The regular meeting of the city council of the city of South San Francisc.
was held in the city hall, Tuesday evening September 8, 1938.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p. m. by Mayor A. J.
Roll call found all members of the city council present, as follows:
Councilmen V. ~oido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto, M. Minucciani
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read.
ommissions they were approved as read.
There being no errors or
A comm~unication was received from H. F. McNellis, District Manager of the Califo~
Pension Plan Retirem~nt Life Payment Act ~asking for permission to hold a meeting
the co~uncil~chambers ~ednesday evening September 14, 1938. On motion duly made
carrie~ permission was granted.
A comm~uication was received from Bernard McCaffery Post.~355 The American Legion
inviting the city officials to attend their installation ceremonies at American
Legion iHall Wednesday night, September 7, 1~38. On motion by Councilman Minuccia~
seconde~ by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the communication was accepted
and al~ members epxressed their willingness to attend if possible.
A communication was received from B. J. Rodondi offering for sale to the city
Lots 8,~ 9 and l0 Block 137, for the new fire house site. Councilman Minucciani
suggested the matter of selecting a site should be held over until the bond issue
has been accepted. Mr. Rodondi appeared before the council and stated he believe(
this property to be most centerally located for the new fire house and that the
same could be purchased at a reasonable figure. On motion by Councilman B~oido,
seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the communication was order~
A communication was received from H. T. Gettins Company asking permission to in-
stall three 550 gallon gasoline storage tanks, underground, for the Lonati Servic~
Station, Linden and Armou~ Avenues. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded
by Councilman Boido and regularly carried permission was granted.
Joseph H. Canepa applied to the city council for a license to engage in general
electriD and contracting business at 3~A Baden Avenue. On motion by Councilman
Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried, pemnission graute~
Ray Colombo, 870 Grand Avenue applied for permission to engage in Janitor work an~
window ~cleaning. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Couucilman
Tibbett~s, and regularly carried, permission granted.
The monthly reports of the City Judge, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Building
Inspector, Health Officer and Librarian for the month ending August 31, 1938,
were submitted. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by ~ouncilmar~Boido
and regularly carried, they were accepted as reade
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the city council of the city of South
San Francisco fixing the tax rate for the fiscal year 1938-1~39. The resolution
was adopted by the votes of all members of the city council as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, ~ M. Minucciant,
D. W. Ratto
Noes, C~uncilmen None .Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweaney, City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3 at page 189.
Councilmen Minucciani introduced a resolution of the city council of the city of
South S~anFrancisco approving bond~ Pacific Gas and Electric Company, executed in
consideration~ of gas franchise. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all
members of the city council as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. j. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto,
M. Minucciani
Noes, C6uncilmen None ~ Absent, Councilmen None
~ Attest: Daniel McSweney, City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol. 3 at page 190
Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of
South San Francisco approving bond of Pacific Gas and Electric Company executed
in consideration of electric franchise. The resolution was adopted by the votes
of all members of the city council as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani, D.W.Ratt
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield. ~eoutv
Roll ~if~~ 'ali members of the city council present, as follows:
Councilmen V. ~oido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto, M. Minuccia
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or
ommissions they were approved as read.
A comm~unication was received from H. F. McNellis, District Manager of the Cai
Pension Plan Retirement Life Payment Act ~asking for permission to hold a meet~
the co~uncil~chambers ~ednesday evening September 14, 1938. On motion duly mac
carrie~ permission was granted.
A communication was received from Bernard McCaffery Post #355 The American Le~
inviti~ng the city officials to attend their installation ceremonies at Americ~
Legion iHall Wednesday night, September 7, 1938. On motion by Councilman Minu(
seconde~ by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the communication was accet
and al~ members epxressed their willingness to attend if possible.
A commtmication was received from B. J. Rodondi offering for sale to the city
Lots 8,, 9 and l0 Block 137, for the new fire house site. Councilman Minuacian
suggested the matter of selecting a site should be held over until the bond is
has been accepted. Mr. Rodondi appeared before the council and stated he bell
this p~operty to be mos2 centerally located for the new fire house and that th
same could be purchased at a reasonable figure. On motion by Councilman Boido
seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the communication was or
A commt~nication was received from H. T. Gettins Company asking permission to l
stall three 550 gallon gasoline storage tanks, underground, for the Lonati Sem
Station, Linden and Armour Avenues. 0n motion by CouncilmanMinucciani, seco~
by Councilman Boido and regularly carried permission was granted.
Joseph ~. Canepa applied to the city council for a license to engage in genera~
electrip and contracting business at 3~ Baden Avenue. On motion by Councilma~
Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried, permission
Ray Colombo, 870 Grand Avenue applied for permission to engage in Janitor work
window Dleaning. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman
Tibbet~s, and regularly carried, permission granted.
