HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-11-15424 REGULAR ~.,[EETIN~- OF TEE C±F.~ C0bNfJIL 0F THE CITY OF SOL~I~H SAY FRANCISCC, HELD MONDAY, NOVEiYH3ER 15, 1937. The regular meettns of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held ir. the City Hall~ Monday evening, November 15th, 1937. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock P.}{. b~ ,~ayor D.~.Ratto ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following mer%ers of the council present;- Councilmen, V.Boido,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Absent, Councilmen, A.J.Eschelbach and J.F.~ager. Councilman Sager appeared after roll call. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissione they were approved as read. This bein~ the date set for the opening of bids for zradinz,pavin~ and otherwise improving JlSouth Linden Avenue, Councilman MInucciani moved the bids be opened. ~he motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. The following bids were received;- 4 CT. Union Pavin~ Company, ~tem A.Scar~fyin.~',Etc,--tU _o~r sq,ft. Item B ~:ack Fillin~ ~o$O~ per Cubic Yard, Item "C"-~reading and compaction, ~01 cen~c Der cubic foot, Item "D", Cr~r r,.~n base pavement, ~3.50 Der cubic yard, Item "E",Armor Coat ~earinff surface, $.03; cents,per~ square . fOOt;.' Item "F"~.i 0!t[n~ of shoulders, ~.01 a per square foot;- I~em "G", RaisinE existing, catch basins, ~25 each;-Item "H",Fillin~ of existing bridge, ~1.50 per cubic .yard. Total,~7,845.0.? Pacific States Construc~ion Company;- Item"A", $.004, four t~nths of a cent;-Item "B' ~.77 cents;- Item "C",$,814,one .?= 4 thenths cent;- Item "D", $2.95~-::- Item "E",~.031 ,3 one thneth cents; Item "F"., ~. 0055 -55 of a cent;- Item "G",$~3.50;-Item "H", .~1.75. Total,.~7898.50. W. 0. Tyson;-Item A, " Item B " Item C " Stem D " Item E " Item F " Item G " Item H 100 $.02 Two Tenths of one cent ~.95 Ninety Five cents ~.0035,Three ~: one Half cents $5.40 Five dollars forty cents ~,534 i['hree ~: one fourth cents ~.005 One half cent ~20.00 Twenty Dollars ~2.00 Two Dollars Total,~8108.50 Charles L.Harney " Item A " Stem B. " Item C " Item D " Item E " Item F " Item G " Item H ~O.Ol one cent $1.26 One Dollar twenty-six cents ~0.009 Nine tenths of a cent $3.40 Three Dollars forty cents ~0.03 Three ~ents i~0.005 Five tenths of one cent $25.00 Twenty-five Dollars each. ~.70 Seventy cents, Total :~8954, O0 The Fay Improvement Co., Item A " Item B " Item C " Item D " Item E " Item F " Ytem ~- " Item H $0.01 One cent ~1.09 One Dollar nine cents $0.0125 One and 25/100 of a cent ~3.20 Three Dollars ~ 20 cents ~0.03 Tlzree cents ~0.01 One cent ~20.00 Twenty Dollars ~i~0.70 Seventy cents, Total $9158.50 After verification of the bids by Engineer Klassen a~td finding the Unio~ Paving Company the lowest bidder Councilman ~,ager moved their bid be accepted and int;~oduced a resolution of award at the prlce~ nm~c, ed in the bid,nmmely ~7,845.00. The ~esolution was adopted by the votes of all the member~~. of the city council present,as follows;- Ayes, CounciLmen, V. Boido, J. ~ l.,'[a~er, ;.,'~. V.~ nucc'~ ani D.W. Ratto Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Comacilman, A.J.Eschelbach. Attest Daniel i',~cSweene_y, ........ City ~lerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 139. Societa 0peraia M~tuo Soccorso applied for a permit to hold a concert a~d dance in Frater- nal Hall Saturday evenin7, November 27,1937, from ,~ o'clock p.m. till ~ o'clock A .