Regular-meeting of the City Council of the city of South San Francisco was held in
the city hall on Monday evening March 21, 1938. The meeting was called t o order
at 8:00. o'clock p. m. by Mayor D. W. Ratto ~
Roll call found members of the council Dresent as follows: Councilmen V. Boldo
A. J. Eschelbaoh, M. Minucciani, D. W. Ratto. Absent, Councilman J. F. Mager
The minutes of the meeting of February 21, 1938 were read. Mayor. Ratto objected
to the minutes inasmuch as he did n~ object to the swimming pool,-also that
was theist!mated cost of the beach improvements, as per figures furnished the boar
by the city engineerS that the board and assessor went on record favoring equal-
ization, of the factory personal property taxes, and' later ref used to go through
with the projects; that during this discussion the clerk Jumped to his feet,uninvi
and said that he, the Mayor made a statement that he wrote the assessment figures
on the outside of the assessment return blanks to guide the factories in maki ~ng
their returns, end then called, the }layor a G/D liar, that he had no use fo~aG/D li
I depise him, that he belonged in "vJail for collecting money unlawfully from the c
and should refund the money, that he was on the mayor's trail and was going to get
him. The Mayor fl~-~her stated in objecting to the minutes of the 21st of February
that the clerk fa~dtostate' thathe refused to sit down when told he was out of
order' and that he was requested to use proper--- language and s~h~v due respect; ths
he behaved in an insubordinate and disgracefUl manner, removing his coat and spect
and invited the mayor to fight him; that he had been waiting for the opportunity
and could handle two like him. The Mayo~ stated he wanted the minutes amended to
include all these items.
The minutes of the meetings of March ~th arzl March 8th, 1938, were read. There bet:
no errors or omissions they were ~pproved as read.
Accion Democrata Espanola applied For permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall
April 9, 1938, On motion duly made and seconded permission w as granted.
Fulvio Parenti made application for a business license~~ to en~age in the business ~
watchmaker at ~V1 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Minu cciant, seco~xled by
Councilman Boido, and regularly carried the license was grante'd.
A communication was received from Councilman J. F. Mager asking the board to accep
hi~s resignation from the Board of ~ouncilmen due to his appointment, as appraiser
for th~ Federal Housing Administration. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, sec.
ed by-Councilman Botdo and duly carried the c o~,untcation was ordered filed.
A copy of an encroachment permit was received from the State Division of Highways
granting John Qu~lman permission to cut the concrete curb in westerly side of Bay-
'shore Highway to construct a 30' driveway ~long the curb line at 20' alley to pro-
vide approach to permittee's propert~y. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach seconde
by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the board concurred v,ith the State in
granting the pennit.
Tidewater Asseciated 0il Company requested permission to install one additional
1000 gallon underground storage tank at their service station #318, Northwest
corner of Bayshore and Baden. Fire Chief Welte recommended~ the permit be granted
On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly
carried the permit was gr~nted.
Tidewater Associated 0il Company ~pplied for permission to build a service station
on the Northwes~ corner of Bayshore and Baden and to remove the present buildings,
at a cost of $86Q0.00. On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman
Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted.
Martin L. Eby applied for permission to build auto courts on the lot situated at
B~.yshore Highway, A~mour and Cypress Avenues, at an estimated cost of $5000.00.
motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly
carried the permission was granted.
A communication was recieved from the Peninsulm Division, Less~Ae of California
Municipalities advising the Council of the meeting to be held at S~n Carlos Auditol
Thursday, March 24, 193~, at V p. m. The clerk was instructed to write that about
2ive would attend.
A communication was received from Inter,~rban Relations Committee regarding the
beautification of highways, especially the continuation of the Redwood Empire High~
with the E1 Camino Real in San Mateo County by the planting of Redwoods. The
communication was ordered filed.
On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly
carried Charles Hedlund was ~ppointed special polce officer for Swift and do. with
the understanding that his duties be confined to the Swift and Company plant.
Claims in the~amount of $ 1,762.99 were next presented to the city council for pa~
Spuri Studio
E~m,~a Bianchini
Calif. State Auto Assn.
Enterprise Press
So. City Plumbing ~hop
Standard 0il Co.
Armour ~nd Co.
