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Minutes 1938-06-06
REGULAR MEETING OF TPI CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, JUNE ~, 1935. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Monday evening, June 6th, 1938. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as followS;- i~ Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciabi, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. ~ The minutes of the previous meeting were read. With.'r~f~rence~to't.hest~tement~th~t · i cilman TibD$~ts~'~'~eeeive ~c0pies~R~les~& Regulations of Police & Fire Depts.Councilman Minucciani said Fi C~l~rected as amended. A com~u~icationwas received from the South San Francisco Railroad and Power Compaz & approved, stating the sum of $166.13 was due the City of South San Francisco on their franchise from April 22,1937 to April 21,1938, and requested an acceptance of the account. The clerk was instructed to write the company accepting the statement as rendered. Applications for busines licenses were received 9~rom Dollie's °argatn~azaar, 350 G: A~nue, De Lucca & Marsetti's ,ll6 Grand Ave., Bessie Holmes Beauty Parlor,423 Linden Ave., ~-. Western Food Products Co.,477 Grand Ave.,Albert Lorendo Glazing Shop, 207 Cypress Ave, On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded, by Councilman Minucciahi and regularly carried the perm were granted. ~ Gregorio Antonano, President of Action Democrata Espanola, applied for ~ permit to hc a social dance at 312 Maple Avenue,on Saturday evening, June ~,1938, from 8 o'clock p.m. tc one o'clock A~M. On motion by 'Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regul carried the desired permit was granted. The Committee Pro Redencion National Mexicana, by Secretary Hilario Bernal, requested permission to ho~d exercises and a Grand Ball in Fraternal Hall on the evenin?~ of June 2§th, 1~38. On motion by Councilman Ratto,eeconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carrie ~ permission was granted. The society invited all city officials to attend and enclosed 2 ticke for the occasion, accepted with the thanks of the city council. H.S.F.O. , The associated Broadcasters, asked for information concerning license an~ POssibility of them being allowed space to broadcast in the city streets. The clerk was in- structed to reply stating the license is' $25, and any broadcasting done would have to be done under the supervision of Police Chief Belloni. Chief of Police Bellont submitted the names of ~anuel Borba, Michael Lamuth, Joseph Franco, Nello Larrari,Pete Magnaghi, William-Donovan, Chas Schurck,W.J.De Vanie and John. Famb~ini,as ~police officers of the City of South San Francisco, to ac~ as night watchmen at the aden Kennel Club. On motion by Councilman Boido,sec~?nded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried, approval of the appointments was given, with the understanding that ~here was to be no obligations by the city in the matter of remuneration. A communication was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company stating the due the ~ity of South San Francisco on their franchise for permission to sell electricity fox the year ending December ~1,19~7, under city ordinances at 2% on gross receipts was $2~0.50, ~1 was received. A check for the amount was enclosed. Communication and check ordered accepted. ' A reply was received from the Division of Highways, District 5, John H.Skeggs,Engin~ ~ to the city's request on March 22,1938, to opertae Stop · Go signals at Grand Avenue and Ba~ S~hore Highway continuously for 24 hours. The Engineer stated that a study was made of trafi conditions at the intersection named,with the result that a continuous operating service froz 6 A.M. to~ll P.M. is approved, with the understanding that during the hours between ll.P.M. 6 A.M. or any other hours that these signals are not operated as STOP & GO, the proper lens flash RED against Grand Ave. and Yellow against °ayshore traffic. On question by Mayor Eschelbach Chief of Poli~e Belloni reported that this continuous service was not needed, and the present wiring system~would be inadequate for the proposed system. The communication was. accepted and action on the permit was laid over for consideration. Gordon Rowe Company submitted a proposal to establish a new system o2 keeping the Costs on the respective new Jobs of PUBLIC WORKS~ including Jobs started and not completed, ~. as well as proposed and new projects to be finished. The company proposed to audit backward Juiy 1,1937 to get the necessary data or costs and accounts,and to keep up the records as we~ as the curren~ auditing work, in the office of the City Clerk, thus not conflicting with any other city department. The price submitted was $400. On motion by Councilman Minucciant, sec ed by Councilman Beido and regularly carried