~. On motioz. by Councilman Minucciani,seconded by Councilman ~oi~o and regularly carrie~ t?~e desired per~it was ~ranted. A communication was received from ~',~rs. Elizabeth ~anson, owner of lots ~ and V, Block 12, Town of ~aden, statin'~ that the condition of ? Street on which her property is situated, was in a deo~orable condition fro~ wear and tear from heavy traffic~and wished the City Council would put the same in repair. Referred to Counc!lma~ Eschelbach for investigation. Engineer ~lassen s~bmitted a statement of the work done ~excavating the balance of the Main Channel and t!~.e Secondary Chan,~-.el of the lower end of Co,ua.Creek by L.C.Smith . The report showed 10268.~ cubic yards of material reproved from the creeks at ~ cents met yard. totaL- ing in cost ~718.~3, of which the ~itv of South San Francisco is'obligated to pay the sum'of $359.32 and the County of San '~'ateo t~e other half,~$359.31. Report accepted and ordered aloced o~ file. ~r. Klassen also submitted a reoort of the cost of constructin~ the ~aseball Field in Orange Avenue Park. The total cost shown was ~703(;.35. The report wa~ accepted and placed on file. The estimated cost was ~504~.00. A communicate_on was received from Fire Chief Welte sta'tin~' t~at on all calls during Vhe night it is necessary gOr t!~e Volunteer F~remen, after aricin~ to dress in their ev~rv day clothes, which adds to the delay in their response,that after workinc at the fire the~? have wet feet and clothing with the result t~at they are subject to colds a:~d o~her illness while wo?k~ ~ ~ clothing,an4 asked :?or an appropriation of Approximately ~165 for 15 tt~rnouts consfsting of boots The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissione they were approved as read. This being the date set for the openin~ of bids for ~jradinz,paving and otherwise improvinc [iSouth Linden Avenue, Councilman ~!Inucciani moved the bids be opened. ~he motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. The following bide were received;- 4 CT. Hnion Paving Company, Stem A. Scar~f¥in~',Etc,~ _~r sq,ft. Item B i:~ack Fillin~ $,$O per Cubic Yard, Item "C"-~preading and compaction, $~01 cent per cubic foot, rtem "D", Cr~or base pavement, ~3.50 oer cubic yard, Item "E",A~or Coat wearin~ surface. $.03: cents oer foot; Item F~ ,.. 0ml~n~ of shoulders, ~.01 c per sq are foot~- Item ~ , Rais~n~-. exmoting catch basins, $25 each;-Item "H",Fillin~ of existin~ bridge, ~!.50 per cubic yard. Total,~7,845.00 Pacific States Constr~ction Company;- Item"A". $.004, four tenths of a cent;-Item $.77 cents;- Item "C",$,Ol4,one & 4 thenths Cent;- Item f'D~, ~2.95~* ~tem "E" ~.031 3 one thneth cente; Item "F",~.0055. -55~__.of a cent;- Item "G",~23.50;-Item "H", :~1.75. ' Total,' .~7898.50. W. 0.Tyson;-Item A, " Item B " Item C " Item D " Item E " Item F " Item G " Item H 100 ~.02 Two Tenths of one cent ~' 95 Ninety Five cents ~[0035,Three .