HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-11-01REGULAR 5~ETING OF T?'E CITv COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0,t-~LD ~ONDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST, 1937. The regular meeting of the City Co~mcil of the City of South San Francisco was held the City Hall ~onday evening, November lst,1937. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all the members of the City Comacil present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meetin~ were read. There beinz no errors or omissions tk were approved as read. A communication was received from the State Compensation Insurance Fund, stating they were paying compensation to John Butler on account of his injur~,and would continue to serve the city in the matter until the injured man was returned to health and thanked the city foz advising of the injury. The communication was accepted and the clerk instructed to notify t? department to send the check direct to the City of South San Francisco. A communication was received from'the. California Wire 0loth Company, enclosing copy a letter sent the.California Water Service,Company, and one fro~~ the Latha~ Company, re$~est in~ that an additional source of water supply be installed to take care of the lack of wat~ for the firms in South Industrial Area in case of fire. It was explained that when the Du ponts's fire occurred no water was available for other firms in that region wb.en the Du Pont storage tank was being re-filled, and consequently a great hazard existed there. The City Clerk was instructed to write to the California Water Service Company and request t~t they install extra and adequate mains and supply of water to take care of the emergency in case of fire. Jack 0'Connell, 401 Grand Avenue, applied for labor of any kind in the city service. Application accepted and ordered placed on file. A communication was received from ~.Carl Weller, member of the Library Board of thi~ city,~ in regard to a proposed annex to the Library Building. ?~r. Weller stated he had info~tion from a contractor-builder, who ~ave a rough estimate of the cost of a proposed licate~ building, vhich he >elieved ~vould run from ~20,000 to ~!~22,000. He su%uested that Nr. Edwards,architect, would jladly submit an estimate, with preliminary plans an~ specifics tiGriS or sketches,not fn any way obligatin~ the city to accept the sa~.e,un!ess they were adc Mr. Weller was requested to have Mr. Edwards -~-~dress a communication to the CitT~ Coz outlining his ideas~with plans,ets, according to Mr. Waller's statement. The State Compensation Imsurance Fund forwarded a temporary insurance binder coverir a period of twenty days to keep the city in good standing pending the arrival of the premium Accepted and filed. Auditors Gordon Rowe Company submitted a statement showing the installation of the filing system for the 8hief of Police's off'ice. The communication was accepted and placed or file. A copy of a conmunicat{on regarding the matter of the Colma ~r~e Ditch was rece~ from Pr. Charles C.qans, County Health Director. He also referred to his convers~ tion with Engineer Klassen on the sluice gate at Chestnut Street of the Colma Drainage Canal The Health Officer stated that ~.n conjunction with the County Engineer and a repres~ rive of the California Hog Raisers Association he had made a study of the watershed, took measurements,ets, affecting the effluent of the upper portion of Colma Creek. He stated the plan decided upon is to convert the old d-~ at Christiansen's Dairy into a large sump and install an electric pump to carry the water from the creek over the hill to the tunnel of t~ Spring Valley Water Company, which empties into the ocean. Another plan considered was to extend the South San Francisco sewer up Colma Creek to taks care of ranches and Duck Far~.. The plan to pump creek water from Christiansen's ~airy over the hill to the Spring Valley Water Company's tunnel and into the ocean, was acceptable to the C~tv Council, and the Clerk was instructeR to write to that effect to Pr. Dans, and requ6st 'speed,Also to. send a c¢ pla~_ing commission. The oroposition considered toextend the Sou~h San Francisco ~ewer Colma Creek to take care of ranches and the Duck ~arm was taken under advisement on request Councilman Boido,who stated hofj raisers were building hof.