HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-10-04REGULAR btEETING 0P THE CIT%' COUNCIL OF THE CITY
The regular meeting of the City Council of the uity of South San Francisco was held
'~ in the City Hall Monday evening, October 4th,1957.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.W.Ratto.
Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;-
Councilmen,V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,J,F.Mager, M,Minucciani,D.W.Ratto.
~he minutes cf the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
An application was received from the Union Espanola No.1 of California, requesting
permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall on the 15th day of November,1957, from 8 o'clock
p.m. to one A.M., for the benefit of the stricken chlI~r~n of Spain. On motion by Councilman
Mager,seconded by Councilman Minucciant and regularly carried the aesired permit was granted.
An application for a dance permit was received from the Regina Elena Circle,No.97,
Order cf Druids of South San FranciSco re~uesting permission to hold a dance in Fraternal
Hall Sunday evening October 51,1957,from nine o'clock ~. until one o'clock A.M. On motion
by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Botdo and regularly carried permission was
T~e Drill and Drum. Corps cf the Italian Catholic Federation applied for a permit to
hold a dance in ~raternal,Hall, on December 4,19~7. On motion by Councilman Eschelb~ch,second-
ed by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted.
A communication was received from E.A.Rolison,County Executive of 3an ~ateo County,
stating the rent a~lcwed in the budget by the Board of Supervisors for ~ustice''~ Clay's Court
in the City Hall was $25 per month, beginning July 1,1957, The letter was received in reply
to the city's claims for $150 for three months rent billed the county by the City Clerk. The
members cf the City Council protested against the arbitrary action of the county in cutting
the rental of the court in half, and believed that the rental of ~50 per month not exhorbitant
for such fine quarters. The m~tter will be taken up later.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company made request for permission to extend their 2'~ gas
main 180 feet in the South side of Second Lane,West of Eucalyptus Aven~e. ~eferred to Councl~
man Eschelbach and the request granted.
J.F.0'Connor of 3an Bruno,owner of flats at 4A9 Grand Avenue, applied for a permit t,
tear down an old garage and build a double garage on his lot in the rear of 449 Grand Avenue,
and place concrete under his back porch,at an estimated cost of $750.00 . On motion by C ounc~
man Eschelbach,seconded by Councilman Minucctani and regularly carried the desired permission
was granted. The P.G.& E.submitted its annual agreemen~ for signature. Referred to t~e City ~t
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company presented plans and specifications for a garage
building on their lot,the northeast corner of Miller & Linden Avenues, at an estimated Cost o:
$2612, and requested a permit to build. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach,seccnded by Counc,
Mager and regularly carried the desired permit was granted.
Walter Martin of the Walter Earttn Signs Company submitted a proposition to letter
the city's curbs at intersections throughout the city for the sum of$'£§ cents per slgn. Tot,
to be ~treated , 1000. On motion by Councilman Ninucciani,seconded by Councilman Eschelbach
and regularly carried the bid was accepted.
An application for a license to operate an auto cam~ was received from TheodOre Mull
Nc action taken and the matter was threshed out by attorney for Mr. Eulkey, who claimed Mr.
Mulky had been issued a building permit and cannot be refused a permit to operate. City Attor
Coleberd will look further in to the law governing such ctrcumstances~ and report at the next
meeting of the council.
A communication was received from G.Oarl Weller,,member of the Library Board, thanki
the city council for the hearing given them recently, in granting the necessary funds with wh
to meet budgetary requirmente and for favorable individual cooments on their plan to enlarge
shelving space of the present library,to provide more seats,and study tables,and-to build an
dttton to the library. Ail councilmen agreed that the library is inadaquate, and more space
urgently needed. The library board was instructed on recommendation of Co unctlman Eechelbach
to find out what is needed, form some sort of shetch of space needed,prices,and otherwise giv
the City Councilmen an idea of about what general expense the city would have to entail to ma
suitable and necessary improvements.. The library committee will report back the first meettn
in November.
