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Minutes 1938-07-18
REGULAR ~E~TING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, JULY 18,1938. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday eveninE, July 18th, l'~38. The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock p.m. by Mayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the City Council present, as follows;- Councilmen V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. Referring to the minutes of July 5th, Mayor Eschelbach said he had not stated the sa] of Charles Lema, working temporarily in the place of Marion Petroff, should be the same as ~r. Pet~off's ~150 per month, but asked the board to verify his appointment as temporary dri~ and laborer in-the street department. The minutes were ordered corrected to so read~ and we~ then approved. A letter to ~r. E.E.Anderson, Secretary of the ~anufacturers' Association of South San Francisco from~MrAdams of the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, concerning~thelpre- posed Central Fire House in this city, was read to the City Council. Nr. Adams indicated t a central fire ~ouse to~ cover the whole city would~_~ot affect the present insurance rate le~ provided adequate manoo~er and equipment were ad~ed.~mmm~ca~ion.~.ordered filed. A communication ~as received from the ~acific Coast Associatiou of Fire Chiefs requesti the city to send the Fire Chief to their convention at Salt Lake, September l~,~0, ~l,~ ne~ ~ayor Eschelbach asked Fire Chief ~elte if he wiased to attend. The Chief stated he would be unable to attend this years convention. A written request was made by the American Brotherhood for tke Blind for permission to hold an annualFLO?~R SALE in this city, either on the ~Z or Z0t~-~ of July. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Counci~uan ~,~inucciani and re~ularly carried, the desired pe mission was ~%raated, eit?~er for July ~Z or ~0. Pacific Gas a Electric Company requested permission to lay a ~" gas main,~ 10~ft, in the in the westerly sidewalk area of Poplar Avenue,south of Parkway. ~eferred to councilman Tibh A communication was received from the secretary of the Peninsulr Division of the League of CalifOrnia Municipalities,stating the next meetin7 would be held in Belmont on ~hursday evening, July ~l,l'~ZS, and requested to know how many South San Francisco officials would at ~ayor Eschelbach asked the city council and officials how many desired to ~e at the meeting. Seven signified ~heir intention to be on hand. A reply was received fro'~'~ the State Compensation Insurance Fund to the city's letter inquiring as to the responsibility of the City of South San Francisco in case of accidents t the Recreationa& Director and persons off the San ~ateo ?~eral Relief r~lls. W.E.Burden, Supervising Underwriter of the-insurance fund stated ' that the city is under no responsibility in the case,and that persons working in that division are taken care of by t~ Relief Administration. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. ~r. henry Quilici,secretary of the South San francisco Industrial ~aseball Zeam, request permission on behalf or his te~m, to hold a dance in Fraternal hall, S~Ptember E~,l~G8. On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman Boido and re~larly carried~permission ws ted.Assistant Oity Engineer ~lassen ~addressed a letter to the council pertainin~ to the Colm Creek situation, the matter of clearing the ditch, and its maintenance ~down stream from Orang Avenue. The estimated cost was stated to be approximately ~,000. The engineer advised tha city write a letter to the Board of Sup~rvisors of San a~eo ounty asking them to set a dat for a meeeting to confer on a course to pursue as to the expense of maintenance. ~ayor Eschelbach and ~.Councilman Boido ~-'er not in favor of spending any more money on the creek. Councilmen ~inu~cciani said he was'not either, that th~ damage was caused from outside elemen but thou~ht that 0ran?e Avenue rark should be protected from the course of the stream . All a~reed,?~hoWever, to~,a letter being sent to the supervisors, requestin~ them to set the date a meeting,at which the matter could be thoroughly threshed out. RESOLUTI0!i N0.680. Councilman ~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City Co~cil of the City of Sout~ San Francisco conse~ing to the participation of the City of South San Francisco in the exec -~ N~, of that certain map entitled "CITY P~K ADDIT~ . The resolution was adopted by tke votes of all the members of the City ~ouncil, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, N.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney Qity Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. Z,at page 186. RESOLUTIaN N0.881. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South Oan Francisco accepting an offer of the South San Francisco land & Improvement Company to dedica land to be known as "CITY PARK ADDITION SOUTH SA~ FRANCISCO, SA~ ~A~E0 C0~NTY, CALIFOR~IA, BEI A PART OF T~E RANCHO BURI BURI. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~.Minucciani,D.~.