The regular meeting of the city council of the city of South San Francisco w~
held in the City Hall Monday evening, March V, 1938.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p. m. by Mayor D. W. Ratto.
Roll call found all members of the city council present, as follows: Councilm~
V. Boido~ J. F. Mager, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciaui, D.W. Ratto.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
A communication .was received from Florence Dominy, Guax~iian Bethel #68 Order
Job's Daughters for permission to hold an invitational danc~ in Fraternal Hall Fri(
evening, March 25, 1935. 0n motion regularly made and seconded permission grante(
A communication was received from the Italian Catholic Federation' for per-
mission to 'hold a benefit dance in Fraternal Hall, May 21, 1938. Gn motion by
Councilman Boido, seconded, by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried permissi.
was graut ed.
A communication was received from Local B 202 International Brotherhood of
Electrical Work, rs setting forth the scale of wages and ho~rs for Outside and Insi(
Electrical Workers and asking the Council to usB the figures, set forth in their
letter when calling for bids~ on ~ublic work. The communication was ordered fil
A communication was reoeived from B. J. Rodondi, Agent f or SoUth San Francis
Land and Improvement Company,-asking for a refund of $9.64 co vering weed charges
on various pieces- of their property. He stated this work was done under his supe:
vision and not by the city. The letter was referred to Mark Maher fox' his conside
at i on.
A communication was received from Carl Jess regarding a tree in the middle of
the walk at 142 Braden Avenue. He asked the city to remove the tree to another
position or be given the city's permission to do so himself. The matter was re-
ferred to Councilman Eschelbach.
~ communication was received from Frank Sadrin applying for a position in
the police department. The communication was ordered filed.
Communications were received fr~m the following for positions on them election
board at the municipal election held April 12, 1938: Mrs. Stella Zanetti, Mrs.
Katherine Ferko, Mrs. L. J. Moon, Mrs. Marion Copland, Mrs. Isabell Brawn, Mrs.
Antoinette Kozlowski, Mrs. Ellen Sequeira and Mrs. Rena Rtngue. On motion by
Councilman Mager, secorzied by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the communica
tions were ordered placed on file.
The monthly reports for the month ending February, 1938, were received from tl
Building Inspecto~r, Chief of the Fire Department, Chief of Police, City Judge,
City Tream~er, City Clerk, Health Officer and Library. The repox'~s were accepted
and placed on file.
Claims in the amount of $3,118.~9 were next presented to the council for pay-
Patrick & Moise Klinkner Co.
Roy' s Service
Lou~s Belloni
Union 0il Co.
Fire P~otection
Frank P ariani
Dudley Perkins
C. Rinehart
~. Begnal
E. Rossi
W. Locatelli
A. Robinson
F. Gamba
A. Peterson
V. Ulle ry
M. Castro
A. Johuson
Fred Laut ze
Supplies police dept. $
repair motorcycle
meals for p~Isoners Ja n.
lamps - police dept
1938 subsCription Fire Protection
repairs BuiCk
attending fires Feb.
weld, etc. 2 f~ re truck brackets
Pacheco Electric
W. Wright
~. Souza
Frank Rust test & repair grass Fi re cans
South City Laundry & Linen Supply Wash #1 #2 houses Feb.
A. J. Pacheco Fire Alarm maint. Feb. & Install
chain in dormatory
street larrupS, installation,
t~.~immi,ng trees Feb. 28 -Mar 1
i 1.75
E. Carriero
P · McCormick
P. Bugnatto
P. Bianchi
Frauk Keri
G. I~ ffeni
~ed Brown
~~' and Co.
Al'~dt's Dept. Stc~e
· estern Pipe and Steel Co.
4 days labor Co]ma Ore ek ,2/5-3/1 18.00
6 days "Chestnut Ave .2/25--'~3/3 2~.00
V days Colma Creek 2/28-3/V ' 31.50
9 days labor Chestnut Ave. 40.50
" 40.50
" 2/25 to 3/v 0.50
4~ days building bulkhead 44.00
650 salt ~ bu?lap sacks 33.48
6 yds. goods W. P, A. Job I.IV
1 ~" plate post cap 'f or drive
The reading of the minutes of the Previous me. eting was dispensed with,
A communication was received from Florence Dominy, G~a~dian Bethel #68 Order
Job's Daughters for permission to hold an invitational dance in Fraternal Hall F~i
evening, March 25, 1938. 0n motion regularly made and seconded permission grante
A communication was received from the Italian Catholic Federation' for per-
mission to 'hold a benefit dance in Fraternal Hall, May 21, 1938. On motion by
.Councilman Boido, seconded, by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried permissi
was granted.