A written report of Health Officer Dr.L~cMtlls on the condition of the Trailer Camp
Grounds of R.A.Hamilton on the E1 Camino Real was submitted to the board. The report stated
the condition of the camp is satisfactory from a health point of view,with the exception of o
sink,not connected wtth~the city sewer, but which Mr. Hamilton had agreed to connect tmmedia
The report was laid ove~to be looked into later.
A petition signed by twenty property owners in the Town of ~aden opposing the grant
of a license to operate a Trailer Camp Grounds or auto camp in their section was submitted to
City Council and laid over to come up later for discussion.
The monthly reports of the Health Officer, City Judge, Chief of Police,Fire Chief,
Building Inspector,City Treasurer.and City Clerk for the month ending September ~0,1957 , wex
submitted,and on motion by Councilman Eschelbach,seconded by Councilman Mtnucctani and regul
carried, accepted.
Claims in the amount of $2625.85 were next presented to the council for payment;-
South City Lumber & Supply Company,
crushed rock
nails,etc ~ 2.15
shiplap 66.55
b~tled oll ~ 1.6.5
~' 52
$ 8.55
$ n.48
Roll members off' the council present, as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, A. JoEschelbach, J. ~.~ager, E°MlnAcctani ,D. W. Ratto.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or
they were approved as read.
An application was received from the Union Espanola NOel of California, requesting
permission to hold a d~nce in Fraternal Hall on the 13th day of November,1937, from 8 o'olocJ
p.m. to one A,M., for the benefit of the stricken children of Spain. On motion by Councilman
Mager,seconded by Councilman Mtnuccianf and regularly carried the ~esired permit was granted.
An application for a dance permit Was received from the Regina Elena Circle,No.9?,
Order of Druids of South 3an FranciSco re~uesting permission to hold a dance in ~raternal
Hall Sunday evening October ~l,1957,from nine o'clock P,M. until one o'clock A.M. On motion
by Councilman ~ager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried permission was
Tl~e Drill and Drum. Corps of the Italian Catholic ~ederatton applied for a permit to
hold a ~ance in Fraternal Hall, on December 4,1937. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach,secon~
ed by C o~mcilman Mtnucctani and regularly carried the permit was granted.
A communication was received from E.A,Rolison,County Executive of San ~ateo County,
stating the rent a~lowed in the budget by the Board of Supervisors for ~ustice~'', Clay's C ourl
in the City Hall was $25 p~r month, beginning July 1,1937. The letter was received in reply
to the city's claims for $1~0 for three ~onths rent billed the county by the City Clerk. Th~
members of the City Council protested against the arbitrary action of the county in cutting
the rental of the court in half, and believed that the rental of ~:~0 per month not exhorbital
for such fine quarters. The mstter will be taken up later.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company made request for permission to extend their 2" gas
main 180 feet in the South side of Second Lane,West of Eucalyptus Avenue. ~eferred to Counc~
man Eschelbach and the request granted.
~.~.0'Connor of San Bruno,owner of flats at 449 Grand Avenue, applied for a permit 1
tear down an old garage and build a double garage on his lot in the rear of 449 Grand Avenue,
and place concrete under his back porch,at an estimmted cost of $?~0,00 . On motion by Coun¢
man Eschelbach,seconded by Councilm~n Minucciani and regularly carried the desired permis~o~
was granted. The P.G.& E.submitted its annual agreement for signature. Referred to the Cit~
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company presented plans and specifications for a garage
building on their lot,the northeast corner of Miller & Linden Avenues, at an esti~ated Cost ¢
$2612, and requested a permit to build. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach,seconded by Coun¢
Mager and regularly carried the desired permit was granted.
Walter Martin of the Walter Llarttn Signs Company submitted a ~roposition to letter
the city's curbs at intersections throughout the city for the sum of $,25 cents per sign. Tot
to be -treated , 1000. On motion by Councilman Ninucciani,seeonded by Councilman Eschelbach
and regularly carried the bid was accepted.