N. Clark and Sons
pictures - Garcia case
matron Allen case
2 no parking signs Fire house #2
3100 post card precin ct notices
notice of election
repair toilet J~il room
5 gals pear 1 o~1
500 empty salt Sacks-
pcs. 18 sewer pip e So. Linden
416. V8
with the projects; that during this discussion the clerk Jumped to his feet,uni
and said that he, the Mayor made a statement that he wrote the assessment flgur
~.. on the outside of the assessment return blanks to guide the factories in saki ~ng
.' . their returns, and then called the Mayor a G/D liar, that he had no use for aG/D
~ ' I depise him, that he belonged in '"Jail for collecting money tmlawfully from th
~-~ and should refund the money, that he was on the mayor's trail and was going to
him. The Mayor fl~x-ther stated in objecting to the minutes of the 21st of Febru
that the clerk fa~l~dtostate' thathe refused te sit down when told he was out o
order' and that he was requested to use proper ~ language aud ~how due respect;
he behaved in an insubordinate and disgraceful manner, remeving his coat and sp,
and invited the mayor to fight him; that he had been waiting for the opportunit'~
and could handle two like him. The May~ stated he wanted the minutes amended
include all these items.
The minutes of the meetings of March 7th ~ March 8th, 1938~ were read. There 1
no errors or omissions they were approved as read.
Accion Democrate Espanola applied -for permission to hold a dance in Fraternal He
April 9, 1938, On motion duly made and seconded permission w as granted.
Fulvio Parenti made application for a business license~ to en~age in the bustnes
watchmaker at 471 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilm~n Minu cciani, seconded k
Councilman Boido, and regularly carried the license was grante'd.
A communication was received from Councilms~ J. F. Mager asking the board to acc
ht~s resignation from the Board of Uouncilmen due to his appointment, as appraise~
for th~ Federal Housing Administration. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, s
ed by~ Councilman Boldo and duly carried the communication was ord&red filed.
A copy of au encroachment permit was received from the State Division of Highway
granting John Qu~lmau permission to cut the concrete curb in westerly side of Ba
~-~ 'shore Highway to construct a 30' driveway along the curb line at 20' alley to pr
vide approach to permittee's proper~y. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach secom
" by Councilman Boido aud regUlarly carried the board concurred with the State in
granting the permit.
Tidewater Assectated 0il Company requested permission to install one additional
1000 gallon underground storage tank at their service station #318, Northwest
~'~ ~ corner of Bayshore and Baden. Fire Chief Welte recommended~ the permit be grant,
On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regula~
carried the permit was grauted.
~ Tidewater Associated 0il Company applied for permission to build a service static
on the Northwes~ corner of Bayshore and Baden and to remove the present building:
at a cost of $86Q0.00. On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman
Mtnucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted.
Martin L. Eby applied for permission to build auto courts on the lot situated at
Bayshore Highway, Armour aud Cypress Avenues, at an estimated cost of $5000.00.
motion by Councilman Minuccianl seconded by Councilman Es~chelbach and regularly
carried the permission was granted.
A communication was recieved from the Peninsula Division, League of California
Municipalities advising the Council of the meeting to be held at Sau Carlos Audit
Thursday, March M4, 193~, at V p. m. The clerk was instructed to write that abou
2ire would attend.
A communication was received from Interurban Relations Committee regarding the
beautification of highways, especially the continuation of the Redwood Empire Hi~
with the E1 Casino Real in San Mateo County by the plantim~ of Redwoods. The
communication was ordered filed.
On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly
carried Charles Hedlund was ~ppointed special polce officer for Swift and ~o. wit!
the understanding that his duties be confined to the Swift and Company plant.
Claims in the~amount of $ 1,762.99 were next presented to the city council for pa~
Spuri Studio pictures - Garcia case $ 12.88
~'~mma Bianchini matron Allen case 5.00
Calif. State Auto Assn. 2 no parking signs Fire house #2 10.34
: 'E~erprise Press 3100 post card precin ct notices 49.64
" " notice of election 6.00
City Plumbing Shop repair toilet J~il room 12.00
Oil Co. 5 gals pear 1 oil 1.22
Co. 500 empty salt sacks 25.V5
m~d Sons 75 pcs. 18" sewer pip e So. Linden 416.V8
~ttd0tti 8 days labor Colma Creek 13.50
F~egosi 3~" " " 1~ .'75
Wright 4 days lab,or " 18.00~'
Bug~atto 4 days " 18.00
A. Robinson
A. Wilson
~R. S. Reynolds
'H. Pera
E. Bianchi
Chas. Hover
Hanson Bro s.
Pacific Tele. & Tele.
Enterprise Foundry
Franck C. Jordan
Railway Express
So. City Lumber Co.
So. City Lumber Co.
~eo. A. Kneese
days ,. labor Colma Creek $
6 days labor cleaning storm sewer
7 " Colma Creek
ll days labor on sewer nea~ ice plant
47 hrs. dragltne rental
moving and turning bldg. Orange Ave.
phone service March
2 catch basins and ~overs
Ballo~ paper~
crate ballot paper
brick and cement W. P. A. Job
60 sacks
red brick and cement for manholes
concrete mix - l" c~ush
25 ft Manila rope
Genl. Administration streets
Engineering work in re dog pound
" " " So. Linden
"study maintenance Colma Creek 111..53.