A communication was received from Local B 202 Inte~natio nal Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers setting forth the scale of wages and hours for Outside and Insi,
Electrical Workers and asking the council to use the f~gures, set forth in their
letter when calling for bids~ on public work. The communication was ordered fil
A communication was received from B. J. Rodondi, Agent f or SoUth San F~ancis
Land .nd Improvement Company,-asking for a refund of $9.64 co vertng weed charges
on various pieces- of their property. He stated this work was done under his supe
vision and not by the city. The letter was referred to Mark Maher fo~- his conside
A communication was received from Carl Jess regarding a tree in the middle of
the walk at 142 Braden Avenue. He asked the city to remove the tree to another
position or be given the city's permission to do so himself. The matter was re-
ferred to Councilman Eschelbach.
~ communication was received from Frank Sadrin applying for a position in
the police department. The communication was ordered filed.
Communications were received fr~m the following for positions on the~ election
bosl, d at the municipal election held April 12, 1938: Mrs. Stella Zanetti, Mrs.
Katherine Ferko, Mrs. L. J. Moon, Mrs. Marion Copland, Mrs. Isabell Brawn, N~s.
Antoinette Kozlowskl,-Mrs. Ellen Sequelra and Mrs. Rena Ringue. On motion by
Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the cc~munica
tions were o~dered placed on file.
The monthly reports for the month ending February, 1938, were received from
Building Inspecto~r, Chief of the Fire Department, Chief of Police, City Judge,
City Treas~er, City Clerk, Health Officer and Library. The ~eports were accepted
and placed on file.
Claims in the amount of $3,118.79 were next presented to the council for pay-
Patrick & Moise Klinkner Co.
Roy' s Service
Lou.i s Belloni
Union 0il Co.
Fire Protection
Frank P ari ani
Dudley Perkins
C. Rinehart
~. Begnal
E. Rossi
W. Locatellt
A. Robinson
F. Gamba
A. Peterson
V. Ulle ry
M. Castro
A. Johnson
Fred Laut ze
Supplies police dept. $ 5.90
repair motorcycle 3.11
meals for p~isoners Jan. 1.95
lamps - police dept .98
1938 subscription Fire P~etection 1.00
repairs BuiCk 16.53
"motorcycle 11.80
attending fires Feb. 1.00
" " 1.00
" 1,00
" 1.00
" 1.00
" 1.00
" 2.00
" 2.00
" 2.00
" 2.00
weld, etc. 2 f~ re truck brackets
~rank Rust test & re. pair grass fi re cans
South City Laundry & Linen Supply Wash #1 #2 houses Feb.
A. J. Pacheco Fire Alarm maint. Feb. & Install
Pache co Electric
W. Wright
J. Souza
E. Carriero
P. MeCox~ni ck
P. Bugnatto
P. Bianchi
~ank Ke~i
G. Ruffeni
Fred Brown
At. ur and Co.
A~adt ' s Dept. Sto~e
Neste~n Pipe and Steel Co.
South City Lumber Co.
Ed. Souza
chain in dorEatory
street lamDm, installation,
maint enance
trimmi.ng trees Feb. 28 ~-Mar 1
4 days labor Colma Creek ~2/5-3/1
6 days "Chestnut Ave .2/~25-3/3
7 days Colma Creek 2/28-3/7 ~
9 day.s %abor Chestnut Ave.
" 2125 to 317
4~ days building bulkhead
650 salt · burlap sacks
6 yds. goods W. P. A. Job
1 -~" plate post cap f or drive
supplies-materials Colma Creek
4 days labor Col~a Creek 2/25-3/1
Chas. Hover
Enterprise Foundry
Union Paving Company
A. N. Bloomquist
So.. City Lumber Qomp~any
Fred Lautze
Ind~ustrial .C.ity Lumber Co.
Pacific Nurseries
Wm. Minucci ani
Shell Oil Co.
Chamber of Commerce
A. Hynding
Californ~ia Water Service
Pacific TelePhone & Tele. Co.
P. G. & E.
San Mateo County Title Co.
J. 0. McMills
Robert Cornell
J. Welch
Union 0il Co.
54 hrs. rental dragline Colma Creek
1 CS Block for driving pan
Grading N.E.area Orange Ave. park
maintenance of streets
320 gals bltumuls
I bench for city Jail
Materials W. P. A. Job
" street dept.
repair street t~ uck
materials s.tre.et dept'.
6 garbage cans and 12 Sa~cks'
materials - Parks
ll2 Acacia trees
repairs at city hall
issued in lieu of check #20746
dated Oct. 18,.3V for inv. 827512
march .,~dvertt sing
pre~. license collector's bond
fountain & fire house service
various parks
hydrant rental Feb.
W. P. a project 1/25 to 2/25
library service
city hall service
phone service Feb. #626
misc. service Feb.
Street service Feb.
r sports Feb.
phone Jan. Feb. Health Dept.
impounding 5 dogs Feb.
" dogs and cats Feb.