the offer was accepted. The Burlingame Advance wrote the city council stating that the San mateo County Fi~ would be held this year from September 21 to September 25, that the Board of Supervisors of Ss Mateo County had designated the Burlingame Advance Fiesta Edition as the official publicatio~ of this year's event, and that this city could have space for advertising at $84.00 per page, exclusive of the costs of cuts,pictures and art work, less discount. Consideration of the was laid over. ~ The League of California Municipalities notified the city that the United States ! Supreme Court had decided that the employees of the New York Port Authority are liable for I~ federal income taxes, and intimated that municipalities are affected by the decision. City ~-~ Attox-neY COleberd stated the decision did not affect this city. Communication ordered filed. The ~epartment of Public Works of the State of California submitted a statement showing the load limit for bridge No.35-oT,over Colma Creek on RoadIV*SM*68-S.S.F., as 12 tons per vehicle and 21 tons per semi-trailer combination. Accepted and filed. Engineer Klas~ ~ ~ .............. reported that the state strengthening the bridge and it probably would, be given additionaal ~ . .................... . carrying capacity rating, a library addit~ Mayor Eschelbach observed that a delegation of ladies interested in ,"Community ~ Center was present, and requested that the further reading of communications be deferred un- ~ til after they were heard. Mrs. E.I.Bartlett. Library ~oard Trustee, Introduced Architect,~ ~-~ Gunderson of ~e~eley to the councilmen, Sh~. advocated the construction of an addition to th, present library of sufficient size to provide for_the future growth of the city, and asked ~ assistance of the city council in devising ways and'~means of accomplishing the much needed improvement. Mt.Gunderson submitted figures to the board for their consideration.Mayor Eschelbach asked what fee the architect would expect if the city was unable to raise the ftu for the addition after plans, etc were made. ~r. Gunderso~ said his charge would be $500, or ~.. ----.~ni~the addition were erected, and the $500 credited an time within ten years Sf.~the work .~ He urged the necessity of applyidg at once ~o t~ W.PA.for funds f~r the p~oject, furnishing plans and specifications with the application. He was authorized ~o proceed to su mit plans and specifications to the City Council and Library board. Mrs.'Bartlett thanked the City Council for their efforts. The committee on a Community Center project reported having met With the various orgauiza~ions of the city~onJune 2nd, l~8, at which a resolution was passed., ~led~nM to approved, stating the sum of $166.13 was due the City of South San Francisco on their franchise from' April 22,1937 to April 21,1938, and requested an acceptance of the.account. The clerk was instructed to write the company accepting the statement as rendered. Applications for busines licenses were received ~'rom Dollte's Oargatnl~azaar, 3§0 A~enue, De Lucca & Marsetti's ,ll6 Grand Ave., Bessie Holmes Beauty Parlor,423 Linden Ave., ~-~ Western Food Products Co.,477 Grand Ave.,Albert Lorendo Glazing Shop, 207 Cypress Ave, On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded, by Councilman Minuccia~t and regularly carried the pc were granted. · Gregorio Antonano, President of Action Democrata Espanola, applied for ~ permit to a social dance at 312 ~aple Avenue,on Saturday evening, June 1~,1938, from 8 o'clock p.m. one o'clock AiM. On motion by'Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and reg ca, tied the desired permit was granted. The Committee Pro Redencion National Mexicana, by Secretary Hilario Bernal, request permission to ho~d exercises and a Grand Ball in Fraternal Hall on the evenin'~] of June 2Bth 1938. On motion by Councilman Ratto,eeconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly cart permission was granted. The society invited all city officials to attend and enclosed 2 tic for the occasion, accepted with the thanks of the city council. H.S.F.O. , The associated Broadcasters, asked for information concerning license possibility of them being allowed space to broadcast in the city streets. The clerk was in~ structed to reply stating the license is $20, and any broadcasting done would have to be under the supervision of Police Chief Belloni. Chief of Police Belloni submitted the names of Nanuel Borba, Michael Lamuth, Joseph Franco, Nello Larrari,Pete Magnaghi, WilliamDonovan, Chas Schurck,W.J.De Vante and John Fambrini,as ~.police officers of the City of South San Francisco, to ac~ as nightwatchmen the ~aden Kennel Club. On motion by Councilman Boido,sec~nded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried, approval of the appointments was given, with the understanding