~,~ one Half cents $5.40 Five dollars fort? cents ~,534 ?hree ~ one fourth cents ~.005 One half cent ~20.00 Twenty Dollars ~2.00 Two Dollars Total,~8108.50 Charles L.Harney " Item A " item B. " Item C " Item D " Item E " Item F " Item G " Item H ~O.Ol one cent ~1.25 One Dollar twenty-six cents ~0.009 Nine tenths of a cent $3.40 Three Dollars forty cents ~0.03 Three ~ents i~0.005 Five tenths of one cent $25.00 Twenty-five Dollars each. ~.V0 Seventy cents, Total ~8954,00 The Fay Improvement Co., Item A " Item B " Item C " Item D " Item E " Item F " Ytem O " Item H $0.01 One cent ~1.09 One Dollar nine cents $0.0125 One and 25/100 of a cent ~3 20 Three Dollars g: 20 cents ~0]03 Three cents ~0.01 One cent ~20.00 Twenty Dollars ~0.70 Sevent7 cents, Total $9158.50 After verification of the bids by Engineer Klassen a~:d finding the Uniom Paving Company the lowest bidder Councilman ~',ager moved their bid be accepted and int~oduced a resolution of award at the price' nm~ed in the bid,ummely ~7,845.00. The ~esolution was adopted by the votes of all the member~ of the city council present,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, J.~.~.,~ager, ~,i.?inucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Cozmcilman, A.J.Eschelbach. Attest__ Daniel McS?een.e City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at pa~e 139. Societa 0peraia M'~tuo Soccorso applied for a permit to hold a concert a~d dance in Frater- nal iiall Saturday eveninz, November 27,1937, from ~ o'clock p.m. till 2 o'clock A .M. On motior. Y~ ~ -' seconded by Councilma~ ~d~ ~..~. ~ and regularly carrie~] the desired permit by Councilman ~.~nuc ~..ia~z, was ~:ranted. A co~unication was received from ?;irs. Elizabeth ~-anson, owner of lots 5 and 7, Block 12, Town of ~aden, statin'~ that the conditf~on of P Street on which her property is situated, was in a deo~orable condition from wear and tear from ]~eaw~ traffic and wished the City Council would put the s~e in repair. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach for investigation. .excava ~n,~ Engineer [{lasses s~.~bmitted a statement o~ the w~rk done t~ g the balance of the ~ain Channel and the Secondary Chanael o~ the lower end of Co,ua.Creek by L.C.Smith . The report showed 10268.~ cubic }~ards of material re-~oved from the creeks at V cents per ~ard. totaL- lng in cost 4~718 63, of which the 6ltv of South oa~ franc_soo is'oblizated to pa7 the s~ $359.32 and the County 0~ San '~'ateo t~e other half,~.~359.31. Report aacepted and ordered ~l~ced on file. }~r. Klassen also submitted a reoort of the cost of constructin~c the ~ase~:,all Field in Orange Avenue Park. The total cost shown was ~;703~:;.35. The report wa~ a,~rceoto~_ . ard ~olaced on ~' e. The estimated cost was ~5045.00. A co~unication was received from ?ire Chief Welte stating" t~at on all calls during -;he night it is necessar~f ~Or b~ e Volunteer F~re~en, a~'ter aricin~ to dress in their every day clothes, which adds to the delay in their response,t?at after wcrkinz at the fire the7 have wet feet and clothing with the result that the~ are ~ubject to colds ~ :~d o~her illness whi],e wo:~kin.~ clothing,and, asked for an appropriation of Approximately ~1~5 for 15 t~rnouts., consf~t~y, ~ .... ~ of boons and pants,the same to be char~ed a?