"in re So. Industrial Area 148.50
"Imp. Orange Ave. Park 32.40. ~1,V62.99
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minuccianf moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Under unfinished business Logan F~anklin said a report on the matter of au over-
head and underpass at Grand and Bayshore would be ready in about two weeks.
Engineer Klassen reported on the Neon sign for Bayshore ~hd Grand and said he
had taken' the matter' up with. the State Highway Commission and they asked that
the city sub~it to them the typ~ of sign to be installed before having it put
in place, also not to use red for illumination. Councilmen Boido and Eschel-
bach suggested the reflector type of sign such as is being used along the high -
way and Klassen said this would hot be practicable as they would have to be low
enough to have machine lights re~_lect on them. He said they would be all right
for either end of town. He was asked to get prices of both the Neon and Re-
flector type signs.
Engineer Klassen said he met here Tuesday with P~ofessor Weir, soil erosion c~n-
se~vasion expert, County Engineer Marshall, Mr. Campbell, County plannLug Conmm-
ission and Mayor Jensen of Lawndale, regarding the Colma Creek maintenance. He
said that Prof. Weir is one of a committee working to have the Soil Erosion Bill
part~ of the session, but as far as he knew the Governor had not signed the bill.
He said it is the only act under which the city can act in this matter; that a
Soil Erosion district would have to_be formed to satisfy the Department of
Agriculture so that they can put a CCC camp aud money to .take care of the matter.
He said he would get in touch with one of the CCC camps in the northern part of
the state with a view of a district being formed here. County Engineer Marshall
is preparing a map for their f~rther consideration. He also stated a WPA project
is being started to raise the walls of the channel.
Engineer Klassen reported, the baseball field turf will be ready shortly; that it
~would cost from $115. to $125. to put brick piers under about 54 posts on the
krandstand. This amount would t~.ke care of labor ~nd material. It was estimated
i~t would cost about $850.00 to put the old back stop as back stop for the soft
ball, a hard ball back stop and piers. Councilm~n Eschelbach made a motion to
erect a new back stop for baseball at a cost of $497.V~ at the Orange Aven~e Park.
The motion was seconded by CounciLman Minucciani and duly carried.
City Attorney reported on the billboards, that he has received' ordinances from
other cities and suggeste~ the board decide on a scale to charge and incorporate
this in a new ordinance. He also stated he sat in with Prof. Weir, Klassen,
Marshall and Campbell on the soil erosion question, that he sent a request to the
state,tinter for copies of the Soil Erosion Bill ~d when they arrive the matter
can be goneinto further.
Under new busiDess Councilman Eschelbach said the sewer from Armour and Company
through Metal Thermit and leading into the bay is broken, does no~ allow free
flowage and backs up into the Metal T~ermit office; that Klassen said this was
private property aud othing could be done. He suggested the companies involved
give the city an easem~n~or right of way. Klassen said about 6 months ago Maher's
crew was working there on private property and he got in touch with Armour and
Metal T~e~mit regarding a right of way so the city could go in and do the work,
but he heard nothing from them; that the Stockyards enter into the picture, al so
it was not necessary for the Metal Thennit to dedicate any land. Klassen was in-
structed to follow the matter up.
Councilman Eschelbach said he received an estimate from the Pacheco Electric Co~
for illuminating the statute of George Washington; that indirect lighting ~ould
be installed for $65.00 and direct lighting $40.00. He said it was his under-
standing that this estimate was to be obtained before taking, action.
Under Good and Welfare, John Tacchi, representing the Italian American Citizen's
Club discussed the ~lub's request to have the statute illuminated for Washington's
BirW~hday and Fourth of July, that the request was in on ti~e to havre this done for
~Washington's Birthday, also that McSweeney informe~d the club the matter was in the
hands of Councilman Eschelbach; that the people through the Italian American
Citizen's Club donated $1000. for the statute and $400. for license fees for the
ea~hival was .paid to the city, and the people of South Sau Francisco asked that
thins be done on these two occasions as well as on Decoaration Day. It was ex-
~lalned that Councilman Eschelbach misunderstood the manner in which the
ll~uni~atin~ was to be carried out. Fire Chief Welte s~d tb~ ~ 1~*..
