HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-09-19 REGULAR ~EET~ING OF THE CITY ,COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF
The regular meeting of the city council of the city of South San Francisco was hel~
in the city hall Monday evening September 19, 1938.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p. m. by ;~ayor A. J. Eschelbach.
Roll call found all members of the city council present as follows:
CouncDlmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschel~ach, D. W. Ra~to, M. ~iinucciani
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. ~here being no errors or omission~
they were approved as read.
A con~unication was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce askir
the ci~ty to investigate missing house numbers in various parts of the city and to ~
ctify-same. The city clerk was asked to write them to name specific cases for
their ~act ion.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Fire Department signed bi
Angelo Canziani~ Peter ~'~ai~ani, W. L..Cameron and A. J.~ Schmidt asking for an in-
crease in their salary. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilman
~finucciani and regularly carried, it was agreed to lay the matter over flor con-
sideration after the bond election·
Bethlehem Steel Employees Baseball Club addressed a communication to the council
telling them of the start of the Peninsula Winter League games October 2, 1938,
thanking them for the new field and accommodations offered and asking their support
in pM~lishing notices ~of games. The communication was ordered filed.
councilman Ratto suggested askin~ the school department for the use of their groun~
for any other teams desiring to play. After discussion it was decided to wait
until ~other teams requested the grounds before communicating with the school.
Union~Paving Company's communication in regard to Linden Avenue Street Improvement,
stated that the City Engineer supervised the work and it was carried out under his
guidaRce, and asked the city to pay them the balance due. Councilman Boido suggest
the city get a discount and leave Linden Avenue the way it is. City Attorney Colet
said ~o compromise should be made and that he had contaced Mr. Dowling and request~
him to complete the work to satisfaction. He said he and Mr. Klassen were writin[
them a letter. It was-decided to withould action pending the result of the letter.
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company acknowledged the city's letter re-
gardin[~ the dust condition in the new City Park Addition, stating it was impossibl~
to eliminate the condition until the water pipes were laid in the tract, after whi(
time the condition could be remedied. Comnunication ordered filed.
Angelo Lucchessi's request of the previous meeting of a dance permit for October
15th was granted after he informed the city council he represented the Night 0wl
Social Club and paid the $5.00 for police protection,
Assistant City Engineer Klassen submitted a statement of the cost of the sanitary
sewer .in CitYcPark Addition as $1906.61 and that the amount due to date was $1V15.~
On motion by ouncilmanRatto, seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly
carried this m~ount was ordered paid.
Hartford Insurance Company asked the city for a report-on their recomnendations
contained in their letter of August 3rd. Councilman Tibbetts reported prosess.
Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana "Morelos" made application for a printing shop to be
located at 312 Baden Avenue. 0n motion by Councilman Ratto seconded by Oouncilmau
Minucciani 'and duly carried, permission granted.
The monthly reports of the City Clerk and Treasurer for the month ending August 31~
1938~ were submitted. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman
Boido and duly carried they were approved as read.
This.being the date set for opening the bids for painting the interior of the city
hall, Councilman Minucciani moved they be opened. The motion was seconded by :
Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Two bids were received as follows:
H. Baldini -~ painting of courtroom, auditorium and halls,
according to specifications ~627.00
Evan Bertolozzi - painting courtroom, auditorium, halls
according to specifications $800.00
H. Baldini appearing the lowest responsible bidder, Counci~uan Minucciani introduc~
a resolution of the city council of the city of oouth San Francisco awarding him tl
contract. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all members of the council
as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen~ V.. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto, M. Minucc~
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Counci~nen None
(Resolution No 689) Attest ~ Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
· by Elizabeth 0ttenfield, DePuty
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3 a~ page 191
On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded hy Councilman Boido and ~uly carried
Evan Bertolozzi's check was ordered returned to him.
Claims in the amount of $3598.14 were next presented to the city council for payme~
South City Auto Service
California State Auto. Assn.
Pacific Railway Signal Co.
