli
R. Quinland
A. Milani
P. Baratteri
J. Galli
G. Bellora
H. Pera
E. Eserini
E. sessi
A. Monettini
M. Laufer
J. Bishop
R. Ferrario
S. G~ibaude
M. Guistetto
A. Guistetto
C. Monettini
misc. service July
phone service "
1 hand mail Orange Ave. bridge
S hrs~ work on bridge
1000 -1~ cent envelopes
2500 envelopes for tax bills-
reports July
repair water pipe and basin waste
mai~ntenance 8-/Vy3V to 2/V/38
policy on lots 33 & 34 Block D
and recording recon
VV. V8
~ 5.55
removing do6s June and July 4.00
2 sases Sani flush and steel brush 5.20
4 da~s labe~ ~rimming trees
11' " "
ll " "
ll ." "
11 " "
11 " cleaning weeds
11 " "
12 d.ays labor trimming trees
12 " "
12 days labor sweeping streets
12 "
12 " ,
12 " cleani.~ng~ weeds
5" on p,l,~ygrounds
8" "
8 "Orange Ave. park
8 "raising manholes
ll~days labor cleaning sewers
11~ " "
$2 " "
12 " "
Total ..... $3,446.0V
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Mager moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Undemunfinishe~ business Mr. Coleberd reported he had an informal meeting with
M~. Quinlan regarding the W. P. A. building for ~he Boy Scouts, but that all parties
concerned did not get together as yet.~ As s~on asthat can be arranged he said
he would have a report.
Mr. Douste appeared at the meeting regarding the trailer cou~t and asked if people
within 500' feet of the court did not have a right to protest. The Mayor asked
Mr. Coleberd if the necessary~notices were sent out and posted and Mr. Colebe~d said
he assumed that was attended to, but if the ordinance was not complied with it must
be. He is to check with the building tmspector when he returns and see what was done.
Mr. CamPbell then stated that no protest was raised the night the resolution waa
M~. Colston, Mr. Mulkey's attorney addressed the city council~regarding Mulkey's
right to open his auto court. Councilman Boido rem~aied Mr. Colston of Mulkey's
insinuating remarks against the housewives of the Town of Baden and the council, which
Mulkey ~ead before the council meeting. Mr. Colston said that Mulkey was willing te
apo~Iz9 in open meeting for the remamks made and asked Mulkey if this was not so, and
Mulkey ~aid yes that he apologized. Mr. Colston said the building inspector told Mul-
key he vould have to buy the land, which he did, and then the city sold~him a permit
for an auto court and in view of this should grant him the permit to operate. He pre-
sented She council with a petition bearing 160 signatures asking the Council to re-
conside~ the application.~ Mr. Colston asked the council also to reconsider the ·
application as Mulkey had put his life savings into the proposition with the expectation
of being able te open the auto court. The Mayor said the petition Just filed was not
signed ~y residents of the Town of Baden. Mr. Douste spoke and said mulkey was
denied a permit to operate when he had only a few trees cut down, and he felt the pe~ple
of the district should have something to say. Mr. Coleberd was to take the matte~',
under a~visement.
Plans wgre.presente~ for a two story building for A. Ferrari., said building to be 100'
south of Grand Avenue on the Bayshore Boulevard, the first atomy to be concret~ the
seond o$ frame construction. .0wing to the fact this location is in.the first fire
zone an~ does not permit of frame construction the matter was laid over to be taken
'up with~the city attorney and building inspector.
M~eG. C~ampbell suggested that the tmaffic~lights on Bayshore and Grand ~run all of the
time, s~ch as they do on the E1 Camtno. He said it was next to impossible for cars to
get in on the hig~ay at times and people crossing the highw~y.~er~, i~_gr~a~.danger. _
Ne said~a~ear or, soag~ at least feu~ highway police were a~ ~ne ~ne~m s~a~ion a grea~
deal of Lt!me but n°w a person can drive along the highway wlth~ut meetin~ one. He
undertakinge Chief Bellonl salG ~e s~a~e
~aa~ gx~nted the city permission to operate the signal automatically from ~ to 9 a. m.
and from 4.30 to 6.30 p.m. Mr. Klassen advised thet the signals were installed on
the E1 Camine before it was taken over as a state ~hig~hway and for that reason th?y.cpn-
J.-GiofA~A~ 4 da~s lab~ t~imming trees 18.00
P. Cincelli 22 eS0
J. Colombo 6 " " 2~00
11~'" " 51.75
J. De Zordo 11~" "
M. McCarn
Ac Cerri 11~." " 51.V~
R~? Masciovecchio 11~" " 51.75
L. Penna 11~" clean~ng weeds 51.~5
F. Parenti 11~" " 51.V5
G. Ct. sci 12 d.ays labor trimming trees 54.00
F. Madoli 12 " 54.00
R. Quinland 12 ",, " 54.00
A. Milani 12 days labor sweeping streets 54e00
P. Baratteri 12 " " 54.00
J. Galli 12 " " 54.00
G. Bellora 12 " " 54.00
H. Pera 12 " cleaning~weeds 54.00
E, Eserini 5 " on p,l,~ygrounds 22.50
E. aessi 2 " 9.00
A. Monettini S " " 56.00
M. Laufer 8 "Orange Ave. park ~6.00
J. Bishop 8 "raising manholes 56.00
R. Ferrario ll~days labor cleaning sewers 51.~5
S. Gribaude 11~ " " 51.~5
M. Guistetto ~2 " " 54.00
A. Guistetto 12 " " 54.00
C. Monettini 12 " " 54.00
Total ..... $5,446.0V
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Mager moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried,
Under unfinished business Mr. Coleberd repo~ted h~ had an informal meeting with
M~. Quinlan regarding the W. P. A. building for the Boy Scouts, but that all parties
concerned did not get together as yet.~ As acon as. that can be arranged he said
he would have a report.