~eo. A. Kneese
concrete mix - 1" crush 6.V4
25 ft Manila rope .52
Genl. Administration streets 32.40~-
Engineering work in re dog pound 10.80
" " " So. Linden 3~.40 ~? ~
"study maintenance Colma Creek 11.1~.53·
"in re So. Industrial Area 148.80
"Imp. Orange Ave. Park 32.40 $1,762.99
The claims having been audited by tt'~e finance committee Councilman Minucciani' moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Under unfinished hmsiness hogan Franklin said a report on the matter of an over-
head and underpass at Grand and Bayshore would be ready in about two weeks.
Engineer Klassen reported on the Neon sign for Bayshore shd Grand and said he
had taken' the matter' up with the State Highway Commission and they asked that
the city submit to them the typ~ of sign to be installed before having it put
in place, also not to use red for illumination. Councilmen Boido and Eschel-
bach suggested the reflector type of sign such as is being used along the high -
way and Klassen said this would hot be practicable as they would have to be low
enough to have machine lights reelect on them. He said they would be all right
for either end of town. He was asked to get prices of both the Neon and Re-
flector type signs.
En~neer Klassen said he met here Tuesday with Professor Weir, soil erosion con-
servasion expert, County Engineer Marshall, Mr. Campbell, County plannLug Com~-
ission and Mayor Jensen of Lawndale, regarding the Colma Creek maintenance. He
said that Prof. Weir is one of a committee working to have the Soil Erosion Bill
part~ of the session, but as far as he knew the Governor had not signed the bill.
He said it is the only act under which the city cau act in this matter; that a
Soil Erosion district would have to_be formed to satisfy the Department of
Agriculture so that they can put a CCC camp aud money to .take care of the matter.
He said he would get in touch with one of the CCC camps in the northern part of
the state with a view of a district being formed here. County Engineer Marshall
is preparing a map for their further consideration. He also stated a WPA project
is being started to raise the walls of the channel.
Engineer Klassen reported, the baseball field turf will be ready shortly; that it
~',,~ould cost from $115. to $1~5. to put brick piers under about 54 posts on the
krandstand. This amount would take care of labor and material. It was estimated
i~t would cost about $850.00 to put the old back stop as back stop for the soft
ball, a hard ball back stop and piers. Councilman~ Eschelbach made a motion to
e~ect a new back stop for baseball at a cost of $49V.7~ at the Orange Aven~e Park.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and duly carried.
· City Attorney reported on the billboards, that he has received' ordinances from
other cities ~nd suggestea the board decide on a scale to charge and incorporate
this in a new ordinance. He also stated he sat in with Prof. Weir, Kl~ssen,
Marshall and Campbell on the soil erosion question, that he sent a request to the
state-lrinter for copies of the Soil Erosion Bill snd when they arrive the matter
can be goneinto further.
Under new business Councilman Eschelbach said the sewer from Armour and Company
through Metal Thermit ~nd leading into the bay is broken, does not allow free
flowage and backs up into the Metal Thermit office; t~at Klassen said this was
private property and othing could be done. He suggested the companies involved
give the city an easemtn~or right of way. Klassen said about 6 months ago Maher's
crew was working there on private property and he got in touch with Armour and
Metal T~ermit regarding a right of way so the city could go in and do the work,
but he heard nothing from them; that the Stockyards enter into the pictm~re, al so
it was not necessary for the Metal Thermit to dedicate any land. Klassen was in-
structed to follow the matter up.
Councilman Eschelbach said he received an estimate from the Pacheco Electric Co,
for illuminating ~he statute of George Washi~n~ton; that indirect lighting ~.ould
be installed for $65.00 and direct lighting $40.00. He said it was his under-
standing that this estimate was to be obtained before taking action.
Under Good and Welfare, John Tacchi, representing the Italian American Citizen's
Club discussed the Club's request to have the statute illuminated for Washington's
Bi~1~day and Fourth of' July, that the request was in on time to havre this done for
Washington's Birthday, also that McSweeney informe~d the club the matter was in the
hands of Counci~lma~ Eschelbach; that the people through the Italian American
Citizen's 01ub donated $1000. for the statute and $400. for license fees for the
ca~hival was .pa~d to the city, and the people of South San FrancisCo asked that
thi's be done on these two occasions as well as on Decoarstion Day. It was ex-
plained that Counei~ Eschelbach misunderstood the manner in which the
tlltuninating was ~o ~ eal~ried out. Fire Chief Welte ssaid the flood lights
from No. 2 engine could be used two or three times a year for this purpose.
agreed this would be satisfactory.
It was
There being no 'further business before the council, Councilman Eschelbach made a
motion to adjourn until Friday evening, March 25, 1938, at V:30 p. m. The motion wa
seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9:45 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dsniel~M~cSw~eeney, City Clerk
Mayor of South San Francisco.