~ainst the men till leaving the department. On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman ~:!oi~o and regularly carried the request was ,%ran~ted. A comr~nnlcation was received from the Peninsula Bmanch of the League of California Muni~cipalities advisin:· the City Council that tbs next meeting of the Lea%ue would, be held in Sunnyvale, Wednesday evening, I. ovemoer 17th, 1987,at 6;30 o'clock p.m. The letter requested that the city send as man?? representatives as could attend. ~ayor Ratto believed that about five'city em?loyees would be in attendance, and the clerk was instructed to so ~inform the Mayo~ 'of S~nnyvale. ~ayor Ratto received a Co~mnication From the San Francisco Society for the Preventi~ of Cruelty to Animals thorough secretary of the State ][uman~ Association, Chas W.Frederichs, statmng he personally vioited the South San r~ncmsco City Pound and spoken to theaDpointed Poundmaster. ~e stated the conditions of the pens as he foun¢], are a disgrace to any modern city , being dark, cold and unclean, i!e stated the poun~master said he would do nothing about it,there beinz nothing in it for him. ~r. Frederichs cited that all cities,lar~e and small,~r~ ~ow a~k~n~ definite steps to provic]e 7food,~lean and co~'~fortable quarters for stmayed dogS,and 'other animals. Councilman Minucciani believed the time is now ripe for undertakin~ the cons? ruction of a new pound, that the cou?cil ]~ad visited several places, and many are ava{.lable. Cooncilman ~oido believed there sho~;ld be a full Board of SouncJl~en present when the subject comes up and tbs matter was postponed until the next meet!m~, Under instructions from the City Council ~ssistant City En~qineer Klassen submitted a statement stating that he had established grade to the Northeast area of Orange Avenue Park~ that the grade is placed at an elevation that equals the fill, that there will be no '~ecessity of bringing in any fill material or removing any material from this area, the grade being 6 inches below the finished zrade to take care of 6 inches of top soil to be placed therson~to make the final grade. The approximate amout of fillmaterial in excavation to be placed in fill is 33oo cubic yards and the approximate of cost ~8~5. On recommendation of Councilm~n Boido th~ matter was laid over until the next meeting. 'The National Roofin~ and Sidin~ Company submitted a proposition to recondition the roof of the Library by spudding the present 2ravel and recovering the entire roof with a 2 pi felt tar and gravel,for tb~ sum of 45168, Johns ;~anvil]e Products to be used. Councilman ?,[inucciani stated reroof!n~ o~ t¥:e library was needed, ~be ~ount not creat.All councilmen were in favor of the improvement,The City Attorney was instructed to have the company prepare a more definite set of sp~ecifications and proposal. Need refund reque.~ts were made ~.y E.C.Peck,~6.86, John Bowler, ~2.00, Arthur W.MoCaJ ~.01 and Albert Tognetti,$1.60. The req~est were laid over ~util taxes are collected. A communication was received from the County Clerk's office stating that the sum of ~5000 was included in the county budget for the year 19~7-38,to cover the County's pro rata proportion for the construction of Linden Avenue South. Accepted and placed on file. The monthly report of the operations of the City Library for the month er~dinz 0ctob~ ~1,1987,was received from the Librarian,Edna ~roner, and accepted and ordered placed on file. Claims in the amount of ~6164.57 were next presented to the council for payment;- Patrick-~ois,e-Klimd~ner Co., II II Frank Pariani Scampini & Zanetti Dudley Perkins Il ti Union 0il Company New Life Service Sompany Standard 0il Company Superior Laundry B.F.McDonald M.Regalia A.Hilani V.De Lucca Fred Broan L.C.Smith Tom De Tomasi Fred J.Lautze W.P.Fuller & Co., Cook's 0fl Co. II So.City Lbr.