that ~her, was to be no obligations by the city in the matter of remuneration. A communication was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company stating the s~ due the ~ity of South San Francisco on their franchise for permission to sell electricity f¢ the year ending December 81,1~7, under city ordinances at 2% on gross receipts was was received. A check for the amount was enclosed. Communication and check ordered accepted. A reply was received from the Division of. Highways, District D, John H. Skeggs,Engiz ~o the city's request on March 22,1~38, to opertae Stop ~ Go signals at Grand Avenue and Shore Highway continuously for 24 hours. The Engineer stated that a study was made of trai conditions at the intersection named,with the result that a continuous operating service 8 A.M. to~ll P.M. is approved, with the understanding that during the hours between ll.P.M. 8 A.M. or any other hours that th~se signals are not operated as STOP & GO, the proper lens flash RED against Grand Ave. and aellow against °ayshore traffic. On question by Mayor Eschelbach Chief of Police Belloni reported that this continuous service was not needed, and the present wiring system~would be inadequate for the proposed system. The communication was accepted and action on the permit was laid over for consideration. Gordon Rowe Company submitted a proposal to establish a new system o£ keeping the Costs on the respective new Jobs of PUBLIC WORKS~ including Jobs started and not completed, as well as proposed and new projects to be finished. The company proposed to audit backward Ju~y 1,19~7 to get the necessary data or costs and accounts,and to keep up the records as we as the curren~ auditing work, in the office of the City Clerk, thus not conflicting with any other city department. The price submitted was $400. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, se~ ed by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the offer was accepted. The Burlingame Advance wrote the city council stating that the San mateo County Fi~ would be held this year from September 21 to September 2§,that the Board of Supervisors of Mateo County had designated the Burlingame Advance Fiesta Edition as the official publicatiol of this year's event, and that this city could have space for~advertising at $84.00 per page~ exclusive of the costs of cuts,pictures and art work, less discount. Consideration of the was laid over. ~_~ The League of California Municipalities notified the city that the United States Supreme Court had decided that the employees of the New York Port Authority are liable for .~ federal income taxes, and intimated that municipalities are affected by the decision. City ~-- Attorney Coleberd stated the decision did not affect this city. Communication ordered filed. The ~epartment of Public Works of the State of California submitted a statement showing the load limit for bridge No.~D-oT,over Colma Creek on RoadIV*SM*88-S.S.F., as 12 tons per vehicle and 21 tons per semi-trailer combination. Accepted and filed. Engineer Klass ........... ~ ............ reported that the state strengthening the bridge and it probably would, be given additionaal ~- ..... carrying capacity rating, a library additt ~ Mayor Eschelbach observed that a delegation of ladies interested in ,'Community Center was present, and requested ~hat the further reading of communications be deferred un- til after they were heard. Mrs. E.I.Bartlett. Library Board Trustee, Introduced Architect,M ~ Gunderson of Berkeley to the councilmen, She. advocated the construction of an addition to the present library of sufficient size to provide for_the future growth of the city, and asked th ~ assistance of the city council in devising ways and means of accomplishing the much needed improvement. Mr.Gunderson submitted figures to the board for their consideration.Mayor Esohelbach asked what fee the architect would expect if the city was unable to raise the fun, for the addition, after plans, etc were made. I¥~r. Ounderson said his charge would be $500, or .~ ~ .~n~'~'~$he~-ad~ttQn-~ere erected, and the $500 credited an ~ ~ ~o ~ ~~h~nf~ar~ei£'~the work w . ne urgea ~ne necessm~y of applyidg at once ~o th~~ . t project, f~ishing plans and specifications with the application. He was authorized ~o proceed to sub mit plans and specifications to the City Council and Library board. Mrs.'Bartlett thanked the City Council'for their efforts. ~ The committee on a Community Center project reported having met with the various organimattons of the city 'on June 2nd, 1~38, at which a resolution was passed., pledginE to work for the construction 'of a suitable building to be used as a headquarters for organizations, the building to be placed on city property, their preference being on the co~ner of Walnut and Mill~r Avenue on the civic center, the