240 gals gas Feb. 23
140. O0
5 7.68
The claims having been audited by the finance commit~tee, Councilman Eschelbach moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani aud regularly carried.
Under Good and Welfare, Councilman Minucciani spoke regarding the city's finances,
calling attention to the general fund balance. He stated that the city was expend-
i~ about $16,000.00 p~er month and unless care was taken in expenditures there would
net be enough money from taxes and miscellaneous receipts to carry through until
the fall. Mayor Ratto said he discussed this probability of a shortage in funds un-
less the property was equalized and increases were made in the personal property.
Councilman Mager discussed the allocation of $500~000. to be appropriated
out of the $5,000,000. for the Golden Gate International Exposition to be used
for the completion of the Livestock Pavillion. ~It was ruled by the Attorney
~eneral this allocation was not legal, therefore Councilman Mager said the city
should write letters to Senator Parkman and Assemblyman Call urging the passage of
Agricultural Bill District A1 at the special session when e~lled. The City Clerk
was instructed to write to Senator Parkman and Assemblyman Call urging them to
support this bill.
Attorney O'connor, representing Theodore Mulkey, addressed the city council
regarding Mr. Mulkey's license for his auto e~p. He stated some time had elapsed
and he was anxious to have the matter completed. He said it waS'~h!s understanding
that toothing stood in the way of granting the lic~ense except the zoning ordinance,
and ihasmuch as two applications for auto courts in other parts of the city have
been ~ranted, he would like to have Mr. Mulkey's application reconsidered. Council-
man Bbido said it was his understanding th. at a new zoning ordinance would be drafted.
Councilman Eschelbach said that when the zoning ordinance is drafted Mr. Mulkey
will be granted a license.
Councilman Eschelbach said he had a reqoest from a gentleman living on
Second Lane, off 0range~ Avenue, for a couple of loads or'gravel to be placed wh ere
the alley is not paved at the entrance of his garage. Mayor Ratto stated that
propePty owners at Baden and Eucalyptus dumped gravel at their own expense at their
garag~ entrance and complaints may arise if someone else had this werk done by t he
city.~ Councilmen Ninucciani and Mager suggested this might set a precedence.
After'discussion it was decided it would be 0. K.
Mayor Ratto discussed the recent accident on Bayshore resulting in the death
of a pedestrian and stressed the need of another police officer and car.- He suggest-
ed a Small car be used for patrolling the city and the large car for the Baysho r e
Highway. He said much revenue codld be derived by appointing an officer to patrol
the Bayshore Highway. He stated that since Officer Whipple was injured the other
officers have to double up~ thereby working somewhat of a hardship~ Councilman
Eschelbach said it wa§ his understanding it was not a case of speeding, but that
the aecldent was due to bad weather conditions. Councilman Boido said that none
of the officers were complaining about doubling up for Whipple ~nd suggested the
appointment of another officer be put off until Whipple's return to the job.
Councilman Mager said he ~went on record favoring additional meh for patrolling
the highway by the State but he did not receive any information as to what had
been done. He suggested the matter be taken up with the State to see what steps were
being~taken. Mr. Hardy addressed the board ~nd stated he received a letter from thm
State-Highway Commission stating the bridge has taken so many men and there was in-
sufficient ~unds to put more ~en on the highway and until such time as the budget is
increased there will be a shortage o~'~ highway patrolmen. Councilman Minucciani said
if th~ State places more patrolmen on the highway fines will ge to the State an d the
city Will not get any. He said both the State and the City give the same p~otectlon
but t~e city does not g~et.the money.
1V, 4~
Sheik-Oi~-~o'; '~"""' ........ issued in lieu of cheek #20.V46
dated Oct. 18,.37 for inv. 82V512 V8,24
Chamber of Commerce march .,.dvertising 25.00
A. Hynding preS. license collector's bond 25.00
Califo~n.ia Water Service fountain & fire house service 3.38
" various parks 9.75
" hydrant rental Feb. 321.00
" W.P. a project 1/25 to 2/25 1.25
" library service 4.50
"' city hall service 6.00
Pacific TelePhone & Tele. Co. phone service Feb. #626 2.50
P. G. & E. ? misc. service Feb. 111.79
" Street service Feb. 719.35
San Mateo County Title Co. reports Feb. 1.50
J. 0. McMills phone Jan. Feb. Health Dept. 6.50
Robert Cornell impounding 5 dogs Feb. 5.00
J. Welch " dogs and cats Feb. 29.50
Union Oil Co. 240 gals gas Feb. 23 . 37.61
$3 ils. 79
The claims haVing been audited by the finance committee, Councilman Eschelbach moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mtnucciani end regularly carried.
