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Minutes 1937-12-20
432 Trna! f~ f'/TTAC ? REGULAR 'q'~ ETT~'',T~- OF THE C.,...~ ~. IL OF THE CITY OF SO?~H SA?~ FRANCISCO,HELD ~,,'~0 N D AY, 'D E C EiZ_5 ER 20, 1937. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, December 20th,1937. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of t?:.e City Council present,as follows, Councilmen, V.Boido, J.F.?~ager, M.biinucciani,D.W.Ratto. Absent, Councilman A.J.Eschelbach. Councilman Eschelbach appeared after roll call. The min~tes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A reply was received from the California Water Service Company- to the city's request to install more and larger vmter mains in South IndustrSal Area, stating their representative, J.T.Delaney would call durinc the comin[~ week for a conference. Communication accepted and ordered filed. A communication was received from Heintz ::~ Kauffmann stating that if the city is con- templating laying a sidewalk in Linden Avenue they were in favor of havic~g it done along with the raising of Linden Avenue. Communication accepted and filed. Engineer ~obert Klassen submitted a copy of a letter written to the ~:4etal f,:Therm]t Corp- oration and to Armour ~: Company relative to their prSvstely owned sewer, which had been broken and overflooring recently, The letter informed *?,e companies that it is the opinion of the Ci;y Attorne:? that men working for the city on privately owned, ea~;ement propert~r, such as happened during the last storm, would not ce protected by the insurance companies, in .case of c ' ~-. a .clde~..., nor would the c~t¥. either. The engineer suggested that the companies make an offer of easement or right-of-~a.y to the city for the maintenance of this sewer~ and referred them to the city attorney should the? desire to take furt'i'~er action. City attorney Coleberd will act in conjunction with the enzineerin_/ department when called upon. The American Improvement Company submitted a recom~.endation that an ordinance be passed requiring diagonal parkinT on O~rand Avenue between Cypress and ivlaple Avenues,prohibit do~ble oarking a~d recui~e all delivery trucks to load and Unload in the alleys. On question Chief Belloni said ~e favored the present s~stemr".ouncilman Esc~' ~el:;ach' thou~ht._, it m.i~ht ~'e well to give the dia.~onal s.vstem a ~zmai. ~ayor Hatto requested 2~e Chief of Police to confer with the merchants and give their views at the next meeting. The City EnTi~e~r submitted a statement showing contractor Tobin had completed the construction of the storm water sewers ~'u Linden and ~-rand Avenues, listin~ all items from A to R, and approvinfj the first paTrment for tlhe work in the sum of ~10987.~1, retaining 25~J for a period of 35 daFs, in the amount of $3662.60. On motion ~-~r.,. co~Ancilman Eschelbach, .,~cond ed by councilman Jv~inucciani and regularly carried the first pa?~.~ent was ordered paid. A retoly was received from ,'*atthew ;~,~c'3urrie,:L!,ecretary-~;~'ana~er of the San ?rancisco Societ7 forthe Prevention of CrueltT~ to An-imals, to the c:~t?r's letter requestinC a cop~,r of the San Francisco Pound Ordinance and ~nformation as *o t~e act_ivit!es of ~Crs. L, ount~ey ~n assist- ing po',~n~masters and societies for the preventfon of cruelt?: to animals. Mr.!,~c!,,Curra?