~: Supply Co., Il ',, II A.N.Bloomquist Industrial City Lbr. Co II I! II Tidewater Asso.0il Co ti, II The Enterprise Press !1 11 Bertucelli & Nannini Shell 0il Co., San ~ateo Co.Title Co., Pacific Gas & El. Co. II Il Il Schwabacher Frey Co., Bashford Smith So.S.F.Hos~i~l A. Hynding Geo.A.Nneese II II 11 II II I! II II C.~onettini Nm. Daniels J.Gioffre P.Bianchi Nm. Dawson E.Connors H~rve~ ,. Supplies,police Dept, $ Repairs to police ~uick tires,tubes,etc " " servooe mc.cycle " armature,brushes,etc, " supplies, police dept. I bottle new life for police 4.63 s. 8 5o.54 93.20 6.38 19.94 4.33 1.o3 10 cups ~rease wash fire houses Oct. Amertan, fire dept repairing streets cleaning streets labor balloark '" F~re Dept$ 1.19 $ 12.98 3.9o $ 40.50 $ 54.00 $ s.8o manure rep lawn mower shingle stain Heatol Heatol flower border ~aterials str.dept. bltumuls park materials Saterials " str~lept ~01 gals 2as str dept 350 ~als gas park dept printing notice to taxpayers " str. imp. supplies, city hall 421 gals gas gen R.E.Reports Oct. street lights Oct miscellaneous service copy assess/procedure,Assessor Blue printin~ & ~ounting service,medicine Frank Fiore Tax Collector Bond work on v~rious projects engineerin~ Linden Ave " " & ~rand carpenter work Colma Creek $ 21.00 ~ cost excavating Lower Colma C$359.32 $37 5. O0 ~ 4.50 ~ 18.54 9.85 ~ 8.92 lo.3o ~ 55.11 $ 87.60 ~186.66 ~ 15.21 ~ 5.56 ~ 52.50 $ 9.00 ~ 52.50 ~ 16.28 $ 67.36 ~ 1.50 ~712.96 ~ 83.65 1.8o ~ 16.60 $ 19.75 7 ~447.58 83.84 ~ 56.70 Tennis Court ~.~ Oran,::e Park~432.22 ,/,, ~,~ "Ad:~inistration Streebs Oct.~_.3.~...~O labor storm sewers Miss.Road $'58.50 " " " $ 54. O0 " " " $ 36:O0 " " " ~ 47.25 " " " ~ 29.25 pipe $118.75 ~o~ ~k~n~ ~i~1t~ ~t~s to ~o~id~ 2oo~,~.lean an~ co~',~o~t~ble qu~te~s ~o~ st~y~ d.o~:~a~d other animals. Councilman ~,{inuccianl believed the time is now rip~ for undertakin.7 the cons, ruction of a ~ew pound, that the coupcil had vislte~ several places, and man~ are available. Councf~an ~oido b~lieve~ thCr~ shovld be a full Board of Sounc~l~en present when the subject com~s up and the matter was post~one~ until the next meetirt. Under instructions from the City Council ~sslstant City En~fneer Klass~n submitted a statement stat!ng that he had established trade to the Northeast area of 0rang~ Av~nu~ ~ark~ t~t th~ grade is plac~d at an elevation that ~quals the fill, that ther~ will be no ~ecessity of bringing in an~ fill material or removing any mater!al from this area, the grade being 6 inches belo~ the finished trade to t~e care of 6 inches of top soil to be plac~d th~reon~to make the final grade. The approximate amout of fillmater!al in excavation to be placed fill is ~oo cubic ~ards and the approximate of cost ~8~8. 0n reeommendat~.on of Councilm~n Boldo th~ ~at.ter was laid over until the next meeting. ~The National Roofin~ and Sidin~ Company submitted a proposition to recondition the roof of the Library by spudding the present 2ra~el and reco~er!ng the ~ntire roof with a ~ pi f~lt tar and gravel,for tb~ s~ of 45168, Johns Man~llle Products to be used. Councilman ~/~inuccianf stated reroof!