An application for a license to operate an auto camp was received from TheodOre
No action taken and the matter was threshed out by attorney for Mr. Eulkey, who claimed Mr.
Mulky had been issued a building permit and cannot be refused a permit to operate. City Attox
Coleberd will look further in to the law governing such circumstances, and report at the next
meeting of the council.
A communication was received from G.Carl Weller,,member of the Library Board, tha~ki
the city council for the hearing given them recently, in granting the necessary funds with wh
to meet budgetary requirments and for favorable individual comments on their plan to enlarge
shelving space of the present library,to provide more seats,and study tables,and-to build an
ditton to the library. Ail councilmen agreed that the library is inadaquate, and more space
urgentl-y needed. The library board was instructed on recommendation of Co uncilman Eschelbach
to find out what is needed, form some sort of shetch of space needed,prices,and otherwise
the City Councilmen an idea of about what general expense the city would have to entail to ma
suitable and necessary improvements.. The library con~ittee will report back the first meetin
in November.
A written report of Health Officer Dr.IfcMills on the condition of the Trailer Camp
Grounds of R.A.Hamilton on the E1 Camino Real was submitted to the board. The report stated
the condition of the camp is satisfactory from a health point of view,with the exception of
sink,not connected with~the city sewer, but which Mr. Hamilton had agreed to connect immedta
The report was laid ove~to be looked into later.
A petition signed by twenty property owners in the Town of ~aden opposing the grant
of a license to operate a Trailer Camp Grounds or auto camp in their section was submitted to
City Council and laid over to come up later for discussion.
The monthly reports of the Health Officer, City Judge, Chief of Police,Fire Chief,
Building Inspector,City Treasurer.and City Clerk for the month ending September 30,1937 , wet
submitted,and on motion by Councilman Eschelbach,seconded by Councilman Mlnucciani and regul
carried, accepted,
Claims in the amount of $E625.83 were next presented to the council for payment;-
South City Lumber & Supply Company,
crushed rock
nails,etc ~ 2.16
shlplap 66.5S
b~tled oil ~ 1.65
materials ~ 64.?8
~i~ ·
~ .21
~ $ 8.5~
I 414
Claims continued:
South C~itY Lumber & Su~,ply Com. pany
IL ti ,I ti
R II II ti ti
11 I1 II II II
II II I1 11 II
!1, 11 II Ii
It II 11 !1 II
I1. !1 !1 II II
Lillian Laufer
Enterprise Foundry Corporation
So. City Plumbing Shop
Dudley Perkins
A. N. Blomquist
Louis Belloni
Frank Pariani
Cook's 0il Co.
Standard Fence Co.
C. D. Rusk
Fred Brown
Mr. Bollazzi
Chas. a
Patrick & Moise Klinder
Pacific Pavement Co.
ti II
J. Welch
Pacheco Electric
A. J. Pacheco
Pacheco Electric
Superior Laundry
Nat'l Pure Drinking Water
J. Penna
Dr. J. 0. McMills
Fred J. Lautze
W. P. Fuller & Co.
Ba.~ of ~erica
Southern Pacific Company
South City Auto Service
II II, 11 Il
Comptometer Co.
Daniel McSweeney
(from J. P. McLean)
Patterson- Williams Co.
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
Industrial City Lumber Co.
Il It !1 II
IL il, II II
If ti II II
American Bitumuls Co.
II ;ti II
California Water Service Co.
IA. II Il !1
II I1 !1 !1
Enterprise Press
R. Smith ~
L. Savares
A. Johnson
C. Rinehart
C. Begnal
M. Mazzetti
G. Olmstad
C. Sch~rk
sand and gravel
tl Il
rental of roller
crushed rock
mesh netting
putty knife
City Hall park
clerical work in assessor's
i manhole, etc.
