HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-10-31REGULARLY ADJOURNED ~ETING OF T~E CITY
A regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
was held in the Cit~ Hall, Monday evening, October 31,1938.
This meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.~. by Maygr A.J.Eschelbach.
Roll call found the following members of the Cit~ Council present;-
V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Absent, Councilman, M.Ninucciani.
The reading of the minutes of the two previous meetings was dispensed with.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce recom-
mending that Christmas lighting be extended across the business streets rather than in the
Civic Center. Mayor Eschelbach thought the city was doing well to light up the civic cente:
and vicinity, but the matter was referred to Street Chairman Councilman Tibbetts. At the sm
time Cit~ Attorney Coleberd was asked to undertake the responsibility of bein~ Chairman again
of the Christmas Tree Festival. He gladly accepted the task.
A communication was received from Paul McCarthy, City Councilman of RedwOod City, adv
that a committee of thirteen representing the municipalities of San ~ateo County be appointe.
to consider the advisibility of formulating and presenting to the Board of Supervisors of San
~ateo County a plan £er the allocation to the several municipalities of a portion of the fun.
derived by the county from the State one cent gas tax. Mayor Eschelbach appointed City
attorney Coleberd to represent this city. Nr. Coleberd accepted the appointment.
Albert Peters Co., submitted a proposal to make improvements on the Seagrave Fire Tr
for the sum of ~219,or ~08 using the present S & N. redilights, and the West Coas Wire and
iron Works submitted a bid to make imgrovements on the two fire trucks for the sum of $~00.
Laid over for consideration.
A communication was received from the Department of EmploNment of the State of Califol
showing the report of the Chairman of the Unemployment Reserves Commission, ~r. J.H.Mathhews
~he report ind~bates a balance in tie State ~reasury in this fund of $94,319,888,~1. Report
accepted and placed on file.
Fire Chief A1 J.Welte a~plied for a raise of salary of ~50 per month, in a report
showing fees collected since taking over the duties of Building Inspector of ~4836.50,
Contractors Licenses collected, $3449 and the salary of a building Inspector from July 1934
to October 31,1938, 47600. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts regularly carried action was
postponed until the Chairman of the Fire Committee could be in attendance.
This being the date set for the opening of bids for the protection of the banks of th.
channels of Colma Creek, Counc~lman Boido moved the bids be Opened, The motion was seconded bl
There were but two bids submitted, those of the South City Lumber & Supply Company an~
Smith. The L.C.Smith bid was ~1503.98 snd that of the South City Lumber & Supply Company,
$1903.00. Both bids appearing high Engineer Klassen thought the work could be done cheaper
b~' day labor. Councilman Ratto inquired from the cit~ attorney if the work could be done by ~
city on a day labor basis, so much a month, The City Attorney stated a resolution could be ~
ted rejecting any and all bids,and a resolution adopted indicating that the city could do the
cheaper by days labor and meterials purchased by the city cheaper in the open market. ~e was
instructed to prepare such resolutions for a meeting of the City Council to be held Wednesday
morning, November ~, 1938, at 9 o 'clock A.M.
Councilman Ratto introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San
Francisco authorizing tl~e city to enter into an agreement -contract with the Department of Put
Works of the State of California for the repair and rehabilitation of the City's property fro~
damage caused by storms and floods in thr channels of Colma Creek. The resolution was adopted
the votes of all the members of the city council present, as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, D.~'.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilman, N.Einucciani. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ~ol.3, at page ~04.
Councilman Ti bbetts introduced a resolution of the Cit~ of South San Francisco vacatiz
a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San ~¥ancisco ordering the resurfacing
of a portion of Linden Avenue adopted on the 17th of October,1938. The resolution was adopt
by the votes of all the members of the City Council present, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilman,~.Minucciani.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page ~04.
Daniel McSweeney,
City Clerk.
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the Cit2 Council Of the City of South San
Francisco ordering resurfacing of ~ portion of Linden Avenue in the City of South San Fra~
The resolution was adopted by the w~tes of all the members of the City Council present;-
follows;-Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts,
Noes, Councilmen,None. ·
Absent, Councilmen, M,~Minucciani. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
..... Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~, at pages ~05,~06,~0V.
