HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-01-03Re,gular meeting of the City Council of the City
of South-San Francisco,Held Monday,
January 3,1938.
The regular meeting of the City Coumc~l of~the City of South San Francisco was held in
the City tI~ll,-~onday evening, January 3rd,1938.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.W.Ratto.
Roll Call.
Roll call found all members of the City Council present,as follows;-
CoUncilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.m, ....~r,~'~. M._~'[inucciani, D.W.Ratto.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. T~ere be-i.n~ no errors or omission.,
they were approved as read.
An a~oplication for a restaurant business license was rec~mved from-J.T.Christian for
the White Spot-restaurant, 8~3 ~ayshore-Boulevard. On motion by Councilman Esche!bach, secon~
ed by CoUncilman Minucciani and regularly ~.arried the permit was ~ranted.
'PoUndmaster John Welch a-~?poi~,ted John ]'dorris a deputy pound[master ~n December 12,1937.
On December 29~r. Morris resigned and on the same da~ Poundmaster Welch appointed Robert Co~
632 Grand Avenue in his palco, fhe 'appointment was ,laced o~ file.
A commUnication was received from The National Roofing Company, stating their contract
reroofing the city hall had been completed Wednesday the 15th of December, 193V, and that if
trouble occurs ,they stand ready to be of service to the city. Letter accepted and placed on
Another oom~un!cation from the National Roofing Company submitted a bid to reroof the '
for the sum of~270. The 0id was laid over for consideration. -Councilman ~acer stat~
bids should be.,ca'iled for from the var.ious firms using various satisfactory materials as well
the Jobm-Manvitle products. It was so ordered.
A communication from J.Thayer,no address, was received, stating tt~e City health 0fficer~
J.0.Mc?,~i!ls was not a resident of this city and recommended that a man res~.din~ here oe appo~
to the position. No person in the chamber recognizing the name Councilmaa .~inu~ciani moved t¢
fit,:-~ the communication. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and re~'ularly carried.
County Executive E.~::.Holison submitted a statement relative to the rent .:-t~e this city
Sounty of San mateo for court room rent of the Justice of the Peace in this city hall, s:tat!~
there ~s ap~arentlv some misunderstandinr about the rent amd .... s:~ed for particulars re2~arding
the same. The 5ity Cl'erk wrote~to him statinT there is no misunderstanding about it, that th~
city demands ~50 per month rental and forwarded a bill for six months rent due to ~ecem!-er 3:
General Petrole,~.Corporation s~:bmitted bids for grease and gasoline~ Richfield 0il Co~
Gi]a~ore Oil Company, and:Standard 0~1 Company submitted bids for~asoline for 1938. Shell
Sompany submitted a bid for as?haltic materials. On 'motion by Councilman-~Eschelbach, ..~econd~
by CounciLman Minucciani and regularly Carried all bids were ordered placed i~'~ the 1938
The City,Engineer submitted a progress pa.~ment statement, No.1. on *~e improvement Of
South Linden Avenue, showing the amount of .~)4293.75 due the Union Pavin.ff Company on January
1938. A ~lai~ for this amount was presented to the Cit~ Council and ordered, paid.
The monthly reports of the Potmdmaster,the ~ibrarian,Health Officer,Fire Chief,Buildin
Inspector,Chief of Police, City Judre, Cit?f Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending
December 3t,193V were submitted, and' on motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Co~acilm
Eschelbach and regularly carried, accepted, and ordered, placed on file. A statement by the C
Clerk on request of ~.~'~a~or Ratto showed four do5 licenses issued in the month of December.
Claims in the amount of $8,347.~9 were next presented to the City Council for payment;
Subway Service Station
Louis Belloni
Frank ?ariaui
Rob ins on- Druggi s t #
Pac. Coast Assn. of Fire Chiefs
N. Greenber's Sons
A. J. Pacheco
V. Ullery
N. Nazzetti
C. Rinehart
A. Johnson
J. Feri
R. Bisagno
M. Castro
E. Rossi
A. Peterson
W. Locatelli
C. Schurk
A. Robinson
W. Garibaldi
R. Smith
C. Begnal
C. Stuerman
W. Boardman
M. Lauf er
N. Guidotti
E. Eserini
C. Monettini
B. Butler
Wm. Danials
J. Mulvaney
J. Galli ·
E. Bianchi
H. E, Conner
Wash, grease Buick
meals for prisoners, box rent,etc
repairs Buick
" Chevrolet
supplies - polico d~t.
dues 1938
2 hydrant risers
Maintain fire alarm system and
street lights Dec.
street lamps and Xmas lie hts
Ihstall 1 light Linden & Baden
figh.ting fires. Dec.
