A regularly adjourned meetin of the city council of the City of South San Francisco
was bel~ in the city hall Wednesday evening July 90, 19~8.
The meeting was called to order at V:30 p. m. by Nayor A. J. Eschelbach
Roll C~ll found all members of the co~]ncil, present as follows:
Co,~mcilmen V. Boido, R. Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto, M. Ninucciani
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dis'~,ensed with.
Councilman ~,~linucciani reported for the co~.itte~ on the fire house project, stating
that the committe had selected J\'~r. William H. Rowe as architect, that his fee would
be 6% and the preliminary work would not cost more than ~.~?00.00 if the project did
not go through. He stated that ~,~Ir. Rsney's fee was l~ higher and that ~r. Story
would not give proper supervision. The City Clerk was instructed to write letters o
thanks to the architects who assisted.
A com~unlcation was received from Governor Frank F. Nerriam acknowledging the city'
request for an appropriation from the State K~ ergency ih.and for the Colms Creek
Storm drain, stating the matter ~ad been turned over to ~tate Engineer Edward Hyat
for his recommendations. A cmr~munfcation was also received from State Engineer
Hyatt asking_ the city to have engineering data prepared on this subject, notifying
Deputy Engineer R. L. Jones. The city council authorized City Emgineer Klassen tc
proceed witb the data required. Mr. Klassen then f~led a copy of a letter address
ed to Mr. Jones, which !nfo~5 him the dat~ required wo~ld be available at the
time of inspection.
of the Pacific Gas m Electric Company
Mr. S. K. Robbfns/appeared before the council w-i. th reference to the franchise sub-
mitted to the council for their approval. He stated that another franchise had
been subm.~tted to City Attorney Coleberd for a lessor time than fifty years, giving
the city the ri~t to te~!na, te the same at any time. Councilman [~ofdo made a mot!
to give the P.G. & E. a five year franchise. The motion was seconded by Councilmam
Tibbetts. City Atto~mey Coleberd s~ggested that he bring all the data he has on
t~ matter before the council Monday nigjat, ex plaining the same, before anything i
done. Co~ncilmen Boido and Tibbetts withdrew their ~otion ~ntil ~ther discussic
Resolution #663
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of
So~th San Francisco employing Will~s~ Henry Rowe as architect to prepare and fur-
nish to said city plans and specifications for the construction of a fire house.
The resol~tfon was adopted by the votes of all members o~ the city co~.~ucfl, as
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boi. do, A. J. Escbelbach, N. Ninucciani, D. W. Ratto, R.
Noes, C ouncil~en None
Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3 at page 168.
There being~ no f~.rt?,er b~siness before the cooncil~ Councilman Ratto moved to adjo~
to Monday evening July ~5, 1938, at V.30 p.m. The motion was seconded by Counci~
man ~tbbetts and re?la, fly csrrie~.
Time of adjournment 8.10 o'clock p. m.
Respectfully submitted
Dsnie~c~;weeney, City Clerk
Mayor of t~e city of South Sam Fran-
cisco ·
Councilmen V. Boido, R. Tibbetts, A. J. Escbelbsch, D. W. Ratto, M. Nlnucc!sni
The reading of the m!m~tes of the previous meeting was dis':.ensed with.
Councilman ~,.~inucciani reporte5 for the com~ittee on the fire house project, statdng
that the cormmitte had selected .~\.~'r. Wil.~].~.am H. Rowe as architect, that his fee would
be 6% and the preliminary work would not cost more than ~.~00.00 if the project did
not go through. He stated that Mr. Raney's fee was 1% hig/oer and that I~r. Story
would not give proper supervision. The City Clerk was instructed to write letters o~
thanks to the architects who assisted.
A communication was received from Governor Frank F. Merriam acknowledging the city';
request for an appropriation from the State .F~ ~rgency ~.%ud for the Colms Creek
Storm drain, stating the matter hs~ been turned over to ~tate Engineer Edward Hyat'
for his recommendations. A cmrnmunication was also received from State Engineer
Hyatt asking the city to have engineering data prepared on this st~bject, notifying
DepL~ty Engineer R. L. Jones. The city council authorize~ City Erg!meet Klassen to
proceed with the data reqt~ired. ~{r. Klassen then f~led a copy of a letter address.
ed to Mr. Jones, which ~nfor~,~ b!~ the d~t~ reqt~ired wo~ld be available at the
time of inspection.
of the Pacific Gas ~ Electric Company
Mr. S. K. Robbins/appeared before the council w-~.th reference to the franchise sub-
mitted to the council for their approval. He stated that another franchise had
been submitted to City Attorney Coleberd for a lessor time than fifty years, giving
the city the right to tea!nato the same at any time. Councilman F, oido made a moti~
to give the P.G. & E. a five year franchise. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Tibbetts. City Atto~mey Coleberd s~ggested that he bring all the data he has on
t~ matter before the council Monday night, ex plaining the same, before anything
done. Co~]ncilmen Boido and Tibbetts withdrew their ~otion ~mtil f~.rther discussio~
Resolution #663
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of
South San Francisco employing Will,_sE Henry Rowe as architect to prepare an5 fur-
nish to said city plans and specifications for the construction of a fire house.
The resol~tion was adopted b~j the votes of all ~embers of the city corncil, as
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani, D. W. Ratto, R.
Noes, Councilmen None
Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
Recorde~ in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3 at page 168.
There being_ no further b~siness before the council~ Councilman Ratto moved to adjour
to Monday evening July 95, 1938, at V.30 p.m. The motion, was seconded by Council-
man ~tbbetts and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 8.10 o'clock p. ~.
Respectfully submitted
Approv ed:
Dsniel Mc~.~eeney, City Clerk
Mayor of t~e city of South Sam Fran-
ci S CO.