~ stated he understood i'f. rs. Countney did not make donations except where a Society for t~:e Prevention of CrueltM to Animals is operatin~ the round department ~:0der contract with a city. ~[e zaSd h~ had asked ?4r. Charles 7rederichs, secretar~ of t~e State Humane Association to contact this c[ty and furnish any further information desired. ~'~aTor Ratto Stated there is a fine Animal She~ter at Redwood CitT,worth a:aTfone's while to visit and advised the co-~ucilmen to make an inspection of it. En~ineer,. K!assen stated a ~,.~rs. fhomas .~eprecented ~.irs..~'ourt~e~. ~. ~ ..... ~a~t~r~-~ o¢_ this kind~ and he would interview her with a v~ew to s'ecurim~. from Mrs. 'o~mtneu some as~zistance for the local pound situation. He stated an7 x':oney t~at m.~"ht he a~reed upon could :~e placed .~ ~ccrow under directions of ~rs. 'Uho~as to see that it was propcrl?T distributed. Fe will have further information of the subject at the next meeting. The report of Librarian Edna 2romper for the month e~din:v ;ovem. ber 30,19J7 was received and accepted. This bein.? the date for openiu~ bids ¢or the construction of a Tennis Court on 0range Park,Counc~lman Eoido moved the bids be opened '?be motio~ w~s ~econded by CounciLman ~scheloach. and regularly carried. The following 'bids were received and opened;- P.L.Burr, for surfacin~ Tennis CourtS, Natural Rock Asphalt,Calrock Durilide ~i~1390.00 "" " " " " hTatu, ral Rock Asphalt "~ Seal Coat Fin~sh;~1065.00 San !~.Cateo Feed ?~ ~.tel Co., Eor Laykold surfacing o:a 2 Ten, is Courts as per Si?is :]~1550.00 Malott '~: Peterson, 11 II Palo Alto Road I~aterials Co., Calrock with Seal Coat Top " " " " " " Calrock with Dural!de Top " " " " " " La~rkold w~th [~lack C~earc~at Top " " " " " " " " LaFkold with "'rasstex Top " " " " ~1070.00 " ;~1320.00 " ;i~-1480.00 ;ii1650.00. P.L.i!3urr a _oearinc the lowest bidder Councilman Escnelbach inuzoducea .a resolution of the City Council of t e City of South San Francisco awardin!z him the contract. The resolution was adopted -~-~... the following__ vote.- Ayes, Councilmen,V. ]~oido, A. J.Eschelbach, J. F.Marer. Noes, Councilmen, ?~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. h~ Counci~en , ~,~one. Attest Daniel !',.,~cSweene~ A .... ent, ;, _ ............ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vo!.3,at pa~e 147.0n motion Councilman Ma~er unsuccessful bidder~ vereret~ned.,5outhern Pacific Company su}:mitted its sit,ned aureement for th.e construct-~5n of a 4'x 4' concrete box storm ~ sanitary sewer in the west side of Linden Ave~ue ~ the South !ndz~btrial area. Agreement ordered. ~laced on file. ~ Claims in the amount of ~1326~.~Swere next prese~ated to the Cit~? 0ouncil for pas~ent;- South San F~ancisco Hospital Dudley Perkins F, C. Thomas South City Auto Searle. Alcoholic Examination service motorcycle 1 table -police dept, 2,80 1.69 12.90 they were approved as read, A reply was received from the California Water Service Company- to the city's request to install more and lar~er water mains ~n South Industrial Area, statin~ their representative, J.T.Delaney would call durinz the cominT~ week for a conference. Communication accepte~:~ and ordered filed. A comm~mication was received from Heintz ~:~: Kauffmann statin~ that if the city is con- templating lacrimal.:, ~.~ ~ sidewalk in Linden Avenue thev~ were in favor of havin~ it done along, with the raising of Linden Avenue. Comm~ication accepted and filed. >mgineer Ro0ert Klassen submitted a copy of a letter written to the [~ietal ?.:Thermit Co~- oration and to Armour .