architecture to conform with the 466 present structures in style and appearance· Mrs. A.J.Se!lick, Mrs. Bramble,i;ir. Andrew Rocca ard Kost,Joe Walker and Mr. Campbell spoke in favor of the center. Mr. Rocca stated he had seen Mr. ~eade,county administrator of the W.PA. in regard to financing the project. He stated Mr. meade said he would do his utmost to aid, that the appli- cation should be made immediately before the funds were allocated· Mayor Eschelbach stated the government would lend ;$100,000 for such a structure at 32000 a year for 50 years and no interest, or about 4~ per cent of the cost outright and the city quaranteeing the balance of the price of a structure to be agreed upon~ the acceptance to be up to the people of the city. ~Engineer Klassen urged speed in the matter as the allowance for this class of work would be gobbled up by the cities first applying~ City Attorney Coleberd said the proposition was very important to the city, and urged an early application for the funds. Referring to the civic center as a possible location for the Community house,~ayor Eschelbach stated it suited him, and the ~100,000 loan for the structure at no interest,a great inducement· Councilmen Tibbetts and Boido agreed With the i~ayor. Councilmen Minucciani and ~atto were in favor of the Community Center, but Councilman Ratto did not feel that the board should co,nit themselves, without study, to having the building on the civic center· Louis Daldini., architectural ~raduate, submitted a sketch of the proposed buildln~ to the city council ~nd the audience. After much further discussion it was decided to hold an informal meeting .of the city council and members of various clubs Thursday evening% in the cit~ hall· A c~nunication was received from Theodore Pretzer, Co~ander of this dis~rict,~et~rans of Foreign Wars, stat ing that a convention of the veterans would be held in July, and r~qUe'~tsd this city to invite them to hold the convention in South San Francisco. He stated~a two pag~ add in the Veterans paper at ~25 per page would be of very material value to the City of South °an Francisco· The city council faw~red the convention here, but ~elayed ordering the two page add .'until it is learned whether or not South San Francisco would se,c~re the convention. Joe ~affei of the Delasco Neon Company submitted an amended bid of ~58.20 to install three single face signs of South San Francisco, and one double face, on steel poles, Zx l0 , feet, Porcelean Enamel, frame work l~ x l~ in. 2~ in ~auge galvanized iron, etc, to be approved by the City ~ngineer. He was awarded the contract, two signs to be completaed in June and two in July· B.G.Kost, ~ecreational Director, submitted a list of his requirements for the various parks and playgrounds of the city, and the prices asked by two firms, Adolph Blaich and Spiro's, Inc. He was authorized to accept the best bid. ~ayor Eschelbach advised him to m~ce the purchase through local merchants, giving the city the benefit of the trade. The monthly reports of the Health officer, City Treasurer, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Building Inspect0~, City Judge and City Clerk for the month ending May Zl,~lg~8, were submitted and accepted. RESOLUTIO~'~ ORDERING ~ ~E~.~. A~ATEMENT OF ~ No.6~8. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South Francisco, ordering the abatement of weeds, l~ZS. The resolution was adopted by the votes of al~ the members of the City Council, as follows,- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,M.Minucciani,~.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney. -- C~ty Clerk· Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. Z, at page 858. The affidavit of posting of notices to destroy weeds accompanied the resolution· The lease of Vincenzini Bros to Dominic Palmiasano for a portion of their store at ~50 Grand Avenue was submitted and approved. Under'the head of unfinished business, and in relation to the request of the Northside Taxpayers Protective Association for remedying a defect in the storm water sewer in the vicinity of Armour Avenue, Engineer Klassen stated the pipes were laid at different tildes, and the State's pipe is larger than the city's· He was requested to contact State ~gineer Skezgs with a view to making the connections so that no overflow of waters would occur again. The application of Theodore ~ulkey for a permit to conduct a Trailer Camp Ground, hearing on which was in order, was considered. There bein~ no protestants a~ainst granting ~r. ~ulkey a permit, he was granted one on conditio~'~ he stuccoed the north wall of his auto camp buildings, · a~ and gravel the camp grounds as required by Health Officer ~c~ills ~r ~.