2 days labor on flags
4 days labor on catch bas ins
5 #
10 " "
5 days sweeping streets
4 days ~lanting.trees
6 " "
54~ hrs. compressor renta 1
18. O0
18. O0
Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J. Eschelbach, J.F.Nager, M.Mtnucciani, D.W.Ratto.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. Th. ere being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
An alpplication for a restaurant business license was received f~om~J.T.Christian for
the ~¥hite Spot-restaurant, 823 ~ayshore-Eoulevard. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, second-
ed by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried 'the permit was ~ranted.
'Poundmaster John Welch a.?poi~:ted Jot~n Korris a deputy poundmaster ~n December 12,1937.
On December 29~r. ~¥~orris resigned and on the same day Poundmaster Welch appointed Robert Cornel
632 Grand Avenue in his palce. The ~appointment was ,laced. o~ file.
A communication was rc:ceived from The National Roofing Company, stating their contract for
reroofing the city hall had been completed Wednesday the 15th of December, 1937, and that if any
trouble occurs 'they stand ready to be of service to the city. Letter accepted and placed on file
Another oomnunication from the National Roofing Company submitted a bid to reroof the libr
for the sum of~270. The 0id was laid over for consideration. -Councilman ~acer stated
bids should be..ca led for from the various firms using various satisfactory materisls as well as
the John-i¥'fanvitle products. It was so ordered.
A co~.~muntcation from J.Thayer,no address, was received, stating tt~e City health Officer, Dr
J.0.Mc!.,,iills was not a resident of this city and recor,tmended that a man residing here Ge appoi~te
to the position. No person in the chamber recoznizing the name Councilmar~, i~.lin:.:~ciani moved to
fil~o the communication. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and retularly carried.
County Executive E.A.Rolison submitted, a statement relative to the rent due this city by t
~ounty of San mateo for court room rent of the Justice of the Peace in this cit.7 hall, s:tating
there J s apparently some misunderstandin~ a?:out the rent and asked for particulars rezarding
the same. The 8ity Cl'erk wrote'to hi~ statin7 there is no misunderstanding about it, that the
city demands ~0 per month rental and forwarded a bill for six months r~nt due to ~ecemher ~1,1~
General Petrole,~m;Corporation st~,bmitted bids for grease and gasoline~ Richfield 0il Corpor
Gilmore Oil Company, and~Standard 0il Company submitted bids for*~asoline for 19~8. Shell 0il
Company submitted a bid for asphaltic materials. On 'motion by Councilman~Esche!bach, seconded
by CounciLman ~inucciani and regularly Carried all bids were ordered placed i~'~ the 1908 ~'asoli~
The City. Engineer submitted a progress payment statement, No.1. on t~.e improvement Of
South L.~.nden Avenue, showing the amount of i~9~.7~ due the Union Pavin.z Company on January 8,
1~8. A claim for this amount was presented to the City Council and ordered paid.
The monthly reports of the Poundmaster,the l.ibrarian,Health Officer, Fire Chief, Building
Inspector,Chief of Police, City Judge, City Tre,~surer and City Clerk for the month ending
December ~t, 1957 were submitted, and' on motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman
Eschelbach and regularly carried, accepted and ordered placed, on file. A statement by the City
Clerk on request of i.,'!ayor Ratto showed four doC licenses issued in the month of December.
Claims in the amount of ~.~8, Z~7.29 were next presented to the City Council for p~yment;-
Subway Service Station
Louis Belloni
F~ank Pariani
Pace Coast Assn. of Fire Chiefs
M. Greenber's Sons
A. J. Pacheco
V. Ulle~y
M. Mazzetti
C. Rinehart
A. Johnson
J. Feri
R. Bisagno
M. Castro
E. Rossi
A. Peterson
W. Locatelli
C. Schu~k
A. Robinson
W. Garibaldi
R. Smith
C. Begnal
C. Stue~mau
W. Boardman
M. Lauf er
N. Guidotti
E. Eserini
C. Monettint
B. Butler
J. N~lvaney
J. Galli
E. Bianehi
H. E. Co~xner
Union Paving Co.