~~ o~ t~--e library was .needed, ~b.e a~ount not creat. All councilmen were In favor of the improvement,The CitF Attorney was instructed to ha~e th~ company prepare a more definite set of sp~ciftcations and proposal. W~d refund r~que~ts were made by E.C.Peck~6.86, Jo~ Bowler, ~.00, Arthur W.MoCa~ ~.01 and Albert Tognettf,$1.60. Th~ req-~est wer~ laid over ~util ta~:.es are collected. A co~fcatfon was r~ceived from the Cowry Clerk's office stating that the s~ of ~8000 was included in the county budget for the year 19~7-~8,to cover the Co~ty's pro rata proportion for the construction of Linden Avenue South. Accepted and placed on file. The monthly report of the operations of the City Library for the month endinz Octob( ~l,19~7,was received from the Librarian, Edna ~ro er, and accepted and ordered ~laced on file. Claims in the ~o~t of ~616~.57 wer~ next presented to the council for pa~ent;- Patrlck-Mofse-Klfrd~ner Co., ?rank Par ~S[ni Scampini& Zanetti Dudley Perkins Union 0fl Company New Life Service $ompany Standard 0il Company Superior Laundry B.F.McDonald M.Regalia A.Milani V.De Lucca Fred Broan L.C.Smith Tom De Tomasi Fred J.Lautze W.P.Fuller & Co., Cook's 0il Co. SoJCity Lbr.~'~.~ p Co. , A.N.Bloomquist Industrial City Lbr. Co Tidewater Asso.0il Co The Enterprise Press Bertucell! & Nannini Shell 0il Co., San ~ateo Co.Title Co., Pacific Gas & El. Co. Schwabacher Frey Co., Bashford Smith A. Hynding Geo. A. Nnee se C.Monettlnl Wm. Daniels J.Gioffre P.Bianchi Wm. Dawson H~rve~ E.Connors,, Supplies, police Dept, I! Repairs to police ~'ufck tires, tubes, etc " " servooe mc.cycle " armature, brushes, et c, " supplies, police deph. I bottle new life for police l0 cups ~rease wash. fire houses Oct. Amertan, fire dept repairing streets cleaning streets labor balloark 4.63 50.24 93.20 6.38 19.94 4.33 1.o3 1.19 12.98 3.9O 40.50 54. O0 2.8o carpenter work Colma Creek $ 21.00 ~:~ cost excavating Lower Colma C$359.32 manure $375.00 rep lawn mower ;i) 4.50 shingle stain ~ 18.54 Heatol ~ 9.85 Heatol ~ 8.92 flower border ~ 10.30 ~aterials str.dept. $ 55.11 bitumuls $ 87.60 park materials ~186.66 Saterials ~ 15.21 " str.dept ~ 5.56 301 gals ~as str dept $ 45.15 350 ~'als gas park dept ~ 52.50 printing notice to taxpayers $ 9.00 " str. imp. ~ 52.50 supplies, city hall ~ 16.28 421 gals gas gen $ 67.36 R.E.Reports Oct. ~ 1.50 street lights Oct $712.96 miscellaneous service $ 83,65 copy assess/procedure,Assessor $ 1.80 Blue printing & Mounting service,medicine Frank Fiore Tax Collector Bond work on various projects engineering Linden Ave " " & Orand 16.60 19. v5 ~447.58 83.84 56.70 Tennis Court ~.~ Oran*::e Park~432.22 labor storm servers ~los.Road~ $ 58.50 " " " $ 54. O0 " " "$ 36, O0 " " " ~ 47.25 " " " ~ 29.25 pipe ~118.75 11 Y branches $ 11.00 6" s~:~wer Division Street ~498.00 426 Expenditures continued;- Harvey E. Connor S. Pianca J. S. Baker Il It II Il tl Il Carl Anderson sewer to 0ran?:e Ave Club House ~ 57.00~ bal.due on ~la¥?rounds park top so~l $~ll ~rounds ~$8~0~ " " " " " ~469.20 " " " " " $427.20 truck rental " " ~195.60 labor draina,~e ditch ~ 46.56 Total ~6164.5~ The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by ~ouncilman ~a~,er and regularly carried. Nayor Ratto announced that any persons wishing to see the city claims may do so by calling at the City Clerk's office. No unfinished business was taken up. There bein~ no new or Good and Welfare business Councilman Boido moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~ager and regularly carried. Adjournment was taken until ~onday,December Oth, l~$7~ at 8;o'clock P.M. Time of adjournment, 9;10 o'clock p.m. Respectfully sub~tted, ~City Clerk./ Approved ~ayor of South San Francisco