~ ranches on the west side of E1 Csm Real now, and that one was already completed. The clerk was instructed to write the ~oard Supervisors and protest granting any hog ranch permits to build in this area. A claim against the city in the smm of ~10,000 was presented by Blanche A.Baker. She claimed she fell in the street at or near 218 Juniper Avenue,caused by a defect in the stre~ Referred to Chief of Police Belloni and City Attorney ~oleberd. The monthly reports for the month ending October 31,1937 ,~ere received from Chief of Police, City Judge,Health Officer,Fire Chief, Building ~nspector and City Clerk. On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by CounciLman Eschelbach and regularly carried 'the reports were accepted. This being the date set for the opening of bids to re-roof the City Hall, Councilman Mager moved that the bids be opened. But one bids was ~ubmitted, that of the National and ~iding Company. The company presented their bid for the"reconditioning of the roof of the City Hall of South San Francisco,according to the specifications and requirements, to furnish materials and complete application for the sum of Eightee~undred Ninety (~1890)Do] The bid was accompanied by a check in the smm of ~189.00. The bid being acceptable 'to the City Council,Councilman i~inucciani moved the contract awarded the National Roofing and Siding Company for the price named in their bid,and introdv a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco so awarding. The resolut #627, was'adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Botdo, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.I~[ager,?d.~[inucciani,D.'~.Ratto/ Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None/ Attest Daniel j~[cSweeney ~£ty Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at paze 133. N0.6~8 RESOL~£]0N ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEME~[£ OF 'SOUTH LINDEN AVENUE. Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City Council of the ~ity of Sour san Francisco adopting plans.and specif~cations for the Improvement of South Linden Avenue. The resolution was adooted b~ the votes of all ~he memb~ o~ tb~ a~ a~l ~ The minutes of the previous meetin~ were read. There beinc: no errors or omissions t were approved as read. A communication was received from the State Compensation Insurance Ftmd, stating they were paying compensation to John ~utler on account of his injur~,and would continue to serv the city in the matter until the injured man was returned to health and tha~{ed the city fo advising of the injury. The communication was accepted and the clerk instructed to notify t department to send the check direct to the City of South San Prancisco. A communication was received from'the. California Wire 0loth Company, enclosing copy a letter sent the California Water Servfce~Company, and one fro~.~ the Latha~ Company, reques inc that an additional source of water supply be installed to take care of the lack of wat for the firms in South Industrial Area in case of fire. It ?~as explained that when the Du ponts's fire occurred no water was available for other firms in that region when the Du Pon storage tank was being re-filled, an~. consequently a great hazard existed there. The City Clerk was instructed to write to the California Water Service Company and request *~e~t they install extra and adequate mains and supply of water to take care of the emergency in case of fire. Jack 0'Oonnell,401 Orand Avenue, applied for labor of any kind in the city service. Application accepted and ordered placed on file. A communication was received from O.Carl Weller, member of the Library Board of thi ~ . ~.r. Weller stated he had city~ in re~ard to a proposed annex to the Library Building information from a contractor-builder, who cave a rough estimate of the cost of a proposed l!cate~ building, ~hich he ~-elieved ~vould run fro~ ~0,000 to ~i~,000. He sulzested that Mr. Edwards,architect, would lladly submit an estimate, with preliminary plans and specific~ tions or sketches,not ~ any way obligatin~ the city to accept the sa~.e,unless tbe~ were ad~ ~r. Weller was requested to have Mr. Edwards o~dress a communication to the Cit~ Co~ outlining his ideas~with plans,etc, ac~ording to Nr. Weller's statement. The State Compensation Imsurance Fund forwarded a temporary insurance binder coveri~ a period of twenty days to keep the city in good standing pending the arrival of the premi~ AccePted and filed. Auditors Gordon Rowe Company submitted a statement showinE the installation of the filing system for the ~hief of Police's of,~ce. The communication was accepted and placed file. A copy of a con~unication regarding the matter of the Colma ~r~e Ditch was rece~ from Df. Charles C.Gans, County Health Director. He also referred to his convers~ tion with Engineer Klassen on the sluice gate at Chestnut Street of the Colma Drainage Canal The Health Officer stated that in conjunction with the County Engineer and a represe tire of the California Hog Raisers Association he had made a study of the watershed, took measurements,etc, a~fectino the effluent of the upper portion of Colma Creek He stated the plan decided upon is to convert the old dam at Christiansen's Dairy into a large sump and install an electric pump to carry the water from the creek over the bill to the tunnel of th Spring Valley Water Company, which empties into the