Repair urinal-City Hall
service - Police Dept..
feed prisoners, etc.
serivce and repairs-
Police Dept,
$ 5.72
service, relief, vacations
policement ll0.00
painting safety zones 99.00
materials - Fire DePt. 12.00
~ City Hall 27.07
rubber stamp, 1 blotter
pad 6.20
asphalt concrete 229.10
· ' " 43.44
poundmaster 31.00
maintain street lights
Aug. & Sept. /37 24.00
lamps 48.20
maintain fire alarm
system Aug. &Seot. 46.90
repairs and material, 27.75
traffic signals
Wash 2 fire houses~ Sept. 11.55
fire dept. .52
bread for dumps .60
phones - July, Aug.,Sept. 9.75
repair Fire Chief's Sedan 4.30
pure prepared paint 2.73
traffic line lacquer 11.59
Orange traffic line 5.15
auditin city books 150.00
freight charges, calcium
childre 4.98
materials, etc., Fife'Dept.41.86
repairs to Dodge truck 4.00
" Police car 4.35
installation of exhause
gaskets 4.00
rental of comptometer 3.00
purchased typewriter
cleaning fluid 1.03
Linden and Pine Playground381.10
Sept. phones
repair 10.ok .
materials - Linden Ave.
renatr lock, etc.
i bolt clipper
materials - playground
screws, brush
materials, Peck's Lots
308 gals. bitL~muls
388 " "
hydrant rental
water olaygrounds
water service
11 II
!1 II
attending fires
tL Il
!1 II
l! 11
It 11
'So. City Plumbing Shop~
Dudley Perkins
A. N. Blomquist
Louis Belloni
Frank Pariani
Cook's 0il Co.
Standard Fence Co.
C. D. Rusk
Fred Brown
Mr. Bollazzi
Chas. "
Patrick & Moise Klinder
Pacific Pavement Co.
ti II
J. Welch
Pacheco Electric
A. J. Pacheco
Pacheco Electric
Superior Laundry
Nat' 1 Pure Drinking Water
J. Penna
Dr. J. O. McMills
Fred J. Lautze
W. P. Fuller & Co.
Bank of America
Southern Pacific Company
South City Auto Service
Il II, Il
Comptometer Co.
Daniel McSweeney
(from J. P. McLean)
Patterson - Williams Co.
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
Industrial City Lumber Co.
ti Il ti Il
,. ,~ ,, ,,
Il ti Il
If II !1 II
American Bitumuls Co.
II !1 ti
Il /!1 ti
0alifornia Water Service Co.
!1 It · ti
Ii II !1 II
II I1 !1 II
Enterprise Press
R. Smith ~
L. Savares
A. Johnson
C. Rinehart
C. Begnal
M. Mazzetti
G. Olmst ad
C. Schick
Repair uriual-City Hall
service - Police Dept,
feed prisoners, etc.
serivce and repairs-
Police Dept,
service, relief, vacations
policement ll0.00
painting safety zones 99.00
materials - Fire Dept. 12.00
'~ City Hall 27.07
rubber stamp, i blotter
pad 6.20
asphalt, concrete 229.10
" " 43.44
poundmaster 31.00
maintain street lights
Aug. & Sept. /37 24.00
lamps 48.20
maintain fire alarm
system Aug. & Sect. 46.90
repairs and material, 27.75
traffic signals
Wash 2 fire houses, Sept. 11.55
fire dept. .52
bread for dumps .60
phones - July, Aug.,Sept. 9.75
repair Fire Chief's Sedan 4.30
pure prepared paint 2.73
traffic line lacquer 11.59
Orange traffic line 5.15
auditin city books 150.00
freight charges, calcium
childre 4.98
materials, etc., Fife'Dept.41.86
repairs to Dodge truck 4.00
" Police car 4.35
installation of exhause
gaskets 4.00
rental of comptometer 3.00
purchased typewriter
cleaning fluid 1.03
Linden and Pine Playground381.10
Sept. phones
repaiz~ 10ok .