The monthly reports of the City Judge, Chief of Fire Chief, Building
~ month
Inspector, Health Officer and Librarian for the P°liCe~nding August 31, 1938,
were submitted. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by ~ouncilmar~Boid
and regu~larly carried, they were accepted as reade
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the city council of the city of Sou~
San Francisco fixing the tax rate for the fiscal year 1938-1~39. The resolutio~
was adopted by the votes of all members of the city council as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, ~ M. Minucctani,
D. W. Ratto
Noes, Cbuncilmen None ~Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweaney, City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy
Recorde~ in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3 at page 189.
Councilmen Minucciani introduced a resolution of the city council of the city o~
South S~an Francisco approving bond~ Pacific Gas and Electric Company, executed
consideration of gas franchise. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all
members of the city council as follows:
Ayes, C6uncilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. j. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto,
M. Minucciani
Noes, C6uncilmen None ~ Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweney, City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol. 3 at page 190
Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of
South San Francisco approving bond of Pacific Gas and Electric Company executed
in consideration of electric franchise. The~resolution was adopted by the vetes
of all membJrs of the city council as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani, D.W.Rat
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney~ City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3 at page 190
An ordinance ~of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, calling a
special election on the 27th day of September, 1938, had its second reading and
was adopted as an ordinance of the city of South San Francisco by the following
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto,
M. Minucciani
Noes, Councilmen None
Absant, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy
Recorded in Book of Ordinance Vol. 2 at pages 276-77-78-79 and 80.
Claims in the amount of $2,816.92 were next presented to the city council for payment:
Dudley Perkins maintenance motorcycle $ 2.00
Louis Belloni exp. to Sacramento, etc. 7.90
South City Auto Service seat covers Buick, etc. 16.07
California State Auto Assn. 2 Redwood Sign posts 1.53
A. Robinson Attendin~ fires Aug. 1.00
P. Smith " 1.00
S. Barney ~ 2.00
W. Garibaldi ,,
J. Feri 3.00
R, Smith " 3,00
L. Savares " 3.00
A. Johnson " 3.50
C. Begnal " 4.00
Vo Ullery " 4.00
W. Locatelli " 4.50
M. Castro " 4.50
J. Huntington '~ 7.00
J. Fambrini Attendin~ fires & relief driver 18.00
C. Rinehart " 24.00
F. Gamba " " 30.50
South City Linen Supply Wash #1 house August 8.76
Cochin Manufacturing Co. i pressure switch 10.56
RoBinson Druggist supplies Dire dept. 7.94
" 10# poison wheat 2.06
A. N. Bloomquist 440 gals bitumuls 31.72
Cooks 0il Co. 52 gals oil 4.33
South City Auto Service gas line lawnmower .VV
" repair tire, etc. street truck 2.50
Highway Transport freight .75
Kelle~'s Welding Shop labor on streets 3-00
weldinE 1.50
Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. Phone #401 2.50
R. Masciovecchio 5 days t rimm~ing trees 22.50
A. ceri ~ days,park labor ........ 29.25
M. Moro 6 27.00
M. Laufer 7 ",.~ /'~. 31.50
J. DuFou~ ~ ~9~ "/ ~ 42.50
S. Pascuzzi ~ '" 42.50
V. Lindberg 10 " 45.00
P. Cincelli 10 days~labor tennis court 45.00
F. Pa~enti 10 " " 45.00
F. Mandoli 18 d~ys trim tu~ees 81.00
J. Masdovecchio 18 park labor 81.00
~Geo. A. Kneese Engineering various projects 357.6I
" " tennis court . 21.60.
J. Nelch impounding cats & dogs Aug. 28.50
Hallawell Seed Co' seeds 13.96
California Water Service 'service parks & playgrounds 258.V0
" hydrant rental Aug. 321.00
" service city hall 41.34
" " city dumps 1.25
" " W.P.A. project ~ 1.47
" " library 27.43
'~ " fountain & fire house 5.80
P. G. & E. street lights August 722.41
". miscellaneous service 78.44
Railway Express Agency express - box fuses .90
" " ballot paper 1.3V
Bank of So. San Francisco Claim Gordon Rowe Co. on budget 225.00
Total ........... $2,816.92
The claims having been audited by the 'finance committee, Councilman Ratto moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
~. The matter of the claim of Gordon Rowe Company of $225.00 for posting
statistical ledger for fiscal year and budget analysis for 1938-1939, waSdiscussed.
Councilman Ratto suggested a letter be written to Gordon Rowe Company advising them
that this work should be included in their yearly audit for which they are paid
$600.00 a year. The city clerk was instrueted to write such a letter.
Fire Chief Welte appeared before the city council stating that 2 fire hydrants
were needed in the new city park addition and one on Linden Avenue between Standard
0il Company and Dollar Avenue. He stated the cost would be $60.00 a hydrant. On
motion by Councilman ~iinucciani, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried~
Welte was inst~-ucted to purchase same.
City Attorney Colebe~i discussed the Colma Creek situation and said he would like t¢
have a meeting of the city council called after he again talked with the Board of
Supervisors. It wad decided a special moeting would be called if necessary.
There appearing no ~further business before the board, Councilman Ratto moved to
adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Time of Adjournment 9.10 o'clock p. m.
Respectfully submitted
Danie~L~cSweeney, City Clerk
Mayor of South San Francisco.