HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-05-16REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, MAY 16,1938. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Monday evening, May 15th, 1938. ' The meeting was c~lled to order at 8 o'clock P.M., by Mayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. · Roll call found all members of the City Council present, as follows;- ' Councilmen V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, Rod Tibbetts, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions the were approved as read. · A communication was received from the Fontana Food Products Company, applying for per- mission -to install a 800 gallon gasoline tank on their premises. Fire Chief Welte reported the notice posted the required 10 days. Councilman Minucciani moved the permit be granted. The mo- ion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and re~lar~y carried. · Joe E.Maffei, representing the Dalesco eon Sign Company, submitted a bid o~ $171.80 each fo~ signs reading"City of South San FranciSco". The bid was not complete enough to satisfy ~the City Council and the City Enginee~ and Mr. Mallei was requested to re-submit the bid at the next meeting giving further and more definite figures. The Milton G. Lange Amusement Company applied for a license to operate a n~mber of Skee Ball machines in the city. Application denied. Ida Trubschenck, Secretax~y of the Peninsula Branch of the League of California ~unicipalities, announced that the next meeting of the Branch would be hel~ in the Burlingame Country ~Club, Hillsborough, ThurSday, ~ay 19th, 1938, and wished to know how many city official would a~tend. Mayor Eschelbach inquired from the council and city officers as to the number who might be able to attend and it appeared that seven would accepts' the invitation. The City Clerk was instructed to reply stating the number. A communication was received from the Foursome Club of South San Francisco, requestin permission to hold Sunday dances in Legion Hall, every Sunday afternoon from 2 o'clock P.M. t 8 o'clock P.M. for a period of approximately three months. On motion ~y Councilman Ratt0, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for permission to extend their two inch gas main in Second ~ane east of Eucalyptus Avenue as shown on their attached s~etch, No.4~84. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the required permission granted. Fire Chief Welte submitted the names of Johnny Fambrini and Steven Barney for appoint. merit to the call forces of the Fire Department. On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the appointments were made. A communication was received from E.W.Stephens,General Manager of the Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show, thanking the city for its financial support by the invest. merit of $480 in the success of the show. The letter was accepted and placed on file. The Santo Christo Society sent a letter of thanks to the Mayor and Councilmen, other city officials and the police ~and fire departments-for their participation and cooperation during their annual festival held here April ~0 and May lst,last. The letter was accepted and placed on file.~ A communication was received from the Northside Taxpayers'and Protective AsSociation ~f this city, stating that st0rmwaters overflow in Armour Avenue and vicinity, flooding oasements and otherwise creating a nuisance in stormy weather, and requested the city to do something to relieve the water congestion Councilman Tibbetts and Engineer Klassen were instructed to investigate the situation an~ report back to the City Council. Application was made by Theorore Mulkey to operate a Trailer Camp Graund~ in Parcel 1, Zone "E", adjoining his present location. The application was accepted and the date for a hearing on the application was set for Monday evenin$, June 8,1938, at 8 o'clock P.M~ at which ~t~ protests, if'any, will be heard. The sum of five dollars accompanied the application, as required under the ordinance. Miss Edna Broner, Librarian, submittted the library report for the month ending, .&Dri'l 30,1938. The report was accepted and filed. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company submitted a statement of their recei~s~ for the ~ear l~7~showing the gross to be $~8,38§.70, 2% per cent of which, $787.71, to be due the Cit~ of South San Francisco under ordinances granting the franchise, and enclosed a check for the · amount. Statement and check accepted by the city. Claims in the amount of $~,480.89 were next presented to the council for payment;- E.A.Miller Dudley Perkins, Speedo reading" C.D.Rusk, W.O.Whipple Western Pipe & Steel · ~obinson-Druggist Moise-Klinkner ~o So.S.F.Hospital Pacheco Electric special police duty due A/C compansate Check 1 sigmal Booth carpenter work $ 88.00 repairs motor cycle$ 1.S& " 3.75 10.00 17.80 247.20 ~.illows ! 