Claims in the amount of ~1316.94 were next presented to the council for payment;-
Ray Quinlan
Union Oil COmpany
Dudley Perkins
cleaning Steel works ditch $ 38.25
" " " " ~ 36.00
" " " " $ 36.00
" " " " $ 38.25
supplies police dept, $ 8.~0
service motor cycle $ ~.l~
~Roll call found the following members of the City- Council present;-
V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Absent, Councilman, ~.lv~inucciani.
The reading of the minutes of the two previous meetings was dispensed with.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of CoMmerce recom-
mending that Christmas li~hting be extended across the business streets rather than in the
Civic Center. ~fa~or Eschelbach thought the city was doing well to light up the civic cente~
and vicinity, but the matter was referred to Street Chairman Councilman Tibbetts. At the
time Cit~j Attorney Coleberd was asked to undertake the responsibility of bein~ ':~hairman again
of the Christmas Tree Festival. He gladly accepted the task.
A c~nication was received from Paul ~lcCarthy, Cit~ Councilman of Redw0o~ City, adv3
that a committee of thirteen representing the municipalities of San "ateo County be appointed
to consider the advisibility of formulating and presenting to the Board of Supervisors of San
~lateo County a plan £or the allocation to the several municipalities of a portion of the fun~
derived by the county from the State one cent gas tax. ~layor Eschelbach appointed City
attorney Coleberd to represent this city. Mr. Coleberd accepted the appointment.
Albert Peters Co., submitted a proposal to make improvements on the Seagrave Fire TE
for the sum of ~19,or ~208 using the present S & M. red'. lights , and the West Coas Wire and
iron Works submitted a bid to make improvements on the two fire trucks for the sum of ~00.
Laid over for considerations.
A communication was received from the Department of Emplo2ment of the State of Califox
showing the reoort of the Chairman of the Unemployment Heserves Com~mission, ~Ir. J.H.Mathhews.
~he report indi6ates a balance in t~e State Treasury in this fund of $94,319,888,01. Heport
accepted and placed on file.
Fire Chief A1 J.~Velte a~.plied for a raise of salary of ~S0 per month, in a report
showing fees collected since taking over the duties of Building Inspector of ~$4836.S0,
Contractors Licenses collected, $3,49 and the salary of a building Inspector from July 1934
to October J1,1938, $V600. On motion by Councilman Tibhetts regularly carried action was
postponed until the Chairman of the Fire Committee could be in attendance.
This being the date set for the opening of bids for the protectio~ of the banks of th~
channels of Colma Creek, Counc!_lman Boido moved the bids be Opened, The motion was seconded b~
There were but two bids submitted, those of the South City Lumber & Supply Company an~
Smith. The L.C.Smith bid was *1~03.98 ~nd that of the South City Lumber & Supply Company,
~$1903.00. Both bids appearing high Engineer Klassen thought the work could be done cheaper
b~· day labor. Councilman Ratto inquired from the cit2- attorney if the work could be done by
city on a da~~ labor b~sis, so much a month, The City Attorney stated a resolution could be
ted rejecting any and all bids,and a resolution adopted indicating that the city could do the
cheaper by days labor and meterials purchased by the city cheaper in the open market. ~ie was
instructed to prepare such resolutions for a meeting of the City Council to be held Wednesday
morning, Novenuber 2, 19~8, at 9 o 'clock A.~.
Councilman Ratto introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San
Prancisco authorizing tl~e city to enter into an agreement -contract with tl~e Department of Pu~
Works of the State of California for the repair and rehabilitation of the City's property fron
damage caused by storms and floods in thr channels of Colma Creek. The resolution was adopted
the votes of all the members of the city council present, as follows;-
Ayes, CounciLmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, D.~.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilman, N.Einucciani. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ~ol.3, at page 204.
Councilman Ti bbetts introduced a resolution of the Cit2 of South San Francisco vacatin
a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San ~¥ancisco ordering the resurfacing
of a portion of Linden Avenue adopted on the 17th of 0ctober,1938. The resolution was adopt
by the votes of all the members of the City Council present, as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilman,~.~!inucciani. Attest
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 204.
Daniel ~cSweeney,
City Clerk.