~: Company relative to their privately owned sewer, which had been broken and overfloorin~j recently, ~he letter informed t~'~e companies that ~t is the opinion of the City Attorney that men working for the city on privately owned ea~ement property,, such. as happened during the last storm, would not :~e protected by the insurance companies, in.case of accide~t~ nor would the c~ty. either. The eng~eer suggested that the companies make an offer of easement or right-of-way to the city for the maintenance of this sewer~ and reSerred t>~em t~ t~e city attorney should tbe~ desk. re to take furt-~er action. City attorney Colebe~ will act in conjunction with the enuineerinC department when called uvon. The ~erican Improvement Company submitted a recommendation that a~ or~]inance be passed requiring diaTonal parkinT on O~rand Avenue between Cypress and ~,~'laple Avenues,prohibit do~ble oarkin~ a~d reeuine all deliver}z trucks to load and Unload in the alleys. On q~estion Chief B~lloni'~said he favor~-~d the present s~stemr'.o~mcilman Esc'~el~ach~ thou~ht2 it ~i?ht ~e well to give t~e alia.zonal system a ~ial. i~ayor ttat-to requested ~he Chief of Police to confer with the merchants and give their views at the next meetmno. The City Enzineer submitted a statement 'showing contractor Tobin had completed the construction of the sto~ water sewers ~u Linden a~d arand Avenues, listin~ all items fro~ A to R, and approvinZ the first pa~.~ent for the work in the s~ of ~10987.91]~ retaining ~5% for a period of 35 days in the amozmt of $366~.~0. 0n motion ?:M co~cilman Eschelbach, s~cond ed b:r councilman I~inucciani and regularly 9,arried the first p~.ent was ordered paid. A re[ely was received from ~/'atthe~ McSurrie,.)ecretary-i~,~araxer of the San Francisco Societ~ forthe Prevention of Cruelt~, to An:~mals, to the c~t~'S.~ letter re~uestin~.~ . a copy of the San Francisco Pound Ordinance and info~ation as to t~e activities of ~.~rs. Countnev ~n assist- ing poun~asters and societies for the prevention of cruelty; to animals. Mr.~,~c~/~urra~~ stated he understood ~b~rs. Countney did not make donations except ?z~re a Society for t~e Prevention of C~ueltM to Animals is operating the pound department under contract with a city. ~e ~.~aid h~ ,~ ot~te H~ane Association to contact this cit~y had aske~ ~r. Charles ~Trederichs, secretary of the ~ o and furnish any further information desired. Mayor Ratto grated there is a fine Animal S?~e~ter at Redwood Cit~,v~orth a~j~one's while to visit and advised the co-mc!linen to m~e an inspection of it. En~ineer K!assen stated a ~rs. Thomas represented ~¥irs.Courtne~ ~ roadsters of this kind~ an~ he would interview her with a view to s~ecurin~ fro~ Mrs ~o~ntne~ some assistanc~ for the local pound situation. He stated an~ money that mi~ht he a~reed upon ceuld ~e placed ~.~ ~crow ~_der directions of Mrs. Thomas to see that it was properly distributed. ~e will have further information of the s~bject at the next meeting. The report of Librarian Edna ~ronuer for the month e~din~x ~lOVember $0,1957 was rece~.ved and accepted. This bein~ the date for openin~ ~' ~ ~ ~nnms Court on Oran~e ~mms ~or the construction of a ~ e ' Park,Councilman ~]oido moved the ~ids be ooened. :~J]0e t~ m ~ ~ mo ....o~ ~ .... ~econded by Counc~iLman Eschelbach and regularly carried. The following bids were received and opened;- P.L.B~mrr, for surfaci~~ Tennis COurts, Natural Rock Asphalt,Calrock '!)urilide i~1390.00 "" " " " " !fatural Rock Asphalt ?~ Seal Coat Fin~sh:~1065.00 San ~.