Under Good and Welfare, Councilman Minucciani spoke regarding the city's finances,
calling attention to the general fund balance. He stated that the city was expend-
lng about $16,000.00 p,er month and unless care was taken in expenditures there would
hot be enough money from taxes and miscellaneous receipts to carry through until
the fall. Mayor Ratto said he discussed this probability of a shortage in funds un-
less the property was equalized and increases were made in the personal property.
Councilman Mager discussed the allocation of $50'0~000.' to be appropriated
out of the $5,000,000. for the Golden Gate International Exposition to be used
for the completion of the Livestock Pavillion. ~It was ruled by the Attorney
General this allocation was not legal, therefore Councilman Mager said the city
should write letters to Senator Parkman and Assemblyman Call urging the passage of
Agricultural Bill District A1 at the special session when ~alled. The City Clerk
was instructed to write to Senator Parkman and Assemblyman~ Call urging them to
support this bill.
Attorney O'connor, representing Theodor~e M~lkey, addressed the city court cil
regarding Mr. Mulkey's license for his auto e~m~p. He stated some time had elapsed
and he was anxious to have the matter completed. He said it waS--his understanding
that toothing stood in the way of granting the license except the zoning ordinance,
and ihasmuch as two applications for auto courts ~n other parts of the city have
been ~ranted, he would like to have Mr. Mulkey's application reconsidered. Council-
man Bbido said it was his understanding that a new zoning ordinance would be drafted.
Councilman Eschelbach said that when the zoning ordinance is drafted Mr. Mulkey
will be granted a license.
Councilman Esch~lbach said he bad a request from a gentleman living .on
Secon~ Lane, off Orange' Avenue, for a couple of loads of gravel to be placed wh ere
the alley is not paved at the entrance of his garage. ~ Mayor Ratto stated t~at
propePty owners at Baden and Eucalyptus dumped gravel at their own expense at their
garag~ entrance and complaints may arise if someone else had this work done~ by t he
city.~ Councilmen Mtnucciani and Mager suggested this might set a p~ecedence.
After~discussion it was decided it would be O. K.
city ~ill .~.t
but tile city does
' Mayor Ratto discussed the recent accident on Bayshore resulting in the death
of a pedestrian aud stressed the need of another police officer and car.' He suggest-
ed a ~mall car be used for patrolling the city and the large car for the Baysho r e
Highway. He said much revenue codld be derived by appointing an officer to patrol
the Bayshore Highway. He stated that since Officer Whipple was injured the other
officers have to double up. thereby wor~i~g somewhat of a hardship; Councilman
Es~elbach' said it wa~ his'understanding it was not a case of speeding, but that
the adcident was due to bad weather conditions. Councilman Boido said that none
officers were complaining about doubling up for Whipple and suggested the
of ~other officer be put off until Whipple's return to the job.
~ger ~sai~ he 'went on record favoring additional men for patrolling
~ the State but he did not receive any information as to what had
the matter be taken up with the State to see what steps were
addressed the board and stated he received a letter from the
stating the bridge has taken so many men and there was in-
more men on the highway and until such time as the budget is
· ~' a shortage of highway patrolmen. Councilman Minucciani said
PatrOlmen on the highway fines will go to the State an d the
He .maid both the State and the City give the same protection
~ money.
Mayor Ratto discussed the City Clerk's absence from the meeting and that no
minutes were ready. He stated he was not in favor of the $40.00 per month increase
in salary given the city clerk, and the clerk's actions since tben show he is not
entitled to an increase. He said the~ clerk received plenty of poor advertising for
himself by his actions. Councilman Eschelbach said this criticism was tal~ lng ad-
vantage of the City Clerk and it should be left until he WaS present to defend him-
self. He said he did not vote for an increase in salary but for the restoration
of the clerk's pre-depression salary.. Councilman Mager stated Mr. McSweeney phoned
his home that he was sick and could not attend the meeting. He said the money given
the clerk was not an increase in wages but was putting his salary back to about
what he was getting before the depression. Councilman Boido stated the City Clerk
is elected by the peopl$ and the council can do nothing about it. He said that Mayo~
Ratto talked about Mr. McSweeney's duties as city clerk and not as license collector.
Councilman Mager said that in most cities the license collector sends out the notice~
and the police department round them up. Councilw~n Minuccia ni said that Councilm~
Eschelbach stated he did not vote for an increase in the Clerk's wages~but simply
gave back the salary that was coming to him. Councilman Minucciani stated that
McSweeney's salary was reduced on account of his conduct, as there were many weeks
he was absent from his duties. He said he did not llke to discuss these matters in
the Clerk's absence but his conduct warranted such action.
There ~being no fm~he~ business before the board, Councilma~ Mager moved to ad-
Journ to Tuesday evening March 8, 1938, at~V:~0 o'clock p. m. The motion was second-
ed by Councilman Boido and.regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9:00 o'clock p. m.
Respectfully submitted
Dan~ McSweeney, City Clerk
Mayor City of South Ssn Franc~isco.