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the Cit~ Council Of the City of South San
Francisco ordering resurfacing of ~ portion of Linden Avenue in the City of South San Fraz
The resolution was adopted by the w. tes of all the members of the City Council present;-
follows;-Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts,
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent, Councilmen, M~Minucciani. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
..... Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~, at pages ~05,~06,~0~.
Claims in the amount of ~$1316.94 were next presented to the council for payment;-
Ray Quinlan cleaning Steel works ditch ~ $ 38.~5
B.Petroff ~ " " " " $ 36.00
B.Papini " " " " $ 36.00
H.Truxall " " " "~ 38.25
Union 0il COmpany supplies police dept, $ 6.~0
Dudley Perkins service motor cycle $ ~.19
Dr.T.C.Doak examination J.Pennalfiremen $ ~.00
Fred J.Lautze i spark plug, .6~
expenditures continued;-
A .Cirruccini
Edward Barry Company
Enterprise Press
Pacheco Electric
A.J. Pacheco
Pacheco Electric
Fred Brown
Arthur Johnson
J. J. He arne
building dugout,ball park *360.00
clerk's folders ~$ 2.34
notice calling bids ColmaCR, 46.50
200 Tax Bills ~ 9.79
floodlights,etc tennis court464.V4
fire alarm maintenance etc $128.99
police call system $ 35.89
work city pound $ 12.00
catching dogs & cats $ 36.00
rental land for playground ~ 60.00
Total $13116.94
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they
be paid. The motion wa~ seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Under the head of new business Engineer Klassen announced that the department of State
Relief Administration at San Nateo, in charge of Mr. E.S.Clements is providing labor for commur.-
tties desiring to set out trees,shubbery or plants along their importanb roads or highways,
and if this city wished to take advantage of the offer communicate with Mr. Clements at 430
Peninsula Avenue. He stated a Mrs. Drainer had some shrubbs to spare. On motion by Councilman
Hatto, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts the City Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Clements and
secure further information on th~ subject. The council believed trees or shrubbery would look
well on the E1 Camino Rea, ~ aradise Valley Hoad, and Bayshor Highway.
Councilman Tibbetts reported progress on the construction of the City Pound. Councilman
Ratto suggested he conununicate with Mr. Fredericks of the San Francisco pound for valuable
information concerning the care and ~isposal of stray animals.
Mr. Smith and Er. Hale of the Knox-Hale Machinery Company appeared before the council
and advocated the sale of an Austin-Western Patrol Sweeper to the city for the sum of $3950.
The members of the board had previously viewed the steet sweeper in demonstration work, and
favored its purchase. ~ayor Eschelbach ~sked the salesmen for their lowest figure. Mr.
hale stated that the price quoted ,$3980 was the lowest, the mayor then asked the councilmen ~
if they would buy th~ machine if the company would absorb the sales tax. All agreed to make the
offer and the machine company salesmen accepted it.
Phil Thompson and Keith Ferguson of the Western Investment Company appeared the board
and outlined a proposition of the War Depertment to construct a ~2'mean low water channel 250
feet wid from deep water in the bay to a point near the Richfield 0il Company's holdings~ ~ ~i
together with a turning basin large enough to accommodate heavy ships. The reoresentatives of~
the investment Company stated their company would deed a strip of land 500 fee~ long to the~ oi~y
on the northeest bank of the proposed channel if the city would signify its ~ntention to attempt
to construct wharves along the strip for commercial shipping purposes, that the city's co-oper-
ation would have great bearing on the government decision to build the canal~ that the city could
derive a huge income from wharf rentals, and altogether the city would be immensely benefited by
the improvement. All councilmen agreed this would be of untold benefit to the city. They were
asked to appoint a representative to appear before the War Department officials at a meeting to
be held in the Custom House,San Francisco,on Nednesday, November 2nd~on the subject. Councilm&n
Ratto moved that Mr. Ferguson of the Western Investment Company 0e~selecte~ to represent South
San Francisco and endorse the project. The motion was seconded by C~uncilman Boido and regularly
There being no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until
Wednesday morning, November 2nd, 1938, at 9 o'clock A.M. The motion was seconded by Councilman.
Ratto and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 10;10 oClock P.K.
Mayor of South San Francisco.