~ateo Feed ,~ ~el Co., .~or Laykold surfacing o:o 2 ".?eumis Courts as per Sp!s ~!~1550.00 ~alott ~ · Peterson, II II For !nstall-~__~:~ La?kold, surfacing on 2 'Cer~i~ °.o~_~rts· J~1497.00. " " ~rasstex " " " " " ~i~,'T4 5. O0 ,~, .~, I1 ti II II Pale Alto Road I~'~aterials Co. Calrock with Seal .~oa, To~ " " " " " Calrock with Dt~ra]ide Top " " " " " " " " La~zko].d w~ th .[~lack ~/earcoat Top " " " " " " " " La~-ko!d with rass~,ex Top " i~1070. O0 " ;i.~132 O. O0 " i~].4 ~ 0. O0 (~1~50.00. P.L.Burr a ?eari.nC the lowest bidder Councilman Eschelbach introduce. 5 ~. resolution of the City Council of t:e City of South San Francisco awardini~ him the contract. The re~olution was adopted -~ the followin~ vote - A~je s, C ounc ilmen, V. ff~o ldo, A. J. Es che lbach, J. F. ~?[a ~er. Noes, Councilmen, ~.?~.finucciani,D.W.Ratto. Absent, Councilm~n , ~fone. Attest~Ds. niel ~'..~c~w~e~e~, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vo!.3,at pace 147.0n motion Councilman IY~a~er unsuccessful bidder~ wereret~ned~So~thern Pacific Company su~:mitted its slimed a~?eement for th.e constr,sct~b~ of a 4'x 4' concrete box ,etorm ~,: sanitary sewer in the west side of Linden Ave-~:x~e ~n the Sout}~ !ndubtrial area. Agreement ordered nlaced on f~.le. Claims in the ~ount of $1326~were next ~>rese~ted to the Sit~ Council for pa~,~ent;- South San Francisco Hospital I~dley Perkins F. C. Thomas South City Auto Service L. Belloni Subway ~ Service Station Alcoholic Examination ~ 2.50 service motorcycle 1.69 1 table -police dept. 12.90 rep airs - Buick V. 24 1 dog net 8.00 repairs,wash, grease Buick 8,26 F. C. Thomas Californim Water service Je Penna C. Rinehart C. Begnal A. Johnson E. Monize J. Gellepis Bob. Orr D. Tognoli R. Masciovecchio J. Gioffre W. G. Ekstrom C. DeZordo L. Martinelli .C. Monettini F. Dieu F. Mandoli P. Magnaghi A. Carlisle Co. Gaylord Bros. Pache co Electric F~ed Brown Goodyear Rubber Co. W. H. Brownlee Schwabacher Frey Co. The Enterprise Enterprise Press H. E. LaMar California Concrete Products San Marco Co. Title Co. Union Paving Co. Patrick-Moise Klinkner Co. Ce He Emerson D. McSweeney Pacific Tole. ami Tel.. Co. California Water SerVice Geo. A. Knees. W. P. Fuller Co. So. City Lumber Co. W. J. Tobtn 2 shades fire Dept. install hydrant Butler Rd. Xmas tree 5 hms stringin~ Xmas lites 2 days labor Martin play- ground 1 day labor ball park 5 days.planti,ng trees 2 days labor Mission Road 3 da~s labor " 6 days labor on sewers 6 days" Colma Creek 8 da~s labor cleaning sts. 11 "sweeping streets supplies, cit~ Judge shelving for library labor and material decorating city hall building guard rails material for sluice gate check writer supplies street and police Xmas add legal inviting sealed proposals for tennis court notice to taxpayers 500 times cards repairs street truck 16 Jts. culvert pipe daily reports Nov. 14 hrs. rental tractor 8 hrs. " 50 dog tags and 3§0 vehicle license plates Collecting 6 dogs Box rent and stamps V/1 to 12/31/37p°stage phone' service Nov. $ 4.84 10.84 6.00 3.00 11.25 15. V5 15. V5 9.00 4.50 22.50 22.50 9.00 13.50 15. V5 27.00 27,00 36.00 31.50 49.50 7.34 2.80 110.00 V4.81 25.00 9.2V 55.00 10.51 100.00 52.50 3.00 8.24 13.20 V4.16 1.50 98.00 112. O0 43.78 6.00 7.V0 46.43 service School St. playground 1.25 Engineering - Sc,. Linden 196.9V "various jobs 279.85 "in re alley Block 79 and administration streets 68.51 Engineering Nov. various Jobs 2 gals. paint 5.46 65 t flower guard 6.70 1st paym't completion Linden Ave.