materials - Linden Ave.
renair lock, etc.
i bolt clipper
materials - playground
screws, brush
materials, Peck's Lots
308 gals. bitumuls
388 " "
hydrant rental
water olaygrounds
water service
500 ~. E. Blanks
attending fires
I!~ Il
Il fl
Claims continued:
A. Robinson attending fires $ 1,00
Perry Smith " " 1.50
A. Peterson " " 1.50
W. Locatelli " " 1.50
M. Castro " " 2.00
E. Eozlowski " " 2.00
R. Bisagno " " 2.00
Total 2625.8~
The claims having been Hudited b,~ the finance committee Councilman Boido moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~'~ager and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business the matter of the t,~ulky apy~licatton for a
license to operate an auto court was taken up.. I:r~I~ulky's attorney believed his client to be
greatly injured financially b~ the ~ction of the City Council in not permitting him to operate
his auto court.' He said Mr. Eulky spent all his savings in the vent~re,and w~s still tmcumbered
and has no income. He claimed the building permit issued him automatically provides that a
license should be issued.. Many protestants appeared before the board and der::anded tha~ no
license be issued. City attorney Coleberd stated he would give the case further study ~nd
report back at the next meeting October 18,1.9Z7.
The hearing of~'appllcation of R,A,Hamilton for a license to operate a trailer camp
grounds, set for this date,was next considered. A petition against the granting of a license
for a trailer camp grounds and auto court having previously been read,arguments for and against
the trailer camp grounds took p~~ace. Attorney Angelo '~Scampini appeared for Mr. Hamilton and
contended Mr. Hamilton w~s legally entitled to Operate his camp for the reason that he was in
business ?efore the ordinance requlating Trailer Camp C. rounds was adopted, and could not legall.
be b~:~rred from doing business while complying with all regulations resulted. Mr Sca~pini state
Mr. Hamilton had been granted a license to operate and the san~e was revoked without due cause.
Signers of the petition appeared in number~: ~.nd strenuously opposed the granting
of any peri, it either for the trailer camp grounds or auto court. Attorney Scampini pointed out
that ~r. Hamilton's camp is modern,sanitary and up to d~te in ever~ feature and con, plies with.
all regulations provided in the ordinance. ~r. Douste contended that the extstanceof eith~r
trailer camps or auto camps in the:.r vic~.nity w~.s ~ greet damage to their property financially
and a detriment to the community. After further discussion the matter was referred to City
attorney Coleberd who stated he would render an opinion ~.t the next meeting of the City Council
The appointment of a police clerk was next taken up. Councilman Eager favored
Lawrence ~,~allace for the ~o~itl~n. believing him competent and reliable. Councilm~n Boido there
upon nominated Lawrence Naylace f~r:the place. The n~otion was seconded by C o~ncilman ~..~ager, and
on roll call Councilmen, Boido,Eschelbach and ~ger voted Aye,and Councilmen Einucciani and
'~iatto voted No. Counciln~en Einucelani and Ratto stated as their reason for voting No. ,the
position was not being given the high n~n .~tarting salary ~'90,and he is to clerk for fire chte
Judge & '~tr,Dept. Councilman ~'~ager moved the results of the police and clerk examination be declared
null and void for the reason that the councilmen were denied the privelege of seeing the
tests. There being no second to the motion he am~ended his motion ~ to re~d the results be
accepted and placed on file for future reference. The motion w~s seconded by Councilman
Eschelbach and regularly carried b~ the votes of all the n~embers of the City Council.
Mayor Hatto Called for ~. resolution thanking the Berkel~ Police Chief and his assista
for their efforts in holding the examinations. City Attorney Coleber~. will have one prepared fo
~the next meeting.