2.78 black ribbon 2.06 1 alcoholic case 2.50 luminaires 21.~8 materials Traffic $i~63.~2 Ba~e:,Hamilton,Pacific Step ladder So.CiSy Linen Laundry Co.,fire ho wash L. C. Smith Fred Brown P. Saba A. Proms A. Sayers · C. Rinehart Frank Dieu F.Lewis CeDe Zorda i~.De Zorda L. Longhofer G.Kinconan $ 9.41 ~ 12.75 rock for Orange Park~ 86.40 truck rental ~ ~,79.68 painting safety zone~ '11,85 carpenter work Orange Bark~ 24.00 labor Ora~.ge Ave.park ~ 9.00 " " " $ 13.50 " # " " ~ 13.50 " watchman's house ~ 18.00 " baseball park ° $ 18.00 " " "$ 18. O0 " " " $ 18.00 " " " S 18.00 " " " S 18.00 A communication was received from the Fontana Food Products Company, applying for per- mission 'to install a §00 gallon gasoline tank on their premises. Fire Chief Welte reported the notice posted the required l0 days. Councilman Minucciani moved the permit be granted. The mo- ion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and re~lar~y carried. / Joe E.Maffei, representing the Dalesco eon Sign Company, submitted a bid o~ $171.50 each for signs reading"City of South San Francisco". The bid was not complete enough to ._~ satisfy .the City Council and the City Engineer, and Mr. Maffei was requested to re-submit the bid at the next meeting giving further and more definite figures. The Milton G.Lange Amusement Company applied for a license to operate a number of Skee Ball machines in the city. Application denied. Ida Trubschenck, Secretary of the Peninsula Branch of the League of California ~unicipalities, announced that the next meeting of the Branch would be held in the Burlingame Country ~Club, Hillsborough, Thursday, ~ay 19th, 1938, and wished to know how many city officia~ would a~tend. Mayor Eschelbach inquired from the council and city officers as to the number . who might be able to attend and it appeared that seven would accepts' the invitation. The City Clerk was instructed to reply stating the number. A communication was received from the Foursome Club of South San Francisco, requestin permission to hold Sunday dances in Legion Hall, every Sunday afternoon from 2 o'clock P.M. t 6 o'clock P.M. for ~ period of approximately three months. On motion ~by Councilman Ratt0, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for permission to extend their two inch gas main in Second ~'ane east of Eucalyptus Avenue as shown on their attached sketch, No.4464. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the required permission granted. Fire Chief Welte submitted the names of Johnny Fambrini and Steven Barney'for appoint. men~ to the call forces of the Fire Department. On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the appointments were made. A communication was received from E.W. Stephens,General Manager of the Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show, thanking the city for its financial support by the invest~ merit of $A50 in the success of the show. The letter was accepted and placed on file. The Santo Ctn~isto Society sent a letter of thanks to the Mayor and Councilmen, other city officials and the pcb'ice .and fire departments for their participation and cooperation --~ during their annual festival hel~ here April 30 and May lst,last. The letter was accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from the Northside Taxpayers'and Protective AsSociation ~f this city, stating that storm waters overflow in Armour Avenue and vicinity, flooding basements and otherwise creating a nuisance in stormy weather, and requested the city to do something to relieve the water congestion Councilman Tibbetts mad Engineer Klassen were instructed to investigate the situation an~ report back to the City Council. Application was made by Theorore Mulkey to operate a Trailer Camp Graund'~ in Parcel l~ Zone "Ea, adjoining his present location. The application was accepted and the date for a .~ea~ing on the application was set for Monday evenin$, June 6,1938, at 8 o'clock P.M~ at which ~iml~ ~rotests, if any, will be heard. The sum of five dollars accompanied the application, · s required under the ordinance. Miss Edna Broner, Librarian, submittted the library report for the month ending, ~x~i-1 80,19~8. The report was accepted and filed. -The Pacific Gas & Electric Company submitted a statement of their receilm%s~ for the yea~ l~?.showing the gross to be $~8,~8§.70, 2~ per cent of which, $767.71, to be due the Cit~ of South ~an Francisco under ordinances granting the franchise, and enclosed a check for the ~amount. Statement and check accepted by the city. ' Claims in the amount of $4,460.69 were next presented to the council for payment;- E.A.Miller carpenter work -~ ~" Dudley Perkins, repairs motor cycle ~':'~ Speedo reading" " C.D.Rusk, special police duty ....... ~ W.C.Whipple due A/C compansate Check · ~'~ Western Pipe & Steel 1 stgmal Booth · ~obinson-Druggist ~llows 88.00 1.56 3.75 10.00 17.80 247.20 $ 2.78 J Moise-Klinkner Co black ribbon ~ 2.06 So.S.F.Hospital 1 alcoholic case ~ 2.50 Pacheco Electric luminaires ' $ 21.38 ~ # materials Traffic $i~63.