A regularl~ adjourned meeting of tle City Council of the City of South San Franc.[acc was
held in the City Hall, Thursday evening, October 13,1938.
This meeting was called to order at V;30 o'clock P.~:. by ~;;a~or A.J.Eschelbach.
Roll call found all members of the City Council present,as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,~.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
The reading of the minutes of the two previous meetings was dispensed with.
A report was received from the City 6lerk stating he had verified the signat~res of thc
petition to re-submit the proposition to place the matter of the construction of : Recreational
Center Buildings and a swimming Tank i n the Cit~ of South San Francisco on the November 8,1938
ballot~for the voters consideration, and found sufficient genuine signatures thereon to entitle
the proposition to a place on the ballot. Co=~unication accepted and filed.
A communication was re~o~ved from Chief Deputy County Clerk Peterson of San hateo County,
stating that the total vote cast for Governor of California by the voters of South San Francisco
in the general election November 6, 1934, was 1895. Communication accepted and ordered placed on
The traffic Safety Committee of the 'San Mateo Lodge of Elks,Nc.Ill2, addressed a communication
to Mayor Esebelbach and the City Council and other officials requesting them to attend a dinner
meeting of a county-wide get-together movement for education and instruction in conjunction wi'th
the San Mateo County Traffic Safety Committee, at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel,Tuesday evening,
October 18,1938,at 7 o'clock P.M., at which Raymond E.Cato of the State Highway Patrol will be
the _guest of honor. ~ayor Eschelbach requested the City CouncilS.,Chief of Police and other
city officials to attend,in possible. It appeared about 4 or 5 representatives wo~ld be in attend;
Miss Ida Trubschenck, Secretary of the Peninsula League of California Municipalities,
addressed a letter to the ~ayor and City Council announcing that the next meeting of tbs league
would be held in the Hawaiian ~ardens, Almaden Road,San Jose, Thursday evening, October 90,1938,
at 7;00 o'clock P.M. The cormmunication stated outstanding speakers would be present,and San Jone
wished to make the occasion one of the most outstanding meetings of the year,and asked for a
large representation from South San ~ancisco. Mayor Eschelbach asked for a full board attendance
and oti:er officials of the city. It was calculated that about 8 persons would ce on hand,and zhe
clerk was instructed to so inform tLe secretary.
The Democratic County Committee of San ~ateo Co~nty asked the privilege of tls use of hall
space for a meeting of the party ~riday evening, October 14th,l~38. On motion by Councilman
Minucciani seconded by Councilman Ratto and reg~larly carried the request was granted.
of the CitF Council
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution'of the City of South San Francisco of intention
to submit to the electors of ti~e City of South San ?ranci.sco a proposition to incur a bonded indeb-
tedness to construct Recreational Center Buildings and a swimming Tank.
On rol~ call Councilmen Boido, Eschelbach and Tibbetts voted for the measure. Councilmen
Minucciani and Ratto voted no. Councilman Minucciani in voting stated the people had their -.
chance to vote for the propositions at the special election held September ~7 last,and apparently
did not care to vote the bonds , and he did not see wh~ tl.e~ should be asked again. Councilman
Ratto stated in voting No, that he was unable to get satisfactory infornmation from the comnittee
o~'~ the subject, said it would require 8 people at an approximate cost of one Thousand dollars a month.
to handle the proJect~ ~$9000 for the first years payment ,.~V~00 for the first years interest ~
altogether for the first Fears expenses around $30,000. It was explained to Councilman Ratto tha
first years ~0~ payment woul.:~ be ~5650,the interest at 3~% $3446.50 and no cost for maintenance
except an. engineer and water, the cost of maintenance being taken up by the W.P .A, administration.
Councilman Ratto stated no site had been selected for the swi~ing pool and no optiOn'taken
according to ~'ederal requirements,t~at the High School site was placed on the ballot to secure
votes b? subterfuge. Logan ~'rankl~n stated it was onlb fair to t~e public and theF had tie right
to i_ndicate a choice of locations for their pool and nobod~ was fooling them, ss t~e city had plenty
locations~ and that also the tax rate wo~ld not be raised to meet an~ costs. ~.J.Rodondi~s.;
Aileen ~r~able, Fete Mairain and otLer s spoke in favor of the improvements. ~ene Lombardi opposed
submittin8 the pro~ositions to a vote of the people again, saying the citF does not need a swim~ing pool ,
that~the water is contaminating and dangerous. Resol~tion recorded in page 197,~ock of resoluticns,¥ol.3.
i~ayor Eschelbach stated that if the people wish their petition acted upon it is tile duty of the
City Council to aid them in submitting their proposition, that no new taxes will be levied to pay
off the new bonds and interest,that the factories of the city pay approximately, 74~0 of all taxes, the
owners do not live here at all,ncr enjo~ an~ of the benefits ,.~erived from improvements. Referring to
the costs of submitting the propositions to the public at the November election Logan t,'ranklin
offered to supply the ballot pa~er and do al.l the printing incidental to the election for nothlng~
including advertising. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Mayor Eschelbach stated that the paintin~ being done by humbert ~aldini was not according
to the specifications and the agreement,and the (;ity Council was aware gf the slack work,the walls
not having been washed,and paint put on twice in the same day. The Cit~ Clerk was instructed ~o .~
write him telling him of tl:ese facts and notify him no money will be paid u~2il the work was done
properly. ~
There being no further business before the :~ouncil,~ouncilman [~atto moved to adjourn until
the next regular meeting, Monday, Oc~ober 1V,193S,at 8 o'clock P.M. ~he motion was seconded by
Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 10;45 o'clock P.M. Res~full~u~/~tted,
Mayor of South San Francisco.