D~ayor Ratto brought up the subject of the Beach proposition and asked what action the
Council wished to take. $or,~e members thought a more definite s~ate~.ent of the actual cost of al
the feature aonnected with the proposition should be available. The Mayor said the figures are
set up by the engineer. $17,600 ,complete, and the money earmarked for beach and playground
purposes,collected from license revenue. After considerable discussion the matter was laid ore
two weeks.
Under ~he head of new business Councilman Eschelbach reoorted a light required at
Pourth Lane and ~aurel,Oouncilman ~tinucciani reported a light needed on Parkway between Poplar
and Yagnolia near Dr. Wald's new residence, and Councilm~n Eschelbach was requested to look cvs
the light situation.
Councilman Eschelbach reported having received a message from Dr. Bartlett saying
Watchman John Butler had been hurt and would require an operati~n, was in the hospital and woul
probably be laid up some months.
0ouncilman Eschelbach suggested that the City Engineer be instructed to prePare plans
and speciftcatins for a double Tennis Cour$ to be erected ~ in Orange Avenue Park. ¥;ayor Ratto
believed a better place for the court w~uld b~e in the Civic Center,opposite the church. He was
supported by Councilman Minucciani,who,~said over 1500 persons signed a oetition for a beach pro
Ject and did not receive favorable action while three or four persons were in favor of a Te~uis
Court. Mayor Ratto stated three members of the board wished to spend money in their w~y, wh~.le
money was received from Kennel Club licenses to be spent on the beach and playgrounds. Eddie
Ringue asked Councilman Eschelbach how many persons re~uested that a Tennis Court be built.~
Councilman Eschelbach stated he had very marj~ requests from tirade to time. Dick ?inucciani
thought the public might secure the privilege of using the High School Court in day time, t~here
being no lights for night playing. Councilman ~ager Stated South San Francisco is probably the
only town in the bay region, or this part of California without a Tennis Court,and strongly
supported the idea. Councilman Eschelbach thereupon moved that the City Engineer be instructe
to prepare plans and specifications for a double Tennis Court to be erected in the 0range Avenu
Park. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido, and on roll call Councilm_en Boido,~Lager
and Eschelbach voted Aye, and Councilmen Minucciani and Ratto voted No. Carried. The question
of the location of the cour~ was left for considero~tion , ~ut Councilman Eschelbach thought it
might be located on the East side of the park near ~li~e~d'~Avenue.
00uncilman Eschelbach moved the City attorne~ be instructed to draw up a resolution
calling for plan& ,otc, for a new roof on the city hall. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Minuccianl and regularly carried, a
Engineer Klassen introduced an agent for a sprinkling system company,for'sprinkling
system in the parks. The p~opositlon had the approval of the Cit~ Council. The engineer was
authorized to,proceed with other improvements in the b~,seball grounds. Also to install a drain
Pine & ArmourS, take care of the drainage at Mission Road,Grand Ave. Ashton Avenue and vicinity.
Councilman EsChelbach reported some breaks in city streets,which were being repaired.
The claims having b~en ~udited b,~, the finance com~nlittee Councilman Boido moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Council~n ~ag~r and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished business the matter of the ~ulky apy~lication for a
license to operate an auto court was taken up.~ ~r~ulky's attorne~ believed his client to be
greatly injured financially b~ the ~ction of the City Council in not permitting him to operate
his auto court.~ He said Er. Eulky spent all his savings in the venture,and was still imcumbered
and has no income. He claimed the building peri, it issued him automatically provides that a
license should be issued. Eany protestants appeared before the board and de~anded that no
license be issued. City attorney Ccleberd stated he would g~w the c~se further study ~nd
report back at the next meeting October 18,19Z~.