Wash, grease Buick
meals for prisoners, box rent,etc
rep.airs Buick
Che vrole t
supplies - police d~pt. fire
dues 1938
2 hydrant risers
Maintain fire alarm system and
street lights Dec.
street lamps and Xmas lie hts
Ihstall 1 light Linden & Baden
figh.ting fires. Dec.
2 days labor on flags
4 days labor on catch bas ins
5 " "
10 " "
5 days sweeping streets
4 days Elanting trees
~ "
54~ hrs. compressor renta 1
1~ h~s rental carry all g fading
Orange Ave,
5 o00
Union Paving Co,
Flink' s Service Station
Highway Blacksmith Shop
Schwabacher Frey Co.
E. Monize
C. Rinehart
A. Johnson
C. Begnal
So. City Lumber Co.
Enterprise Foundry
Western Pipe and Steel
Western Pipe and Steel
California Water Sex~tice
South City Lumber Co.
Irvine and Jachens
Enterprise Press
John Figoni & Co.
Chamber of Commerce
Union 0il Co.
The Fl~x Co.
Bank oF America
League of Calif. Municipalities
Dr. J. 0. McMills
Southern Pacific Co.
Pacific Tele. and Tele. Co.
A. ~ynding
J. Welch
Robert Cornell
Progress payment #1 imp.
So. Linden Avenue
400~ cu yds. rock sidewalk fill
So. Linden Ave.
labor and equipment So. Linden Ave.
grease job street truck
labor sharpming picks, etc.
supplies - stre~ dept.
1 day removing. Xmas lights
tt t!
materials catch basins and sluice gate 120.34
1 catch basin frame and grate 28.84
painting radial gate & i gear guard 18.28
1 set of supports for radial gate 285.23
fountain and fire house service Dec 3.00
City Hall service Dec. 6.00
library service " 4.50
hydrant rental Dec. 321.00
Linden Ave. & Braden Ave. service 2.§0
service Orange Ave. baseball park 6.00
1 Oak handle and steel ring 4.64
2 stars and 3 special police stars 5.V2
2900 claim blanks & 1000 -3~ env. 64.V1
cleaning windows and fount, to 12/31/3V 31.0~
advertising Dec.
534 gals. gasoline Dec.
12 typewriter ribbons
Claim of Gordon Rowe Co. to 12/31/S?
Safe Deposit rent 1938
dues for 1938
phone-health dept. 0ct.NoveDeoe
lease privilege maintaining concrete
box storm sewer
Phone #401 Dec-
prem. city clerk bond
genl. liability pglicy prem
to deposit prem. ~pc479605
removing, do~s Dec.
Total ........ $8,34V.29
The claims havinC 0een audited by the finance committee Councilman Eschelbach moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Counc~.lman Minucciani and regularly carried.
~,';a~or Ratto announced that any oersons des' '
mrmn~z to insoect the claims may do so b~ calling
at the City Clerk's office.
Under the head of unfinished business Chic? of Police ~elloni reported he ahd not yet
contacted all the merchants as to their views on diazonal parking.
0n the pound situation Nngineer Klassen repo~J~ted that Mrs Thomas would be pleased to meet
ladies of South San Francisco who are interested in the improvement in the dog po~snd situation.
He stated she would be of service to them and help iL-L any way possible. Enzineer Klassen
offered h~s ,services in zettinz the interested ladies of the city acquainted with ~',{rs. Tho-~as.
Co~cilman i~a~er thou~u~Lt the idea was good, and requested the Enterprise reporter,~r. ~iller~
to give the subject as muoh publicity T,s 'possible, The red,otter stated he would.
~,~ayor Ratto and counci~en favored the acquisition of an entfne and tank for the ~o
department in the execution o~~ condemned do.zs. Engineer Klassen was instructed to ascertain
the cost of ,an en~zine, ~ze and cost of a tank. and other req-,~site apparatus to be-used in a new
method of de~ o-~' 7 n~
The matter of an s~uen~ent to the health ordin~'~ce was ~ostponed to a ~ter ~et~n~.
l~iayor Ratto ,::~elieved rules and re~ulations for the police and Fire departments should be adopted~
and propose~ that an e~tra meet!i be held. to d:~_scuss the ms ..... er 9nd other thints..~ouncm~.an
Boido stated Civil Service s~uld be inau~erated in city offices, and would brin,2 bhe matter up
at the next meetin~,~:~a]~n'~ ,~, ~,, ~-~les ~ud re~-~ulations are not ss eeeeati~e ~ (:ivi-1 i~ervice.