~_ulkey ~reed to do so. On the offer of the United States government to give assistance in the prevention of erosion in the Colma Creek area, Engineer Klassen reported that County Engineer ~arshall was constructing a map of thee region and would have the same ready soon· In the matter of the foundation of the baseball ~randstand in Orange Avenue Park,~ayor Eschelbach stated in addition to strengthening the zrand stand foundation an addition to the grandstand should be constructed· Councilman Tibbetts will investigate the situatio~, and report to the council at the next meeting. Under the head of new business ~r. Bottini appeared before the council and reported he wished to build two houses on Linden Avenue, but was unable to secure a permit· Building Inspector Welte explained to the council that dwelling houses of thekind Mr. Bottini wished to erect were not permitted in the secondary zone. The matter was referred to City A~torney Coleberd for an opinion· Claims in the amount of ~ were next presented to the city council for payment;- H.L.~iller Chas Stuernman R.Bis~gno Chas. Lema South City Auto Service John B.Ou~lielmetti Dudley Perkins Louis Delloni, Nello Lamzari C.D.Rusk E.Bertollozzi $o.S.F. Hospital carpenter work ~ ~.00 cuttinM weeds ¢ 24.75 relief fireman ~180.00 Relief truck driver~lZ0.00 rep·police Buick $ Z0.86 wash etc.police car~ ~.7~ rep motor cycle ~ 2.00 meals prisoners,etc~ 7.58 police duty Zicconi case~ 5.00 " " special $ 18.00 paintin~ stop light sia~ns 18.00 alcoholic examins ~ l~.00 Bruton's service check police radio ?.C.Thomas floss mattress Nat·Fire Pro.Asso. subscription one year Pac. Co.Build.0ffic.Con. member dues " " " " " 10 copies code So·City Laundry Co wash fi~e houses A. Jo~son attendin~ fires W.Locatelli " " M.Oastro " " 5.00 10.1_3 lO.OO lO. oo lv.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 commit themselves, without study, to having the building on the civic center. Louis Daldini, architectural graduate, submitted a sketch of the proposed build!.nm~ to the city council and the audience. After much further discussion it was decided to hold an informal meeting ,of the city council and members of various clubs Thursday eveninf~ in the city hall. A ccl~nunication was received from Theodore Pretzer, Co~r~ander of this dis~rict,Vet~r'ans of Foreign Wars, stat ±ng that ~ convention of the veterans would be held in July, and r~que~ted this city to invite them to hold the convention in South San Prancisco. He stated~a two page add in the Veterans paper at ~25 per page would be of very ~aterial value to the City of South ~an Francisco. The city council favored ~he convention here, but delayed ordering the two page add -until it is learned whether or not South San Francisco would se,c~re the convention. Joe ~'~affei of the ~elasco Neon Company submitted an amended bid of ~55o.20 to install three single face signs of South San Francisco,and one double face, on steel poles, 3x l0 , ?eet, Porcelean Enamel, frame work l~ x l~ in. 2~ in ~auge galvanized iron, etc, to be approved by the City ~ngineer. He was awarded the contract, two signs to be completaed in June and two in July. B.G.Kost, kecreational Director, submitted a list of his requirements for the various parks and playgrounds of the city, and the prices asked by two firms, Adolph Blaich and Spiro's, Inc. He was authorized to accept the best bid. Mayor Eschelbach advised him to make the purchase through local merchants, giving the city the benefit of the trade. The monthly reports of the Health officer, City Treasurer, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Building Inspect0P, City Judge and City Clerk for the month ending ~ay 31,~938, were submitted and accepted. RESOLUTION 0R~.~ERIh.~ '~ ...... A~ATE~ENT OF WEEDS. No.6~8. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, ordering the abatement of weeds, 1~8. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows,- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,~.~inucciani,~.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSw~eney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 888. The affidavit of posting of notices to destroy weeds accompanied tho resolution. The lease of Vincenzini Bros to Dominic Palmiasano for a portion of their store at 350 Grand Avenue was submitted and approved. Undermthe head of unfinished business, and in relation to the request of the Northside Taxpayers Protective Association for remedying a defect in the storm water sewer in the vicinity of Armour Avenue, Engineer Klassen stated the pipes were laid at different times, and the State's pipe is larger than the city's. He was requested to contact State Engineer Skaggs with a view to making the connections so that no overflow of waters would occur again. The application of Theodore Mulkey for a permit to conduct a Trailer Camp Ground, hearing on which was in order, was considered. There being no protestants a~ainst granting ~r. Mulkey a