The hearing of'!~applicatlon of R.A,Hamilton for a license to operate a trailer camp
grounds, set for this date,was next consider, ed. A petition against the granting of a license
for a trailer caml~ grounds and auto court having previously been read,arguments for and against
the trailer camp grounds took p~_ace. Attorney Angelo ~'Scampini appeared for Er. Hamilton and
contended Mr. Hamilton was legally entitled to e~erate his camp for the reason that he was in
business ~efore the ordinance requlat~ng Trailer Camp Grounds was adopted, and could not legall
be b~rred from doing business while complying with all regulations resulted. Er S~ca~pinl state
~r. Hamilton had been gr~nted a license to operate and the san~e was revoked without due cause.
Signers of the petition appeared in numbers ~nd strenuoumly opposed the granting
of ~ny permafit either for the trailer camp grounds or auto court. Attorney ~cam~pini pointed out
that ~r. Hamilton's camp is modern,sanitary and up to date in ever~~ feature and con, plies with
all regulations provided in the ordinance. ~r. Douste contended that the existanceof eith~r
trailer camps or auto c~m. ps in the~'~r vic~nity w~s ~ gre~t d~mage to their property f~n~ncially
and a detrfm~ent to the ~cemmunity. After further discussion the matter was re~erred to City
attorney Coleberd who stated he would render an opinion ~t the next meeting of the City Counci~
The appointment of a police ¢~lerk was next taken up. Councilman Eager favored
Lawrence ~¥allace for the ~e~i~l~n~ believing him competent and reliable. Councilm~n Boido there
upon nominated l~awrenee N~l~ce f~r~he place. The n~otfon was seconded by C o~ncilm~n ~ager, an~
on roll call Councilmen, Bcidc,Eschelbach and ~ger voted Aye,and Councilmen Einucciani and
~atto voted Nc. Counciln~en Einuce~ani and Ratto stated as their reason for voting Nc.,th~
position was not being g~ven the high man .~tarting salary ~'90,and he is to clerk for fire chi~
Judge & '~tr,Dep~. Councilman ~ager moved the results of the police and clerk ew~amination be declared
null and void for the reason that the councilmen were denied the vrtvelege of seeing the
tests. There being no second to the motion he a~ended his motion ~ to re~d the results be
accepted and placed on file for future reference. The motion ~¥as seconded by Councilman
Eschelbach and regularly carried b~ the votes of all the n~embers of the City Council.
~ayor ~atto Called for ~ resolution thanking the Berkely Police Chief and his assist~
for their efforts in holding the examinations. Cit~ Attorney Coleber~ will have one prepared f~
~the next meeting.
Eayor Ratto brought up the subject of the Beach proposition and asked what action th~
Council wished to take. $c~e members thought a more definite s~ate~.~ent of the actual cost of a~
the feature aonnected with the proposition should be available. The Eayor said the figures are
set up by the engineer. $17,~00 ,complete, and the money earmarked for beach and playground
purposes,collected from license revenue. After considerable discussion the matter was laid
two weeks.
Under the head of new business Councilman Eschelbach reoorted a light required at
~ourth Lane and ~aurel,Counctlman ~Atnucciani reported a light needed on Parkway between Poplar
and ~agnolia near Dr. Wald's new residence, and Counciln~an Eschelbach was requested to look
the light situation.
Councilman Eschelbaeh reported having received a messa,~e from. Dr. Bartlett saying
Watchman John Butler had been hurt and would reo~uire an operation, was in the hospital and wcU
probably be laid up some months.