Co~cilman ~,,ager stated that he favored~'e oropositio and Councilman Escbelbach proposed ~shav
a~meet!ns be held on ~,:on~..ay evening, ~anuar¥ 10,!97/ at V o'clock P.?.(.~to discuss the m. ttors.
So ordered.
No written replies havinS been received ]-v the city from the County lealtb Director, the
Plann~.n~ ComN!s~ion, t~e ~foard of 7,upervisors or the hoC raisers to the city's letters requ. e:~tinl
them to abate the nu~.sance~ res~lt~n'-~ from allow~n~ ho~ ranches in tlhe city's vicinity,
Ratto requested that additional letters be written to them and also a copy to the o~a5e 5oard of
Health. The City Clerk stated that Dr
,eno had r~ ~ and e~ate~ he was preoarins a lengthy
letter of ex.}lanatn_on to the 0ity 0ouncil, in w,.~.ch would be included all pna~es of. the situation,
the amount ~f work done by the health board, the mnount beinl: done and further contemplated
improvements to eliminate stench and objection9l features.
Co~cilman Nager stated additional reductions of 50 cents per hydrant were now due the
oity from the ~alifornia Water Service Company ~ t~e~ a'-reement with tn~ city~ and moved that
the City 01~rk vrite the company requestins the reduction be made. The motion was seconded by
Co~cil~-~an Eschelbach and recularly carried, kn.sineer Kla~sen will interview the company on the
i'~ission Roa~ Water question.
Co~cilman ~5oido requested i,-~formation from City Attorney Coleberd on. the ,situation of the
Mulky and Yamilto~ cases, runnin~~ auto camps without licenses The oitv attorney ,~t~ted there had
been no decision by the court as yee. 0ouncilman ~o!do stated the Hamilton Ca~p Tra~ler
were re~:erted in an vnsaniu-ar, condition, and requested that an ins~ection be made. So ordered.
Under the he.;d of q~ood a. WelfaTe ~';~ayor Ratto stated he did not si,m the city clerk's
new salary raise chech for the reason that~the motion to raise did not include reffroactive to
December 1, t937 Councilman ~',~-~
. ,,~er stated that '~;hen he made the motion to raj,se he meant from~
the first o~ December,five days previously. ?{e said it should however become ef}~'ective on the
~,~te of the meeting, Dec.5. Thereupon Councilman Eschelbach moved that the effective
date be Dec,her 6,1937. The motion was seconded by Counci~an ,~laEer and re?ularly 'carried.
So. City Lumber Co.
Enterprise Foundry
Western Pipe and Steel
Western Pipe end Steel
California Water Sel-~ice
South City Lumber Co.
Irvine and Jachens
Enterprise Press
John Figoni & Co.
Chamber of Commerce
Union 0il Co.
The Fl~x Co.
Bank of America
League of Calif. Nuntcipalities
Dr. J. 0. McNills
Southern Pacific Co.
Pacific Tele. and Tele. Co.
A. ~ynding
J. Welch
Robert Cornell
materials catch basins and sluice gate 120.34
1 catch basin frame and grate 28.84
painting radial gate & 1 gear guard 18.28
I set of supports for radial gate 285.23
fountain and fire house service Dec 3.00
City Hall service Dec. 6.00
library service " 4.50
hydrant rental Dec. 321.00
Linden Ave. & Braden Ave. service 2.50
service Orange Ave. baseball park 6.00
1 Oak handle end steel ring 4.64
2 stars and 3 special police stars 5.V2
2900 claim blanks & 1000 -3~ env. 64.V1
cleaning windows end fount, to 12/31/3V 31.0~
advertising Dec.
534 gals. gasoline Dec.
12 typewriter ribbons
Claim of Gordon Rowe Co. to 12/31/37
Safe Deposit rent 1938
dues for 1938
phone-health dept. Oct.Nov.Dec.
lease privilege maintaining concrete
box storm sewer
Phone #401 Dec.
prem. city clerk bond
genl. liability p~licy prem
to deposit prem. #pc479605
removing, do~s Dec.
Total ........ $8,34V.29
The claims havinc been audited by the finance committee Councilman Eschelbach moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
mayor Ratto announced that any persons desiring to inspect the claims may do so by calling
at the City Clerk's office.
Under the head of unfinished business Chief of Police ~$elloni reported he ahd not yet
contacted all the merchants as to their views on diagonal, parking.