~atto,Rod Tibbetts. No~s, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~,ate page 187. RESOLUTION 662. Councilman Ratto introdeced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South ~an Francisco authorizing the ~ayor to add provision for preliminary expenditure and compensatio for an Inspector to application to the ~nited States government for aid for t~e constructio of an addition of the public library. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A?J.Eschelbach, M.~inucciani, D .W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen , None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney minute Of tH~ bg~ ~i~s me ~reread.~ ........... '~'~ ............ Referring to the minutes of July 5th, Mayor Eschelbach said he had not stated the salaI of Charles Lema, working temporarily in the place of Mari~'~n Petroff, should be the same as ~r. Pet~off's ,150 per month, but asked the board to verify his appointment as temporary drive~ and laborer in the street department. The minutes were ordered corrected to so read~ and were then approved. A letter to h~!r. H.E.Andorson, Secretary of the ~anufacturers' Association of South San Francisco from l~ir~dams of the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, concerning~the pre- posed Central Fire House in this city, was read to the City Council. Mr. Adams indicated th~ a central fire *ouse to cover the whole city woul~t affect the present insurance rate level provmded adequate ma~oower and equipment were add'~d.~ommunication, ordered filed. A co~nunication was received from the ~acific Coast Associatio~, of Fire Chiefs requestin~ the city to send the Fire Chief to their c~nvention at Salt Lake, September 1J,20, 21,22 nem~ ayor Eschelbach asked Fire Chief ~elte if he wiased to attend. The Chief stated he would be unable to attend this years convention. A written-request was made by the American Brot~v~orhood for t~e Blind for permission to ~old an annual FLOWER SALE in this city, either on the 23 or 30t~-~ of July . On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Counci~nan ~,~inucciani and regularly carried, the desired per- mission was ~ranted,eit!L~er for July 23 or 30. Pacific Oas & Electric Company requested permission to lay a 2" gas main, 104ft, in the in the westerly sidewalk area of Poplar Avenue,south of Parkway. ~eferred to councilman Tibbe~ A communication was received from the secretary of the Peninsulr Division of the League of California Municipalities,stating the next meetin~ would be held in Belmont on ~hursday evening, July 21,1~38, and requested to know how many South San Francisco officials would att~ ~ayor Eschelbach asked the city council and officials how many desired to ~e at the meeting. Seven signified ~heir intention to be on hand. A reply was received froN~ t~e State Compensation Insurance Fund to the city's letter inquiring as to-the responsibility of the City of South San Francisco i~ case of accidents to the Recreationa~ Director and persons off the San ~ate~ ?e~eral Relief r~lls. ~.E.~urden, Supervising Underwriter of the insurance fund stated that the city is under no responsibility in the case,and that persons working in that division are taken care of by the Relief Administration. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. Mr. ~enry Quilici,secretary of the South San ~rancisco Industrial ~aseball ~eam, requeste~ permission on behalf or his te~m, to hold a dance in Fraternal ~all, S~Ptember ~4,1~38. On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman ~oido and regularly carried~permission was ted. Assistant City Engineer ~lassen ~addressed a letter to the council pertainln~L to the Colma Creek situation, the matter of clearing the ditch, and its maintenance ~own stream from Orange Avenue. The estimated cost was stated to be approximately ~2,0©0. The engineer advised t~at city write a le~tter to the Board of Supervisors of San ~ateo ~ounty asking them to set a date for a meeeting to confer on a course to pursue as to the expense of maintenance. ~ayor Eschelbach and ~.Councilman ~oido -~'er not in favor of spending any more money on the creek. CounciLmen Minu~cciani said he was~not either, that the damage was caused from outside element~ but thou~-ht that Oran?e Avenue ~ark should be protected from the course of the stream . All agreed,~'~hoWever, to~,a letter being sent to the supervisors, requestin~ them to set the date ~ a meeting,at which the mat~er could be thorou?~ly threshed out. EESOLUTIOLi N0.660. Councilman ~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisc¢ consenhing to the participation of the City of South San Francisco in the execu~ of that certain map entitled "CITY P~K ADi~ITL~N". The resolution was adopted by t~-~e votes of all the members of the City J~%ouncil, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.~oido, A.J.Eschelbach, N.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3,at page 166. RESOLUTI~N N0.661. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South Oan Francisco accepting an offer of the South San Francisco land & Improvement Company to dedicat~ land to be known as "CITY PARK ADDITION SOUT~ SA~ FRANCISCO, SA~ MA~EO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA,BEIN( A PART OF T~ RANCHO ~URI BURI. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani,D.~.~atto,Rod Tibbetts. No~s, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,ate page 167. RESOLUi ION 662. Cottucilman Ratto introdeced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South oan F~ancisco authorizing the Mayor to add prov~H, sion for preliminary expenditure and compensation for an Inspector to application to the United States government for aid for tl~e construction of an addition of the public library. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A?J.Eschelbach,M.Minucciani, D .W.Ratto, Rod T~bbetts. Noes, Councilmen , None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of ~esolutions, Vol.3, at page 168. 480 F. Mandoli C. A. McDanisl J. Hanson N. Laufer T. Trakas L. Grassi P. Migoni D. Rosala G. Aresta So. City Auto Service New Life Service Co. F~ank Pariani James Spuri Standard Oil Co. Union 0ii CD. Subway Service Ststion So.S.F. Hospital So. City Laundr~r C. Rinehart A. Robinson G. Kincannon C. Bott Fred J. Lautze ,, Linden Ave. C~ge R. C. Stickle Richfield Oil Co. Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co. San Nateo Co. Title So. City Lumber Co. Industrial City Lumber E. Maffei W. S. Wetenhall Co. Ssn Mateo Feed & Y~el L. C. Smith Standard Oil Co. Crswford Typewriter Co. National Recreation Assn Anchor Durg Co. Spiro ' s Inc. E. W. McLellsn Co. C. E. Bush O. A. Kneese Bank of So. S.' F. 9 dsys labor Linden Ave sidewalk " Orange Ave. Park 4 " " 6 "clesning storm sewer V days labor on Linden Ave. sidewalk 8 days clesning storm sewers 8 days labor Linden Ave. stdewalk 9 days labor 0rsnge ~.ve. Park change tire, etc.Dodge truck repair police Buick i bottle new life repairs Buick photos i bbl motor oil supplies police dept. car wash and lubricat.~.on Sobriety tests physicial ex. of J. Huntington wash #1 and #9 houses June 4 days relief driver 3 days ~rning grass 3 days burning grass 3 d,a. ys burning grass install ,tail lights fire dept. rep air lawn mower repsirs Dodge truck 1 wench and cable 740 gals gas Servi ce July Reports June supplies - fire dept. materisls street" , park " W.P. ~. project materisls park " recreation and. city hal 1 furnish materisls time clcck- labor ? neon signs Bayshore 380 lineal feet p~pe W.P.A. job I compresso~ and operator W.P.A. job t~.ck rental V? ho~trs W. P. A. jo b pe afl oil underwood - recrestion dept. I years sub. recreation usg. 2 first aid kits Supplies recreation deot. 8 doz rose bushes lO00 - I gal cans Engineering So. Linden a~d streets " various Jobs " tennis cou~t night depository Total 9.00 9.00 9.00 18.00 27.00 31.50 36 . 00 36.00 40.50 1.50 37.90 1.03 6.84 8.02 93.54 1.29 3.00 5.00 2.50 '19.5'0 ~0.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 1~ .5O 3.92 3.1V P,8.60 V5. O0 3V.6].. V4.04 1.50 74. !0 149 o 89 70.34 39.98 107.00 947.54 22. O0 !V9.28 9.96 36.05 3.50 3.09 937.V3 4.94 6.50 81.00 4q9.04 96.17 $- 4,544.08 The claims having been audited by the finance con~ittee CounciLman ~inucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman atto and regularly carried. Referring to the construction of sanitar~ sewers in the new Proposed City Park Addition engineer Klassen stated the company would like to have the sewers constructed as soon as possible so they could begin the development of the addition. On motion by Councilman Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the ~ity Clerk was instructed to communicate with the land company, under direction of the city attorney, stating the city is ready to proceed with the sewmr construction. The city clerk was instructed to write the land company stating the city would require that all poles and other public utility equipment be placed in the easements of the New City Park ~ddi- tion. Under the ~-~ead of unfinished business the matter of the proposed rezoning of Linden Avenue was first taken up. After discussion it was ~ecided to consider rezoning in other districts as well~ and and agreedto meet azain Monday evening July 25, at 7;30 o'clock P.E. and discuss the subjuct. The clerk was instructed to advise the real estate men, businessmens' ~ssociation and Chamber of Commerce of the proposed meeting. The application of George Tucker for a business license to conduct a second hand store and FIXIT shop at his place,53 E1 C~nino Real,was denied, on reconnnendation of Fire Chief Welte and motion by Councilman moido. Councilman Tibbetts reported that a light asked for by the Northside Taxpayers Protective Association to be turned on at Nineth Lane had been attended to. Fire Chief Welte reported that the committee on firehouse building had concluded their deliberations and requested that an architect be appointed by the 6ity Council. Architects Storey, Norberg and Raney appeared before the council and offered their services at various percentages. The selection was laid over until another meetin~j on Wednesday evening, ,July 20,1938,at 7 'clock P.E. CounciLman Minucciani, Chairman of the Fire Committee,was in accord with the conclusions of the committee and the report. ArcLitect Reidy reported to the council that the amount proposed to construct a swimming pool is inadequate, and that he decided that the sum of ~lll, 800 would be necessary. This would leave insufficient funds to construct the club house. Mayor Eschelbach stated he was in favor of the club house,and in favor of adding ~20,000 more to the application. Mrs. Bramble and Mr. Rocca spoke in favor of increasing the amount of the application to include the construction of the club house. All the councilmen a~reed that the a~!ditional sum should be added and it was so ordered. There being no further business before the board Councilman Tfbbetts moved to l~ank Pariani James Spuri Standard Oil Co. Union Oil Co. Subway Service Station So.S.F. Hospital So. City Laundry C. Rinehart A. Robinson G. Kinc~nnon C. Bort Fred J. Lautze ,, Linden ~ve. C~e R. C. Stickle Ric~ield Oil Co. Pac. Tele. & Te!e. Co. San Nateo Co. Title So. City L~ber Co. Industrial City L~ber E. Maffet W. S. Wetenhall Co. Sen Mateo Feed & ~.el L. C. Smith Standard Oil Co. Crswford T~q0ewriter Co. National Recreation Assn Anchor Durg Co. Spiro's Inc. E. W. Mclellan Co. C. E. Bush G. A. Kneese Bank of So. S. F. repairs Buick photos I bbl motor oil s~,~pplles police dept. car wash and lubrication Sobriety tests physicial ex. of J. Huntington wash #1 and #2 houses June 4 days relief driver 3 days burningo ~rass 3 days burning grass Y d,a, ys burning grass install ,tail lights fire dept. rep air lawn mower repairs Dodge t~ck 1 w~neb, and cable 940 gals gas Servi ce July Reports June supplies - fire dept. materials street" " park " W.P. ~. project materials park ,, recreation and city hal 1 furnish materi, sls time clock- l~.bor ~ neon signs Bayshore 380 lineal feet p~pe W.P.A. job I compressor and operator W.P.A. job trick rental V? ho~ars W. P. A. jo b pearl oil underwood - recreation dept. I years sub. recreation mag. 2 first aid kits Supplies recreation dept. 8 doz rose bushes 1000 - I gal cans Er~ineering So. Linden a~d streets " various Jobs " tennis court night depository Total 6.84 8 .O2 93.54 1.29 3.00 5.00 2.50 'IM. VO ~0.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.5O 3.92 3.17 ~8.60 75. O0 37.63.. 74.04 1,50 74.10 ]49.89 136.5~ 70.34 39.98 109.00 247.54 99.00 !79.28 2.96 36.05 3.50 3.09 ~37.73 4.94 6.50 81.00 499.04 96.19 $-4,544.08 The claims having been audited by the finance con~ittee Councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman atto and regularly carried. Referring to the construction of sanitary sewers in the new Proposed City Park Addition engineer Klassen stated the company would like to have the sewers constructed as soon as possible so they could begin the development of the addition. On motion by Councilman Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried t%~e ~ity Clerk was instructed to communicate with the land company, under direction of the city attorney, stating the city is ready to proceed with the sewer construction. The city clerk was instructed to write the land company stating the city would require that all poles and other public utility equipment be placed in the easements of the New City Park Addi- tion. Under the kead of unfinished business the matter of the proposed rezoning of Linden Avenue was first taken up. After discussion it was ~ecided to consider rezoning in other districts as well~ and and agreedto meet a~ain ~onday evening July 2~,at 7;~0 o'clock P.~. and discuss the subjuct. The clerk was instructed to advise the real estate men, businessmens' ~ssociation and Chamber of Commerce of the proposed meeting. The application of Oeorge Tucker for a business license to conduct a second hand store and FIXIT shop at his place,SZ E1 Camino Real,was denied, on recou~mendation of Fire Chief Welts and motion by Councilman ~oido. Councilman Tibbetts reported that a light asked for by the Northside Taxpayers Protective Association to be turned on at Nineth Lane had been attended to. Fire Chief ~elte reported that the committee on firehouse building had concluded their deliberations and requested that an architect be appointed by the Oity Council. Architects Storey, Norberg and Raney appeared before the council and offered their services at various percentages. The selection was laid over until another meetin!~ on Wednesday evening, July ~O, 19ZS,at 7 'clock P.M. Councilman ~inucciani, Chairman of the Fire Cou~ittee,was in accord with the conclusions of the committee and the report. Architect Reidy reported to the council that the amount proposed to co~struct a swimming pool is inadequate, and that he decided that the sum of ~lll, 800 would be necessary. This would leave insufficient funds to construct the club house. Mayor Eschelbach stated he was in favor of of the club house,and in favor of adding ~0,000 more to the application. Mrs. Brsm~ble and Mr. Rocca spoke In favor of increasing the amount of the application to include the construction of the club house. All the councilmen aEreed that the a~ditional sum should be added and it was so ordered. There being no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn untilBoido Wednesday and. regularly evening, carried. July 20th, lJ38, at 7 o'clock P.,~:. ~ne motion was second, by Q~unc~lman ~Time of adjournment, 10 o'clock P.~i. Approved Respectfully submi Mayor of South San FranCisco City.C1/erk