-Grs~i Ave. sro 21n sewer 10 98V.81 ~ Total ............ $13,263.53 Che claims having been audited by the finance co~nittee CounciLman }i{a~er moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and reiuularly carried. Mayor Ratto announced that any persons wishin,?.i investigate the claims may do so by calling at the city clerk's office. Under the head of unfiuished business t e ~atter of reconditionin~ the roof of the library was taken up. ~r. Jones of the Johns-!'~anville CSmpany ap?eared before the board in support of his materials for the library roof. On question by ~/layor Ratto he stated he heli~ the cost of reconditionin~ the roof of the library would o, ome to about $225. The council declared that any bids over ~225 might not be considered. Tuesday December 28th, 1~37~ at 5 o'clock p,m was designated by Engineer Kl~ssen as the date for openino' the informal bid,' Under the head of New ;~;usiness Councilman Eschel'cach moved that the salaries of the ( Emolovees ,~e ~ -~e~e ~br~t~.~,ecordin~ to custora, i'be motion wa~: seconded by Counci~ M~nucciani and regularly carried. }(eferring to the effluent eminatin,-: at the ho~* ranches of the v.~est side of the E1 Ca~ Real and flowing into '2olzaa and Baden Creeks Co~nci]m~an Ma;jer declared that not mz~ch, satisfa( was being received from the county authorities in the way o¢ halting the ,uuisance, but belie~ the city should protest against it. T ~is opinion was held !~y ,rig,in.er Klassen. The City Clez was instructed t,o af~ain write the iJoard of Supervisors,The Planning, Conmuission,Dr,©ans ~nd ti Hog Raisers Association of California protestinF a~ainst allowin,..t the cont~:~imated fluids of hog ranches flowing into the local creeks runu.~nz t)~rough this city. Mr. WeinberE of the Rex Ve:odin? ',,'~achine Company, aT?eared before the council a~:,d st~ the city license fee was too high. ~:e was told the city would-take the matter under advisemez ~ef~re the board and requested the cit:~ to re=ore some nine B.J.Rodondi ap'oe~red ~, Sycamore trees in frant of his property for the reason that such t-~:ees shed their ].eaves ir and are a nuisance. ~'--[e stated he would prefer an acacia ty?e of -tree instead. Councilmaz~ Eschelbach reported he had on hand .'f, lack Acacias only ard would e glad to plant them for persons wantin~ them. City Attorney Coleberd announced that the Christmas i~ree would be readM on Thursda? evening, December 23, 1937,at 7;30 o'clock P.M., and invited all interested to attend the celebration. day labor ball park D. Tognoli R. Masciovecchio J. Gioffre W. G. Ekstrom C. DeZordo L. Martinelli C. Monettini F. Dieu F. Mandoli P. Magnaghl A. Carlisle Co. , Gaylord Bros. Pache co Electric F~ed Brown Goodyear Rubber Co. W. H. Brownlee Schwabacher Frey Co, Th~ Enterprise EnteX~pris e Press , H. E. LaMar California Concrete Products San Mateo Co. Title Co. Union Paving Co, Patrick-Moise Klinkner Co. D. McSweeney Pacific Tele. ar~i Tele. Cee 5 days.planting trees 5 2 days labor Mission Road ~da~s labor. " 6 days labor on sewers 6 days" Colma Creek 8 da~s labor cleaning sts. 11 "sweeping streets supplies city Judge shelving for library labor and material decorating city hall building guardralls material for sluice gate check writer supplies street ~ police Xmas add legal inviting sealed proposals for tennis court notice to taxpayers 500 times cards repairs street~uck 16 Jts. culvert pipe daily reports Nov. 14 hrs. rental tractor 