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The regular meeting of the city co Uncil of the City of South San Francisco was held
in the City Hall Monday evening, August 15th 1938.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor'~.J.Eschelbach. ~
Roll call found all the members of tt~ City Council present, as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts.
The minutes of the four previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissioms
they were approved as read.
A copy of a letter from ArChitect Rowe to negional Director of the P.W.A.,Mr. K.A.
Godwin advised that the bond election in connection with the Central Fire Station would be
Leld on September 20,1938, also that under the head of "INSPECTION AND TESTS" no full time
inspector would necessarily be employed, that the presence of the City Building Inspector
and architectural supervision would be s~fficient. Communication accepted and filed.
The Board of Underwriters of the Pacific wrote in answer to the city's letter re-
garding re-reating of ~he insurance in the city, ~stating a re-rating is due South San Francisco
but they were unable to tell about when the city would get it. The City Clerk was instructed to
freshen their memory on the subject in 98 days.
Bernard McCaffrey Post.~58 invited the city council to attend~their installation of
officers on Tuesday evening,August 16,1~8. The invitation w~s accepted and ell those who can
will attend.
An Application for a building permit to erect a gasoline station on the northeast corner of
Armour & Linden Avenues was received from Victor Lonati. On motion by councilman Hatto seconded
by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted.
A communication was received from the Northside ~axpayers Protective Association of
~outh San Francisco requestin$ the city to construct a baseball diamond and Soccor Field in
Martin's Park for small boys from 8 th 15 years of age, if the grounds are large enough.
Engineer Klassen was instructed to look into the matter and ascertain if there is room enough
for both sports.
Ordinance No. had its second reading, and was laid oni~the,~able on motion by CounciLman
Ratto,seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
Claims in the amount of $ 2058.1~e re next presented to the comncil for payment;-
Hoover Spring Co.
Union 0il Co.
South City Auto Service
Dudly Perkins
C. Rinehart
M. Castro
F. Gamba
A. Robinson
A. Johnson
G. Penna
Superior Imndx~y
South City Laundry
R. R. Sharkey
Ac Grado
M. Laufer
J. Masciovecchio
F. Mandoli
Fred. J. Lautze
Linden Avenue Garage
Golden West Quarry
A. Me Bloomquist
Industrial City Lumber Co.
Enterprise Press
The ,. Ent erpris ·
D. McSweeney
Geo~ A. Kneese
0hamber of Commerce
John Morris
Richfield Oil Corp.
Burroughs Add~ng Machine Co.
John Co~so
San Mateo County Title
Je~ 0. McMills
PaC~ Tel. and Tel. Co.
P. ~. and E.
Hallawell Seed Co~
adjust brakes, etc.Buick
Globes police dept.
repair Buick
" mot orc~c le
9 days relief driver
day bu~Ang g~ass
bu ni ass
matches - f~re de~t.
bread for city dumps
wash ~2 house July
" #1 and #2 houses July
labor tennis cou~t
"tennis cou~t & ball
labor Orange Ave. Park
" trimming trees
2 battery cables - street
repairs Dodge truck
rock - Linden Ave. sidewalk
690 Gals. Sc-lA
materials - street dept.
" ~ark
notices inviting sealed
proposals and Board of
e quali zat ion
~000 health notices
2 notices of intent to
grant franchise
$ 3.00
1 key for ~ibbetts .25
Engi.neering various projects455.29
Park 76.96
" Street
Advertising August
impoun~ng one dog
300 gals gas
removing dogs Ap~. to Jul.
reports July ,,
phone bill June and July
phone 2 months #626
street lights July
various service July
14 bales peat moss
Total $2,058.17
The claims having been audited by t~e finznce committee Councilman Tibbetts moved
they be ~aid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Under the head of unfinished busi ness the application of Joe Olordano for a busia
business license to operate a candy,cigar and soft drink store and sell beer, was taken up.
Chief of police ~elloni stated he left word for Mr. Giordano to call at his office but he ~
did~not show up. Councilman Boido stated that ¥incenzini Brothers did not make a rental d&
deal witt~ Mr. Oiordano and the deal was off.
Mayor Eschelbach stated there were complaints still coming from Peck's Lots about
the dust and noise made by the Macco BrotLers truck§,nig~t and day. Several neighbors in ~
the vicinity of t~e operations stated there was little sleep to be had in their neighboPhOo
on account of this condition. Chief Belloni stated the company placed oil on the roadways,
the dust still comes down from the trucks and blows into the houses., that the dust should b
cleaned away first and the oil spread afterwards.Councilman Tibbetts s~id'they were working
late in order to get t heir new roadway constructed over the new route. It w~s finally
decided to send a letter to the company de~anding that no operations begin before 6 a.m. an
work stop at 8 o'clock p.m.
Engineer Klassen stated the net fo r the Tennis Court would be in position for play
iony Pacheco,city electrian,explained that he had a proposition to install a. vault f
electrical appliances in the Orange Avenue pzrk for the courts, etc. Taken under advisement
Re said he had to install a new clock and repair one of the new ~ity Neon signs.
~eferred to engineer Elassen for investigation.
The city engineer advised that a meeting of the Board of Supervisors would be held t
morrow, Tuesday, the 16th,inst, and requ6sted that a nunber of the City Councilman be in at~
ance to confer with them en the division o f the expenses of cleaning Colma Creek and channe
he was instruced to ascertain if the City Councilmen could meet with the supervisors in Open
session in the afternoon~ and report to th e council.
City attornay C~leberd advised the board that there should be a meeting of the coun
held Wednesday evening f~r the purpose of sectoring the names of the election officers and th.
polling locations for the September ~Oth,s pecial election.
Under the head of new business Councilman Minucciani stated he and Councilmen Boido ~
Tibbetts had met in the forenoon as a police commission on charges preferred against policem.
Bildhauer by Emil Giorgettt. Councilman Minuccianl stated he did not agree with the other
members of the police .~ommisston on the penalty meted to tie police officer, depriving him o
one day a week off,~ ~ouncilman ooido stated Police Officer Bildhauer had severely clubbed ~i
Oiorgetti, that th~ penalty was light,and that this was one of se veral offenses attributed '
Officer Bildhauer. Councilman Tibbetts agreed with Councilman ~oido that the penalty was
light. Cotmcilman Ratto argued that the whole board should be called in in a case of this
kind, t~at from reports Officer Dildhauer was de~ending himself, and had a right to do as he
did. Councilman Boido disagreed with him and st ted that the police, commission had full ~
authority to act as it did. ~uch discussion roll. owed with Councilman ~atto declaring the mat
would be taken up by the whole City Council.
There being no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn
until Wednesday evening, August 17t~,1938. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and
regularly carried.
Time of adjournment ~;30 o'clock p.m.
~ayor of South San Francisco.