Robinson D~uggsit
Prather Detective Service
repairs Buick
I g~oss fuses
supplies police dept.
fees, etc. in re Welte's Pool Hall
15, 03
.... =~m cz ~ne previous meetin~ wer~ read. 'Z'here being no errors or omiss~
they were approved as read.
A co~nunication was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce as
the cDty to investigate missing house numbers in various parts of the city and t
ctifysame. The city clerk was asked to write them to name specific cases for
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Fire Department signed
Angels Canziani~ Peter Mai~ani, W. L. Cameron and A. J. Schmidt asking for an in
crease in their salary. On motion by°Councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilman
Minucciani and regularly carried, it was agreed to lay the matter over £or con-
sideration after the bond election.
Bethlehem Steel Employees Baseball Club addressed a communication to the council
telling them of the start of the Peninsula Winter Laague games October 2, 1938~
thanking them for the new field and accommodations offered and asking their supp(
in pM~lishing notices ~of games. The communication was ordered filed.
councilman Ratto suggested askin~ the school department for the use of their gro~
for a~y other teams desiring to play. After discussion it was decided to wait
until ~other teams requested the grounds before communicating with the school.
Union~Paving Company's communication in regard to Linden Avenue Street Improveme~
stated that the City Engineer supervised the work and it was carried out under hi
guidance, and asked the city to pay them the balance due. Councilman Boido sugge
the city get a discount and leave Linden Avenue the way it is. City Attorney Col
said Rs compromise should be made and that he had contaced Mr. Dowltng and reques
him to complete the work to satisfaction. He said he and Mr. Klassen were writi
them a letter. It was.decided to wi~hould action pending the result of the lette
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company acknowledged the city's letter
gardinj~ the dust condition in the new City Park Addition, stating it was impossibl
to eliminate the condition until the water pipes were laid in the tract, after wh~
time the condition could be remedied. Co~uunication ordered filed.
Angels Lucchessi's request of the previous meeting of a dance permit for October
15th was granted after he informed the city council he represented the Night 0wl
Social Club and paid the ~5.00 for police protection,
Assistant City Engineer Klassen submitted a statement of the cost of the sanitary
sewer .in CitYcPark Addition as $1908.61 and that the amount due to date was ~lTIS.
On motion by ouncilmanRatto, seconded by Councilman~inucciani and regularly
carried this ~ount was ordered paid.
Hartfoz~i Insurance Company asked the city for a report~on their reco~uendations
oontained in their letter of August Zrd. Councilman Tlbbetts reported pro,ss. ~
Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana "Morelos" made application for a printing shop to be
located at 312 Baden Avenue. On motion by CounciLman Ratto seconded by Oouncilman
Minucciani ~and duly carried, permission granted.
The monthly reports of the City Clerk and Treasurer ~or the month ending August 31
l~JS, were submitted. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman
Boido and duly carried they were approved as read.
This~being the date set for opening the bids for painting the interior of the city
hall, Councilman Minucciani moved they be opened. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Two bids were received as follows:
H. Baldini -~ painting of courtroom, auditorium and halls,
according to specifications ~82~.00
Evan Bertolozzi - painting courtroom, auditorium, halls
according to specifications $800.00
H. Baldini appearing the lowest responsible bidder, Councilman Minucciani introduce
a resolution of the city council of the city of South San Francisco awarding him th
contract. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all members of the council
as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen~ V.~ Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto, N. Minucci~
Noes, Councilmen None Absent' Counci~nen None
(Resolution No. G89) Attest ~ Daniel ~cSweeney, City Clerk
by Elizabeth 0ttenfield, DePuty
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3 at page l~l
On motion by Councilman Ninucciani seconded hy Councilman Bolds and duly carried
Evan Bertolozzi's check was ordered returned to him.
Claims in the amount of $3598.1~ were next presented to the city council for payment
South City Auto Service
California State Auto Assn.
Pacific Railway Signal Co.