On the pound situation l~ngineer Klassen repo~ted that Mrs Thomas would be pleased to meet
ladies of South San Francisco who are interested in t~e improvement in the dog pound situation.
He stated she would be of service to them and help i~ any way possible. Engineer Klassen
offered h~s .services in gettinz the interested ladies of the city acquainted with ]~¥1rs. Tho~as.
Co~cilman ~a~er tho~?~t the idea was good, and requested the Enterpr?se reporter, .
to give the subject as much p~blicity as possible, The reporter stated he would.
~ayor katie and co~nci~en favored the acquisition of an. en?fne and tank for the po
department Ln the execution of condemned do.zs. En?!neer Klassen was instructed to ascertain
the cost of an engine, ~ze and cost of a tank. and other re?~isite apparatus to be used in a new
method of ~ ~' ~ ~mals
de~. tro.~ mno an .
The matter of an a_men~ent to the health ordimance was ]~ostponed to a ~ater
~¥layor Ratto ~elieved rules and regulations for the police and Fire ~-]epartments should be adopted~
and propose6 t~at an e~tra meetS. S be held. to discuss tke matter and other tb~nTs. Counci~an
Boido stated Civil Service s~uld be inau~erated in city offices, and would br..n~. ~he matter up
at the next .meetin~,~:~o~]~m'~ t~-~ ~les ~v5. re~-~ulations are not as effective a~ f~ivi.1 Service.
Co--clean "'ager stated that he favored~' e oropositio and Councilman Eschelbach proposed thaz
a meetin.[~ b~ held on ~:on.~af~. evening, ~anuary lO,!:.~)v at V o'clock P.~,(. to discuss the m~tters.
So ordered.
No written replies havimg been received ?'~ the city from the County ]~ealtb birector,tbe
Pla~n~n~ Com~iso~ q
on, the Poard of J~upervisors or the ho raisers to the city's lettars reque::tin~
them to abate the nu~.sances re~s]_t~n~-~ fro~ allowin~ h.o~ ranches in the city's vicinity,
Ratto requested 'that additional letters be written to them and also a copy to the State ~,oard of
Health. The City Clerk stated that Dr. IN. aris ~.~d r~g ~p and ~a2e~ he was preparing ,a lengthy
letter of exglanation to the City Council, in w'~ich would be included all phases of, the situation,
the amount ~f work done b~ the health board, the m~ount bein': done and further contemplated
improvements to eliminate stench and objectionsl features.
Co~cilman i¥1ager stated additional reductions of 50 cents per h~drant were now due the
city from the Oalifornia Water Service °om~s~ ~ tb~ a .r_,ement with t, ne city~ and moved that
the City Cl~rk ~vrite the company requestin,~ the reduction be made. The motion was seconded by
Comcilman Eschelbach and re?mlarly carried. Engineer Klassen will interview the company on the
..~:~ssion Roa~ Water question.
Co~ci~an Boido requested iuformation from City Attorney Coleberd on the ,situation of the
Mulky and Hamiltom cases, runnino~ auto ca~ps without If_centres. The city attorney ,~t~ated there had
been no decision by the court as yea. Councilman ?bide stated the Hamilton Cs.m'o Trafler ~rou~d~
were re~orted in an tmsanit, ary condition, and requested that an ins-~>ection be made. So ordered.
Under the he?d of Good & Welfare ~;~ayor ?~atto stated he did not si~'n the city clerk's
new salary raise chech for the reason that?the motion to raise did not ~ncl~de retroactive to
December 1, t937 Councilman ~ ~
. ~¥,a~er stated that :~hen he made the motio~ to raise he meamt from~
the f~rst of- December,five days previouSly. ?:e said it should however become effective on the
~te of the meeting, Dec.5. Thereupon Councilman Eschelbach moved that the effective
date be Dec~ber 6,1937. The motion was seconded by Counci~an ,,,a~er:~ and re~ularly~_ . ~carried.
CQ~ci~an Minucciani,takinM ficures from the City Clerk's ~onthly report, showin~
deficits in'~ rark ~d and the ~reet Improvement E~d moved that ~20,000 be deducted fro~ the
general fund and placed in the park fund and $6000 from the general fund and placed in the
Street Improvement Fund. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
There beim~ no further business Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until Monday
evening, January 10,1938, at 7 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach
and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9;~5 o'clock p.m.
~espectfully submitted,
Mayor of South S~n Francisco