permit, he was granbed one on conditio~ he stuccoed the north wall of his auto camp buildings, and gravel the camp grounds as required by Health Officer ~c~ills. Mr kulkey agreed to do so. On the offer of the United States government to give assistance in the prevention of erosion in the Colma Creek area, Engineer Klassen reported that County Engineer ~arshall was constructing a map of the region and would have the same ready soon. In the matter of the foundation of the baseball grandstand in Orange Avenue Park,~ayor Eschelbach stated in addition to strengthening the grand stand foundation an addition to the ~grandstand should be constructed. Councilman Tibbetts will investigate the situatio~:~, and report to the council at the next meeting. Under the head of new business Mr. Bottini appeared before the council and reported he wished to build two houses on Linden Avenue, but was unable to secure a permit. Building Inspector Welte explained to the council that dwelling houses of ~hekind Mr. Bottini wished to erect were not permitted in the secondary zone. The matter was referred to City Attorney Coleberd for an opinion. Claims in the amount of .~ were next presented to the city council for payment;- H.L.~iller Ohas . Stuernman H.Bisagno Chas. Lema South City Auto Service John B.Ou~lielmetti Dudley Perkins Louis Delloni, Nello Lazzari C.D.Rusk E.Bertollozzi So.S.F.Hospital carpenter work $ 3.00 cutting weeds ~ 24.7~ relief fireman ~180.00 Helief truck driver~130.00 rep.police Buick $ 30.86 wash etc.police car~ 3.77 rep motor cycle ~ 2.00 meals prisoners,etc~ 7.58 police duty Zicconi case~ 5.00 " " special ~ 15.00 painting stop light si~:ns 16.00 alcoholic examins $ 15.00 Bruton's service check police radio F.C.Thomas floss mattress Nat.Fire Pro.Asso. subscription one year Pac. Co.Build.0ffic.Con. member dues ~ ,! ,, ,, ,! So. City Lalmdry Co A. Johnson W.Locatelli M. Castro Fred Brown ~ 5.00 lO.OO ~ 10.00 l0 copies code ~ l©.00 wash fi~e houses ~ ll.l$ attendin~ fires ~ 1.50 " " $. 1.50 " " ~ 2.50 posting weed notices $ 9.00 laying pipe line dumps~ 36.00 Disbursements continued;- Pete ~agnaghi Leo Donati E.Bottini W. G.Eckstrom D.Maltoni Postmaster Quinlan Joe Galli, ~Iike Laufer F. Parenti Pete ~,iagnaghi John Monti Standard ~ Fence Co. Goodyear Rubber Co. Wm.l~inucciani II 11 Dolan Buildin~ Supply co posting weed notices ~ 9.00 labor Orange. Ave.Tennis~ 13.50 " TeMnis CoUrt $ l~.00 labor on water line to dumps~ ~.75 ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,, $ ~7.00 Z000 envelopes police dept. $ 69.8~ ~ 27. oo ~ 27.00 ~ 29.25 $ 1.00 ~ 29.17 ~ ~o.5o $ ~.~o " " " ~ 22.22 $537.84 ~2o0.oo ~216.38 ~ 7.50 ~ 11. O0 ~ 29.72 ~ 9.'79 ~ 15.74 ~ s.~s $ 6~.45 ~ 5.75 $ 3.25 ~ 93.72 ~ s~.vs ,os~.oo i~,ay ~ 29.50 streets lights ~,ay ~721.87 Misc. Lights ~ 82.20 License sheets ~ 21.41 1938 assessment roll ~ ~0.51 city phones :$ 61.75 envelopes letterheads,etc. ~ 1~.23 notices to destrop weeds ~ 29.46 500 post cards,air mail week 15.35 letterheads, envelopes,etc.,~ 12.62 red, airs to street truck ~ 11.78 L.C .Smith W.L.~entenhall Co II !1 Ii Walter i~artin Signs Golden West Quarry Union Paving Company Mutual Engineering Co ti 11 !1 Fred J.Lautze W.P.Fuller Co A.N.BlOomquist Fred J.Lautze Rod Tibbetts Dr.J.t.Mc~lls · cutting weeds, hillside ball park labor tennis court labor park labor lub r i c ant ball park material material ~ erect.backstop here &coupling, par~s labor-material WPA. job. Il I! truck rental " " blastin~i rock, " " se~er pi~ ~ ,, signs forW'PA '! " dust for tennis court roller rental" " 6 weed pullers I axle for lawen mower changing siren. shingle stain 880 gals bitumuls installing battery Pen League dinners city phone II Il Il Il fl II California Water Serv.co,water parks " " " " library, foutain " " "" kydrant water rental Jack Welch remov.dags and cats Pacific Oas ~ Electric Co II II II Edward ~arry Co A. Carlisle a Co, Pacific Tel & Tel Co. The Enterprise Press Linden Ave. Garage South City Plumbin~ Shop rep fountain ball park $ 1.96 Pacheco Electric standard reflector LindenAve~127.00 " " " 710' ~.al. Oonduit ~138.01 " " " fire alarm boxes. $320.00 " " " maintain street lights,~[ay, $ 68.39 5o.Cit~ Lbr.? Supply Co materials ~lll.32 " " " " '~PA. job ~573.92 " " " " materials ~257.60 " " " " materials,less CR.fire dept.S 8.39 " " " " " parks $ 7.15 Industrial City Lbr. Co materials ~ 2.42 I! " '! " " ~ 37.10 Total $5J12.74 The claims having been audited by the finance con~ittee councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and re~:iularly carried. There being no further business before the board Councilman Minucciani moved to adjour until the next regular meeting, Monday evening, June 20tL, 1938, at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 11;35 o'clock p.m. Approved Mayor of South San Francisco i~[espect fully submitted. /City Cler~