~2 Ba~e:~Hamilton, Pacific Step ladder $ 9.41 So.City Linen Laundry Co.,fire ho wash $ 12.75 L. C. Smith Fred Brow~ P. Saba A.Proma A. Sayers ~a~k Dieu '~.~ ~,De-, Zorda · .L. Longhofex, G.Einoonan E.Bottini L.Donati rock for Orange Park5 86.40 truck rental $ 79.68 painting safety zone~ 11,55 carpenter work Orange ~ark$ 24.00 labor,, 0ra~,ge Ave.park,, , . ~ Il . 7'/ watchman' s house " baseball park ~ ti fl I~ !, . ff II II . It fl 9.00 13.50 13.50 18.00' 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 22.50 22.50 EXPENDITURES CONTINUED;- Martin Moro M. Laufer R. Francis co A. Sola A.Molini Patterson Nilli~ms Co W. P. Fuller & Company ti I, Labor Orange Ave Park $ 22.50 " " " " ~,24.75 " " " " ~ 2V. 00 " " " "I 27.00 plow & blades 71.90 Swing seats 4.84 traffic paint $ 8.76 pure paint parks 8 5.46 Wilson's Sporting Goods Co.,baseball appurtenances ~ 33.28 C.F.Bishop Company Cocoa ~at II Il ~ W.P.Fuller & Co., E.H.Edwards Co Walter ~artin Signs special distributor Nitrokite Galvanized wire netting wire street signs Industrial' City Lbr. Oo. materials Geo.A.Kneese Il Il ti $ 9.75 ~ 24.41 i7.93 5.43 10.24 · 14.25 'Ho~kwald. Chemical Co $118.99 engineering baseball field $100.76 "Recreational projects $628.32 floral spray $ 4.35 Enterprise Press printing Intox repts,etc Standard 0il Co., gasoline Pacific Gas & Electric Co street lights " " " :niecellaneous " Pacific Motor Transport Co, freight on 'ladder San mateo Co.Title Co. daily repo~ts Pac.Tel & Tel..Co., phones 626--401' Sou~h City Lbr~& Supp,l,y Co., park materials materials w.P.A,Project " " " " " Orange Ave Park ~ . ,~ . ,, ,, ,, ,, ~ ~ # . a~ ,, · ~ Watchman's house, Total $ 53.98 $152.31 721.32 105.40 .60 51.50 $ 5.10 $148.68 4219.85 70.68 ~ 98.95 '$161.20 $4460.69 The claims having been approved by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ABATE WEEDS,1938. ~ouncilman Tibbett~ introduced a resolution of intention of the City Council of the City $f South San Francisco to abate weeds in 1938. The resolution was adopted by the votes of a~l the members of t~e City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Botdo, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent~ Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. ~R~corded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~, at pages 154,155.156. ~Under the head of unfinished business Councilman Tibbetts reported that the road leeding from East Grand Ave past the underpass to the Bayshore highway, had been inspected, bu~ enough study had not been given tC~, matter and it was laid over. Councilman Minucciani did not think ~he opening of the road would be of any benefit to the city. ~ouncilman Tibbetts reported the repairing of Tan,oran and Dollar Avenue under way. In the matter of the offer of the United States Governmentto assist the community in the Colma Creek region to prevent erosion, Engineer Klassen reported the petition was nearly ready ~or signatures, the hog men ready and it appeared action would be taken soon. Councilman Tibbetts reported the m~tter of placing screening protection for ballplayers near the grand stand at the baseball grounds had been attended to. Mayor Eschelbach Stated~an additional section might be added on a more elaborate scale, for better convenience and pro- tection, and some W.P.A. assistance might be secured in the prqject. The matter will be looked into. The claim of the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company for a refund of $9.64, eharged them by the city for cutting of weeds, was, on motion by Councilman Minucciani,seconde,! by Councilman Boido and regularly carried, ordoved paid. . Under the head of New Business the matter of the repair of the foundation of th~ base- ball grandstand was brought to the attention of the City Council. After discussion it was de- cided th board would meet there at 9 o'clock the following,Tuesday morning, and go over the st~- uation. Councilman Minucciani suggested the adoption of Rules and Regulations for the police and fire departments be considered. Councilman Tibbetts was given co~ies to study, and action will be taken at a later meeting. On the cutting of weeds it was decided to have the work done by day labor, Councilman R&tto stated it would cost the city more to have the work done by day labor than by contract. Mayor Eschelbach stated for the diffeEence more laborers would secure a few days work.. The Mayor requested the City Clerk to secure £rom the South San Francisco Land & Imp- rovement Company a copy of their lots and blocks in front of which they propose to cut weeds. Engineer Klassen asked for an informal meeting of the City Council to discuss and · $~obably adopt a program on the future of Colma Creek, which would have the cooperation of the Board of Supervisors. Friday evening,May 20, was decided upon for the meeting. There being no further business before the council Councilman Ratto moved .to adjourn until .