ocean. Another plan considered was to extend the South San Francisco sewer up Colma Creek to taks care of ranches and Duck Farm. The plan to pump creek water from Christiansen's ~airy over the hill to the Spring Valley Water Company's tunnel and into the ocean, was acceptable to the C~tv Council, and the Clerk was instructe~ to write to that effect to Dr.,gans, and request speed,Also to. send a co planning commission. The oroposition considered toextend the S~uSh San Nrancis~o sewer u Colma Creek to take care of ranches and the Duck Parm was taken under advisement on request Councilman Boido,who stated hoS raisers were building ho~ ranches on the west side of E1 Cam Real now, and that one was already completed. The clerk was instructed to write the ~oard o Supervisors and protest ~rantin~ any bo~ ranch permits to build in this area. A claim against the city in the sum of .i~10,000 was presented by Blanche A.Baker. She claimed she fell in the street at or near 218 Juniper Avenue, caused by a defect in the stree Referred to Chief of Police ~elloni and City Attorney ~oleberd. The monthly reports for the month ending October ~1,1937 ~ere received from Chief of Police, City Judge,Health Officer,Fire Chief, Building Inspector and City Clerk. On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the reports were accepted. This being the date set for the opening of bids to re-roof the City Hall, Councilman ~ager moved that the bids be opened. But one bids was ~ubmitted, that of the National and Siding Company. The company presented their bid £er the"reconditioning of the roof o£ the City Hall of South San Francisco,according to the specifications and requirements, to furnish materials and complete a~0plication for the sum of EighteenHundred Ninety (~1890)Dol] The bid was accompanied by a check in tke s~m of ~189.00. The bid being acceptable 'to the City Council,Councilman ~inucciani moved the contract awarded the National Roofing and omdino Company for the price named in their bid,and introdu( a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco so awarding. The resolut~ #62V, wasYadopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- . ~ ~ i~. ~ Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J..~.schelbach, J.?.~a~er,.,,~ ~inucciani,D.~.Ratto/ Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen, None/ Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~,at pace 1ZS. N0.8~8 R~OL~£.~ Oh ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ~i~OR THE ImPROVE,;~Eh~ OF 'SOUTH LINDEN AVENUE. Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City Council of the '?ity of South ~ Frsmeisco adopting plans,and specifications for the Improvement of South Linden Avenue. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Ma~er, M.!~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney, Absent,Councilmen, None C~'-Cle~. [ 422 Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 133. RESOLUTION N0.629. ?ESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT OF SOUTH LINDEN AVE. Councilman Maser introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco for the raising of Linden Avenue South from below Railroad Avenue to 2900 feet south of Rail- road Avenue by srading and paving the same. The resolution was adopted by' the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Botdo,A.J.Eschel~ach, J.F.Maf~er,M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent,Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSween~_~ ...... City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3.at pages 134,135, 136. RESOLUTION' AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREE!~ENT SETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO & PACIFIC sAS ~; ELECTRIC COMPANY. N0.630. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco for an agreement between the city and the Pacific Gas & Electric Company for the operation and maintenance of street lights. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.i?.Mager,M.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel Mc~~y_ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 137. RESOLUTION N0. 631. RES(LUTION AUTHORIZING. L~_,ASE TO BERNARD McCAFFREY POST OF THE ~'IERIC AN LEGION. Councilman ~iinucciani introduced a resolution of the City Co~cil of the City of South San Fr~cisco authoring a lease of a building in 0r~ge Avenue Park to the legion for a period of 20 years under certain conditions. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen,V Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Ma~er,l~,Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Counci~en, None, Absent, Counci~en, None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney C~ty Clerk. Recorded In Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 137. The Division of Highways submitted in triplicate, a memorand~a of agreement to provide for the exoenditure of of the ~- cent ~as tax for ma]or stree~under projects Nos. 5 and 6. A.RESOLUTION N0.632., RESOLUTION APPROVi~'~O ~4~i~0RANDUM 0F A~RE~ELT FOR EXPEYDITURE 0F ~ CENT .GAS T~wl FOR °R0,~CTS 5 A~:(D 6~ was introduced by Cobb_man M~er and adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Co~cilmen, ~.