Robinson D~uggsit
Prather Detective Service
Tidewater Associated 0il Co.
Superior Laundry
. Greenberg's Sons
o. City Lumber and Supply Co.
repairs Buick
I g~oss fuses
supplies police dept.
fees, etc. in re Welte's Pool H~ll
repair tire - fire car
wash #2 house August
3 hydrants
supplies fire dept.
South City Lumber and Supply Co.
ti ti
We Ekstrom
R· S · Reynolds
M. Laufer
H. Tro~ell
P. Magnaghi
J. Gioffre
N. · Santucci
G. Aresta
C. Cornell
J. Masciovecchio
F. Mandoli
Sprouse Reitz Co.
Bostitch Western Inc.
Pacific Tele· & Tele· Co.
American Push Broom Co·
Fred Lautze
Swift and Co.
Mutual Engineering Co.
H. E· Conner
Bashford Smith
Pacheco Electric
A. J· Pacheco
Pacheco Electric
Chamber of Commerce
San Mateo County Title Co·
Enterprise Press
The Enterprise
Lazzari and Sons
Frank C. Jordan
JQhn Morris
Industrial City Lumber Co.
Industrial city Lumber Co.
supplies street dept·
" W.P.A. project
1 day sweeping streets
4 days sweeping streets
6 days labor Park
7 days labor Colma Creek
7 days labor play,.rounds
7 days labor
7 days labor Colma Creek
.7 days labor Orange -~ve Park
V days " Colma ~Creek
l0 days' " Orange Ave. Park
l0 days trimming ~rees
supplies recreation
i stapler "
Service September
2 doz broom - 1 doz. handles
repair tire dump truck ~
front spindle assy. st. truck
repair truck - park
2 sacks salt
sharpening, tools
pay~ent on sewer contract
City Park Addn.
Brafting, etc. city map
wiring, fixtures City Hall
installing starter, etc· on fire
alarm air compressor
maintenance street lights & lamps
maintain fire alarm system Aug
rectifier units fire system
Advertising September
reports August
1500- 2~- 500- J~- 2000 claims
printing ordinances, 'etc.
supplies city hall
ballot paper
impounding 2 dogs Sept.
materials recreation dept.
mat erials park
supplies city hall
" park
l. OO
Total ....... $ 4292.9?
The cliams i:avtng been audited by the finance committee Councilm.~n Minucciani moved they
be paid· The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried,
Under the head of unfinished business Councilman Tibbetts reported that a stop
~signal was being installed at Baden and Eucalyptus Avenues as requested by Mrs.
Mayor A. J. Eschelbach requested the city clerk to v~fte to the San Mateo County
Supervisor% with a copy to Dr. Gans, asking what had been done on effluent from the
hog ranches.
Assistant Engineer Klassen said he had written Marshall regarding conditions. Nar-
shall stated he is waiting for the hog ranchers and the hog ranchers claim they are
~waitingfor Marshall. Councilman Ratto stated he was talking to members of the
~.association Saturday, that they have senb tk~ir papers to Sacramento to be signed
and they will have action soon. ' The council asked Klassen to get in touch with
Marshall again.
Councilman Boido stated the Police Chief's convention was to be held in SanDiego
in October and Chief Belloni would like to attend during his two weeks vacation.
He asked the pleasure of the board as to whether the Chief should present his bill
on his return or if the council would set an amount. No action was taken on this
request. 0nm~tionbyCouncilmanMinucciani seconded by Councilman P~atto and duly
carried, the Chief's request to attend the convention was granted.
The matter of awa~!ng the contract for excavation of Colma Creek was discussed.
As a satisfactory settlement had not been reached with the County Supervisors, it was
decided to lay the matter over for further discussion as to the amount the county ~ould
There being no further business before the council, Councilman Tfbbetts moved to ad-
journuntil Wednesday evening September 21, 1938, at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9.05 o'clock p. m.
Respectfully submitted
D~niel McSweeney, City Clerk
Mayor of ~outh San Francisco.