[Monday evening, June 6th, 1938, at 8 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by. Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Time ~ adjournment, 9;25 o'elock P.M. ~ Respectfully submit ~i, Geo.A.Kneese engineering baseball field II It ,1 11 ' Recreational projects ~HoCkwald Chemical Co floral spray Enter~rise Press printing Intox repts,etc Standard 0il Co., gasoline Pacific Gas & Electric Co street lights " " " miscellaneous " Pacific Motor Transport Co, freight on ladder San mateo Co.Title Co. daily reports Pac.Tel & Te~.Co., phones 828--401 South City Lbr.& Supply Co., park materials materials W.P.A,Project " " " " " Orange Ave Park ~ t' , " ,, ,, ,, ,, ~" " " "~" Watchman's house, Total lOO.Ve ~628. ~2 ~'" $ 4.35 $ 53.98 4132.31 721.32 105.40 .60 1.50 5.10 148.68 4219.85 70.68 $ 98.93 '$161.20 $4460.69 The claims having been approved by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION 20 ABATE WEEDS,19~8. ~ouncilman Tibbett~ introduced a resolut~ion of intention of the City Council of the City $f South San Francisco to abate weeds in 19~8. The resolution was adopted by the votes of a~l the members of t~e City Council, as follows;- Ayes,~ Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. ~ Absent~ Councilmen, None. Attest ~Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. ~R~corded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~, at pages 154,1§5.1B$. ~Under the head of unfinished business Councilman Tibbetts reported that the road leading from East Grand Ave past the underpass to the Bayshore highway, had been inspected, bu~ enough study had not been given t.~ matter and it was laid over. Councilman Minucciani did not think ~he opening of the road would be of any benefit to the city. ~Councilman Tibbetts reported the repairing of Tanforan and Dollar Avenue under way. In the matter of the offer of the United States Governmentto assist the community in the Colma Creek region to prevent erosion, Engineer Klassen reported the petition was nearly ready for signatures, the hog men ready and it appeared action would be taken soon. Councilman Tibbetts reported the matter of placing screening protection for ballplayers near the grand stand at-the baseball grounds had been attended to. Mayor Eschelbach Statedan additional section might be added on a more elaborate scale, for better convenience and pro- tection, and some W.P.A. assistance might be secured in the prqject. The matter will be ~ooked into. The claim of the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company for a refund of $9.84, charged them by the city for cutting of weeds, was, on motion by Councilman Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried, orde~ed paid. ~ Under the head of New Business the ma~ter of the ,epair of the foundation of the base- ball grandstand was brought to the attention of the City Council. After discussion it was de- cided th board would meet there at ~ o'clock the following,Tuesday morning, and go over the sit- uation. Councilman Minucciani suggested the adoption of Rules and Regulations for the police ~nd fire departments be considered. Councilman Tibbetts was given copies to study, and actio~ will be taken at a later meeting. On the cuttin~ of weeds it was decided to have the work done by day labor, Councilman R~tto stated it would cost the city more to have the work done by day labor than by contract. Mayor Eschelbach stated for ~he difference more laborers would secure a few days work.. The,Mayor requested the City Clerk to secure ~rom the South San Francisco Land & Imp- rovement Company a copy of theirlots and blocks in front of which they propose to cut weeds. Engineer Klassen asked for an informal meeting of the City Council to discuss and probably adopt a pro~rem on the future, of Colma Creek, which would have the cooperation of the Board cf Bupervisors. Friday evening,May 20, was decided upon for the meeting. There being no further business before the council Councilman Ratto moved ~to adjourn until ~Me~ay evening, June ~th, l~8, at @ o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by. Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Time ~ adjournment, 9;25 o'elock P.M. A~proved San. Francisco. Respectfully submit$~d,