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Ma~er, M.Yinucciani, D W.Ratto. Noes, Co~ci~en,NOne. Absent, Counci~en, None. Attest~ Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3 at page 138. Claims in the amount of ~7,424;80 were next presented to the council for payment;- A Soldani trimming trees paving streets ~ 121.50 C.3everini labor Orange Ave.Park $ llT.00 ~.Watsin street truck driver $ 130.50 S~hwabache~-Frey CO de~k & chair & Krafotder police ~ 147.32 Dudley~Perkins antenna wire,etc police cycle $ 3.07 Lolus elloni prisoners feed ~onth October Schawabacher * Frey Co Capital 7'ire Equip Co. ,Hose coupling,fire dept Pac. Coast Instrument Co., U.S.Gauges cleaned, etc N.$reenberg Sons steam.:~r hydrant,fire dept Pacheco Electric Lamps,etc, street dept " " light maintenance Oct. " " fire alarm maintenance" Price Furniture Co.,materials,fire dept A.P~terson attending fires October Geo Olmst ad " " " N. Garibaldi " " " L. Sarares " " " R. B t s a grig " " C. Ba~nal " " " A. Johnson " " " E.Venturi " " E.Rossi " " A. Robinsom " " " A. Smith " " " J. Ferri " " " C. Rinehart " " " W. Lacat elli " " " ~an. Oastro " " V. Ullery " " " Modern Office f~achine Co ink,~ity Clerk Walter Martin Signs numbering street conners The Enterprise notice Inv. SealProp,Roof Hall So.S.F.Scanenger Co., Remov.dogs ~eptember State Comp. Ins.Fund insuring city employees A. Carlisle & Co materials ~ity Judge Fac.Tel $ Tel. Co. city phones,October equipment ~olice dept Clerk~ 5.56 lO. 3.75 69.36 21.55 23.6o 20~00 8.04 l. OO l. OO 1.oo 1. O0 1.oo l. OO 1.00 3.00 1.50 3.oo 3.oo 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 .31 237.25 45.o0 5.00 ~1070.40 11.46 61.65 AGREEi~{ENT , ' BETWEEN ThUg CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO a: PACIFIC cAS /~: ELECTRIC COZPANY. N0.630. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco for an agreement between the city and the Pacific Gas & Electric Company for the operation and maintenance of street lights. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.i?.Mager,M.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. : Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~,at page 137. R ...... ~2TION N0.631. ~ , ~ 'i' RESCLUTION AUTHORIZING L~,A~E TO BERNARD McCAFFRE~£ POST OF ~'iERICAN LEGION. Councilman ~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco authoring a lease of a building in Orange Avenue Park to the legion for a period of 20 years under certain conditions. The resolution was adopted by ~he votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen,V Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Ma~er,N,Minucciani,D.~.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen,~one. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. Z,at ~a~e 1~7. The Division of Highways submitted in triplicate, a memorandum of agreement to provide for the expenditure of of the ~ cent 7as tax for ~ajor street~under projects Nos. 5 and 8. A. RESOLUTION N0.63~., RESOLUTION APPROVING MEMORAND~ OF A~RE~'~E~i~T FOR EXPE?70ITURE OF ~ CENT GAS T~I FOR oROJECTS 5 A?!D 6~ was introduced by Coun~man Mager and adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, ~r.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.>~inucciani, D W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, NOne. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. S at page 188. Claims in the amount of $7,42~;80 were next presented to the council for pa)nuent;- A Soldani trimming trees paving streets ~ 121.50 C.,~everini labor Orange Ave.Park $ 117.00 M.Watsin street truck driver $ 180.50 S~hwabacher-Frey CO de~k & chair & Krafolder police ~ 147.32 Dudley~Perktns antenna wire, etc police cycle $ 3.07 Lolus elloni prisoners feed ~onth October ~ 2.82 Schawabacher * Frey Co equipment police dept Clerk~ 5.56 Capital ?ire Equip Co.,Hose coupling,fire dept ~ 10.80 Pac.Coast instrument Co., U.S.Gauges cleaned, etc M.$reenberg Sons steamier hydrant,fire dept Pacheco Electric Lamps,etc, street dept " " light maintenance Oct. " " fire alarm maintenance" Price Furniture Co.,materials,fire dept A.Peterson attending fires October Geo Olmst ad " " " N. Garibaldi " " " L. Sarare s " " " R. Bis agno " " " C.Bagnal " " A. Johnson " " " E.Venturi " " E.Rossi " " " A.Robinsom " " " A.Smith " " " J.Ferri " " " C.Rinehart " " " W.Lacatelli " " " Man.Castro " " " V.Ullery " " " Modern Office l~achine Co ink, Sity Clerk Walter Martin Signs numbering street conners The Enterprise notice Inv. SealProp,Roof Hall So.S.F.Scanenger Co., Remov.dogs ~eptember State Comp. Ins.Fund insuring city employees A. Carlisle& Co materials ~ity Judge Pac.Tel $ Tel. Co. city phones,October A.Zang~ando remove wall in City Hall So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce October advertisinc ~e,~e~ Dank of America,Account Gordon Rowe a~e service Police Chief office 3.75 69.36 21.55 23.60 2o. oo 8.04 1.00 1. o0 1.00 1.00 1. GO 1.oo 1.oo 3.00 1.50 .oo 3.0o 3.50 ~.