8 hrs. " 50 dog tags and 350 vehicle license plates Collecting 6 dogs Box rent and rage stamps v/1 to s/31/3vp°s phoneservice Nov. 9.00 4.50 22.50 22.50 9.00 13.50 15. V5 27.00 2V.00 36.00 31.50 49.50 7.34 2.80 110.00 V4.81 25.00 9.27 55.00 10.51 100.00 52.50 3.00 8.24 13.20 V4.16 1.50 98.00 112.00 43.V8 6.00 V.V0 46.43 California Water Set.Vice Geo. A. Kneese W. P. Fuller Co. So. City Lumber Co. W. J. Tobin service School St. playground 1.25 Engineering - Ss. Linden 196.9V '" various Jobs 2V9.85 "in re alley Block V9 and administration streets 68.51 Engineering Nov. various 2 gals. paint 5.46 65 ' flower guard 6. V0 1st paym't ce~pletion Linden Ave.-Grand Ave. sto x-m sewer 10~ 98V.81 Total ....... - $13,263 2he claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman }~a?er moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~'~'Iinucciani and re7ularly carried. Mayor Ratto announced that any persons wishin;,.: investigate the claims ma}z do so by calling at the city clerk's office. Under the head of unfiuished business t~e matter of reconditionin~ the roof of the library was taken up. ~r. Jones of the Johns-l~anville Company ap0eared before the board in support of his materials for the library roof. 0n question by ~ayor Ratto he stated he ~elt the cost of reconditionin7 the roof of the library would ao~e to about $~25. The co~cil declared that any bids over $225 might not be considered. Tuesdav December 2~ th, 193V at 5 o'clock p,m was designated by Engineer Kl~ssen as the date for openin~:~ the info,al bi~ Under the head of New 2usiness Counci~an EscheL':ach ~oved that the salaries of the Emolo~ees be ~.~ '~e ~b~t~.~.ceordinz to cust~. ['be motion wa~ seconded by Counc~ Minucciani and re.~ularly carried. ~[eferrin? to the effluent eminatin~; at the ho~ ranches of the v~est s~.de of the E1 Cs Real and flowinf.~ into ~o~a and Baden Creeks (,o~ ~mcmlman' ,¥1a?er.~ declared that not much., satisfs was being received from the county authorities in the way o~ haltin,~ the nuisance, but belie the city should protest a~ainst it. T",,is opinion was held ~:~y engineer Klassen. The City Cle was instructed to a~ain write the [.:oard of Supervisors,The Planning Conm~ission,Dr,~ ~ Hog Raisers Association of California protestin~ a~ainst allowing the contmmimated fluids of hog ranches flowing into the local creeks run. n~nz 't~OUlZh this city. Mr. Weinber~ of the Rex Ve~din.~ 'l.[achine ~ ~, _ Companz, a~?eared before t~e council a?.d st the city license fee was too high. ~e was told the city would, t~e the matter under adviseme: B.J. Rodondi appe'~red before the board and requested the cit~ to remove some nine Syc~ore trees in frant of his property for the reason that such trees shed t~:~e~r' ].eaves ir and are a nuisance. ?~e stated he would prefer an acacia ty~?e of tree instead. Co~ci~a~ Eschelbach reported he had on hand .~lack Acac~.as only a~d would e glad to olant them for a~ persons wantin~ them. City Attorney Coleberd announced that the Christmas [~ree would be readM on Thursdal evening, December 23, 193V,at 7;30 o'clock P.M., and invited all interested to attend the celebration. There being no further business 'before the 0card Councilman Minucciani moved to adj till the next regular meetinz,~'~onday, January 3,19~,at 8 o'clock p.m. T]~e motion was seconde by Councilman Eschelbach and recularlu carried. Time of adjourrm~ent, 10;i0 o'Clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved ~-~--Sou~h San Francisco.