Councilman Eschelbach suggested that the City Mngineer be instructed to prepar® plan
and specificatins for a double Tennis Cour~ to be erected in Orange Avenue Park. ~ayor Ratto
believed a better place for the court would ~e in the Civic Center,opposite the church. He was
supported by Councilman Einucci~ni,who~satd over l~O0 persons signed ~ oetition for a beach pr
Ject and did not receive favorable action while three or four persons were in favor of a Te~ui
Court. Eayor Ratto stated three members of the board wished to spend ~oney in their w~y, while
money was re~eived from Eennel Club licenses to be spent on the beach and playgrounds. Eddie
Ringue asked Councilman Eschelbach how many persons requested that a Tennis Court be built.~
Councilman Eschelbach stated he had very man~ requests from ti~e to time. Dick ?inucciani
thought the publi~ might secure the privilege of usin~ the High School Court in day time, thor
being no lights for night playing. Councilman Nager ~tated South San Francisco is probably th
only town in the bay region, or this part of California without a Tennis Court,and strongly
supported the idea. Councilman Eschelbach thereupon moved that the City Engineer be instruct
to prepare plans and specifications for a double Tennis Court to be erected in the Orange Avon
Park. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido, and on roll call Councilmen Boido,Yi~ager
and Eschelbach voted Aye, and Councilmer~ 2~inucciani and Ratto voted No. Carried. The question
of the location of the court was left for constder~tion , ~ut Councilman Eschelbach thought i
might be located on the East side of the park near ~i~e~d'~Avenue.
Oouncilman ~schelbach moved the Cit~~ attorne~ be instructed to draw up a resolution
calling for plan~ ,otc, for a new roof on the city hall, The motion was seconded by Councilman
Minucciani and regularly carried. ~ a
Engineer Klassen introduced an agent for a sprinkling system company,for'sprinkling
system in the parks. The p~oposition had the approval of the Oft2 Council. The engineer was
authorized to,proceed with other improvements in the b~.seball grounds. Also to install a drain
Pine & ArmourS, take care of the drainage at Mission Road,Grand Ave. Ashton Avenue and vicinity.
Councilman EsChelbach reported some breaks in cit~ streets,which were being repaired.
called on all persons interested to r~port ~ny breaks iu the streets in any part of the city.
In the matter of posting bonds for the construction of the sterm sewers in Grand and
and Linden Avenues Mayor Ratto asked City Attorney Coleberd if Contractor Tobin had posted
bonding company bonds, and doubted if personal bonds would be sufficient securi.ty to prOtect
the city. ~,'r. Coleberd stated Mr. Toben was a man of dependable character, well off,and had
done ~work for this city before,and he c~nsidered his bond good security. Engineer Elassen
stated Mr. Tobin is a responsible men and rated to be worth a million dollars. Accepted.
City Attorney Coleberd reminded the City Council that the time is near to commence
preparations for the annual Christmas Tree festl.vs,1. Councilman Minucciani moved that Mr.
Coleberd be elected Chairman of the Christmas ~ee'~estival. The motion was seconded by
COuncilman Mager and regularly carried.
Engineer Klassen advised that the miry large maps should be brought up ,to date for
the assessor's o£fiee and the public,in the matter of new owners of property,the present map
being .over three years. He stated the cost would be about ~2§0, and Yr. Percy ~aw would con-'
tribute the sum of $100 toward the cost. On motion by Councilman Einucciani,seconded by
Coun6tlman Eschelbach a resolution was ordered drawn up ordering the nmps corrected to date.
Under the head of Good & Welfare Conuncilman ~Ninucciani asked City Attorney Coleberd
if three Councilman had the power to grant: a building permit to erect a frame structure inside
the first fire limits. Mr. Coleberd said No. Councilman ~:ftnucctani stated-Councilman Boido
told Alphonse Ferraio ~that it was necessary to secure the five votes of tLe members of the City
Council before he could secure a permit for the character of building he wished to erect.
Councilman Boido denied flatly that he ever made such a remark to Mr. Ferrari, that he had not
seen him and never promises a vote on the street,and that h~tsword is asgood as Mr. ~,~inucciani's.
Council=mn Einucciani said the remark w~s made and that that was all that is necessary.
Councilman Boido challenged the statement and asked that proof be produced.
2~a yet i~atto announced that any persons wishing to scrutinize the city claims may do by
by calling at the clerk's office.
There being no further business before the board Councilman Mlnucctani moved to adjourn.
The motion was seconded By Councilman Eschelba ch and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 10;45 o'clock p.m.
Respectfully, submitted~
App r o ve d
Mayor of South gan Francisco.