Mr. Douste appeared at the meeting regarding the trailer cour~ and asked if people
within 500' feet of the court did not have a right to protest. The Mayor asked
Mr. Coleberd if the necessary~notices were sent out and posted and Mr. Coleberd said
he assumed that was attended to, but if the ordinance was not complied with it must
be. He is to check with the building Imspector when he returns and see what was done.
Mr. Campbell then stated that no protest was raised the night the resolution was
Mx'. Colston, Mr. Mulkey's attorn?y addressed the city council, regarding Mulkey's
right to open his auto court. ~ouncilman Boido rem~ed Mr. Colston of Mulkey's
ins~ua~ing remarks against the housewives of the Town of Baden and the council~ which
Mulkey ~ead before the council meeting. Mr. Colston said that Mulkey was willing te
apo~Iz~ in open meeting for the remarks made and asked Mulkey if this was not so, and
Mulkey said yes that he apologized. Mr. Colston said the building inspector told Mul-
key he ~ould have to buy the land, which he did~ and then the city sold~him a permit
for an auto court and in view of this should grant him the permit to operate. He pre-
sented She council with a petition bearing 160 signatures asking the council to re-
conside~ the application.~ Mr. Colston asked the council also to reconsider the ·
application as Mulkey bad put his life savings into the proposition with the expectation
of being able to open the auto court. The Mayor said the petition Just filed was not
signed bY residents of the Town of Baden. Mr. Douste spoke and said mulkey was
denied $ permit to operate when he had only a few trees cut down, and he felt the people
of the district should have something to say. Mr. Coleberd was to take the matter'~
under atvisement.
Plans wtre,presente~ for a two story building for A. Ferrario, said building to be 100'
south o$ Grand Avenue on the Bayshore Boulevard, the first story to be concret~ the
seond o$ frame construction. ~0wing to the fact this location is in_the first fire
zone an~ does not permit of frame construction the matter was laid over to be taken
up with~the city attorney and building inspector.
MVeG. C,ampbell suggested that the traffic~lights on Bayshore and Grand.run all of the
time, s~ch as they do on the E1 Camino. He said it was next to impossible for cars to
get in on the highway at times and people crossing the highway were iD, grta~.danger.
He said~a.~ear cf..sol'age at least four highway police were at the She~ s~a~on a grea~
deal of~tlme but now a person can drive along the highway without meeting one. He
· suggested an underpass at the intersect~o~ bpt the cgun~tl sai~th~s ~d_~e__~,c~ly
undertaking. Chief Belloni said the s~a~e naa~ con~rom over ~ne ~ra~mo SA~IAaA ~i
~_~ gx~u~ted the city permission to operate the signal automatically ~rom ~ to 9 a. m.
and from 4.50 to 6.30 p.m. Mr. Klassen advised that the signals were installed on
the E1 Camino before it was taken over as a state highway and for that reason they con-
tinue to operate. The council agreed that the condition existing was serious and del
,gated City Attorney Coleberd to take the ma~ter up with the proper authorities with
view of-getting relief,, They suggested the League of California Municipalites be-in-
formed of the situation by the city attorney.
Councilman Minucciani brought up the question of city employees being sick for a con-
siderable length of time and their salaries being paid by the city. Councilman
Minucciani made a motion that any employee of the city be granted no longer than
one months'salary in case of sickness, commencing September 1, 193V. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Mager and regularly carried. Pete Mariani said that
when a fireman was off sick the other members doubled up thus costing the city no
additional expense. Councilman Mager said that a relief man was put in place of
fireman when one was off sick. M~. Campbell said it would work a hardship by
stopping a man's~ pay after one month. He said men at the shop were compensated for
13 weeks sickness and when compensation r_~_n out fellow workers helped out. The May?r
said they~ couldn't always do as they liked in th~ese~ matters.
Mr. Guy Roney said he Just returned from his vacation and was not familiar with
the progress or the beach improvement or swimming pool,and asked that in the event
of either improvement that a standard athletic course and lights be considered. He
said he would like to have the matter discussed with the athle~tic directors of the
school and the Mayor assured him that at the proper time he would be notified.
Councilman Boido discussed the matter of the water running down through Mr. Bianchi's
property in the Regli Tract and undermining the concrete wall on his property and ask~
what rights Mr. Biahchi had. Mr. KlaSsen said hew~uld like to have time to look
into the matter.
There being no further business before the counc~l~ Councilman Eschelbach moved to
adjou~to Tuesday evening, August 17, 195V at 7.30 p. m. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9:35 o'clock p. m.
Respectfully Submitted
Dani~weeney, City Clerk
Mayor of South San Francisco.