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 .31 237.25 45.0o 5.00 ~1070.40 11.46 61.65 9.0o 25.00 250. O0 Claims paid, continued;- Jack Welch ~em.dead dor~s.~ts October ~ 29.50 Andrew Hyndtng aeml-annUal~bSnd.~audit ~ 185.68 Fred J.Lautze labor street truck ~i~ 2.71 So.City Lbr ~: Suppl~ Co,shelves,etc,library ~ 6.36 " "' " materials,str.dept 29.13 W.P.Fuller ~'.: Co., traffic lacquer pol dep. ~ 2.7~ ~.Cresci repairin~ streets ~ 54.00 G.Aresti " " ~ 54.00 T.Johnson " %" ~ 56.25 J.Souza labor"Oranue"Ave, Park,Ball ~ 13.50 O.Bianchini " ~all Park" ~ 15.75 Ray Quinlan " " " ~ 22.50 J.~olombo " " " $ 33.75 R.Massciovecchi " " " $ 33.75 J.De Zordo " " " $ 42.75 Fielix Man~oli " " " $ 49.50 V.De.Lucca " " " ~ 49.50 F. Parenti " " " i~ 49.50 L.Alfano " " " ~ 51.75 Calif Water Serv. Co water fire ho & fountain ~ 4.70 " " hydrants, October ~ 319.00 " " Library water " ~ 18.07 " " play~rounds ~ 8.85 " " City hall ~ b~seball park ~ 88.53 California Concrete Products Co.mater-'als Roadf.~ Park~ 139.51 South City Pl~nubin~ Shop,materials parks ~?'~ 3.15 Patterson-Williams Co., swimgs City Hall Park ~ 224.54 Fred J.Lautze rep Park Coupe ~ 5.13 Industrial 0it¥ Lbr.:~o.,park materials,Lawn Seed ~ 412.00 Orinnel .ompany valve eperatin~? wrench ~ 3.09 Atlas Lawn Spri~fl~ling Co.,material Ball Park .~ 314.92 A.Ratto team f.,: equipment l~all park ~ 45.50 S, Minetti plt~mbinC ballpark ~ 88.00 Eaton ~;~ Smith rental equip lradinz BU~Park ~ 313.50 Carl Anderson l~.bOr " " $ 37.~1 J.S.Baker topsoil Oran~'e Ave.~ark ~BG " " " " "Ball'~rounds~ 324.00 " " " " " " " ~ 470.40 So.City Lbr. ~.;: Supply Co.,park materials ~ 102.12 Ric& S Service Station Oasoline ~ .93 ~-.F.~ishop 0o., Calcium Chloride {~ 60.83 01sen & Heffernan eels '-',~ unions parks ~ 12.44 " " ~alvanized pipe less credit .~ipe returned (~33.11) ~ __~ 459.60 Total $7424.80 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved the claims be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Eschelbach and regularly carried. ~,!ayor Ratto announced that any persons wishing to see the claims maypo so by calling at t Clerk~-bffi~.~ 'the head of new Lusiness the ~atter of the rent of the Justice of the Peace court rom~, r~zerred to City Attorney Coleberd, w~ taken up .Tie City Attorney reported he was un~b to contact County Atm!n~strator Roleson or the Board of Supervisors on account of the rush of business in their offices,and advised that the clerk write a communication to the ?~ard of Supervisors requesting'that they order the rent oaid at t~e old amount ;~50 per.month. So ordee Engineer Klassen reported the pl~ s and soecific~tions f~r the proposed ~ennis Court not yet ready. In the matter of the applications of Mulky a-~d Hamilton for auto court and trailer court licenses City Attorney Coleberd reported the eases are in the hands of the court. The application of Fire Chief Welte for a rai~:e of s~alary for himself and the rezular firemen was next taken up. Fire Chief Welte urn?ed, that t~,e raise be ~%~iven, citin~, the long hour the f~remen serve, the Treat increase in .m~ld_n fnspection fees ~n the past 2~ years,the sav . ' ~ _. .~el_evec t~e¥ were entitled to %h the salary of a build~ne Inspector , etc. Councilman ~,~aser h ~ ~ raise, and should be put on equality with the police force in the matter of salary, 3ouncilman Boido stated if one department was raised all departments should be raised, and was ready to make the change at once. After considerable discussion the matter of the raise for fi men was laid over. Under the head of new business Councilman Mim.cciani reported a stron~ oder at i'~[onti's Oalifornia Avenue and Oayshore. Engineer Klassen w~s instructed to attend to the matter. On motion by councilman E~chelbach, re~ul~rly carried, the salaries of i~.Watson, Adolfo Boldani and C.Severini were made ~130 per month, steady time,com~mencing~Nove?i~er 1,1937. Matt.~:ixon, contractor, asked that the grade of t~e alley between'~rand and ~aden a~v] near Eucalyptus Avenues,established. Referred to Engineer Klassen to proceed to m~[e the grade l~ayor Ratto announce~ that the United States ~overnment was establishing' an unemploymen register to take census. Lo~an ,Franklin was appointed to handle the work. f' There bein~ no further business before the board,Councilman ~,iager moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman $oido, and reTularl¥ carried. Time of adjournment 10.0'clock P~!',~. Approved ~ayor of South San Francisco Re spe__ct fully ~mi~d, City'Clerk. /~